96 research outputs found

    SH-wave reflection seismic survey at the Patigno landslide: integration with a previously acquired P-wave seismic profile

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    Seismic investigation on landslide is hampered by several factors that could prevent the use of the reflection seismic method to characterize the subsurface architecture (Jongmans and Garambois, 2007). Moreover, acquisition and processing of reflection seismic data are more time consuming compared with other geophysical techniques such as refraction seismic and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), leading inevitably to higher costs. Notwithstanding these difficulties, recently some attempts to delineate the deep slip surface of large landslides have been carried out using P-wave reflection seismic surveys (Apuani et al., 2012; Stucchi and Mazzotti, 2009; Stucchi et al., 2014;). P-wave reflection seismic method is effective in imaging the slip surface at a depth sufficiently greater than the seismic wavelength, whereas, for very shallow horizons, it suffers from the limited resolution that can be obtained by the use of compressional waves. In this regards, SH-waves can be used to overcome this limitation (Deidda and Balia, 2001; Guy, 2006; Pugin et al., 2006,), but they require a specifically-designed energy source for waves generation, geophones measuring horizontal components of particles motion and an accurate choice of acquisition parameters. On the contrary, due to attenuation, the depth of investigation for SHwaves can be lower than for P-waves (Pugin et al., 2006). Therefore the geological understanding of a mass movement can take advantage of a combined use of both these geophysical methodologies. This is the case of the Patigno landslide, a great landslide located in the upper basin of Magra River, in the Northern Appennines, Italy (Fig.1), where a P-wave study carried out in the last years (Stucchi et al., 2014) was able to image the deepest discontinuity of the landslide body at around 40-50 m depth, but no description of the shallower layers can be inferred. Because these surface layers are the slip surfaces of quick reactivation movements of the landslide, an SH high-resolution reflection seismic survey was planned along the previous P-wave profile (Fig.1). This new survey associated to the P-wave investigation allows a more robust description of the landslide body, from the deepest discontinuity up to the very shallow portions of the landslide. This work describes the planning, acquisition and processing of the SH reflection seismic survey, and also gives a possible combined interpretation of both P and SH seismic images

    Aula virtual en la formación docente presencial : Una experiencia en desarrollo

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    La amplia difusión de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en la vida cotidiana impacta en los escenarios del trabajo docente, requiriéndole un nuevo perfil. El desarrollo del paradigma de la Sociedad del Conocimiento y la Información va configurando nuevas formas de estructurar lo social, lo cultural, lo pedagógico, y consecuentemente las experiencias de enseñanza y aprendizaje se encuentran inevitablemente atravesadas por estos nuevos escenarios de acceso y construcción del conocimiento. La escuela y la práctica docente se encuentran interpeladas por la irrupción de nuevas formas y herramientas de comunicación. De las múltiples formas en que estos fenómenos interpelan a la formación docente, Por eso creemos que integrarlas en los tres campos de formación (General, de Formación Específica y de Formación en la Práctica) estimulará en los docentes en formación la construcción y vivencia de estrategias de trabajo colaborativo, la revisión de teorías de aprendizaje y enfoques de enseñanza, la conexión de los saberes instrumentales con los saberes específicos en las distintas áreas de conocimiento. En fin, les posibilitará contar con herramientas que les permitan desarrollar estrategias didácticas sustentadas en las NTIC. Es por eso que nos propusimos integrar el Aula Virtual en la tarea formativa a través de las cátedras a nuestro cargo. Consideramos que la mirada pedagógica hoy aborda el cambio de las experiencias de enseñanza y aprendizaje que se encuentran atravesadas y marcadas por las relaciones entre lo presencial y lo “virtual”.Eje: Transformación del modelo de enseñanza presencial al modelo mediado: análisis de las prácticasDirección de Educación a Distancia, Innovación en el aula y TI

    Aula virtual en la formación docente presencial : Una experiencia en desarrollo

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    La amplia difusión de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en la vida cotidiana impacta en los escenarios del trabajo docente, requiriéndole un nuevo perfil. El desarrollo del paradigma de la Sociedad del Conocimiento y la Información va configurando nuevas formas de estructurar lo social, lo cultural, lo pedagógico, y consecuentemente las experiencias de enseñanza y aprendizaje se encuentran inevitablemente atravesadas por estos nuevos escenarios de acceso y construcción del conocimiento. La escuela y la práctica docente se encuentran interpeladas por la irrupción de nuevas formas y herramientas de comunicación. De las múltiples formas en que estos fenómenos interpelan a la formación docente, Por eso creemos que integrarlas en los tres campos de formación (General, de Formación Específica y de Formación en la Práctica) estimulará en los docentes en formación la construcción y vivencia de estrategias de trabajo colaborativo, la revisión de teorías de aprendizaje y enfoques de enseñanza, la conexión de los saberes instrumentales con los saberes específicos en las distintas áreas de conocimiento. En fin, les posibilitará contar con herramientas que les permitan desarrollar estrategias didácticas sustentadas en las NTIC. Es por eso que nos propusimos integrar el Aula Virtual en la tarea formativa a través de las cátedras a nuestro cargo. Consideramos que la mirada pedagógica hoy aborda el cambio de las experiencias de enseñanza y aprendizaje que se encuentran atravesadas y marcadas por las relaciones entre lo presencial y lo “virtual”.Eje: Transformación del modelo de enseñanza presencial al modelo mediado: análisis de las prácticasDirección de Educación a Distancia, Innovación en el aula y TI

    Ley de Salud Mental n° 26657: consecuencias de su implementación en la concepción teórica, abordaje y dirección de la cura en el tratamiento de adicciones

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo ubicar las consecuencias de la implementación de la Ley 26657 de Salud Mental en el área de adicciones. Sus objetivos específicos son el relevamiento del impacto en los efectores de la Ley (profesionales de salud mental, judiciales y funcionarios) y el aporte de contenidos teórico-metodológicos a la formación en competencias de los estudiantesy graduados. Para relevar el primer objetivo, se realizaron entrevistas y encuestas a dichos profesionales en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y el Conurbano Sur dentro del ámbito público. Como resultado, puede mencionarse que la mayoría de los entrevistados concuerdan con la concepción teórica de que las adicciones son un padecimiento mental, considerándolo como un avance introducido por la ley. Coinciden, además, en que las nuevas intervenciones conviven con viejas prácticas estigmatizantes. Justifican este escenario como un proceso de adecuación que requierede cambios culturales y paradigmas profesionales. Asimismo, señalan como dirección del tratamiento la inclusión social de los grupos de mayor vulnerabilidad, y para ello la necesidad de la intersectorialidad unida a la interdisciplina. Se insiste en la insuficiente adecuación de los recursos existentes a las nuevas prácticas emanadas de la Ley 26657. Esto, sumado a la resistencia de ciertos actores a asumir responsabilidades y ceder espacios de poder, son las dos principales dificultades referenciadas. En tanto es incipiente el funcionamiento del Órgano de Revisión, la mayoría de los entrevistados desconoce sus acciones concretas. En relación al segundo objetivo específico, puede concluirse que los alumnos refieren algún conocimiento de la Ley de Salud Mental, ningún conocimiento del Plan IACOP y disparidad de conocimiento respecto a las normas y tratados internacionales. Con respecto a la autopercepción de la formación en DDHH, adicciones, Salud Pública y Trabajo Interdisciplinario sostienen que es básica y deberían ampliarla. Respecto al conocimiento de abordajes de adicciones, un número significativamente elevado responde negativamente. Consideran a los temas indagados en la encuesta como muy relevantes, y coinciden en la necesidad de incluirlos en la formación académica. Se promovió la participación de las alumnas integrantes del Equipo en todas las instancias del procesode investigación, aportando así a su formación.This research focuses its goals on locating the consequences of Law implementation 26657 in Mental Health within the area of addictions. Its specific goals are to relieve the impact on effectors of Law (mental health professionals, judicial professionals and officials) and provide theoretical and methodological contents to training skills of students and graduates.To relieve this first objective, professionals of Buenos Aires city and its south suburbs area were interviewed. Interviews and surveys were the methodological tools applied.The following conclusions were reached: Most respondents agree on the theoretical concept of addiction as a mental suffering, considering it as a progress introduced by the law. They also agree that the new interventions coexist with old stigmatizing practices. They justify this scenario as aprocess of adaptation that requires cultural changes and professional paradigms. They point out the social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups as the direction of the treatment and the need forinter-sectoriality together with inter-discipline. It insists on the insufficient adequacy of existing resources to new practices derived from Law 26657. This situation added to the resistance from certain actors to take responsibilities and give positions of power become the two main difficulties. Considering the incipient operation of the Review Body, most respondents do not know its concreteactions. As regards the second goal, it shall be concluded that students refer some knowledge on the Mental Health Law, no knowledge on the IACOP Plan [Integral Plan for the Approach of Problematic Drug Use] and disparity of knowledge about rules and international treaties. Regarding the self-perception of training in Human Rights, addictions, Public Health and Interdisciplinary Work, they argue that it is basic and should be extended. As regards knowledge of approaches toaddictions, a significantly high number responds negatively. They consider the issues investigated in the survey as very important and they agree on the need for including them in academic training. Student’s participation in the entire research process was promoted in order to contribute in their own training

    Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection in Neonates: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Meta-Analysis

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    Purpose: Surgical site infections (SSI) contribute to postoperative morbidity and mortality in children. Our aim was to evaluate the prevalence and identify risk factors for SSI in neonates.Methods: Using a defined strategy, three investigators searched articles on neonatal SSI published since 2000. Studies on neonates and/or patients admitted to neonatal intensive care unit following cervical/thoracic/abdominal surgery were included. Risk factors were identified from comparative studies. Meta-analysis was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines using RevMan 5.3. Data are (mean ± SD) prevalence.Results: Systematic review—of 885 abstracts screened, 48 studies (27,760 neonates) were included. The incidence of SSI was 5.6% (1,564 patients). SSI was more frequent in males (61.8%), premature babies (77.4%), and following gastrointestinal surgery (95.4%). Meta-analysis—10 comparative studies (16,442 neonates; 946 SSI 5.7%) showed that predictive factors for SSI development were gestational age, birth weight, age at surgery, length of surgical procedure, number of procedure per patient, length of preoperative hospital stay, and preoperative sepsis. Conversely, preoperative antibiotic use was not significantly associated with development of SSI.Conclusions: Younger neonates and those undergoing abdominal procedures are at higher risk for SSI. Given the lack of evidence-based literature, prospective studies may help determine the risk factors for SSI in neonates

    Robot-assisted resection of gastric duplication cysts in a child: a detailed case report.

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    Gastric duplication cysts (GDCs) represent 4-9% of alimentary tract duplications. Early diagnosis and surgical excision are essential to avoid morbidity or neoplastic degeneration. Roboticassisted excision of GDCs has never been described in childhood. We report an asymptomatic male patient with 2 gastric cystic masses at ultrasonography (US)-study (diameter 25mm and 8mm), increasing in size at follow-up. At 20 months of age, magnetic- resonance-imaging-scan confirmed 2 round gastric masses (44×35mm and 16×12mm, respectively). Two months later, an elective robotic-assisted excision of GDCs was completed without complications. The patient was discharged at day 6 after procedure. Histology confirmed the diagnosis of GDCs. At a 2-year follow- up, US-study did not evidence any issue. In this first reported case of robotic-assisted cystectomy for CGD in childhood, the procedure seems safe, effective, and feasible. This approach improves the movements of the surgical instruments with better 3- D visualization in comparison with the laparoscopic approach

    Zinner Syndrome in Pediatric Age: Issues in the Diagnosis and Treatment of a Rare Malformation Complex

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    Zinner syndrome (ZS) is the association of congenital seminal vesicle cysts and ipsilateral upper urinary tract anomalies, such as multicystic displastic kidney (MCDK). This condition is rare in pediatric age and both diagnosis and treatment are challenging. The aim of this study was to analyze the issues in diagnosis, management, and treatment of ZS in pediatric age. The medical records of two patients with ZS were examined. Furthermore, a review of the literature on this topic in pediatric age was performed. In our experience the diagnosis of ZS was incidentally achieved in the first months of life, as a consequence of studies performed for a prenatal diagnosis of MCDK. The first patient presented unspecific and transient symptoms, the second infant was completely asymptomatic. They were conservatively treated, with a long-term follow-up planned at least until adolescence. Fifty cases of ZS in pediatric age have been reported in the literature up to now. Only 12/50 were diagnosed in the first year of life. The diagnosis was demanding, as the clinical presentation was unspecific and the results at imaging studies needed a differential diagnosis with other retrovesical masses. More than 80% of these cases were asymptomatic at long-term follow-up. Therefore, a conservative management of ZS has been accepted for asymptomatic or poorly symptomatic patients, with occasional, transient, and unspecific symptoms, such as urinary tract infections or orchyepididimytis. As the surgical management is challenging, it is proposed only in those symptomatic patients. In conclusion, ZS is rare in pediatric age. However, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cystic masses within the pelvis in males with ipsilateral renal anomalies. A conservative treatment with a long-term follow-up is a safe option in the management of asymptomatic or poorly symptomatic patients, thus reserving the surgical approach only in those cases with symptoms

    Morphology of the toe flexor muscles in older people with toe deformities

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    Objective: Despite suggestions that atrophied, or weak toe flexor muscles are associated with the formation of toe deformities, there has been little evidence to support this theory. This study aimed to determine whether the size of the toe flexor muscles differed in older people with and without toe deformities. Methods: Forty-four older adults (>60 years) were recruited for the study. Each participant had their feet assessed for the presence of hallux valgus or lesser toe deformities. Intrinsic and extrinsic toe flexor muscles were imaged with an ultrasound system using a standardised protocol. Assessor blinded muscle thickness and cross-sectional area was measured using Image J software. Results: Participants with lesser toe deformities (n=20) were found to have significantly smaller quadratus plantae (p=0.003), flexor digitorum brevis (p=0.013), abductor halluces (p=0.004) and flexor halluces brevis (p=0.005) muscles than the participants without any toe deformities (n=19). Female participants with hallux valgus (n=10) were found to have significantly smaller abductor hallucis (p=0.048) and flexor halluces brevis (p=0.013) muscles than the female participants without any toe deformities (n=10; p<0.05). Conclusion: This is the first study to use ultrasound to investigate the size of the toe flexor muscles in older people with hallux valgus and lesser toe deformities compared to otherwise healthy older adults. The size of the abductor hallucis and flexor hallucis brevis muscles were decreased in participants with hallux valgus whereas the quadratus plantae, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis and flexor halluces brevis muscles were smaller in those participants with lesser toe deformities