429 research outputs found

    Minería metalífera en el Noroeste argentino : Reconfiguraciones territoriales y conflictos

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    La expansión de la actividad minera en Argentina, especialmente la metalífera, ha suscitado importantes controversias. Por un lado, quiénes impulsan esta actividad hacen referencia al impacto favorable, a raíz de la llegada de inversiones extranjeras, impulso a las economías locales y la generación de puestos de trabajos que revitalicen las áreas más empobrecidas. En el otro extremo, quiénes repelen este tipo de proyectos, teniendo en cuenta la nueva modalidad de explotación -a cielo abierto-, sostienen que este modelo no sólo está fundado en intereses de las corporaciones transnacionales, sino que además no genera el desarrollo, sino que por el contrario conlleva al aniquilamiento de los pueblos. Manifestaciones populares a lo largo del todo el territorio argentino, así lo hacen saber. A raíz la relevancia que ha adquirido esta problemática, resulta imperante analizar los impactos devenidos de la actividad minera y las consecuencias sobre la población argentina

    Herausforderung Alleinerziehend : eine qualitative textbasierte Inhaltsanalyse zu Bedürfnissen und Schwerpunktthemen von alleinerziehenden Elternteilen

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    Darstellung des Themas: Im deutschsprachigen Gebiet besteht ein mangelndes Unterstützungsangebot für alleinerziehende Eltern im ersten Jahr nach der Geburt ihres Kindes. Über die Bedürfnisse von Betroffenen wurden bisher keine Studien durchgeführt, weshalb es nicht möglich ist, konkrete Massnahmen oder Hilfestellungen abzuleiten. Ziel und Fragestellung: Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Bedürfnisse und Themenfelder alleinerziehender Eltern im ersten Jahr nach der Geburt des Neugeborenen zu erfassen und aufzuzeigen. Mit der Bedarfserhebung werden die Grundlagen für ein Mapping geschaffen, welches bestehende Versorgungsangebote abbilden soll, ebenso wie bestehende Versorgungslücken. Methode: Nach einer nicht erfolgreichen Suche in gesundheitsrelevanten Datenbanken wurde eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse von Forumsbeiträgen gemacht. Durch die Codierung der Beiträge konnten Kernthemen herausgearbeitet und festgehalten werden. Relevante Ergebnisse: Viele Betroffene sind nach einer Trennung überfordert mit organisatorischen und finanziellen Angelegenheiten. Sorgen bezüglich dem Kindeswohl im Umgang mit dem anderen Elternteil kommen dazu. Häufig ist keine Unterstützungsmöglichkeit durch Freunde oder Familie gegeben. Auch Überforderung und Erschöpfung werden häufig thematisiert. Schlussfolgerung: Fachpersonen, welche Alleinerziehende betreuen, sollten über Möglichkeiten der Unterstützung und deren Rechte und Pflichten informiert sein. Es ist wichtig, die gesamte Situation der betroffenen Person zu kennen und Ressourcen gezielt zu nutzen und zu fördern

    E-learning for accountability in nonprofit organizations A networked collaborative learning experience for managers of Blood Donors’ organizations

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    AbstractThis paper would like to investigate how nonprofit organizations interpret and use tools of accountability to benefit management. We would like to propose a specific model of financial and social reporting. This model was tested in a Networked Collaborative Learning “experiment” conducted on blood donors’ organizations in the Abruzzo Region (Italy). The managers of these organizations have interacted in a virtual learning environment using the digital format of Social Report created with Adobe LiveCycle Designer and they have cooperated in network through the use of different e-learning tools

    Genetic and proteomic approach to the urticating system of processionary moths (Thaumetopoeinae, Lepidoptera)

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    Summary Larvae of the Thaumetopoea genus produce urticating setae in the third and later instars on the dorsal part of the abdomen in specific areas called mirrors. These setae are easily removed from the integument and are considered to be important for defense against vertebrate predators. Impacts on humans are well described and consist mainly of dermatitis due to contact with the setae and allergic responses. As the mechanism of action in the human skin involves both the mechanical injury of the penetration and the release of proteins with antigenic power, it is important to explore the genes putatively involved in the defense mechanism of the Thaumetopoea species, in order to identify the proteins associated with the setae and elucidate their expression pathway during the larval development. In addition, as the genus includes several species, the variability occurring within and among species should be also explored. In the introduction of the thesis I present the different type of urticating hairs of the arthropods with a focus on the true setae of the processionary moths, the medical aspects related to them, the epidemiology, and the genes encoding for the antigenic proteins. One of the main aim of my work was to characterize all the proteins, urticating and not, occurring in the setae and try to extract other proteins similar to the main one described so far, Tha p 2. Other goals were to focalize on the expression profile of Tha p 1 (a chemosensory protein of Th. pityocampa) and Tha p 2 in every life stage of Thaumetopoea pityocampa and, at the end, to characterize the orthologous counterparts of Tha p 2 in all the Thaumetopoea species available, as well as in other species of Thaumetopoeinae, to better understand the evolution of the protein in this group. In the first study I tested two different protein extraction protocols of different strength, in order to create a complete data set of all proteins, urticating and not-urticating, occurring in the setae. Candidate antigenic proteins were recognised by using the sera of persons previously exposed to the agent and showing acute reactions. A high quantity of protein was obtained, confirming that the urticating setae of Th. pityocampa contain proteins, some of which were recognized by Ig-E of persons previously exposed to the larvae of this insect. In addition, I added information about the type, quality and quantity of the proteins associated with the setae. In the second study I investigated the expression values of the urticating protein Tha p 2 and also of a chemosensory protein Tha p 1, for all life stages of two Italian populations and for the last development stages and eggs of two Portuguese populations, in order to better understand the expression of the gene Tha p 2. I confirmed the expression of Tha p 1 gene in all development stages of Th. pityocampa of all populations, instead the gene Tha p 2 was typically expressed only in those larval instars when the setae are produced, i.e. from the third to the fifth. In the third study, I sequenced the Tha p 2 gene in all Thaumetopoeinae species available, with a particular focus on members of the genus Thaumetopoea, as well as unrelated moth species, for better understanding the chemical-physical properties of the proteins and the nature of the encoding genes, as well as their evolutionary history. This study permitted to identify two isoforms of Tha p 2 in all species that can be interpreted as the result of heterozygosity in the single gene. The only exception is represented by one species (Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni), in which 20 different isoforms occur in a single specimen, leading to the conclusion that at least in the species multiple copies of Tha p 2 exist. The Supplementary chapters includes two parts which I developed during the thesis in order to obtain the material used in the analyses. The first concerns the comparison of the developmental time of four populations of the pine processionary moth under controlled laboratory conditions. The four populations, which are characterized by different life history phenology in the field, maintained an annual life cycle also under favorable laboratory conditions, mainly because of a flexible duration of the pupal stage. The second part of the Supplementary chapters is a description of the life history of a species (Thaumetopoea herculeana) collected and studied in Spain for the analysis of the Tha p 2 gene.. On the whole, the thesis is deepening the knowledge on the urticating system of the processionary moths, pointing at identifying the further steps required for the clarification of the complex mechanism associated with the development of reactions in humans and possibly in the vertebrate predators which are the natural target of the setae. In addition, the analyses reveal that the urticating seta system, and the genes associated, are well conserved in the group and could be a major factor affecting their evolution, as well as that of other groups of arthropods which share similar defense mechanisms

    Minería metalífera en el noroeste argentino : Reconfiguraciones territoriales y conflictos

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    La expansión de la actividad minera en Argentina, especialmente la metalífera, ha suscitado importantes controversias. Por un lado, quiénes impulsan esta actividad hacen referencia al impacto favorable, a raíz de la llegada de inversiones extranjeras, impulso a las economías locales y la generación de puestos de trabajos que revitalicen las áreas más empobrecidas. En el otro extremo, quiénes repelen este tipo de proyectos, teniendo en cuenta la nueva modalidad de explotación – a cielo abierto -, sostienen que este modelo no sólo está fundado en intereses de las corporaciones transnacionales, sino que además no genera el desarrollo, sino que por el contrario conlleva al aniquilamiento de los pueblos. Manifestaciones populares a lo largo del todo el territorio argentino, así lo hacen saber. A raíz la relevancia que ha adquirido esta problemática, resulta imperante analizar los impactos devenidos de la actividad minera y las consecuencias sobre la población argentina.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Recurrence following anastomotic leakage after surgery for carcinoma of the distal esophagus and gastroesophageal junction. a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Esophageal cancer is the ninth most common cancer. The only potentially curative treatment is surgical resection, which unfortunately is still associated with major complications, the most important being anastomotic leakage, currently with an overall rate of up to 26% morbidity. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the relationship between anastomotic leakage and recurrence of disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search was systematically performed. Seven out of 312 articles dated between 2009 and 2018 fulfilled the selection for a total of 5,433 patients. RESULTS: The frequency of anastomotic leakage ranged from 7.2 to 11.2%. Patients affected by anastomotic leakage had a recurrence rate of 9-56%. CONCLUSION: Closer follow-up or even more aggressive oncological therapy should be considered for patients affected by anastomotic leakage after surgery for carcinoma of the distal esophagus and gastroesophageal junction

    The importance of accountability for the relationship between governance and performance of UK charities

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the relationships between governance characteristics of non-profit organizations (NPOs) (CEO duality and board size) and their performance, considered as their ability to collect financial resources. The study is conducted on a sample of 200 UK registered charities that work in a context characterized by a medium to high level of “mandatory” accountability. With a regression analysis we verify strong positive relationships between the NPOs’ financial performance and the CEO duality and board size. Further analyses show that if the charities increase their level of accountability through the use of additional voluntary disclosure mechanisms and tools such as the use of social networks, these relationships are confirmed. Qualitative characteristics of governance and voluntary accountability of UK charities are also analysed in association with some classes of revenues using the logistic regression method and the multiple correspondence analysis

    Laminin Modulates the Stem Cell Population in LM05-E Murine Breast Cancer Cells Through the Activation of the MAPK/ERK Pathway

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    PURPOSE: We investigated the effects of laminin on the fraction of cells with self-renewing capacity in the estrogen-dependent, tamoxifen-sensitive LM05-E breast cancer cell line. We also determined whether laminin affected the response to tamoxifen. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The LM05-E breast cancer cell line was used as a model for all experiments. Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity, clonogenic and mammosphere assays were performed to measure the effects of laminin on modulation of the stem cell subpopulation. Pluripotent gene expression was analyzed by RT-PCR. The involvement of the MAPK/ERK pathway was determined using specific inhibitors. The effects of laminin on the response to tamoxifen were determined and the involvement of alpha-6 integrin was investigated. RESULTS: We found that pre-treatment with laminin leads to a decrease in cells with the ability to form mammospheres that was accompanied by a decrease in ALDH activity. Moreover, exposure of mammospheres to laminin reduced the capacity to form secondary mammospheres and decreased the expression of Sox-2, Nanog and Oct-4. We previously reported that 4-OH-tamoxifen leads to an increase in the expression of these genes in LM05-E cells. Treatment with signaling pathway inhibitors revealed that the MAPK/ERK pathway mediates the effects of laminin. Finally, laminin induced tamoxifen resistance in LM05-E cells through alpha 6 integrin. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the final number of cells with self-renewing capacity in estrogen-dependent breast tumors may result from the combined effects of endocrine treatment and microenvironmental cues.Fil: Berardi, Damian Emilio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Oncología ; ArgentinaFil: Raffo, Diego Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Oncología ; ArgentinaFil: Todaro, Laura Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Oncología ; ArgentinaFil: Simian, Marina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martin. Instituto de Nanosistemas; Argentin

    Plan4all: European Network of Best Practices for Interoperability of Spatial Planning Information

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    Methodologies usually adopted in urban and regional planning do not assume an approach based on Spatial Data Infrastructures principles, which could ensure a better use of geospatial data and support interoperability of planning choices providing an active participation of stakeholders involved in planning processes. An innovative approach of e-government based on a better organization and management of geospatial data, could contribute, through a deeper territorial knowledge and a more appropriate use of decision support tools, to more effectively pursue planning goals. Spatial planning and related information have a strategic importance not only at local and national level but also at international scale where a "continuum" of settlements characterizes the crossing of various countries. Planning activity is also strictly related to aspects such as management of natural resources, prevention of natural disasters, transports which in many cases have international cross-border interests. Consequently, today there is an absolute need of harmonized planning data a strong demand of planning core data sets in order to provide an easy and wide understandability of this information. The objective of the Plan4all project is to build a network of local, regional and national stakeholders, companies in the ICT sector, organizations involved in planning and economic development, universities and international agencies in order to find a consensus concerning the harmonization of spatial planning data based on existing best practices in Europe and according to the European Directive INSPIRE. The project takes into account lessons learned from previous experiences, such as Armonia, Humboldt, eSDINet+, Euradin, whose partners are also present in the Plan4all consortium. The project will involve also the experience of OGC working group members concerning the definition of standards technologies. Plan4all aims to contribute to the harmonization of planning data. Based on best practi- - ces analysis, the project is producing a series of technical documents for metadata profiles design and implementation, data models and harmonization procedures. Particular attention will be paid to issues related to the protection of intellectual property rights, as well as security aspects