71 research outputs found

    Position-referenced microscopy for live cell culture monitoring

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    Position-referenced microscopy (PRM) is based on smart sample holders that integrate a position reference pattern (PRP) in their depth, allowing the determination of the lateral coordinates with respect to the sample-holder itself. Regions of interest can thus be retrieved easily after culture dish transfers from a cell incubator to the microscope stage. Images recorded at different instants in time are superimposed in a common coordinate system with subpixel accuracy. This paper presents such smart Petri culture dishes and their use for live cell culture monitoring. The impact of the PRP on the light budget is discussed and performances are demonstrated. First results on the application of PRM to the observation of apoptotic body internalization are reported

    Characteristics and correlates of seclusion and mechanical restraint measures in a Parisian psychiatric hospital group

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    IntroductionSeclusion or restraint (S/R) are last-resort measures used in psychiatry to ensure the safety of the patient and the staff. However, they have harmful physical and psychological effects on patients, and efforts to limit their use are needed. We describe the characteristics and correlates of S/R events in four Parisian psychiatric centers.MethodsWithin a 3-month period, November 5, 2018 to February 3, 2019, we recorded data for patients experiencing an S/R measure as well as characteristics of the measures. We studied the mean duration of a S/R event, the time between hospital admission and the occurrence of the event, as well as correlates of these durations. We also examined factors associated with use of a restraint versus a seclusion measure.ResultsFor the 233 patients included, we recorded 217 seclusion measures and 64 mechanical restraints. Seclusion measures mostly occurred after the patient’s transfer from the emergency department. The duration of a seclusion measure was about 10 days. Patients considered resistant to psychotropic treatments more frequently had a longer seclusion duration than others. The mean duration of a mechanical restraint measure was 4 days. Male sex and younger age were associated with experiencing mechanical restraint.DiscussionS/R measures mostly occur among patients perceived as resistant to psychotropic drugs who are arriving from the emergency department. Developing specific emergency department protocols might be useful in limiting the use of coercive measures

    Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of mastocytosis according to the age of onset.

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    International audienceAdult's mastocytosis is usually associated with persistent systemic involvement and c-kit 816 mutation, while pediatrics disease is mostly limited to the skin and often resolves spontaneously. We prospectively included 142 adult patients with histologically proven mastocytosis. We compared phenotypic and genotypic features of adults patients whose disease started during childhood (Group 1, n = 28) with those of patients whose disease started at adult's age (Group 2, n = 114). Genotypic analysis was performed on skin biopsy by sequencing of c-kit exons 17 and 8 to 13. According to WHO classification, the percentage of systemic disease was similar (75 vs. 73%) in 2 groups. C-kit 816 mutation was found in 42% and 77% of patients in groups 1 and 2, respectively (p<0.001). 816 c-kit mutation was associated with systemic mastocytosis in group 2 (87% of patients with systemic mastocytosis vs. 45% with cutaneous mastocytosis, p = 0.0001). Other c-kit activating mutations were found in 23% of patients with mastocytosis' onset before the age of 5, 0% between 6 and 15 years and 2% at adults' age (p<0.001). In conclusion, pathogenesis of mastocytosis significantly differs according to the age of disease's onset. Our data may have major therapeutic relevance when considering c-kit-targeted therapy

    Multi-species livestock farming

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    This CORE Organic Practice Abstract gives practical recommendations for multi-species livestock farming, which has the potential to improve the three dimensions of sustainability – economic viability for farmers, environmental soundness, and social acceptability – by being respectful of animals and humans, as long as locally relevant farming practices are implemented, especially an appropriate stocking rate during grazing

    The new version of dissemination Plan of the Core Organic project MIX-ENABLE 2021

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    Second version of the dissemination plan of the Mix-Enable project

    Des outils et mĂ©thodes pour enseigner et accompagner l’utilisation des parcours

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    International audiencePastoral farming uses diverse, heterogeneous, and season-specific vegetation for which conventional grassland references and methods are ill-suited. Recently, four complementary tools were developed for use with such rangeland types. Pastotheque is an ecopastoral reference guide for pastoral systems it describes available resources, including how they may change as a function of use, and discusses vegetation sensitivity to climate change. Mil'Ouv is a method for analysing feed systems at multiple scales, from farms to topo-facies. Rami Pastoral is a serious game aimed at testing and exploring grazing strategies under conditions of climate change. Stratpasto groups together standardised online surveys focused on pastoral feed systems. These four tools take interdisciplinary, collective approaches and can be used to teach and provide advice about pastoral farming issues. Used in tandem, they make it possible to document, diagnose, simulate, and compare rangeland use across multiple scales.Le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel PastothĂšque propose une description Ă©co-pastorale des milieux : ressource disponible, dynamique d’évolution, sensibilitĂ© au changement climatique. La mĂ©thode Mil’ouv analyse le systĂšme d’alimentation depuis l’échelle du topo-faciĂšs jusqu’à celle de l’exploitation. Le Rami Pastoral est un jeu sĂ©rieux pour tester et discuter des stratĂ©gies pastorales, dans un contexte de changement climatique. StratPasto rassemble en ligne des enquĂȘtes normĂ©es sur les systĂšmes d’alimentation pastoraux. Ces quatre outils sont basĂ©s sur des approches interdisciplinaires et collectives, et sont utilisables pour le conseil et la formation en Ă©levage pastoral. CombinĂ©s, ils permettent de documenter, diagnostiquer, simuler, comparer l’utilisation des parcours Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles

    Chevaux et parcours : apports mutuels et perspectives

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    National audienceHorses are increasingly present in pastoral areas but little is known about their potential contribution to rangeland utilization. In order to investigate this question in the context of Southern France, a specific research project was undertaken, with: 1) a farm-scale analysis to determine the importance of rangelands for horse feeding in agro-pastoral farming systems and 2) a territorial analysis to identify the role and importance of horses for pastoral areas, based on inventories, spatial analysis with GIS and interviews with local stakeholders. Among the “professional” equine farms we investigated, only a few feeding systems relied mainly on rangelands. In the other farms, rangeland utilization was limited due to lack of land, equipment or pastoral knowledge. At the territorial scale, horses were rarely accepted as proper rangeland users and the access of horse owners to land depended on the evolution of local ruminant farms. For a number of stakeholders, horses can help reducing land abandonment and show interesting complementarities with ruminants. Further research is needed about the interest of associating horses with ruminants for rangeland utilization at farm and landscape scales.Les chevaux sont de plus en plus prĂ©sents dans les territoires pastoraux, mais leur contribution Ă  la valorisation des parcours a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs peu Ă©tudiĂ©e. Pour apporter des Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©ponse Ă  cette question dans le contexte du Sud de la France, un projet de recherche-dĂ©veloppement spĂ©cifique a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©, comportant : 1) une analyse Ă  l’échelle de l’exploitation pour Ă©tablir la place des parcours dans l’alimentation des chevaux au sein des systĂšmes d’élevage agro-pastoraux et 2) une analyse territoriale visant Ă  identifier le rĂŽle et l’importance des chevaux pour les espaces pastoraux, Ă  partir d’inventaires, d’analyses spatiales avec outils SIG et d’enquĂȘtes auprĂšs des acteurs du territoire. Parmi les exploitations Ă©quines « professionnelles » enquĂȘtĂ©es, seuls quelques systĂšmes d’alimentation Ă©taient principalement basĂ©s sur les parcours. Dans les autres exploitations, l’utilisation des parcours Ă©tait limitĂ©e par le manque de terres, d’équipements ou de compĂ©tences pastorales. A l’échelle territoriale, les chevaux Ă©taient rarement acceptĂ©s comme acteurs du pastoralisme et l’accĂšs Ă  la terre des propriĂ©taires Ă©quins dĂ©pendait des Ă©volutions des Ă©levages de ruminants locaux. Pour certains acteurs, les chevaux pourraient contribuer Ă  limiter la dĂ©prise agricole et prĂ©sentent des complĂ©mentaritĂ©s intĂ©ressantes avec les ruminants. A l’avenir, il s’agira d’analyser les opportunitĂ©s offertes par l’association de chevaux et ruminants pour l’utilisation des parcours aux Ă©chelles de l’exploitation et du territoire

    Élevages pastoraux et territoires : enjeux et regards croisĂ©s

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    International audienceIt is important to consider the regional interactions of livestock farms, both because pastoral farming exploits large areas of land—often operating beyond farm boundaries—and because such interactions involve a diversity of stakeholders. The objective of this article is to review research on these interactions. We have highlighted important key issues and the steps being taken to address them. Some approaches analyse farm dynamics and sustainability at the regional scale. Others assess how diverse regional stakeholders view pastoral farming and its contributions to regional dynamics. Yet others focus on how shared resources are collectively managed.Les interactions entre activitĂ©s d’élevage pastoral et territoires sont importantes Ă  considĂ©rer, Ă  la fois parce que ces activitĂ©s font usage d’espaces Ă©tendus, souvent hors du pĂ©rimĂštre de l’exploitation agricole, et parce qu’elles interagissent avec une diversitĂ© d’acteurs. Cet article a pour objectif, en s’appuyant sur six projets impliquant l’UMT Pasto, de rendre compte de recherches qui se dĂ©veloppent pour analyser ces interactions. Nous dĂ©clinons les enjeux clĂ©s pris en compte dans ces projets et les dĂ©marches mises en oeuvre pour y rĂ©pondre. Certaines approches analysent les dynamiques et la durabilitĂ© des exploitations Ă  l’échelle territoriale. D’autres rendent compte (et prennent pour objet) des points de vue d’une diversitĂ© d’acteurs du territoire sur les activitĂ©s pastorales et sur leurs contributions aux dynamiques territoriales, ainsi que sur les pratiques ou celles attendues. D’autres enfin Ă©tudient les dynamiques de gestion collective des ressources communes

    Silvopastoral innovation in North Mediterranean livestock farming systems: current knowledge and prospects for technical support

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    Silvopastoral innovation in North Mediterranean livestock farming systems: current knowledge and prospects for technical suppor

    L'UMT "Élevages pastoraux en territoires mĂ©diterranĂ©ens"

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    National audienc
