181 research outputs found

    The urban area, a center of agrobiodiversity in the Negro River region (Amazonas, Brazil)?

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    Despite its isolation from land communications networks and colonization frontiers, the regions of the Upper and Middle Negro River are characterized by increasing connectivity between rural or forest areas, pertaining to communities, and urban areas, i.e. small towns along the river. Population movement between these two poles, on a temporary or permanent basis, results in expanded periurban agriculture, in the context of new social and ecological arrangements. A comparative approach is proposed to cultivated plants diversity, based on a sample of 14 and 18 families in these urban and forest contexts. Relations among the diversity of managed spaces, biological diversity and social networks involved in access to phytogenetic resources were analyzed. The analysis shows a recomposition of agricultural systems with high crop diversity, at times higher than in the context of forests, albeit subject to more system vulnerability due to reduced fallow periods and available manual labor. In urban areas, traditional agricultural resource management strategies are combined with another objective, farmed lands access. This analysis also points out the need for reflection about the conservation of a biocultural heritage

    Recherches de l'IRD au Brésil depuis 1998

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    Du bon usage des ressources renouvelables

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    International audienceIn Amazonia, shifting cultivation is the main farming system, and it is practiced in heterogeneous environments and with different degrees of sustainability. In the lower Rio Negro (Amazonas, Brasil), nearby the city of Manaus, the complex swidden-fallow systems need adaptations to cope with the lack of land rights and of labor force, wich is due to rural-urban mobility, extractivism, schooling and turism. We analyze the innovations developed by indigenous people in order to maintain their production and the flexibility of their agricultural system, by conserving agrobiodiversity and influencing the spatiotemporal dynamics of their cultivated areas within these permanent instability conditions

    In memoriam Dominique Buchillet : un engagement scientifique et politique

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    C’est par le Brésil que la nouvelle de la disparition de Dominique, le 9 juin 2018, est arrivée. Décédée à Brest, après de nombreuses années passées au Brésil suivies de plusieurs séjours en Asie, sa retraite bretonne a été trop courte pour réaliser son nouveau projet de vie qui mêlait poursuite de ses recherches, publications et écoute de l’océan. Son dernier article paraît quelques mois avant sa disparition. Le parcours universitaire de Dominique s’ancre à Nanterre : un Diplôme d’études uni..

    Видавничі функції Науково-консультаційної ради Народного комісаріату земельних справ УСРР

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    У статті висвітлено видавничі функції Науково-консультаційної ради НКЗС УСРР (1927-1930 рр.), а саме, коротко розглянуті наукові видання, де друкувалися матеріали учених та організаторів сільськогосподарської науки того часу.В статье рассмотрены издательские функции Научно-консультационного совета НКНД УССР (1927-1930 гг.), а именно, коротко представлены научные издания, где печатались материалы ученых и организаторов сельскохозяйственного опытного дела того времени.The publishing functions of Scientific consultative council of the Public commissariat of agriculture of USSR in 1927–1930 are considered in the article, namely, briefly presented scientific journals, where printed materials scientists and organizers of agricultural experimental work at the time

    Bibliographie de Dominique Buchillet

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    Thèse et livres édités Buchillet Dominique1983  Maladie et mémoire des origines chez les Desana du Uaupés (Brésil), thèse de doctorat en ethnologie, université Paris X, Nanterre. 2007  Bibliografia crítica da saúde indígena no Brasil 1844-2006, Abya Yala, Quito (http://horizon.documentation.ird.fr/exl-doc/pleins_textes/divers14-09/010041779.pdf, consulté le 10/12/19). Buchillet Dominique (dir.)1991  Medicinas tradicionais e medicina ocidental na Amazônia[contribuições científicas apresentadas..

    Conceptual approaches and methodological proposals for the study of interactions between environment and health: application to a research program on American trypanosomiasis

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    Las modificaciones del paisaje causadas por las actividades y migraciones humanas contribuyen en hacer emerger o re-emerger enfermedades tropicales, particularmente aquellas cuya transmisión se realiza por insectos vectores que a menudo deben escapar a las condiciones cambiantes ambientales, adaptándose y modificando sus redes tróficas, su morfología, hasta su genotipo. Obtener una mejor comprensión de las relaciones entre los factores ecológicos y humanos y las antropozoonosis es vital para poder identificar variables que permitan cartografiar el riesgo para las poblaciones humanas. Este es el objetivo del programa de investigación Ecología del Paisaje, Dinámica de los Agro-Ecosistemas y Complejos Eco-Patógenos: La Definición del Riesgo Eco-Epidemiológico en la Tripanosomiasis Americana que se desarrolla en diferentes ecosistemas del Brasil. Los autores describen las bases conceptuales y metodológicas del programa e insisten sobre el rol del método eco-epidemiológico para el estudio de la estructura y el funcionamiento de los focos naturales y antropizados de la infección. Modelizar su dinámica espacial y temporal permite concebir nuevos útiles de predicción y de vigilancia.Modifications of the landscape by human activity and migratory movements contribute to the emergence or reemergence of zoonotic and human diseases, particularly those transmitted by insects which often escape the changing environmental conditions, adapting and modifying their trophic networks and morphology, including their genotype. A better understanding of relationships between ecological factors, human factors, and anthropozoonoses is vital to be able to identify variables that allow one to map the risk for human populations. This is the main objective of the research program Landscape Ecology, Land-Use Dynamics, and Eco-Pathogenic Complexes: Eco-Epidemiologic Risk in the Case of American Trypanosomiasis, developed in various Brazilian ecosystems. The authors describe the program's conceptual and methodological basis and highlight the role of eco-epidemiology for studying the structure and function of natural and anthropogenic foci of infection. Modeling spatial and temporal dynamics can help predict and monitor such tropical diseases