92 research outputs found

    Investigating emergent macrophytes establishment rate and propagation towards constructed wetlands efficacy optimization

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    Constructed wetlands have become a widely used tool for reducing nutrient loading from agriculture drainage water running to aquatic ecosystems. To ensure a high nutrient removal efficiency, it is often suggested to use macrophytes to retain or remove nutrients via uptake and through the denitrifying biofilm. In Europe, Phragmites australis and Typha spp are the most commonly used aquatic plants in constructed wetlands (CWs) with free surface flow, and these species often form monocultures in the wetlands. In order to achieve a more diverse vegetation, there is a need to introduce more plant species. Creating a mass production of plant material reduces both handling time and the risk of depleting and disturbing vegetation in natural habitats such as streams or lakes. However, a successful and continuous production of such material during growing seasons requires knowledge of the selected species' establishment and propagation. We examined the relative growth rate (RGR) of six emergent macrophyte species collected from streams and small lakes located in Mid Jutland (Denmark), in seasonal experiments from March to October in order to determine the most efficient time period for their propagation. We found that all species had highest RGR in June, and that several species showed high growth efficiency from April to August. The results showed that it is possible to have a full production of emergent macrophytes throughout the growing season, and therefore, we suggest to propagate plants for use in constructed wetlands in order to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

    Phytoplankton Community Response to Nutrients, Temperatures, and a Heat Wave in Shallow Lakes: An Experimental Approach

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    Phytoplankton usually responds directly and fast to environmental fluctuations, making them useful indicators of lake ecosystem changes caused by various stressors. Here, we examined the phytoplankton community composition before, during, and after a simulated 1-month heat wave in a mesocosm facility in Silkeborg, Denmark. The experiment was conducted over three contrasting temperature scenarios (ambient (A0), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change A2 scenario (circa +3 degrees C, A2) and A2+ %50 (circa +4.5 degrees C, A2+)) crossed with two nutrient levels (low (LN) and high (HN)) with four replicates. The facility includes 24 mesocosms mimicking shallow lakes, which at the time of our experiment had run without interruption for 11 years. The 1-month heat wave effect was simulated by increasing the temperature by 5 degrees C (1 July to 1 August) in A2 and A2+, while A0 was not additionally heated. Throughout the study, HN treatments were mostly dominated by Cyanobacteria, whereas LN treatments were richer in genera and mostly dominated by Chlorophyta. Linear mixed model analyses revealed that high nutrient conditions were the most important structuring factor, which, regardless of temperature treatments and heat waves, increased total phytoplankton, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, and Cyanobacteria biomasses and decreased genus richness and the grazing pressure of zooplankton. The effect of temperature was, however, modest. The effect of warming on the phytoplankton community was not significant before the heat wave, yet during the heat wave it became significant, especially in LN-A2+, and negative interaction effects between nutrient and A2+ warming were recorded. These warming effects continued after the heat wave, as also evidenced by Co-inertia analyses. In contrast to the prevailing theory stating that more diverse ecosystems would be more stable, HN were less affected by the heat wave disturbance, most likely because the dominant phytoplankton group cyanobacteria is adapted to high nutrient conditions and also benefits from increased temperature. We did not find any significant change in phytoplankton size diversity, but size evenness decreased in HN as a result of an increase in the smallest and largest size classes simultaneously. We conclude that the phytoplankton community was most strongly affected by the nutrient level, but less sensitive to changes in both temperature treatments and the heat wave simulation in these systems, which have been adapted for a long time to different temperatures. Moreover, the temperature and heat wave effects were observed mostly in LN systems, indicating that the sensitivity of phytoplankton community structure to high temperatures is dependent on nutrient availability

    Density-dependent effects as key drivers of intraspecific size structure of six abundant fish species in lakes across Europe

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    Fish size structure has traditionally been used for elucidating trophic interactions and patterns of energy transfer through trophic levels(Trebilco et al.2013). We analysed the siz estructure of six common freshwater fish species in several hundred European lakes. We found little effect on the strength of the environmental gradients of size structure. The intraspecific density-dependent effect was the strongest and most consistent predictor

    Climate change impacts on lakes: an integrated ecological perspective based on a multi-faceted approach, with special focus on shallow lakes

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    Freshwater ecosystems and their biodiversity are presently seriously threatened by global development and population growth, leading to increases in nutrient inputs and intensification of eutrophication-induced problems in receiving fresh waters, particularly in lakes. Climate change constitutes another threat exacerbating the symptoms of eutrophication and species migration and loss. Unequivocal evidence of climate change impacts is still highly fragmented despite the intensive research, in part due to the variety and uncertainty of climate models and underlying emission scenarios but also due to the different approaches applied to study its effects. We first describe the strengths and weaknesses of the multi-faceted approaches that are presently available for elucidating the effects of climate change in lakes, including space-for-time substitution, time series, experiments, palaeoecology and modelling. Reviewing combined results from studies based on the various approaches, we describe the likely effects of climate changes on biological communities, trophic dynamics and the ecological state of lakes. We further discuss potential mitigation and adaptation measures to counteract the effects of climate change on lakes and, finally, we highlight some of the future challenges that we face to improve our capacity for successful prediction

    Warming shows differential effects on late-season growth and competitive capacity of Elodea canadensis and Potamogeton crispus in shallow lakes

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    Submerged macrophytes are likely to be affected by climate changes through changes in water temperatures and length of growing season. We conducted a lab experiment to examine the influence of a late-season temperature increase on growth, biomass allocation, and acclimation of 2 submerged macrophyte species, Elodea canadensis and Potamogeton crispus. We also ran competitive interaction experiments between the 2 species with mono- and mixed-species cultures in pots placed in outdoor heated mesocosms (5 years at ambient temperature and a higher temperature following the IPCC A2 scenario downscaled to local conditions but enhanced by 50%). In the lab, macrophytes collected in the 2 types of mesocosms were grown at ambient temperatures (12 °C in September and 8 °C in October) and 4 °C higher. Warming had an overall stronger effect on E. candensis than P. crispus, particularly within the low temperature range studied. Hence, the relative growth rate (RGR) of E. canadensis acclimated to ambient mesocosm conditions increased 6-fold from low (8 °C) to high (16 °C) temperature whereas the RGR of P. crispus increased <2-fold. In the competitive interaction experiment, warming increased the biomass and RGR of E. canadensis in the monoculture. In addition, warming increased shoot elongation of the plant in both the monoculture and mixed culture. P. crispus was generally unaffected by warming when grown in both monoculture and mixed culture, but competition decreased the elongation of shoots pre-adapted to ambient conditions and grown in the warmer mesocosms. The decomposition rate of E. canadensis accelerated with warming but was unaffected in P. crispus. We conclude that E. canadensis is a stronger competitor than P. crispus under warmer late-season conditions; however, it may have a higher demand for oxygen due to the increased decomposition rates at higher temperatures, particularly in the peripheral growing season, with potential profound effects on lake ecosystems. Although acclimatisation was evident, we suggested that temperature changes will affect the growth pattern of the 2 plant species and thereby perhaps induce a switch in macrophyte species dominance

    Response of Submerged Macrophyte Communities to External and Internal Restoration Measures in North Temperate Shallow Lakes

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    Submerged macrophytes play a key role in north temperate shallow lakes by stabilising clear-water conditions. Eutrophication has resulted in macrophyte loss and shifts to turbid conditions in many lakes. Considerable efforts have been devoted to shallow lake restoration in many countries, but long-term success depends on a stable recovery of submerged macrophytes. However, recovery patterns vary widely and remain to be fully understood. We hypothesize that reduced external nutrient loading leads to an intermediate recovery state with clear spring and turbid summer conditions similar to the pattern described for eutrophication. In contrast, lake internal restoration measures can result in transient clear-water conditions both in spring and summer and reversals to turbid conditions. Furthermore, we hypothesize that these contrasting restoration measures result in different macrophyte species composition, with added implications for seasonal dynamics due to differences in plant traits. To test these hypotheses, we analysed data on water quality and submerged macrophytes from 49 north temperate shallow lakes that were in a turbid state and subjected to restoration measures. To study the dynamics of macrophytes during nutrient load reduction, we adapted the ecosystem model PCLake. Our survey and model simulations revealed the existence of an intermediate recovery state upon reduced external nutrient loading, characterised by spring clear-water phases and turbid summers, whereas internal lake restoration measures often resulted in clear-water conditions in spring and summer with returns to turbid conditions after some years. External and internal lake restoration measures resulted in different macrophyte communities. The intermediate recovery state following reduced nutrient loading is characterised by a few macrophyte species (mainly pondweeds) that can resist wave action allowing survival in shallow areas, germinate early in spring, have energy-rich vegetative propagules facilitating rapid initial growth and that can complete their life cycle by early summer. Later in the growing season these plants are, according to our simulations, outcompeted by periphyton, leading to late-summer phytoplankton blooms. Internal lake restoration measures often coincide with a rapid but transient colonisation by hornworts, waterweeds or charophytes. Stable clear-water conditions and a diverse macrophyte flora only occurred decades after external nutrient load reduction or when measures were combined.Additional co-authors: Wolf M. Mooij, Ruurd Noordhuis, Geoff Phillips, Jacqueline Rücker, Hans-Heinrich Schuster, Martin Søndergaard, Sven Teurlincx, Klaus van de Weyer, Ellen van Donk, Arno Waterstraat and Carl D. Saye

    Physical, biological and chemical characteristics of Canadian and Danish lakes during summer

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    1. Winter temperatures differ markedly on the Canadian prairies compared with Denmark. Between 1 January 1998 and 31 December 2002, average weekly and monthly temperatures did not drop below 0 °C in the vicinity of Silkeborg, Denmark. Over this same time, weekly average temperatures near Calgary, Alberta, Canada, often dropped below -10 °C for 3-5 weeks and the average monthly temperature was below 0 °C for 2-4 months. Accordingly, winter ice conditions in shallow lakes in Canada and Denmark differed considerably. 2. To assess the implications of winter climate for lake biotic structure and function we compared a number of variables that describe the chemistry and biology of shallow Canadian and Danish lakes that had been chosen to have similar morphometries. 3. The Danish lakes had a fourfold higher ratio of chlorophyll-a: total phosphorus (TP). Zooplankton : phytoplankton carbon was related to TP and fish abundance in Danish lakes but not in Canadian lakes. There was no significant difference in the ratio log total zooplankton biomass : log TP and the Canadian lakes had a significantly higher proportion of cladocerans that were Daphnia. These differences correspond well with the fact that the Danish lakes have more abundant and diverse fish communities than the Canadian lakes. 4. Our results suggest that severe Canadian winters lead to anoxia under ice and more depauperate fish communities, and stronger zooplankton control on phytoplankton in shallow prairie lakes compared with shallow Danish lakes. If climate change leads to warmer winters and a shorter duration of ice cover, we predict that shallow Canadian prairie lakes will experience increased survivorship of planktivores and stronger control of zooplankton. This, in turn, might decrease zooplankton control on phytoplankton, leading to 'greener' lakes on the Canadian prairies