12,660 research outputs found

    Changes in hydrodynamic, structural and geochemical properties in carbonate rock samples due to reactive transport

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    Reactive transport plays an important role in the development of a wide range of both anthropic and natural processes affecting geological media. To predict the consequences of reactive transport processes on structural and hydrodynamic properties of a porous media at large time and spatial scales, numerical modeling is a powerful tool. Nevertheless, such models, to be realistic, need geochemical, structural and hydrodynamic data inputs representative of the studied reservoir or material. Here, we present an experimental study coupling traditional laboratory measurements and percolation experiments in order to obtain the parameters that define rock heterogeneity, which can be altered during the percolation of a reactive fluid. In order to validate the experimental methodology and identify the role of the initial heterogeneities on the localization of the reactive transport processes, we used three different limestones with different petrophysical characteristics. We tracked the changes of geochemical, structural and hydrodynamic parameters in these samples induced by the percolation of an acid fluid by measuring, before and after the percolation experiment, petrophysical and hydrodynamic properties of the rocks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    "El dolç gosar del gentiu de pagesia ..."

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    Las transgresiones sexuales de Clitofonte : Seducción y adulterio

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    El protagonista de la novela de Aquiles Tacio Leucipa y Clitofonte incurre en dos tipos de transgresiones de la moral sexual: seducción de una joven virgen y adulterio. Analizaremos aquí el modo en que ambas faltas aparecen representadas en la novela, su definición, las reacciones sociales ante ellas y las penas que pueden aplicárseles, y compararemos esa representación con las caracterizaciones de estos delitos en las leyes griegas y romanas que interactuaban en el complejo panorama cultural del período imperial. Postulamos que este análisis puede aportar datos que contribuyan a la comprensión de la historia social y de los códigos morales y legales que delimitaban las relaciones lícitas e ilícitas entre los sexos, pues a pesar de que la ficción novelesca no refleja en forma directa la realidad histórica, afloran en ella elementos propios del contexto socio-cultural en que autor y público están inmersosThe protagonist of Achilles Tatius' novel Leucippe and clitophon incurs in two kinds of transgressions of sexual morality: seduction of a young virgin and adultery. We will analyze here the way in which both faults are represented in the novel, their definition, the social reactions they arise and the sanctions that can be applied to them, and we will compare this representation with characterizations of these offenses in the Greek and Roman laws that interacted in the complex cultural scene of the imperial period. We postulate that this analysis can provide information that could contribute to the comprehension of social history and of the moral and legal codes that delimitated licit and illicit relationships between genders, because, even though novelistic fiction does not reflect historical reality directly, some aspects of the socio cultural context in which author and public are immerse come to its surfac

    A comparative study of quantitative methods in ore microscopy: digital image analysis vs. point counter device

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    Quantitative mineralogical analyses of metallic concentrates from an ore-processing plant with reflected light microscopy have been carried out independently, on the same samples, by an expert mineralogist using a point counter device (PCD), and by digital image analysis (DIA) operated by a post-graduate student in order to compare the performance and results obtained with both methods

    Is Sustainability Compatible with Profitability? An Empirical Analysis on Family Farming Activity

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    Sustainability is a social concern and a new strategic factor for productive and economic viability. Nevertheless, research on this subject in a holistic approach is limited, and even to a lesser extent when dealing with family farms. This paper analyzes the impact of different aspects of sustainability (socio-economic characteristics, environmentally respectful practices, and innovation) on profitability. The data collection instruments include a survey questionnaire on farming in Almería, a province in Southeast Spain, and the methodology followed involves a two-step regression model. The main results show how several socio-economic and environmental-innovation features of family farms have positive effects on their economic performance. Among others, profitability increases when there are better educated and younger family farm decision-makers; the farm is specialized and supported by more efficient cooperatives: and, particularly, when the family farm displays greater concern for environmental practices and better disposition towards agroecological innovation

    Recent Results from CARMA

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    The Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) is a heterogeneous array of 23 telescopes designed to operate in the 1 cm, 3 mm, and 1 mm atmospheric windows. The array is a merger of the eight 3.5 m antennas from the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Array, the nine 6.1 m antennas from the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland array, and the six 10.4 m antennas from the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO). As a signature of Tom Phillips’ legacy, three of the CARMA antennas are from the original 3-element OVRO interferometer built under Tom’s leadership in the early 1980’s. Recent CARMA results are presented on the structure of circumstellar disks and the molecular gas distribution in M 51

    Essay for assessing the toxicity of emerging pollutants through the study of the filtration rate of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)

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    [Resumen]: La presencia de contaminantes emergentes en el medio ambiente, tiene consecuencias perjudiciales para nuestros ecosistemas y efectos negativos sobre la salud humana y animal. Esto ha llevado a la búsqueda de nuevos métodos de evaluación de su toxicidad, como el uso de organismos indicadores de sus efectos. En este estudio se utiliza un bivalvo, Corbicula fluminea, para evaluar la potencial toxicidad y posibles efectos, sobre la misma, de la exposición a diferentes concentraciones de dos contaminantes emergentes en agua dulce, florfenicol (2´5, 5, 7´5 μg/L) y bisfenol A (30, 60 y 90 μg/L). Para ello se realizó un ensayo de filtración durante 2h, utilizando la microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Los resultados muestran que el FLC no presenta efectos aparentes sobre la actividad de filtración ni sobre la salud de C. fluminea, al contrario que el BPA, que si presenta un efecto negativo sobre la tasa de filtración de los ejemplares y causa mortalidad, siendo estos efectos más notables a concentraciones mayores. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que la tasa de filtración en C. fluminea podría ser un buen indicador de la toxicidad de contaminantes emergentes.[Resumo]: A presenza de contaminantes emerxentes no medio ambiente, teñen consecuencias prexudiciais para o noso ecosistema e efectos negativos sobre a saúde human e animal. Isto levou à procura de novos métodos de avaliación toxicolóxica, coma o uso de organismos indicadores dos seus efectos. No noso estudo emprégase un bivalvo, Corbicula fluminea, para avaliar a potencial toxicidade e os posibles efectos, sobre a mesma, da exposición de diferentes concentracións de dous contaminantes emerxentes en auga doce, florfenicol (2´5, 5, 7´5 μg/L) e bisfenol A (30, 60 y 90 μg/L). Para isto realizouse un ensaio de filtración durante 2h, utilizando a microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Determinouse como o FLC non presenta efectos aparentes sobre a actividade da filtración nin sobre a saúde de C. fluminea, ao contrario que o BPA, que si presenta un efecto negativo sobre la taxa de filtración dos exemplares e causa mortalidad, sendo estos efectos mais notables a concentracions maiores. Os resultados obtidos suxiren que a taxa de filtración en C. fluminea poderia ser un bo indicador da toxicidade de contaminantes emerxentes.[Abstract]: The presence of emergent pollutants in the environment has damaging consequences for our ecosystems, as well as negative effects on human and animal health. This has led to finding new methods for evaluating its toxicity, such as the use of indicator organisms for its effects. In this study a bivalve, Corbicula fluminea, is used in order to evaluate potential toxicity and its possible effects caused by the exposure to different concentrations of two emergent pollutants, Florfenicol (2´5, 5, 7´5 μg/L) and Bisphenol A (30, 60 y 90 μg/L). To do this, a filtration test was performed over 2 hours, using the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii microalgae. Results show that FFC does not show visible effects on either filtration or health on the C. fluminea, in contrast with BPA, which does show a negative effect on the filtration rate on the specimens and causes mortality. These effects are more significant the bigger the concentrations are. The results obtained suggest that the filtration rateTraballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2018/201