78 research outputs found

    Educació farmacèutica en els complements nutricionals a l’esport

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    Treballs d'Educació Farmacètica als ciutadans. Unitat Docent d'Estades en Pràctiques Tutelades. UCD: Tarragona i terres de l’Ebre. Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2014, Tutores: Montserrat Canela i Neus Caelles. Coordinadora: Marian March Pujol,En els últims anys s’ha vist un canvi en l’alimentació de les persones. Hi ha hagut un canvi d’una dieta abundant i repartida en pocs àpats a un menjar fraccionat entre 4 i 5 vegades al dia amb la finalitat de repartir de una manera correcta l’aportació energètica que necessita l’organisme. En relació a l’esport, l’alimentació ha d’estar lligada a l’horari de l’entrenament, intentant prendre sempre algun aliment unes dos hores abans i després de finalitzar l’exercici. És molt important que el nombre d’àpats i l’horari siguin personalitzats, ja que cada persona realitza un esport diferent i té, per tant, una despesa energètica diferent..

    Travel Agencies under the influence of social networks on tourism. The case of Ourense

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    El modelo turístico tradicional ha experimentado un cambio con la llegada de las nuevas tecnologías. Las tradicionales herramientas de marketing empleadas por las Agencias de Viajes se están quedando atrás para dar paso a nuevos y mejorados métodos de comercialización y promoción de productos turísticos basados en la utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Los hábitos de compra han cambiado debido a la rápida evolución de Internet en los últimos 10 años. Se ha pasado de la Web 1.0, de carácter estático y de lectura, a la Web 2.0 que ha generalizado la creación de contenidos y la comunicación on -line entre usuarios, convirtiéndose en creadores y a su vez en consumidores de la información. En los últimos años, las empresas turísticas han comenzado a crear canales de comercialización directos con el cliente, evitando así negociar con los intermediarios, lo que ha mejorado la eficiencia y la reducción de costes. Esto ha permitido que los usuarios puedan contratar un viaje o un servicio turístico a través de la red con unos costes notablemente inferiores. El asesoramiento que antes sólo se encontraba en las Agencias de Viajes, ahora es proporcionado por los usuarios que han consumido el servicio y cuya experiencia aporta una visión única y diferente. Todo este fenómeno ha ocasionado que este sector pase a un segundo plano, con un turista más experimentado, más exigente y familiarizado con estas nuevas herramientas nacidas de la Web 2.0. Numerosas agencias han cerrado sus negocios y tienden a desaparecer tal y como las conocemos actualmente. Sin embargo, son muchas las posibilidades que se les presentan si se adaptan al mercado actual, un entorno que fomenta el uso de las nuevas tecnologías y que utiliza la Web 2.0 y las Redes Sociales para mantener y captar nuevos clientes.The traditional tourism model has changed with the appearance of new technologies. The traditional marketing tools used by Travel Agencies are disappearing, giving way to improved methods of marketing to promote tourism products which are based on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Buying habits have changed due to the fast development of the Internet in the last 10 years. With Web 1.0, websites were static and not very interactive but now Web 2.0 allows content creation and on -line communication between users as creators and consumers of information. In recent years, tourism companies have begun to create direct marketing channels with the client to avoid dealing with intermediaries, to improve efficiency and to reduce costs. This allowed users to book a trip or a tourism service by themselves through the network and at a significantly lower price. Advice previously found in Travel Agencies is now provided by users who have used the service and whose experience brings an unique and different point of view. This whole phenomenon has forced Travel Agencies into the background because now the tourist is more experienced, more informed and familiar with these new tools born from the Web 2.0. Although interaction between the customer and the travel agent generates added value, many traditional Travel Agencies have closed their businesses and could disappear as they are known today. However, many possibilities could be opened to them if they adapt to the current market, an environment which encourages the use of new technologies from Web 2.0 to Social Networks to keep and attract new customers

    Novel Zn(II) coordination polymers based on the natural molecule bisdemethoxycurcumin

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    This article introduces a new family of coordination polymers (CPs) that contains a renewable curcumin derivative, the bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC), coordinated to Zn(II) centers. The reaction between BDMC and zinc acetate, performed under mild conditions in ethanol, provides a new 1D phase termed BDMCZn-1. In addition, dimensionality and porosity of this network have been expanded by studying the reaction occurring between three species, the BDMC, the Zn(II), and a ditopic colinker: 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene, 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane, or 4,4′-bipyridine. In total, seven new CPs are presented, named BDMCZn-x. The structures of five of them were elucidated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Moreover, we show that the combination of the latest technique with solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance is a powerful tool set to analyze the coordination modes of the BDMC, providing insight into the two unresolved structures. In the achievement of the new CPs, we further discuss the coordination capacity of BDMC, the relevance of solvents, and supramolecular interactions

    Methylome and transcriptome profiling of giant cell arteritis monocytes reveals novel pathways involved in disease pathogenesis and molecular response to glucocorticoids

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    Objectives Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a complex systemic vasculitis mediated by the interplay between both genetic and epigenetic factors. Monocytes are crucial players of the inflammation occurring in GCA. Therefore, characterisation of the monocyte methylome and transcriptome in GCA would be helpful to better understand disease pathogenesis. Methods We performed an integrated epigenome-and transcriptome-wide association study in CD14+ monocytes from 82 patients with GCA, cross-sectionally classified into three different clinical statuses (active, in remission with or without glucocorticoid (GC) treatment), and 31 healthy controls. Results We identified a global methylation and gene expression dysregulation in GCA monocytes. Specifically, monocytes from active patients showed a more proinflammatory phenotype compared with healthy controls and patients in remission. In addition to inflammatory pathways known to be involved in active GCA, such as response to IL-6 and IL-1, we identified response to IL-11 as a new pathway potentially implicated in GCA. Furthermore, monocytes from patients in remission with treatment showed downregulation of genes involved in inflammatory processes as well as overexpression of GC receptor-target genes. Finally, we identified changes in DNA methylation correlating with alterations in expression levels of genes with a potential role in GCA pathogenesis, such as ITGA7 and CD63, as well as genes mediating the molecular response to GC, including FKBP5, ETS2, ZBTB16 and ADAMTS2. Conclusion Our results revealed profound alterations in the methylation and transcriptomic profiles of monocytes from GCA patients, uncovering novel genes and pathways involved in GCA pathogenesis and in the molecular response to GC treatment

    Planning for a dynamic and adaptive management of the metropolitan green infrastructure: PEPNat as a case study

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    Como resultado de la Declaración de Parque Natural de la Sierra de Collserola, acaecida en 2010, actualmente se está tramitando un nuevo plan especial de protección, el PEPNat, cuyos objetivos principales son la preservación de la biodiversidad y la potenciación de los servicios ecosistémicos en el marco de una gestión dinámica y adaptativa. La necesidad de instrumentos flexibles de ordenación de los espacios naturales protegidos se hace cada vez más evidente, debido tanto al dinamismo de los espacios abiertos como a las nuevas demandas de la sociedad y a las situaciones que se prevén como consecuenciadel cambio climático. Sin embargo, los instrumentos de planificación urbanística que cuentan con varias décadas de vigencia, como el plan general PGM y el plan especial PEPCo, no responden adecuadamente a esta realidad cambiante. Así, en contraposición con otros modelos basados en una zonificación rígida, el PEPNat apuesta por una ordenación que garantice la máxima protección y que a la vez sea flexible. Dos aspectos clave de este planteamiento son la zonificación ambiental y el seguimiento y monitorización del estado del Parque. Este se plantea a tres niveles: indicadores a escala de parque y de finca, acciones de control de los ámbitos identificados como sensibles (espacios de interés conector, red hídrica, etc.), y, finalmente, a nivel de proyecto o actuación. Además, el Plan prevé el desarrollo de una herramienta de análisis sistemático del territorio, basada en SIG, que permitirá valorar el estado actual y evaluar el cumplimiento de los objetivos ambientales definidos. Las conclusiones se centran en los principales retos y oportunidades que suponen la implementación de estas propuestas en el marco de la infraestructura verde metropolitana.As a result of the Collserola Range Natural Park Declaration in 2010, a new special protection plan is currently being aproved. The main objectives of this new plan, the PEPNat, are the preservation of biodiversity and the increase of ecosystem services under dynamic and adaptive management. The need for flexible instruments for the management of protected natural areas is becoming increasingly evident, due to both the dynamism of open spaces and the new demands of society and the anticipated effects of climate change. However, urban planning instruments that have been in force for several decades, such as the PGM and the PEPCo, do not respond specifically to this changing reality. Thus, in contrast to other models based on a rigid zoning, the PEPNat aims at guaranteeing the maximum protection in a flexible manner. Key aspects of this approach are the environmental zoning and the tracking and monitoring of the state of the Park. This continuous observation has been established at three levels: indicators at the park and estate levels, control actions of the most sensitive spaces (areas of connective interest, water network, etc.), and, finally, at the project or performance level. In addition, the Plan foresees the implementation of a systematic analysis tool for the area, based on GIS, to evaluate the current state and weigh the fulfilment of the environmental goals. The conclusion focuses on the main benefits and difficulties of the implementation of these proposals in the frame of the metropolitan green infrastructure

    Supramolecular Hydrogels Consisting of Nanofibers Increase the Bioavailability of Curcuminoids in Inflammatory Skin Diseases

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    The low bioavailability of curcuminoids (CCMoids) limits their use in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. Our work shows that this constraint can be overcome upon their incorporation into supramolecular hydrogels assembled from a gemini-imidazolium amphiphilic gelator. Three structural CCMoid analogues were used to prepare supramolecular hydrogels, and it was observed that the concentration of both the gelator and CCMoid and the proportion of solvents influence the self-assembly process. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the nanostructured gels were studied to find the optimum gels, which were then further characterized microscopically, and their ability to release the CCMoid was evaluated. The physicochemical properties of the CCMoids play a fundamental role in the interaction with the gelator, influencing not only the gelation but also the morphology at the microscopic level, the mechanical properties, and the biopharmaceutical behavior such as the amount of CCMoid released from the gels. The nanostructured supramolecular hydrogels, which contain the CCMoids at much lower concentrations (μg/mL) in comparison to other products, promote the penetration of the CCMoids within the skin, but not their transdermal permeation, thus preventing any possible systemic effects and representing a safer option for topical administration. As a result, the CCMoid-containing hydrogels can effectively reduce skin inflammation in vivo, proving that these supramolecular systems are excellent alternatives in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases

    Analysis of a Real-World Cohort of Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Shows Circulating Tumor Cell Clusters (CTC-clusters) as Predictors of Patient Outcomes

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    Circulating tumor cell (CTC) enumeration has emerged as a powerful biomarker for the assessment of prognosis and the response to treatment in metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Moreover, clinical evidences show that CTC-cluster counts add prognostic information to CTC enumeration, however, their significance is not well understood, and more clinical evidences are needed. We aim to evaluate the prognostic value of longitudinally collected single CTCs and CTC-clusters in a heterogeneous real-world cohort of 54 MBC patients. Blood samples were longitudinally collected at baseline and follow up. CTC and CTC-cluster enumeration was performed using the CellSearch® system. Associations with progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were evaluated using Cox proportional hazards modelling. Elevated CTC counts and CTC-clusters at baseline were significantly associated with a shorter survival time. In joint analysis, patients with high CTC counts and CTC-cluster at baseline were at a higher risk of progression and death, and longitudinal analysis showed that patients with CTC-clusters had significantly shorter survival compared to patients without clusters. Moreover, patients with CTC-cluster of a larger size were at a higher risk of death. A longitudinal analysis of a real-world cohort of MBC patients indicates that CTC-clusters analysis provides additional prognostic value to single CTC enumeration, and that CTC-cluster size correlates with patient outcomeThis research was supported by Roche-Chus Joint Unit (IN853B 2018/03), funded by Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN), Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and FEDER (PI13/01388). L.M.-R. is supported by Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC). I.M.-P. is funded by the Training Program for Academic Staff fellowship (FPU16/01018), from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Spanish GovernmentS

    Survival prediction and treatment optimization of multiple myeloma patients using machine-learning models based on clinical and gene expression data

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) remains mostly an incurable disease with a heterogeneous clinical evolution. Despite the availability of several prognostic scores, substantial room for improvement still exists. Promising results have been obtained by integrating clinical and biochemical data with gene expression profiling (GEP). In this report, we applied machine learning algorithms to MM clinical and RNAseq data collected by the CoMMpass consortium. We created a 50-variable random forests model (IAC-50) that could predict overall survival with high concordance between both training and validation sets (c-indexes, 0.818 and 0.780). This model included the following covariates: patient age, ISS stage, serum B2-microglobulin, first-line treatment, and the expression of 46 genes. Survival predictions for each patient considering the first line of treatment evidenced that those individuals treated with the best-predicted drug combination were significantly less likely to die than patients treated with other schemes. This was particularly important among patients treated with a triplet combination including bortezomib, an immunomodulatory drug (ImiD), and dexamethasone. Finally, the model showed a trend to retain its predictive value in patients with high-risk cytogenetics. In conclusion, we report a predictive model for MM survival based on the integration of clinical, biochemical, and gene expression data with machine learning tools

    A post-synthetic modification strategy for the synthesis of pyrene-fused azaacene covalent organic frameworks

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    Post-synthetic modification strategy is presented to extend the π-system of covalent organic framework (COF) backbone giving access to boronic ester based pyrene-fused azaacene COFs. Optimized catalyst-free reaction conditions yield COFs post-synthetically modified with up to 33% conversion and corresponding intriguing optical properties. The presented chemistry is expected to find application in post-synthetic tailoring of the optical properties of COFs.S.P.S.F. acknowledges the FCT − Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia for the Ph.D. scholarship SFRH/BD/131791/2017. This work received funding from the COFforH2 project (UTA-EXPL/NPN/0055/2019) through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology funds under UT Austin Portugal, Charm project (PTDC/QUI-OUT/2095/2021) through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology funds, The Excellence Clusters ‘Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)’, and from the Free State of Bavaria through the Research Network ‘Solar Technologies go Hybrid’.Peer reviewe