1,009 research outputs found

    Teatro e musica a Barcellona alla corte di Carlo III d'Asburgo

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    In occasione delle nozze tra Carlo III d'Asburgo ed Elisabetta Cristina di Braunschweig- Wolfenbüttel, celebrate a Barcellona nell'estate del 1708, la corte catalana divenne teatro di memorabili eventi festivi che segneranno in maniera indelebile la storia musicale di tutta la Spagna. L'organizzazione degli spettacoli si realizzò a Milano e da qui furono commissionati ai migliori compositori e librettisti del teatro d'opera del periodo tra cui Antonio Caldara, Francesco Gasparini, Apostolo Zeno, Pietro Pariati, drammi in musica, scherzi pastorali, feste teatrali, intermezzi, serenate e componimenti da camera.En ocasió de la ratificació de les noces entre Carles III d'Habsburg i Elisabeth Christina de Braunsweig-Wolfenbüttel, celebrades a Barcelona el 1 d'agost de 1708, la ciutat catalana, que acollí la cort dels Àustries, esdevingué el teatre d'esdeveniments festius certament memorables, que marcaren de manera indeleble la història musical de tot Espanya. L'organització dels espectacles fou realitzada a Milà, des d'on foren comissionats els millors compositors i llibretistes del teatre d'òpera de l'època, entre els quals cal esmentar Antonio Caldara, Francesco Gasparini, Apostolo Zeno, Pietro Pariati, autors de Drammi in musica, Scherzi Pastorali, Feste teatrali, Serenate i Componimenti da camera.La ratificación del matrimonio entre Carlos III de Haubsburgo y Elisabeth Christina de Braunsweig-Wolfenbüttel, celebrado en Barcelona el 1 de agosto de 1708, la ciudad catalana, que acogió la corte de los Austrias, se convirtió en el centro de acontecimientos teatrales festivos, ciertamente memorables, que marcaron de manera indeleble la historia musical de España. La organización de los espectáculos fue realizada en Milán, desde donde fueron comisionados los mejores compositores y libretistas del teatro de ópera de la época, entre los cuales cabe citar Antonio Caldara, Francesco Gasparini, Apostolo Zeno, Pietro Pariati, autores de Drammi in musica, Scherzi Pastorali, Feste teatrali, Serenate y Componimenti da camera.A l'occasion de la cérémonie de ratification des noces de Charles III de Habsbourg avec Elisabeth Christine de de Braunsweig- Wolfenbüttel, célébrées le 1er août 1708 à Barcelone, la ville catalane, qui accueillait la cour des Habsbourg, devint le théâtre d'événements festifs sans aucun doute mémorables, qui marquèrent d'une manière indélébile l'histoire musicale de toute l'Espagne. L'organisation des spectacles fut réalisée à Milan, où furent recrutés les meilleurs compositeurs et librettistes de théâtre d'opéra de l'époque, parmi lesquels il faut mentionner Antonio Caldara, Francesco Gasparini, Apostolo Zeno, Pietro Pariati, auteurs de Drammi in musica, Scherzi Pastorali, Feste teatrali, Serenate et Componimenti da camera.On occasion of the ratification of the marriage between Charles III of Hapsburg and Elisabeth Christina von Braunsweig- Wolfenbüttel, held in Barcelona on August 1, 1708, the Catalan city, home to the Austrian court, became the centre for the truly memorable festivities, and which so indelibly influenced the musical history of the whole of Spain. The shows were organised in Milan, from where the very finest composers and librettists in the operatic theatre of the time were commissioned, including Antonio Caldara, Francesco Gasparini, Apostolo Zeno, Pietro Pariati, authors of Drammi in musica, Scherzi Pastorali, Feste teatrali, Serenate and Componimenti da camera.Die Heirat zwischen dem Habsburger Erzherzog Karl und Elisabeth Christine von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, die am 1. August 1708 in Barcelona feierlich vollzogen wurde, verwandelte die katalanische Stadt, die damals den Hof der Habsburger beherbergte, in den Schauplatz von denkwürdigen Festakten, die die Musikgeschichte ganz Spaniens nachhaltig prägen sollten. Die Schauspiele wurden in Mailand vorbereitet und von dieser Stadt aus wurden die besten Opernkomponisten und -librettisten ausgesandt. Zu der illustren Deputation gehörten unter anderem die Autoren des Drammi in musica, Scherzi Pastorali, Feste teatrali, Serenate und Componimenti da camera: Antonio Caldara, Francesco Gasparini, Apostolo Zeno und Pietro Pariati

    Ferdinando Galli Bibiena alla corte di Barcellona e la scenografia per la Festa della Peschiera

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    Nel 1708 il famoso architetto e scenografo italiano Ferdinando Galli Bibiena viene chiamato dall’arciduca d’Austria, neoeletto re di Spagna col nome di Carlo III, presso la corte di Barcellona con l’incarico di sovrintendere ai numerosi eventi teatrali e festivi in occasione delle sue nozze con Elisabetta Cristina di Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. Qui resterà fino alla fine del 1711, realizzando mirabili scenografie per numerose composizioni e opere in musica tra cui la celebre Festa della Peschiera.In 1708, the famous Italian architect and scenographer, Ferdinando Galli Bibiena was called to the Court of Barcelona by the Archduke of Austria, who had recently been crowned King of Spain, under the Value Charles III. He was to oversee a great number of theatrical events and other festivities planned for Charles’ wedding to Elizabeth Christine of Braunschweig-Wolfenbuettel. He would remain there until the end

    La nueva longevidad se viste de diversidad

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    One of the biggest determinants of the first half of the 21st century will be the longevity society. However, in its quantitative aspects there is only a partial look at a complex phenomenon. Qualitative analysis necessarily must pay attention to diversity. Uno de los mayores determinantes de la primera mitad del siglo XXI será la sociedad de la longevidad. Sin embargo, en sus aspectos cuantitativos solo hay una mirada parcial a un fenĂłmeno complejo. Um dos maiores determinantes da primeira metade do sĂ©culo XXI será a sociedade da longevidade. No entanto, em seus aspectos quantitativos há apenas um olhar parcial para um fenĂ´meno complexo

    First data on plastic ingestion by blue sharks (Prionace glauca) from the Ligurian Sea (North-Western Mediterranean Sea)

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    Few studies have focused so far on plastic ingestion by sharks in the Mediterranean Sea. The aim of this paper was to determine, for the first time, the plastic litter ingested by blue sharks (Prionace glauca), categorized as \u201cCritically Endangered\u201d in the Mediterranean Sea by IUCN, caught in the Pelagos Sanctuary SPAMI (North-Western Mediterranean Sea). The analysis of the stomach contents was performed following the MSFD Descriptor 10 standard protocol implemented with FT-IR spectroscopy technique. The results showed that 25.26% of sharks ingested plastic debris of wide scale of sizes from microplastics (<5 mm) to macroplastics (>25 mm). The polyethylene sheetlike user plastics, widely used as packaging material, are the most ingested debris. This research raises a warning alarm on the impact of plastic debris on a threatened species, with a key role in the food web, and adds important information for futures mitigation actions

    Enriched environment reduces glioma growth through immune and non-immune mechanisms in mice

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    Mice exposed to standard (SE) or enriched environment (EE) were transplanted with murine or human glioma cells and differences in tumour development were evaluated. We report that EE exposure affects: (i) tumour size, increasing mice survival; (ii) glioma establishment, proliferation and invasion; (iii) microglia/macrophage (M/Mφ) activation; (iv) natural killer (NK) cell infiltration and activation; and (v) cerebral levels of IL-15 and BDNF. Direct infusion of IL-15 or BDNF in the brain of mice transplanted with glioma significantly reduces tumour growth. We demonstrate that brain infusion of IL-15 increases the frequency of NK cell infiltrating the tumour and that NK cell depletion reduces the efficacy of EE and IL-15 on tumour size and of EE on mice survival. BDNF infusion reduces M/Mφ infiltration and CD68 immunoreactivity in tumour mass and reduces glioma migration inhibiting the small G protein RhoA through the truncated TrkB.T1 receptor. These results suggest alternative approaches for glioma treatment

    Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell line, CSSi004-A (2962), from a patient diagnosed with Huntington's disease at the presymptomatic stage

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is an incurable, autosomal dominant, hereditary neurodegenerative disorder that typically manifests itself in midlife. This pathology is linked to the deregulation of multiple, as yet unknown, cellular processes starting before HD onset. A human iPS cell line was generated from skin fibroblasts of a subject at the presymptomatic life stage, carrying a polyglutamine expansion in HTT gene codifying Huntingtin protein. The iPSC line contained the expected CAG expansion, expressed the expected pluripotency markers, displayed in vivo differentiation potential to the three germ layers and had a normal karyotype

    Production and characterization of CSSI003 (2961) human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) carrying a novel puntiform mutation in RAI1 gene, Causative of Smith–Magenis syndrome

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    Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is a complex genetic disorder characterized by developmental delay, behavioural problems and circadian rhythm dysregulation. About 90% of SMS cases are due to a 17p11.2 deletion containing retinoic acid induced1 (RAI1) gene, 10% are due to heterozygousmutations affecting RAI1 coding region. Little is known about RAI1 role

    Evaluation of swine fertilisation medium (SFM) efficiency in preserving spermatozoa quality during long-term storage in comparison to four commercial swine extenders

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    In pig production, artificial insemination is widely carried out and the use of fresh diluted semen is predominant. For this reason, there are increasing interests in developing new extenders and in establishing the optimal storage conditions for diluted spermatozoa. In the last few decades, we utilised a homemade diluent (swine fertilisation medium (SFM)) for spermatozoa manipulation and biotechnological application as the production of transgenic pigs utilising the sperm-mediated gene transfer technique. The purpose of the present study is therefore to analyse the ability of SFM, in comparison to four commercial extenders, in preserving the quality of diluted boar semen stored at 16.58C till 15 days. We utilised some of the main predictive tests as objectively measured motility, acrosome and sperm membrane integrity, high mitochondrial membrane potential and pH. Based on our in vitro study, SFM could be declared as a good long-term extender, able to preserve spermatozoa quality as well as Androhep Enduraguard for up to 6 to 9 days and more

    Relative abundance of heat shock proteins and clusterin transcripts in spermatozoa collected form boar routinely utilised in an artificial insemination centre: preliminary results

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    It is widely accepted that mature sperm contains RNA. The first hypothesis was that sperm RNAs have no functions of their own but are simply residues of spermatogenesis reflecting the events that occurred during their formation in the testes. More recently new discoveries have essentially expanded these views, showing that sperm mRNAs constitute a population of stable full-length transcripts, many of which are selectively retained during spermatogenesis and delivered to oocytes contributing to early embryo development. It is well known that semen quality can be influenced by occasional physical stress, infection, and variation in temperature and the definition of new markers for evaluation of semen could offer knowledge about the fertility potential of a semen sample. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the presence and the relative quantity of transcripts and protein of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), 90 (HSP90) and clusterin (CLU) in Percoll-selected spermatozoa collected from seven adult boars of proven fertility routinely employed for artificial insemination. Our results showed the presence of HSP70, HSP90 and CLU transcripts with different level of expression: high for HSPs and low for CLU transcripts. The transcript level of both HSPs are similar among selected spermatozoa derived from high quality sperm with the exception of one boar that showed a reduced content of HSP70 and HSP90 mRNA together with a lower semen quality. At protein level, both HSPs were detected with similar amount among all seven boars whilst no band was evidenced for CLU protein

    Copy number variations in healthy subjects. Case study: iPSC line CSSi005-A (3544) production from an individual with variation in 15q13.3 chromosome duplicating gene CHRNA7

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    CHRNA7, encoding the neuronal alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (a7nAChR), is highly expressed in the brain, particularly in the hippocampus. It is situated in the 15q13.3 chromosome region, frequently associated with a Copy Number Variation (CNV), which causes its duplication or deletion. The clinical significance of CHRNA7 duplications is unknown so far, but there are several research data suggesting that they may be pathogenic, with reduced penetrance. We have produced an iPS cell line from a single healthy donor's fibroblasts carrying a 15q13.3 CNV, including CHRNA7 in order to study the exact role of this CNV during the neurodevelopment
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