250 research outputs found

    Camelina success story

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    Camelina sativa is an ancient oilseed crop, which has been cultivated in Europe during the iron and bronze ages. The seeds contain about 40 % oil. Camelina oil has an excellent fatty acid composition: 40 % omega-3 fatty acids and 16 % omega-6 fatty acids

    Consumer needs information about environmental impact of foods

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    Raisio is Finnish food and feed company. Raisio has equipped its Elovena oats with a label that indicates the CO2 emissions of the product from cultivation through processing to store warehouse

    Omenapuiden harjuistutus

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    VokMyynti MTT:n kirjasto. Yksikön huom.: Kirjasto Aj-

    Elintarvikkeiden hintamarginaalit vuosina 1985-1996

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    The study examines the development of marketing margins and consumer prices of foods products in Finland over 1985-1996. The purpose of these calculations is to indicate the distribution of the retail peices of the most important food products into the shares of raw material, processing and trade (=marketing margin) and taxes. The focus is on changes between situations before Finland s EU membership and after it. As an consequence of the membership, the producer prices decreased in Finland. The aim is to find out whether the decrease of producer prices went in full into the consumer prices. The price of food increased annually on ther average by 3,2 % in 1985-1991. As a consequence of increasing prices, the dissatisfaction against food prices increased: in 1990 only 7 % of consumers agreed that food prices in Finland are cheap of quite cheap. In 1991 producer prices started to fall.The phenomenon was a result of changes in agricultural policy. Moreover, the purchaging power was decreased by a strong economic depression. Also, the marketing margins of food products started to decrease. The most significant drop in marketing margins took place in 1993. In 1994, Finland started the adjustment into the EU membership. The decrease in marketing margins almost stopped. Due to the membership, the reduction of producer prices ranged between 30-60 %, on the average 40 %. The National Consumer Research Centre estimated that if the reduction of producer prices would go in full into the consumer prices the consumer prices of food products would decrease by 10 %. The results show that the reduction of producer price has gone in full into the consumer prices in meat, eggs, flour and bread. Compared with 1994, the marketing margins of meat decreased by 3-14 % in 1995 and consumer prices fell by 12-23 %. The decrease continued during the first quarter of 1996. The marketing margins of liquid milk have increased significantly, the marketing margins of emmenbtal cheese somewhat, whereas the marketing margins of edam cheese has decreased. On the average, the marketing margins of dairy products increased in 1995. Despite of that the profits of dairy processing industry decreased significantly. This is mainly due to the overproduction: collapse in export supsidies considerably decreased the profitability of export trade. Secondly, trade has increased it s margin due to the increased competition between dairies.vokMTT Taloustutkimus (MTTL)The marketing margin calculations in 1985-199

    Towards novel and intentional cooperation of diverse autonomous robots : An architectural approach

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).In most autonomous robot approaches, the individual robot’s goals and cooperation behavior are fixed during the design. Moreover, the robot’s design may limit its ability to perform other than initially planned tasks. This leaves little room for novel dynamic cooperation where new (joint) actions could be formed or goals adjusted after deployment. In this paper, we address how situational context augmented with peer modeling can foster cooperation opportunity identification and cooperation planning. As a practical contribution, we introduce our new software architecture that enables developing, training, testing, and deploying dynamic cooperation solutions for diverse autonomous robots. The presented architecture operates in three different worlds: in the Real World with real robots, in the 3D Virtual World by emulating the real environments and robots, and in an abstract 2D Block World that fosters developing and studying large-scale cooperation scenarios. Feedback loops among these three worlds bring data from one world to another and provide valuable information to improve cooperation solutions.Peer reviewe

    Suitabiblity of roller mills for grinding pig fodder mixtures

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    Kolmella toimintatavaltaan erilaisella valssimyllyllä jauhettiin ohraa ja vehnää sikojen sulavuus- ja kasvatuskokeita varten. Myllyiksi valittiin amerikkalainen hierremylly (Automatic), kotimainen Nipere Oy:n valmistama tavallinen murskemylly sekä ns. kolmivalssimylly, jossa oli kaksi hiertävää valssia ja niiden lisäksi yksi litistävä valssi. Kaikki myllyt olivat maatilakokoa. Kullakin myllyllä jauhettiin viljaa kahteen karkeusasteeseen, valmistajien sioille suosittelemaan hienouteen ja siitä jonkin verran karkeampaan. Vasaramyllyssä käytettiin 3 mm:n ja 5 mm:n seulakokoja. Jauhatuksen yhteydessä tehtiin erilaisia teknisiä mittauksia sekä myöhemmin jauhon hienousastemäärityksiä (MTT, Vakola). Sulavuuskokeet tehtiin Helsingin yliopiston kotieläintieteen laitoksella ja sikojen kasvatuskokeet 320 lihasialla MTT:n sikatalouden tutkimusasemalla. Jauhojen hienousasteen määritysmenetelmistä vedensidontakyky ja tilavuuspainon pienenemisen määritys osoittautuivat sopivimmiksi. Jälkimmäinen sopii erityisesti tilaolosuhteisiin. Seulonta ei antanut luotettavaa kuvaa jauhon hienoudesta valssimyllyillä. Ruokinta- ja sulavuuskokeiden mukaan vain hierremyllyllä jauhettu karkeampi ohra oli selvästi liian karkeaa. Se ei vastannut myöskään jauhojen normaalihienouden vaatimusta: vedensidontaluku vähintään 1,04 ja tilavuuspainon pieneneminen vähintään 30 %. Ruokintakokeissa eri myllyillä jauhettu vilja antoi suunnilleen samat tulokset sikojen kasvussa ja rehun käytössä. Ohrakokeessa hierremylly tuotti muita huonomman tuloksen luultavasti siksi, että käytetty valssien välys oli muita suurempi. Karkea jauhatus valssimyllyillä heikensi rehun maittavuutta ja syöntiä, mistä syystä kasvu luonnollisestikin hidastui. Ohrakokeessa hieno jauhatus antoi karkeaa jauhatusta paremmat tulokset lihasioilla, vehnäkokeessa eroa ei ollut. Valssimyllyissä tulisi valssien välyksen olla enintään 0,35 mm ohraa jauhettaessa. Vehnällä välys voi olla 0,5-0,6 mm. Silti rehun maittavuus ja tuotantovaikutus pysyvät hyvinä. Vehnä voidaan vasaramyllyllä jauhaa 5 mm:n seulaa käyttäen. Tuotantokokeessa murskemyllyllä jauhetuilla jauhoilla ruokitut siat menestyivät yhtä hyvin kuin hierremyllyllä jauhetuilla jauhoilla ruokitut. Kolmannesta valssista ei ollut sanottavaa lisäetua kaksivalssisiin verrattuna. Sulavuuskokeen tulokset olivat samansuuntaiset kasvatuskokeen tulosten kanssa. Sekä vasara- että valssimyllyillä voidaan jauhaa sikojen vilja, mutta valssatun ohran maittavuus voi olla huono. Hierre- ja murskemyllyllä jauhetun ohran sulavuus oli yhtä hyvä kuin vasaramyllyllä jauhetun ohran. Kasvatuskokeen tuloksista poiketen kolmivalssimyllyllä jauhetun ohran sulavuus oli hieman muita huonompi, mikä johtui pääasiassa myllyn läpi kokonaisina menneistä jyvistä. Käytetyillä jauhatuskarkeuksilla vain hierremyllyllä karkeaksi jauhettaessa sulavuus jäi heikoksi. Syynä tähän oli se, että hierremyllyssä käytettiin muita valssimyllyjä suurempia välyksiä. Vehnäkokeessa rehuseosten kuiva-aineen ja energian sulavuus oli lähes sama kaikilla käytetyillä myllytyypeillä ja jauhatuskarkeuksilla. Vehnällä maittavuusongelmia ei havaittu. Jauhojen raakaproteiinin sulavuus valssimyllyillä jauhettaessa oli keskimäärin huonompi kuin vasaramyllyllä jauhettaessa. Sulavuuseroista huolimatta siat käyttivät kasvuunsa yhtä suuren osan rehuseoksen raakaproteiinista kaikilla jauhatustavoilla.Barley and wheat were ground with three different types of roller mill and a hammer mill for digestibility and production experiments on growing-finishing pigs. The first mill was an American roller mill (Automatic) with two rifled rollers revolving at different rates. The other two mills were manufactured by Nipere Co, Finland. The grinding principle was the same as in the American mill, but one of the mills was equipped with a third roller revolving at the same rate as the second roller. The third roller mill was a conventional one, equipped with two rollers revolving at the same speed. Coarse and fine grinding was accomplished by regulating the distance between the rollers. The hammer milling served as a control. The energy consumption of the mills and the fineness of the flour were measured by the Institute of Agricultural Engineering. The total tract digestibility of the nutrients was determined by the Institute of Animal Science of the University of Helsinki. A total of 320 growing-finishing pigs were used in a production experiment conducted at the Swine Research Station, Hyvinkää. Measurements of water binding capacity and the reduction in the volume weight seemed to be the best methods to determine the fineness grade of the rolled flour. The latter is the most practicable method under farm conditions. Sifting was not a useful method. According to the digestibility and growth results, the barley ground with the Automatic roller mill was too coarse, indicating that the water binding capacity value should be at least 1.04 and the reduction in the volume weight at least 30%. The effects of different grinding methods on daily gain and the feed:gain ratio of pigs were small. Use of a third roller in the mill did not seem to improve the results. Fine grinding of barley with roller mills resulted in better pig performance than did coarse grinding. No such difference was found in the wheat experiment. The coarse roller-milled barley was unpalatable, most likely due to the too coarse grinding and the dry feeding system used. The results indicate that the distance between rollers should not exceed 0.35 mm when barley is ground and 0.5-0.6 mm when wheat is ground. The results obtained in the digestibility and production experiments were consistent with each other. The total tract digestibilities of nutrients in roller-milled and hammer-milled barley were similar. In contrast to the results of the growth experiment, the digestibility of barley ground with the three-roller mill was poorer than with the other mills, possibly because a greater proportion of whole kernels passed through the mill. Coarse grinding reduced the digestibility of barley only when the Automatic roller-mill which had a larger roller gap than the other mills, was used. The total tract digestibilities of dry matter and energy in wheat were similar with all grinding methods and degrees of fineness, and no palatability problems occurred. The digestibility of crude protein was lower in roller-milled than hammer-milled wheat. The utilization of crude protein was, however, similar in all grinding methods. Barley and wheat can therefore be milled with both hammer and roller mills for pigs. Coarse roller-milling may, however, lower the palatability of barley.vokMyynti MTT Tietopalveluyksikkö. Yksikön huom.: Kirjasto Aj-

    An Architectural Approach for Enabling and Developing Cooperative Behaviour in Diverse Autonomous Robots

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    The paper introduces an architecture for robot-to-robot cooperation which takes into consideration how situational context augmented with peer modeling fosters cooperation opportunity identification and cooperation planning. The presented architecture allows developing, training, testing, and deploying dynamic cooperation solutions for diverse autonomous robots using ontology-based reasoning. The architecture operates in three different worlds: in the Real World with real robots, in a 3D Virtual World by emulating the real environments and robots, and in an abstract Block World that enables developing and studying large-scale cooperation scenarios. We describe an assessment practice for our architecture and cooperation procedures, which is based on scenarios implemented in all three worlds, and provide initial results of stress testing the cooperation procedures in the Block World. Moreover, as the core part of our architecture can operate in all the three worlds, development of the robot cooperation with the architecture can regularly accommodate insights gained from experimenting and testing in one world as improvements in another. We report our insights from developing the architecture and cooperation procedures as additional research outcomes.Peer reviewe

    Semi-automatic Maintenance of Regression Models: an Application in the Steel Industry

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    Software applications used in the controlling and planning of production processes commonly make use of predictive statistical models. Changes in the process involve a more or less regular need for updating the prediction models on which the operational software applications are based. The objective of this article is • to provide information which helps to design semiautomatic systems for the maintenance of statistical prediction models and • to describe a proof-of-concept implementation in an industrial application. The system developed processes the production data and provides an easy-to-use interface to construct updated models and introduce them into a software application. The article presents the architecture of the maintenance system, with a description of the algorithms that cause the system’s functionality. The system developed was implemented for keeping up-to-date prediction models which are in everyday use in a steel plate mill in the planning of the mechanical properties of steel products. The conclusion of the results is that the semi-automatic approach proposed is competitive with fully automatic and manual approaches. The benefits include good prediction accuracy and decreased workload of the deployment of updated model versions