306 research outputs found

    Precision Epoch of Reionization studies with next-generation CMB experiments

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    Future arcminute resolution polarization data from ground-based Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations can be used to estimate the contribution to the temperature power spectrum from the primary anisotropies and to uncover the signature of reionization near =1500\ell=1500 in the small angular-scale temperature measurements. Our projections are based on combining expected small-scale E-mode polarization measurements from Advanced ACTPol in the range 300<<3000300<\ell<3000 with simulated temperature data from the full Planck mission in the low and intermediate \ell region, 2<<20002<\ell<2000. We show that the six basic cosmological parameters determined from this combination of data will predict the underlying primordial temperature spectrum at high multipoles to better than 1%1\% accuracy. Assuming an efficient cleaning from multi-frequency channels of most foregrounds in the temperature data, we investigate the sensitivity to the only residual secondary component, the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) term. The CMB polarization is used to break degeneracies between primordial and secondary terms present in temperature and, in effect, to remove from the temperature data all but the residual kSZ term. We estimate a 15σ15 \sigma detection of the diffuse homogeneous kSZ signal from expected AdvACT temperature data at >1500\ell>1500, leading to a measurement of the amplitude of matter density fluctuations, σ8\sigma_8, at 1%1\% precision. Alternatively, by exploring the reionization signal encoded in the patchy kSZ measurements, we bound the time and duration of the reionization with σ(zre)=1.1\sigma(z_{\rm re})=1.1 and σ(Δzre)=0.2\sigma(\Delta z_{\rm re})=0.2. We find that these constraints degrade rapidly with large beam sizes, which highlights the importance of arcminute-scale resolution for future CMB surveys.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Cosmological Parameters from Pre-Planck CMB Measurements

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    Recent data from the WMAP, ACT and SPT experiments provide precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background temperature power spectrum over a wide range of angular scales. The combination of these observations is well fit by the standard, spatially flat LCDM cosmological model, constraining six free parameters to within a few percent. The scalar spectral index, n_s = 0.9690 +/- 0.0089, is less than unity at the 3.6 sigma level, consistent with simple models of inflation. The damping tail of the power spectrum at high resolution, combined with the amplitude of gravitational lensing measured by ACT and SPT, constrains the effective number of relativistic species to be N_eff = 3.28 +/- 0.40, in agreement with the standard model's three species of light neutrinos.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Grizzly, November 11, 2004

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    USGA Passes Sigma Pi • Two Students Wear Questionable Costumes • Lonnie Graham is the Spark • Ursinus Proposes Possible Plans for Honor Code • The Benefits for a Professor on Sabbatical • Effects of Election Still Resonate in Ursinus Community • Do Ursinus Students Make use of Proximity to Philadelphia? • Opinions: Is Online Dating a Safe Alternative for Meeting People or a Risky Plea of Desperation?; All is not Lost for Liberals • Field Hockey Team Wins Centennial Conference Title • It\u27s All Over for Three Women Soccer Players • The Collegeville Cursehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1571/thumbnail.jp

    The balloon-borne large-aperture submillimeter telescope for polarimetry: BLAST-Pol

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    The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope for Polarimetry (BLAST-Pol) is a suborbital mapping experiment designed to study the role played by magnetic fields in the star formation process. BLAST-Pol is the reconstructed BLAST telescope, with the addition of linear polarization capability. Using a 1.8 m Cassegrain telescope, BLAST-Pol images the sky onto a focal plane that consists of 280 bolometric detectors in three arrays, observing simultaneously at 250, 350, and 500 um. The diffraction-limited optical system provides a resolution of 30'' at 250 um. The polarimeter consists of photolithographic polarizing grids mounted in front of each bolometer/detector array. A rotating 4 K achromatic half-wave plate provides additional polarization modulation. With its unprecedented mapping speed and resolution, BLAST-Pol will produce three-color polarization maps for a large number of molecular clouds. The instrument provides a much needed bridge in spatial coverage between larger-scale, coarse resolution surveys and narrow field of view, and high resolution observations of substructure within molecular cloud cores. The first science flight will be from McMurdo Station, Antarctica in December 2010.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures Submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation Conference 201

    Comparison of prestellar core elongations and large-scale molecular cloud structures in the Lupus 1 region

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    Turbulence and magnetic fields are expected to be important for regulating molecular cloud formation and evolution. However, their effects on sub-parsec to 100 parsec scales, leading to the formation of starless cores, are not well understood. We investigate the prestellar core structure morphologies obtained from analysis of the Herschel-SPIRE 350 mum maps of the Lupus I cloud. This distribution is first compared on a statistical basis to the large-scale shape of the main filament. We find the distribution of the elongation position angle of the cores to be consistent with a random distribution, which means no specific orientation of the morphology of the cores is observed with respect to the mean orientation of the large-scale filament in Lupus I, nor relative to a large-scale bent filament model. This distribution is also compared to the mean orientation of the large-scale magnetic fields probed at 350 mum with the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Telescope for Polarimetry during its 2010 campaign. Here again we do not find any correlation between the core morphology distribution and the average orientation of the magnetic fields on parsec scales. Our main conclusion is that the local filament dynamics---including secondary filaments that often run orthogonally to the primary filament---and possibly small-scale variations in the local magnetic field direction, could be the dominant factors for explaining the final orientation of each core

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Two-Season ACTPol Lensing Power Spectrum

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    We report a measurement of the power spectrum of cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing from two seasons of Atacama Cosmology Telescope Polarimeter (ACTPol) CMB data. The CMB lensing power spectrum is extracted from both temperature and polarization data using quadratic estimators. We obtain results that are consistent with the expectation from the best-fit Planck LCDM model over a range of multipoles L=80-2100, with an amplitude of lensing A_lens = 1.06 +/- 0.15 (stat.) +/- 0.06 (sys.) relative to Planck. Our measurement of the CMB lensing power spectrum gives sigma_8 Omega_m^0.25 = 0.643 +/- 0.054; including baryon acoustic oscillation scale data, we constrain the amplitude of density fluctuations to be sigma_8 = 0.831 +/- 0.053. We also update constraints on the neutrino mass sum. We verify our lensing measurement with a number of null tests and systematic checks, finding no evidence of significant systematic errors. This measurement relies on a small fraction of the ACTPol data already taken; more precise lensing results can therefore be expected from the full ACTPol dataset.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, to be submitted to Physical Review

    Cosmological parameters from pre-Planck CMB measurements: a 2017 update

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    We present cosmological constraints from the combination of the full mission nine-year WMAP release and small-scale temperature data from the pre-Planck Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and South Pole Telescope (SPT) generation of instruments. This is an update of the analysis presented in Calabrese et al. [Phys. Rev. D 87, 103012 (2013)], and highlights the impact on ΛCDM cosmology of a 0.06 eV massive neutrino—which was assumed in the Planck analysis but not in the ACT/SPT analyses—and a Planck-cleaned measurement of the optical depth to reionization. We show that cosmological constraints are now strong enough that small differences in assumptions about reionization and neutrino mass give systematic differences which are clearly detectable in the data. We recommend that these updated results be used when comparing cosmological constraints from WMAP, ACT and SPT with other surveys or with current and future full-mission Planck cosmology. Cosmological parameter chains are publicly available on the NASA’s LAMBDA data archive

    The Grizzly, September 9, 2004

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    Make a Difference: How to Register to Vote • Computer Thefts Under Investigation • Republicans say Yes to Four More Years with Bush • A Costly Look at Carelessness • STAR Sponsors One Night • Turnpike Tolls Increase for Commuters • Insider\u27s Tips to Undergraduate and Graduate Awards • Been to Synagogue Lately? • Safety First • Segregation by Letter? • The Pop-up Problem • UC Fringe Festival Opens Wednesday • Parking at Ursinus Robs Convenience • Opinions: Is Technology Making Life Easier or Lazier?; Life During Wartime; Lick it, Stamp it, Mail it and then Rock the Vote • 2004 Bears Football Outlook • UC Hires new Cross Country / Track & Field Coach • Now that Stanton is Gone: Men\u27s Basketball Preview • Bearcox Preview • Olympic Games: Competitive or Controversial?https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1563/thumbnail.jp

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Two-Season ACTPol Spectra and Parameters

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    We present the temperature and polarization angular power spectra measured by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Polarimeter (ACTPol). We analyze night-time data collected during 2013-14 using two detector arrays at 149 GHz, from 548 deg2^2 of sky on the celestial equator. We use these spectra, and the spectra measured with the MBAC camera on ACT from 2008-10, in combination with Planck and WMAP data to estimate cosmological parameters from the temperature, polarization, and temperature-polarization cross-correlations. We find the new ACTPol data to be consistent with the LCDM model. The ACTPol temperature-polarization cross-spectrum now provides stronger constraints on multiple parameters than the ACTPol temperature spectrum, including the baryon density, the acoustic peak angular scale, and the derived Hubble constant. Adding the new data to planck temperature data tightens the limits on damping tail parameters, for example reducing the joint uncertainty on the number of neutrino species and the primordial helium fraction by 20%.Comment: 23 pages, 25 figure