1,172 research outputs found

    Exploring the Chemistry of Lanthanoid β–Triketonate Complexes

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    This thesis reports the design, synthesis and characterisation of new β-triketonate based lanthanoid complexes. The use of systematically modified β-triketone molecules as ligands for these f-metal ions and their effect on the structural and photophysical properties of the complexes were investigated in detail. This study allowed a better understanding of the relationship between structure and photophysical activity of the lanthanoid complexes and the isolation of unusually efficient near-infrared emitters

    Free three-valued Closure Lukasiewicz Algebras

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    In this paper, the structure of finitely generated free objects in the variety of three-valued closure Lukasiewicz algebras is determined. We describe their indecomposable factors and we give their cardinality.Fil: Abad, Manuel. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática; ArgentinaFil: Díaz Varela, José Patricio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Rueda, Laura Alicia. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática; ArgentinaFil: Suardíaz, Ana María. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática; Argentin

    Whey and Buttermilk-Based Formulas Modulate Gut Microbiota in Mice with Antibiotic-Induced Dysbiosis

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    ScopeDiet is one of the main factors that modifies intestinal microbiota composition. The search for foods that can reverse situations of intestinal dysbiosis such as that induced by antibiotics is of great interest. Buttermilk and whey are the main by‐products produced by the dairy industry containing bioactive compounds. The aim of this study is to investigate the ability of whey and buttermilk‐based formulas supplemented with lactoferrin and milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) to modulate the effects of clindamycin on mouse intestinal microbiota.Methods and resultsMale C57BL/6 mice are treated with saline (control), clindamycin (Clin), a formula containing whey (F1) or buttermilk (F2), Clin+F1 or Clin+F2, and their fecal microbiota profiles are analyzed by sequencing of 16S rRNA gene using the MinION device. Clin induces alterations in both the composition and metabolic functions of the mice intestinal microbiota. The treatment with F1 or F2 reverses the effects of clindamycin, restoring the levels of Rikenellaceae and Lactobacillaceae families and certain pathways related to short‐chain fatty acids production and tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis.ConclusionWhey and buttermilk supplemented with lactoferrin and MFGM may be a bioactive formula for functional foods to prevent or restore microbiota alterations induced by antibiotic administration

    Metaanaliza okoljskih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na naselitev alg v jamah in spodmolih po vsem svetu

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    Microclimate conditions, mainly radiation, temperature and relative humidity vary according to cavities´ configurations and determine the microorganism’s colonisation. A meta-analysis was performed of environmental factors influencing the algal species colonisation in caves and rockshelters. For this purpose, the results of studies about algal colonisation in 82 caves and rockshelters in 11 European, Asian and American countries were analysed. Firstly, 412 species were counted of which Cyanobacteria predominated, followed by Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta, and finally by Rhodophyta. The Shannon Index determined that the diversity of the algal species developing in these places was very high. The most diverse Cyanobacteria genera to appear in the different studied caves and rockshelters are Leptolyngbya with 28 different species, Gloeocapsa with 24 and Phormidium with 23. They are followed by Chroococcus with 18, Aphanothece with 14, Oscillatoria, Nostoc and Scytonema with 10 each and Schizothrix and Tolypothrix with 9 each. The most diverse Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta genera are Chlorella with 9 different species and Diadesmis/Humidophila, Luticola and Nitzschia with 4, respectively. The principal component analysis revealed that both photosynthetically active radiation and relative humidity more actively conditioned the development of some algal species in cave environments than temperature.Mikroklimatske razmere, predvsem sevanje, temperatura in relativna vlažnost, se spreminjajo glede na konfiguracijo votlin in vplivajo na naselitev mikroorganizmov. Opravljena je bila metaanaliza okoljskih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na naselitev vrst alg v jamah in spodmolih. V ta namen so bili analizirani izsledki študij o naselitvi alg v 82 jamah in spodmolih v 11 evropskih, azijskih in ameriških državah. Najprej je bilo naštetih 412 vrst, med katerimi so prevladovale modrozelene cepljivke ali cianobakterije (Cyanobacteria), sledile so zelene alge (Chlorophyta), diatomeje (Bacillariophyta) in nazadnje rdeče alge (Rhodophyta). Shannonov indeks je pokazal, da se na teh območjih razvijajo zelo raznovrstne vrste alg. Najbolj raznovrstni rodovi modrozelene cepljivk ali cianobakterije, ki se pojavljajo v proučevanih jamah in spodmolih, so Leptolyngbya z 28 vrstami, Gloeocapsa s 24 in Phormidium s 23 vrstami. Sledijo jim Chroococcus z 18 vrstami, Aphanothece s 14, Oscillatoria, Nostoc in Scytonema s po 10 ter Schizothrix in Tolypothrix s po 9 vrstami. Najbolj raznovrstni rodovi zelene alge in diatomeje so Chlorella z 9 vrstami ter Diadesmis/Humidophila, Luticola in Nitzschia s po 4 vrstami. Iz analize glavnih komponent je razvidno, da tako fotosintetično aktivno sevanje kot relativna vlažnost aktivneje vplivata na razvoj nekaterih vrst alg v jamskem okolju kot pa temperatura

    Another way to learn Mathematics: systems of equations in our immediate environment

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    En ocasiones nos resulta complicado relacionar los contenidos matemáticos que tenemos que trabajar con el entorno más inmediato de nuestros alumnos. En este artículo se da una idea de cómo trabajar la unidad didáctica de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales a través de un plano de la localidad donde está situado el Centro Educativo, saliendo a la calle y trabajando en grupo, además de unir el álgebra y las funciones, dando de esta forma unión a los distintos bloques en los que se divide el aprendizaje de las Matemáticas.Sometimes we find it difficult to relate the mathematical contents that we have to work with the immediate environment of our students. This article gives an idea of ​​how to work the systems of equations through a map of the town where the Educational Center is located, going out to the street and working in groups, in addition to joining the algebra and the functions, giving union to the different blocks in which the learning of Mathematics is divided

    Effect of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on the antibacterial activity of bioactive dairy formulas supplemented with lactoferrin against Cronobacter sakazakii

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    Milk is a source of proteins with high nutritional value and relevant biological activities. Bioactive milk proteins, like lactoferrin, are important for newborn development and can also be used as ingredients in functional products to improve health. Lactoferrin is essential in infant’s diet, since protects against infections and promotes immune system maturation. Bovine lactoferrin is used to supplement formula milk in order to strengthen baby’s defences against some pathogenic bacteria. Thus, lactoferrin supplemented formula can be a barrier against emergent pathogens, such as Cronobacter sakazakii, which has caused great concern in the last few years. Milk proteins generate bioactive peptides in the digestion process, and it is known that industrial processing can modify their susceptibility to digestion. Treatments such as heating have been shown to denature whey proteins and make them more easily digestible. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the effect of technological treatments and gastrointestinal digestion on the antibacterial activity against C. sakazakii of proteins present in dairy formulas supplemented with lactoferrin. Commercial bovine lactoferrin has been shown to have antibacterial activity against C. sakazakii, both in the native state and after static in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. In addition, the digests obtained from dairy formulas subjected to technological treatments, either homogenization or pasteurization, have higher antibacterial activity than non-treated formulas. The release of low molecular weight peptides during the in vitro gastric digestion is probably the cause that would explain the enhanced antibacterial activity of the digested dairy formulas

    Estudio experimental del movimiento de cuerpos a bajos números de Reynolds

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    The behavior of microorganisms in their natural environment is of great importance today however most people have little or no understanding of this behavior and the importance of their influence in our day to day lives. This study looks at the great differences which can be found by comparing the natural environment of the microorganisms with those of humans and the reasons for them. For this research, experimental tests will be done, in which small sized bodies that simulate microorganisms will be used. These objects will be placed into a tube of vaseline oil of high viscosity. Both rotary and non rotary objects will be evaluated and all important parameters allowing for a correct and complete test will be analyzed. The drag coefficient will have special importance in this study. It indicates the rate of resistance that a fluid shows in relation to an object moving through it. Moreover, it also indicates the equilibrium position adopted by the object as it falls through the tube of vaseline. The results of the experiment prove the counterintuitive nature of the organisms whose life medium is in low Reynolds numbers. When studying these organisms which influence human lives, it is very important to take into account this nature in order to carry out quality research. Whether it be for studies about bacteria involved in some illnesses in order to get a possible treatment, or connected with those which are found in polluted water to be able to control them, as well as those which are related with many other necessary bacteria for better quality of human life. The characteristics of the natural environment of these organisms is therefore of great importance and if known, will enable research to be faster and more effective. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Conocer el comportamiento de pequeños microorganismos en su medio de vida natural es de gran importancia hoy en día para tener información sobre este mundo tan desconocido e incluso infravalorado por la mayoría de las personas. Se estudiarán las grandes diferencias que ocurren en este medio en comparación con nuestro medio de vida natural y el porqué de ellas. Para este estudio se harán ensayos experimentales en los que se usarán cuerpos de pequeño tamaño que simulen a los microorganismos. Estos objetos se dejarán caer en un tubo de aceite de vaselina de elevada viscosidad. Se evaluarán objetos tanto que giran como que no lo hacen y se analizarán todos los parámetros importantes que permitan conseguir un análisis correcto y completo. Será de especial relevancia el estudio del coeficiente de resistencia, el cual indica la magnitud de la oposición al movimiento que ejerce un fluido sobre un cuerpo que se desplaza por él. Además, también permite saber cuál va a ser la posición de equilibrio adoptada por el objeto cuando cae por el tubo de vaselina. Con los resultados de los experimentos se comprueba el carácter contraintuitivo de los organismos cuyo medio de vida es a bajos números de Reynolds. Este carácter que poseen estos organismos debe ser de gran importancia a la hora de realizar estudios correctos de todos los ámbitos de la vida en los que aparecen. Ya sea en estudios sobre bacterias involucradas en algunas enfermedades para una posible cura, o relacionados con aquéllas que están en las aguas contaminadas para encontrar la forma de evitarlas, así como los que conciernen a aquéllas necesarias para una mejor calidad de la vida humana. Las características del medio natural de estos organismos es por tanto de gran importancia y su estudio será más rápido y eficaz si se conocen las peculiaridades de éste.Ingeniería Mecánic

    La construcción de la noción de patrimonio industrial desde el espacio público línea férrea entre carrera 30 y av. Comuneros (Puente Aranda)

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    Las zonas industriales en la mayoría de ciudades al no ser adaptadas a las dinámicas contemporáneas de las mismas entran en desuso y deterioro por este motivo mi propuesta pretende revitalizar la identidad de las zonas industriales a partir de la creación de espacio público y nuevos usos que consoliden la imagen industrial original y su apropiación.The industrials areas in the majority of cities are not included on the contemporary dynamics and become areas of spoilage. That is the reason why my approach to this problem prentends to revitalize the identity on the industrial areas by creating public spaces and new uses that give strengthen to the original industrial image and its appropriation.Arquitecto (a)Pregrad

    Enhance self-esteem through the management of activities in the center: Mathematics Gymkhana organized by students in Secondary Education

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    Con este artículo se pretende destacar la importancia de permitir al alumnado la gestión, organización y desarrollo de actividades en el Centro. Además de hacer que los alumnos asuman responsabilidades, lo que conlleva un refuerzo de su autoestima, ayuda a aumentar su creatividad, fomenta el trabajo en grupo, da la oportunidad de ponerse en el lugar del otro y sobre todo, desarrolla la autonomía e iniciativa personal. Se describe la experiencia de la organización por parte de los alumnos de una gymkhana matemáticas con las actividades diseñadas y desarrolladas por ellos.This article is intended to highlight the importance of allowing students the management, organization and development of activities in the center. Besides making students take responsibilities, leading to a boost in self-esteem, it helps increase your creativity, fosters teamwork, gives the opportunity to take the place of others and especially developing autonomy and personal initiative. The experience of the organization by the students of a mathematical gymkhana with activities designed and developed by them is described

    Evaluación de la transparencia económico-financiera en los ayuntamientos de la Comunidad de Madrid: estudio comparado de Alcobendas y Pozuelo de Alarcón

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    Depto. de Ciencia Política y de la AdministraciónFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaFALSEpu