2,501 research outputs found

    ¿La disponibilidad del recurso trófico afecta la selección de grietas por Octomys mimax en el Desierto del Monte?

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    Rocky habitats have a particular microclimate and a highly complex structure, providing sites that mammals can use as dens or as nesting sites to raise their young. The complex topography of these habitats also favors water retention, thereby promoting growth of plants. The viscacha rat (Octomys mimax; Rodentia, Octodontidae) is a rock-dwelling hystricognath rodent that lives in rocky crevices with high vegetation cover. We hypothesized that viscacha rat selects crevices with high availability of plants included in the diet. To test this, we analyzed the diet of the viscacha rat and compared the availability of consumed plant species between used and available crevices. The diet of this species is composed mainly of leaves of shrubs and trees, includes cacti throughout the year and seeds and fruits, principally Prosopis spp., in the wet season. The food items present in caches confirmed the results obtained from microhistological analysis, with the addition of Ramorinoa girolae and Halophytum ameghinoi. This rodent takes advantage of consuming and storing available items, behaving as an opportunistic species. Selected plant species were similar in abundance in used and available crevices; consequently, crevices are likely selected for other characteristics such as thermal benefits, an important constraint in desert environments.Los ambientes rocosos se caracterizan por un microclima particular y una compleja estructura que es usada por los mamíferos como sitios de anidación o como guaridas para sus crías. La topografía de estos hábitats favorece la retención de agua, promoviendo así el crecimiento de las plantas. La rata vizcacha (Octomys mimax; Rodentia, Octodontidae) es un roedor histricognato rupícola que vive en grietas rocosas con alta cobertura vegetal. Nosotros planteamos la hipótesis de que la rata vizcacha selecciona grietas con abundante disponibilidad de las plantas que consume. Para ello, analizamos la dieta de la rata vizcacha y comparamos la disponibilidad de las especies de plantas que consume este roedor, entre grietas usadas y disponibles. Nuestros resultados mostraron que la dieta está compuesta principalmente por hojas de arbustos y árboles, incluyendo cactus a lo largo del año y semillas y frutos, principalmente Prosopis spp., en la temporada de lluvias. Las especies registradas en los cúmulos de las grietas confirmaron los resultados obtenidos a partir del análisis microhistológico y agregan a Ramorinoa girolae y Halopthytum ameghinoi. Este roedor consume y almacena ítems disponibles, por lo que se comporta como una especie oportunista. La abundancia de las especies seleccionadas por la rata vizcacha fue similar en las grietas usadas y disponibles; probablemente la selección de las grietas responda a otros factores como el beneficio térmico, una limitación importante en el desierto.Fil: Campos, Valeria Evelin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; ArgentinaFil: Giannoni, Stella Maris. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Reus, Maria Laura. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Díaz, Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Campos, Valeria Evelin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; Argentin

    Symmetry Reduction Enables Model Checking of More Complex Emergent Behaviours of Swarm Navigation Algorithms

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    The emergent global behaviours of robotic swarms are important to achieve their navigation task goals. These emergent behaviours can be verified to assess their correctness, through techniques like model checking. Model checking exhaustively explores all possible behaviours, based on a discrete model of the system, such as a swarm in a grid. A common problem in model checking is the state-space explosion that arises when the states of the model are numerous. We propose a novel implementation of symmetry reduction, in the form of encoding navigation algorithms relatively with respect to a reference, based on the symmetrical properties of swarms in grids. We applied the relative encoding to a swarm navigation algorithm, Alpha, modelled for the NuSMV model checker. A comparison of the state-space and verification results with an absolute (or global) and a relative encoding of the Alpha algorithm highlights the advantages of our approach, allowing model checking larger grid sizes and number of robots, and consequently, verifying more complex emergent behaviours. For example, a property was verified for a grid with 3 robots and a maximum allowed size of 8x8 cells in a global encoding, whereas this size was increased to 16x16 using a relative encoding. Also, the time to verify a property for a swarm of 3 robots in a 6x6 grid was reduced from almost 10 hours to only 7 minutes. Our approach is transferable to other swarm navigation algorithms.Comment: Accepted for presentation in Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS) 2015, Liverpool, U

    Eficacia da resección de gastrocnemios na ganancia de graos de movemento de nocello hacia dorsiflexión ante o acortamento de gastrocnemios

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    [Resumo] Introdución: O acortamento de gastrocnemios é das disfuncións musculares máis comúns do membro inferior que deriva a súa vez nunha diminución na DF de nocello, e por ende, nalgunhas das patoloxías máis frecuentes de pé e nocello como son as metatarsalxias e fasciopatías. Existen distintas opcións de tratamento que van dende os máis conservadores, como son os estiramentos musculares ata os tratamentos quirúrxicos. Destes últimos o máis utilizado é a Resección de Gastrocnemios. Obxetivo: Revisión bibliográfica orientada a mostrar a evidencia científica existente respecto a eficacia da resección de gastrocnemios na ganancia de graos de DF de nocello ante o AG. Metodoloxía: A búsqueda bibliográfica realizouse en 3 das bases de datos máis recomendadas en ciencias da saúde: PubMed, Biblioteca Chocrane e Scopus. Resultados: Obtivéronse un total de 35 publicacións, dende o ano 2009 ata a actualidade, dos cales tras aplicar os criterios de inclusión se seleccionaron 7. Conclusións: A resección de gastrocnemios mostrase como unha técnica eficaz a hora de aumentar a DF de nocello ante un acortamento desta musculatura.[Resumen] Introducción: El acortamiento de gastrocnemios es de las disfunciones musculares más comunes del miembro inferior que deriva a su vez en una disminución en la DF de tobillo, y por tanto, en algunas de las patologías más frecuentes de pié y tobillo, como son as metatarsalgias y fasciopatías. Existen distintas opciones de tratamiento que van desde los más conservadores, como son los estiramientos musculares hasta los tratamentos quirúrgicos. De estos últimos el más utilizado es la Resección de Gastrocnemios. Objetivo: revisión bibliográfica orientada a mostrar la evidencia científica existente respecto a la eficacia de la resección de gastrocnemios en la ganancia de grados de DF de tobillo ante el AG. Metodología: la búsqueda bibliográfica se realizó en 3 de las bases de datos más recomendadas en ciencias de la salúd: PubMed, Biblioteca Chocrane y Scopus. Resultados: se obtuvieron un total de 35 publicacións, desde el año 2009 hasta la actualidad, de los cuales tras aplicar los criterios de inclusión se seleccionaron 7. Conclusiones: La resección de gastrocnemios se muestra como unha técnica eficaz y segura a la hora de aumentar la DF de tobillo ante un acortamiento de esta musculatura.[Abstract] Introduction: Gastrocnemius tightness is one of the most common muscular disfunctions on the lower limbs, which at the same time can lead to some of the most frecuently pathologies of foot and ankle, like metatarsalgias and fastiopathies. There are many treatment options ranging from conservative ones, like stretching exercises to surgical treatment, being Gastrocnemius Recession the most used. Objective: Bibliographic review to show the present scientific evidence about the efficacy of Gastrocnemius Recession on gaining ankle dorsiflexion degrees in the presence of gastrocnemius tightness. Methodology: A bibliographic search was carried out in three of the most recommended databases on public health: PubMed, Chocrane Library and Scopus. Results: A total of 35 publications were obtained from 2009 until now, of which 7 were included, after meeting the inclusion criteria. Conclusions: Gastrocnemius recession shown to be an effective and safety technique on gaining degrees of ankle dorsiflexion in the presence of gastrocnemius tightness.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Podoloxía. Curso 2018/201

    Assessment of Moisture Content and Its Influence on Laser Beam Melting Feedstock

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    Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques are known for building functional parts by adding layers of material. This layer-wise fabrication of metal parts yields freedom of design, weight reduction and product customization. Most of the metal AM processes use powder as feedstock, as small particles give freedom to the process to create all kind of complex structures with high tolerances. However, their (relatively) large surface can be affected by environmental conditions, such as moisture and elevated temperature, and by contamination. In the present research, Laser Beam Melting (LBM) powders are investigated to determine and quantify (i) the typical moisture content in an as-received batch, (ii) how to prevent this kind of contamination by proposing pre-treatments for the powders and (iii) its impact on the LBM process and products. In general, avoiding contamination during the production leads to a better quality and prolongs the product lifetime

    Powder Characterization and Optimization for Additive Manufacturing

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    Achieving the optimal quality for Additive Manufactured (AM) parts does not only depend on setting the right process parameters. Material feedstock also plays an important role when aiming for high performance products. The metal AM processes that are most applicable to industry, Powder Bed Fusion and Directed Energy Deposition, use metal powder as raw material. Therefore, controlling the quality and correctly characterizing the particles used in the process is a key step to successfully apply metal AM techniques. A correct flow of the powder and a constant apparent density over the build plate/substrate ensure a smooth process, less porosity and better surface resolution. In the present paper a methodology for AM powder characterization will be proposed, based on parameters like particle size distribution and shape, and experimental results will be presented. A series of representative materials from the above-mentioned techniques are studied to find the optimal particle parameters required in the metal AM processes

    Transposição dentária: dois relatos de casos e revisão de literatura

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    Tooth transposition is a rare developmental disorder in which a normal tooth erupts in an inappropriate position. The change in position occurs between two adjacent teeth within the same quadrant. In this article, two cases of tooth transposition involving mandibular molars are described. Patient 1 presented with bilateral transposition between first and second mandibular molars. In addition, giroversion of the first molars was observed. Patient 2 presented with unilateral transposition between the mandibular left molars. Because this tooth disorder does not affect quality of life, both patients declined to seek dental treatment. Out of the 120 cases of tooth transposition found in the literature, 92,5% occurred in the maxilla and 15% were bilateral, 65,8% percent of these cases involved the canine and first premolar; 26.6% involved the canine and lateral incisor; 2,5% involved the canine and central incisor; and only 0.85% involved the first and second molar. The majority of tooth transposition cases occurred in women (66,6%). In literature, tooth transposition is a poorly-documented condition. Consequently, this report seeks to contribute to the existing information in the literature on this disorder.Resumo em português não disponíve

    Gastric signet ring cell carcinoma

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    Zemni I et al. reviewed clinic and pathological characteristics and outcomes of gastric signet ring cell carcinomas (J Gastric Surg 2020; 2(3):71-78) focusing on the major prognostic factors of progression-free survival and overall survival including hypoproteinemia, tumor size, stenosis, advanced stage, and recurrence. The majority of patients were males under 60 years of age. The data were compared with those of non-signet ring cell gastric carcinomas. There was no significant difference in the 5 years overall survival between the compared groups. The increasing incidence of aggressive tumors in an advanced stage with poor outcome is emphasized and additional comments are about gastric signet ring cell tumors that affected a female and an elderly male

    El papel de las mujeres donostiarras en los siglos XIX y XX

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    Este trabajo que forma parte de una investigación encaminada a la valoración del trabajo realizado por las mujeres donostiarras en los siglos XIX y XX. Nos hemos acercado a aquello denominados trabajos "típicos" femeninos en los diferentes sectores de la economía, aunque haciendo especial hincapié en aquellos oficios relacionados más directamente con la vida donostiarra, como es el caso del sector servicios o el importante mundo que gira en torno a la pesca.Donostiako emakumeek XIX eta XX. mendeetan egindako lanaren balorazioa helburu duen ikerketa baten atala da lan hau. Ekonomiaren hainbat sektoretan emakumeen "berezko" lantzat hartu ohi diren horietara hurbildu gara, nahiz eta bereziki nabarmenduz Donostiako bizimoldearekin erlazionaturiko lanbideak, hala nola zerbitzuen sektorea edo arrantzaren inguruko mundu garrantzitsu hori.Ce travail fait partie d'une recherche orientée vers l'évaluation du travail reálisé par les femmes de Saint-Sébastien aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Nous nous sommes penchés sur les travaux "typiquement" féminins dans les différents secteurs de l'économie, bien qu'en insistant spécialement sur les métiers qui sont en relation directe avec la vie de Saint-Sébastien, comme c'est le cas du secteur des services ou de tout ce qui concerne la pêche.This work is part of the research oriented towards the valuation of the work caried out by the women of San Sebastian in 19th and 20th centuries. We have approached what we have caled "typical" feminine tasks in the diferent sectors of the economy, while emphasising the trades that are more directly related with life in San Sebastian, as is the case of the services sector or the important world that orbits around fishing