310 research outputs found

    Estructura factorial de la escala de psicopatía LSRP y su relación con el modelo de personalidad de cinco factores

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    Entre los cuestionarios más utilizados para evaluar la psicopatía se encuentran la Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) y la Leverson’s Self-Report Psychopaty Scale (LSPR). Clásicamente, de la factorización de ambas se han obtenido un primer factor que reflejaría las características interpersonales y emocionales de la psicopatía; y un segundo factor que reflejaría un componente más conductual, de impulsividad. Estudios recientes realizados con la PCL-R apuntan a la división de este primer factor en dos, el primero comprendería características de baja empatía o ausencia de remordimientos (emocional); y el segundo las características de manipulación y sensación grandiosa de autovalía (interpersonal). Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue estudiar la estructura factorial de la escala LSPR en una muestra de 336 estudiantes universitarios, así como ver la relación de cada uno de los factores obtenidos con la personalidad. En tiempo 1 (T1) los estudiantes completaron el NEO-FFI que evalúa cinco dimensiones de personalidad según el modelo de Costa y McCrae. Cinco años más tarde, en tiempo 2 (T2), completaron la LSPR. Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y el análisis paralelo mostraron la existencia de tres factores que se corresponderían con los obtenidos mediante la PCL-R en estudios previos. Los análisis de correlaciones mostraron que la baja amabilidad (A) evaluada en T1 se asociaba principalmente con las características interpersonales de la psicopatía (T2); la baja responsabilidad (C), la introversión, el neuroticismo (N) y la baja A correlacionaban con el factor de impulsividad de T2; mientras que el bajo N, la baja A y la baja C se asociaban con el factor emocional cinco años más tarde. Los resultados del AFE, así como las distintas relaciones de la personalidad con cada uno de los factores apoyan la existencia de tres componentes diferenciales a tener en cuenta a la hora de conceptualizar la psicopatía.Among the most widely used questionnaires to assess psychopathy include the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and Leverson Psychopaty's Self-Report Scale (LSPR). Classically, both factoring have obtained a first factor reflecting interpersonal and emotional characteristics of psychopathy, and a second factor reflect a behavioral component of impulsivity. Recent studies with the PCL-R point to the division of this first factor of two, the first to understand characteristics of low empathy or lack of remorse (emotional), and the second handling characteristics and great feeling of self-worth (interpersonal). Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the factor structure of the scale LSPR in a sample of 336 college students and see the relationship of each of the factors obtained with the personality. At time 1 (T1) students completed the NEO-FFI assesses five personality dimensions on the model of Costa and McCrae. Five years later, at time 2 (T2), completed the LSPR. The results of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and parallel analysis showed the existence of three factors that would correspond to those obtained by the PCL-R in previous studies. The correlation analysis showed that low Kindness (A) evaluated at T1 was associated primarily with interpersonal characteristics of psychopathy (T2), the low responsibility (C), introversion, neuroticism (N) and low A correlated with impulsivity factor T2, while the low N, low A and low C were associated with emotional factor five years later. The results of the AFE, and the various relationships of personality to each of the factors support the existence of three differential components to consider when conceptualizing psychopathy

    Adaptación española del cuestionario de las conductas antinormativas de los amigos (DPS) en adolescentes

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    Durante la adolescencia, el grupo de amigos se convierte en el apoyo e influencia principal de los jóvenes. Por tanto, cuando en el grupo de amigos existen conductas antinormativas (fuera de la norma, delictivas y antisociales), podemos encontrar en los adolescentes conductas de riesgo hacia la propia salud (p.e. consumo de alcohol). Esta relación, con amigos antinormativos, parece ser más fuerte en chicos que en chicas. En el presente trabajo, exploraremos el Deviant Peer Scale (DPS) que evalúa las conductas antinormativas de los amigos. Para ello, pasamos el cuestionario a 517 jóvenes estudiantes de la ESO, la muestra estaba compuesta por un 43% de chicos y un 57% de chicas, cuya media de edad era de 15,31 años. Los resultados indicaron que dos factores explican la varianza principal significativa y que existen diferencias entre las respuestas de los chicos y las chicasDuring adolescence, the peer group becomes the main support and influence young people. Therefore, when the group of friends there antinormativas behaviors (outside the norm, criminal and deviant), can be found in adolescents risk behaviors to their own health (eg alcohol). This relationship, with friends antinormative, appears to be stronger in boys than girls. In this paper, we explore the Deviant Peer Scale (DPS) that evaluates antinormativas behaviors of friends. To do this, pass the questionnaire to 517 young students of ESO, the sample was composed by 43% of boys and 57% of girls, whose average age was 15.31 years. The results indicated that two factors explain the main variance and that there are significant differences between the responses of boys and girl

    Relación entre Inteligencia y Funciones Ejecutivas

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    A pesar de que el término de "funciones ejecutivas" apareció pretendiendo ser un constructo unitario e independiente, la evidencia de los últimos años demuestra que se solapa en gran parte con el constructo "inteligencia". A este problema se le suma la falta de consenso por definir las funciones ejecutivas, lo cual ha generado debate e investigación por aclarar ambos conceptos. Se ha visto que no todas las funciones ejecutivas están recogidas por los tests de inteligencia, por lo que tampoco se puede hablar de términos intercambiables. En el presente estudio se explora la relación existente entre la inteligencia, estimada mediante dos subescalas del WAIS, y diferentes pruebas neuropsicológicas: WMS-R, WCST y CPT. Los resultados van en la línea de que el aspecto más relacionado con inteligencia sería la memoria de trabajo, y la relación existente con las demás pruebas neuropsicológicas se deben más al nivel de ejecución que a la función ejecutiva evaluada.Although the term "executive functions" appeared pretending to be a unitary construct and independent evidence in recent years shows that largely overlaps with the construct "intelligence". This problem is compounded by the lack of consensus in defining the executive functions, which has generated debate and research to clarify both concepts. We have seen that not all executive functions are gathered by intelligence tests, so you can not talk of interchangeable terms. In the present study explores the relationship between intelligence, estimated by two subscales of WAIS, and different neuropsychological tests: WMS-R, WCST and CPT. The results are in line with the aspect that intelligence is related to working memory, and the relationship with other neuropsychological tests are due more to run level that assessed executive function

    Satisfied as professionals, but also exhausted and worried!!: The role of job demands, resources and emotional experiences of Spanish nursing home workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Nursing home workers have been exposed to great physical and mental burdens during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although this has generated high levels of exhaustion, it may also have contributed to feelings of professional satisfaction. The objective of this study was to explore the levels of satisfaction among nursing home workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the role of job demands, resources and emotional experiences in explaining their levels of satisfaction. This cross-sectional study was conducted in Spain between March and May 2020. Three hundred and thirty-five nursing home workers participated. A quantitative analysis was conducted, as was a content analysis of the responses to an open-ended question about the respondents' perceptions of job demands and resources during the crisis. The results showed that workers had very high levels of satisfaction. Social pressure from work, contact with death and suffering, and emotional exhaustion were negatively associated with satisfaction. Moreover, under conditions of extensive contact with suffering people and great fear of contagion, social support at work was shown to promote professional satisfaction. In conclusion, nursing home workers in Spain experienced high rates of satisfaction during the COVID-19 crisis despite the high job demands, lack of job resources, fear of contagion and exhaustion. The main practical implication of this study is the importance of ensuring optimal working conditions in the nursing home sector in order to guarantee professional satisfaction, prevent burnout, reduce turnover and promote post-crisis resilienceThis work was supported by I+D+I National Project of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-106368GB- I00) AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Stressors, job resources, fear of contagion, and secondary traumatic stress among nursing home workers in face of the COVID-19: the case of Spain

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    This study aimed to analyze the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing home workers, as well as the influence of certain related stressors and job resources. Two-hundred twenty-eight nursing home workers in Spain participated in this cross-sectional study. High levels of workload, social pressure from work, contact with suffering, and fear of contagion were found. In nursing homes where cases of COVID-19 had been detected, workers experienced higher levels of secondary traumatic stress. Social pressure from work, high doses of exposure to suffering, lack of personnel and personal protective equipment, and minimal supervisor support were significant in explaining traumatic stress. Supervisor and coworker support moderated some of these relationships. The results are discussed in terms of the need to implement urgent psychosocial protection strategies and to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to help prevent future psychological disorders in this worker population

    Psychosocial predictors of anxiety in nursing homes staff

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    Objectives: Although research shows that nursing home staff experience significant levels of stress and burnout, studies analyzing the relationship of psychosocial variables on their feelings of anxiety are scarce. This study aims to analyze the relationship between psychosocial variables and levels of anxiety among staff. Method: Participants were 101 nursing home professionals. In addition to anxiety, socio-demographic variables, depersonalization, burden, relationship with families of the residents, and guilt about the care offered to the residents were assessed. A hierarchical regression analysis was carried out to analyze the contribution of the assessed variables to staff anxiety levels. Results: The obtained model explained 57% of the variance in anxious symptomatology. Guilt about the care offered and poor quality of the relationship with residents’ family were associated with anxiety. Further, working at nursing homes where the staff report higher levels of anxiety symptoms, the presence of depersonalization and burden were also associated with anxiety. Conclusion: The findings suggest that in addition to work-related variables (burden and burnout), problems with family members and guilt about the care offered are relevant variables for understanding staff’s anxious symptomatology. Clinical Implications: Interventions that address issues of guilt about the quality of care, and problematic relationships with family members of residents, may have potential to reduce staff anxiety and promote their well-bein

    Pilot study of a psychotherapeutic intervention for reducing guilt feelings in highly distressed dementia family caregivers (innovative practice)

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    Many caregivers of people with dementia experience guilt but few interventions have been deigned to help them with these feelings. This study aimed to describe a psychological intervention specifically developed for decreasing caregivers´ guilt. The sample was composed of four caregivers, individually interviewed before and after the intervention. The intervention consisted of eight group-based sessions and was based on cognitive-behavioral, acceptance and self-compassion techniques. Three participants reported clinically reliable change in guilt. Clinically significant changes were also observed in their levels of anxiety and depression. The results suggest that carers might benefit from interventions designed to reduce their feelings of guiltThe authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2015-65152-C2-1-R

    Family dynamics in dementia caregiving: development and validation of the interpersonal triggers of guilt in dementia caregiving questionnaire (ITGDCQ)

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    The objective was to develop the Interpersonal Triggers of Guilt in Dementia CaregivingQuestionnaire (ITGDCQ). An emotion frequently experienced by caregivers is guilt. Howe-ver, the studies analyzing potential factors that generate guilt are scarce. Guilt may begenerated through interpersonal interactions. A total of 201 dementia caregivers were eva-luated for frequency of leisure, guilt, anxiety, depression, and a pool of items measuring thefrequency, and guilt was derived from different behaviors performed by the care recipient(ITGDCQ-CR) and other relatives (ITGDCQ-OR). Exploratory factor analysis of theITGDCQ-CR showed a two-factor solution, explaining 56.24% of the variance. TheITGDCQ-OR subscale also showed two factors, explaining 63.24% of the variance. All thefactors had acceptable to good reliability indexes. Positive associations were found betweenboth subscales and depression, anxiety, guilt, and stress associated with CR’s behavioralproblems. ITGDCQ-CR was negatively correlated with frequency of leisure. The interperso-nal dynamics assessed with the ITGDCQ generated other emotions such as anger or sad-ness. Through structural equation modeling, 28% of the variance of caregivers’ distresswas explained by the assessed variables, including a significant contribution of the inter-personal dynamics assessed with the ITGDCQ. The results provide preliminary supportfor the use of the ITGDCQ as a valid and reliable measure of care recipients’ or other relati-ves’ factors that trigger or facilitate the experience of guilt in the caregivers. The associationbetween these factors and caregiver distress suggests potential clinical implications for the findingsThe study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grants PSI2015-65152-C2-1-R and PSI2015-65152-C2-2-R

    Advancing tomato crop protection: Green leaf volatile-mediated defense mechanisms against Nesidiocoris tenuis plant damage

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    Although Nesidiocoris tenuis is highly effective as a biological control agent, it can also damage tomato plants due to its zoophytophagous behavior. When N. tenuis pierces the stems and petioles of tomato plants with its stylets, it triggers callose deposition and subsequent cell death, resulting in blocked nutrient transport, floral abortions, or wilting of tender shoots. Recently, it has been shown that exposure of tomato plants to the green leaf volatile (Z)- 3-hexenyl propanoate [(Z)-3-HP] activates defensive mechanisms, including the regulation of genes involved in the synthesis and degradation of callose. In this study, conducted under greenhouse conditions, we tested the hypothesis that damage caused by N. tenuis could be reduced by exposing tomato plants to (Z)-3-HP through polymeric dispensers. Tomato plants exposed to (Z)-3-HP and non-exposed control plants were inoculated with N. tenuis. Nesidiocoris tenuis established in both groups with no significant differences between the two treatments. However, as hypothesized, the damage caused by N. tenuis was significantly lower in the plants exposed to (Z)-3-HP. Gene expression analysis of salicylic, jasmonic, and abscisic acids, along with histochemical staining methods, was used to compare the defensive responses of tomato plants infested solely with N. tenuis versus those infested with N. tenuis and exposed to (Z)-3-HP. Our findings confirm the influence of (Z)-3-HP exposure on differential defensive activation between treatments and reduced callose deposition in (Z)-3-HP-exposed plants. These results pave the way for improved management of N. tenuis by enhancing the plant’s defenses based on inter-plant communication

    "We're staying at home". Association of self-perceptions of aging, Personal and family resources and loneliness with psychological distress during the lock-down period of COVID-19

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    Families are going through a very stressful time because of the COVID-19 outbreak, with age being a risk factor for this illness. Negative self-perceptions of aging, among other personal and relational variables, may be associated with loneliness and distress caused by the pandemic crisis. Method: Participants are 1,310 Spanish people (age range: 18–88 years) during a lock-down period at home. In addition to specific questions about risk for COVID-19, self-perceptions of aging, family and personal resources, loneliness, and psychological distress were measured. Hierarchical regression analyses were done for assessing the correlates of loneliness and psychological distress. Results: The measured variables allow for an explanation of 48% and 33% of the variance of distress and loneliness, respectively. Being female, younger, having negative self-perceptions about aging, more time exposed to news about COVID-19, more contact with relatives different to those that co-reside, fewer positive emotions, less perceived self-efficacy, lower quality of sleep, higher expressed emotion, and higher loneliness were associated with higher distress. Being female, younger, having negative self-perceptions about aging, more time exposed to news about COVID-19, lower contact with relatives, higher self-perception as a burden, fewer positive emotions, lower resources for entertaining oneself, lower quality of sleep, and higher expressed emotion were associated with higher loneliness. Discussion: Having negative self-perceptions of aging and lower chronological age, together with other measured family and personal resources, are associated with loneliness and psychological distress. Older adults with positive self-perceptions of aging seem to be more resilient during the COVID-19 outbrea