361 research outputs found

    A cultura humana e necessidades ecossistémicas como fundamentação da inovação no design de casas de banho

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    ABSTRACT: Proposed paper is a part of the ongoing PhD research in design with focus on the research of existing environmental and social requirements for the sustainable innovation within urban sanita_on, focused on toilet design. Main questions of the research are aiming the Portuguese environment, where we are characterizing aspects of water and sanita_on through the five dimensions - culture, technology, government, economy, and environment. In this paper the main objective is to determine systemic characteristics of the socio-cultural dimension of water and sanitation, which will be later incorporated in writien final guidelines – directives raised from the research results which shall serve as operational knowledge for the ones involved in the implementation of the sustainable toilet innovation. The paper as well serves as theoretical orientation for the practical applications of the research.O trabalho proposto faz parte da pesquisa de doutorado em andamento em design, com foco na pesquisa de requisitos ambientais e sociais existentes para a inovação sustentável no saneamento urbano, focada no design de banheiros. As principais questões da pesquisa estão voltadas para o ambiente português, onde caracterizamos aspectos de água e saneamento através das cinco dimensões - cultura, tecnologia, governo, economia e meio ambiente. Neste artigo, o objetivo principal é determinar características sistêmicas da dimensão sociocultural da água e saneamento, que serão incorporadas posteriormente às diretrizes finais escritas - diretrizes levantadas a partir dos resultados da pesquisa que servirão como conhecimento operacional para os envolvidos na implementação da inovação sustentável do banheiro. O artigo também serve como orientação teórica para as aplicações práticas da pesquisa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A study of a sample of portuguese BDSM population and their perceptions of psychotherapists

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    O objetivo geral do presente estudo é analisar e interpretar a forma como os praticantes de BDSM portugueses percebem as reações dos outros face às suas preferências sexuais. Especificamente, concentramo-nos em compreender as perceções que os praticantes de BDSM têm dos psicoterapeutas, independentemente de terem tido contato profissional com estes. Além disso, pretendemos avaliar como os praticantes vivenciam o BDSM, tanto a nível pessoal quanto relacional, bem como a sua postura sobre a divulgação das suas preferências a outras pessoas e aos psicoterapeutas. A metodologia escolhida para este estudo tem por base um questionário qualitativo semiestruturado, pontuado por elementos quantitativos, tanto na etapa de recolha como de análise de dados. Foi utilizada uma amostra por conveniência, envolvendo 88 participantes. Vários tópicos são abordados, nomeadamente a caracterização das práticas e experiências dos praticantes de BDSM, o que nos permite ter uma visão mais clara sobre os hábitos da amostra da população portuguesa de BDSM. O efeito que a patologização e o estigma têm nos profissionais também foi explorado, bem como as experiências e atitudes dos praticantes de BDSM portugueses em relação aos psicoterapeutas. Os resultados permitiram adicionar à literatura informação sobre a comunidade portuguesa de BDSM, nomeadamente no que se refere à frequência das práticas, à idade em que terão surgido os primeiros interesses BDSM, quais as atividades mais apreciadas e quais as mais praticadas. Os resultados também mostram que praticantes de BDSM ainda sofrem de estigma e discriminação, e de conotações prejudiciais associadas (por exemplo, associação entre BDSM e violência doméstica e/ou patologias sexuais), que impactam a decisão de divulgação de interesses e os relações amorosas/intimidade. Também ficou claro que muitos praticantes acreditam que os psicoterapeutas não estão qualificados para fornecer orientação nessa área e podem até reagir de forma inadequada, apesar de também reconhecerem a psicoterapia como benéfica. Por fim, este estudo pode contribuir positivamente para a exploração do tema BDSM, nomeadamente no sentido de aprofundar o conhecimento dos fatores associados ao fenómeno BDSM na população portuguesa

    Equity research - Semapa - Sociedade de Investimento e Gestão SGPS, S.A.

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    Mestrado em FinançasEste Trabalho Final de Mestrado pretende apresentar uma avaliação da empresa Semapa - Sociedade de Investimento e Gestão, SGPS, S.A. como a soma das partes das empresas que possui - The Navigator Company, Secil e ETSA. Esta avaliação segue o formato recomendado pelo CFA Institute. A escolha da Semapa deriva de um interesse neste sector e conhecimento prévio. Este relatório foi realizado através da informação pública disponível até setembro de 2019, e por isso, qualquer informação e evento após esta data não é considerada no trabalho. Para a obtenção do preço-alvo, foram aplicados dois métodos: um absoluto e um relativo. O absoluto foi o Método do Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) e o relativo foi o Método de Múltiplos de Mercado. Na abordagem do DCF foi atingido o preço-alvo de 13.47€ para o fim do ano de 2019, que representa um potencial de valorização de 10.27% em relação ao preço registado pela empresa a 9 setembro de 2019, de 12.22€, sendo a nossa recomendação final para a Semapa de compra. Em relação a abordagem pelo Método de Múltiplos, retornou um preço-alvo de 8.13€, neste caso, inferior ao preço de 9 setembro de 2019 registado pelas ações da Semapa, este fato foi devido às especialidades das subsidiárias (The Navigator Company e Secil) em relação aos seus pares. A nossa avaliação do risco estima ainda um risco baixo para a empresa.This Master's Final Work aims to present a company valuation of Semapa - Sociedade de Investimento e Gestão, SGPS, S.A. as the sum of the parts of the companies it owns - The Navigator Company, Secil and ETSA. This Equity Research follows the format recommended by the CFA Institute. We choose Semapa because it came from an interest in this industry and previous knowledge. This report was made using the public information available at September 2019, and therefore any information and events after this date were not considered. To obtain the target price, two methods were applied: one absolute and one relative. The absolute was the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method and the relative was the Market Multiples Approach. In the valuation of DCF was reached the Price Target of EUR 13.47 for the end of the year 2019, that represents an upside potential of 10.27% regarding the price registered by the company on September 9, 2019, of EUR 12.22, our final recommendation for Semapa is to buy. In relation to a Market Multiples Approach, that returned a Price Target of EUR 8.13, in this case, lower than the price on September 9, 2019, recorded by the Semapa shares, this fact was attributed to the specificities of the Semapa, regarding its's peers. Our risk assessment still estimates a low risk for the company.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures

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    This report aims to detail the key findings of the evaluation of the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures and its relevance to the Royal Institution. It brings together the findings from the three interim reports previously produced and showcases new evaluation data. The report notes key findings and makes recommendations for action within the Christmas Lectures. It includes the complete evaluation kit, in the Appendices.Dr Margarida Sardo, Dr Hannah Little and Dr Laura Fogg-Rogers, from the Science Communication Unit at the University of the West of England, Bristol, undertook the evaluation and prepared the report

    “Robots Vs Animals”: Establishing a Culture of Public Engagement and Female Role Modeling in Engineering Higher Education

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    © 2017, © The Author(s) 2017. A widespread culture supporting public engagement activities in higher education is desirable but difficult to establish. Drawing on social cognitive theory, this science communication project aimed to enhance culture change in engineering by developing communication skillsets of early-career engineers, particularly supporting female engineers as role models. Engineers received training in storytelling to present at live events, enhanced by peer group social persuasion and vicarious modeling. A science communication coordinator and senior management endorsement removed barriers to participation. Evaluation showed engineers’ self-efficacy levels significantly increased. Qualitative data highlighted a developing culture of engagement but purposive selection of women proved controversial

    Beyond dissemination - Science communication as impact

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    The drive for impact from research projects presents a dilemma for science communication researchers and practitioners - should public engagement be regarded only as a mechanism for providing evidence of the impact of research or as itself a form of impact? This editorial describes the curation of five commentaries resulting from the recent international conference 'Science in Public: Research, Practice, Impact'. The commentaries reveal the issues science communicators may face in implementing public engagement with science that has an impact; from planning and co-producing projects with impact in mind, to organising and operating activities which meet the needs of our publics, and finally measuring and evaluating the effects on scientists and publics in order to 'capture impact'

    Síndrome de Gradenigo: uma complicação inesperada da otite

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    Introduction: Gradenigo syndrome (also known as apical petrositis) is a clinical triad of otitis media, trigeminal neuralgia and ipsilateral abducens nerve palsy. In the era of antibiotic therapy, it is an exceptional but potentially life threatening complication of acute otitis media, requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment. Case report: A seven-year-old girl with previous history of otitis, presented with left ear pain, headache, diplopia and fever. Diagnosis of Gradenigo syndrome was established and she was treated with systemic broad-spectrum antibiotics and myringotomy with timpanostomy tube placement. Clinical outcome was favourable. Conclusion: This case documents therapeutic success and total recovery with a conservative approach in an immunocompetent child with Gradenigo syndrome.Introdução: O síndrome Gradenigo (também conhecido como petrosite apical) é uma tríade clínica definida por otite média, nevralgia do trigémeo e parésia ipsilateral do nervo abducente. Desde o advento da antibioterapia, passou a ser uma complicação rara da otite média aguda mas potencialmente fatal, requerendo diagnóstico e tratamento atempados. Caso clínico: Criança do sexo feminino, com sete anos de idade e história prévia de otite, com quadro de otalgia, cefaleia, diplopia e febre. Foi feito o diagnóstico de síndrome de Gradenigo e instituída antibioterapia de amplo espectro e miringotomia com colocação de tubos de ventilação transtimpânicos. A evolução clínica foi favorável. Conclusão: Este caso documenta o sucesso terapêutico e a recuperação total de uma criança imunocompetente com síndrome de Gradenigo com recurso a uma abordagem conservadora

    Robots vs animals: Learning from the ingenuity of nature. Final summary report

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    ‘Robots vs Animals’ was a creative collaboration between engineers and zoologists, exploring the ingenuity of both nature and humankind. The project was organised and managed by the Science Communication Unit at the University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE), and funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious Awards. The project communicated the stories of the engineering design process taken by Bristol Robotics Laboratory (BRL) engineers to create biologically inspired robots. Interactive sessions at Bristol Zoo Gardens and other public venues and events featured engineers and zoologists explaining and demonstrating the skills and processes of their respective charges

    Citizen-led air pollution reduction in cities (ClairCity) Final evaluation report

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    "Every day, air pollution and carbon emissions are produced by our commutes to work, by heating our homes, or through our daily lifestyles. Understanding how we live - and the restrictions we face in those choices – is key to improving air quality. Solutions at a local level can make a big difference" - ClairCity855 participants volunteered their time to evaluate the engagement activities. 63% were male, given over half of the evaluators (534) came from the mobile game survey, a tool that traditionally has more male users. The game also appealed to a younger audience than other activities, meaning that overall, 25% of evaluators were aged 16-25 years old. However, given the wide ranging and often targeted activities developed, all age categories are represented in the project. For instance, the workshop activities (Delphi, policy, and stakeholder workshops) attracted 66% of 45-54 year olds and 83% of 55-64 year olds.Overall, participants tended to enjoy the activities in which they took part; the younger the participants, the more likely they were to say that they enjoyed the activity. The activities also had an impact on behaviours, with 74% of participants said that they would now make a change to their lives to improve air quality.The more participants enjoyed the activity, the more they reported that their understanding of air quality had improved. Similarly, the more participants reported that their understanding had improved, the more they reported that they would change their behaviour. Younger people and those with lower education to start with were more likely to say they would change their behaviour. All of these relationships were highly statistically significant.To fully realise the goal of citizen-led air pollution reduction in cities, researchers and policymakers need to work hard to ensure engagement participation is reflective of city demographics. This evaluation shows the importance of designing engagement activities which appeal to a wide variety of audiences to ensure that a broad cross-section of society can participate in engagement with policymaking. The more enjoyable the engagement activities, the more people gain understanding about the issues, and the more likely people are to make a change to their behaviour to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions, and improve the health of our cities. We hope this evaluation report proves useful to other policymakers working towards a future with clean air

    Television programs for teenagers and the use of multimodality in knowledge popularization

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    The aim of this work is to study the interaction of spoken words and images that are used within programs targeted to popularize knowledge among teenagers. We will look into the program Bit@bit developed by Televisió de Catalunya, which is intended to disseminate computer concepts, tools and procedures. In this kind of program, one can find spoken language (on/off screen voices, interviews, etc.), other oral material (sounds, music, songs), written language (descriptions, title sequences, inserts and Uniform Resource Locator, or electronic addresses), and other visual material (film cut images, advertising, other TV programs, cartoons, films, both location or studio images, depicting reality, or computer screens, or logotypes). The profusion of multimodal elements used in this program helps to keep the young audience's attention. The use of references to their world or knowledge, as a target group, is based on interplay among different semiotic strategies. At the same time, the entire program's multi-segmentation into short video clips, combined with a fast paced sound track helps its audience to understand the specialized explanations presented. Of all the multimodal wealth that the program presents, we will concentrate only on the relationship between the words and the images (leaving other secondary semiotics to one side), the main strategy for achieving the objective of transmitting knowledge and winning adolescent audience