454 research outputs found

    Effects of genetic loci associated with central obesity on adipocyte lipolysis

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    Objectives: Numerous genetic loci have been associated with measures of central fat accumulation, such as waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (WHRadjBMI). However the mechanisms by which genetic variations influence obesity remain largely elusive. Lipolysis is a key process for regulation of lipid storage in adipocytes, thus is implicated in obesity and its metabolic complications. Here, genetic variants at 36 WHRadjBMI-associated loci were examined for their influence on abdominal subcutaneous adipocyte lipolysis. Subjects and Methods: Fasting subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies were collected from 789 volunteers (587 women and 202 men, body mass index (BMI) range 17.7–62.3 kg/m2). We quantified subcutaneous adipocyte lipolysis, both spontaneous and stimulated by the catecholamine isoprenaline or a cyclic AMP analogue. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells and genotyping of SNPs associated with WHRadjBMI conducted. The effects on adipocyte lipolysis measures were assessed for SNPs individually and combined in a SNP score. Results: The WHRadjBMI-associated loci CMIP, PLXND1, VEGFA and ZNRF3-KREMEN1 demonstrated nominal associations with spontaneous and/or stimulated lipolysis. Candidate genes in these loci have been reported to influence NFκB-signaling, fat cell size and Wnt signalling, all of which may influence lipolysis. Significance: This report provides evidence for specific WHRadjBMI-associated loci as candidates to modulate adipocyte lipolysis. Additionally, our data suggests that genetically increased central fat accumulation is unlikely to be a major cause of altered lipolysis in abdominal adipocytes

    The log truck problem

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    A New Digital Preoperative Planning Method for Total Hip Arthroplasties

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    Preoperative templating is an important part of a THA. The ability to accurately determine magnification of the hip on the radiograph and apply identical magnification to the radiograph and template will improve accuracy of preoperative templating of THA. We designed a templating method using a new way of determining the hip magnification with a linear relationship between magnification of the hip and the reference object on top of the pubis symphysis; the relationship was determined on 50 radiographs. We then compared our method with two other templating methods: an analog method assuming an average hip magnification of 15% and a digital method determining the hip magnification with a one-to-one relationship between the reference object and the hip. All methods were reproducible. Uniform undersizing occurred when templating with the digital method based on the one-to-one relationship; the analog method best predicted the implanted prosthesis size, closely followed by our new digital templating method; the new method will be particularly applicable for preoperative THA when analog methods are replaced by digital method

    Особенности обогащения углей с большим содержанием легкоразмокаемой породы

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    Наведені результати дослідження технологічних процесів при збагаченні вугілля з великим вмістом породи, яка легко розмокає, умовах ЦЗФ "Павлоградська". Визначенні особливості ведення технологічних процесів підготовки машинних класів важкосередовищної сепарації. відсадки, флотації. обробки шламових продуктів та сушіння дрібного концентрату, які відрізняються від загальноприйнятих.Приведены результаты исследований технологический процессов при обогащении углей с большим содержанием легкоразмокаемой породы в условиях ЦОФ "Павлоградская". Определены особенности ведения технологических процессов подготовки машинных классов, тяжелосредной сепарации, отсадки, флотации, обработки шламовых продуктов и сушки мелкого концентрата, которые отличаются от общепринятых

    Where have all the susceptible gonococci gone? A historical review of changes in MIC distribution over the past 75 years

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    Abstract Background Does the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae include the erasure of highly susceptible strains or does it merely involve a stretching of the MIC distribution? If it was the former this would be important to know as it would increase the probability that the loss of susceptibility is irreversible. Methods We conducted a historical analysis based on a literature review of changes of N. gonorrhoeae MIC distribution over the past 75 years for 3 antimicrobials (benzylpenicillin, ceftriaxone and azithromycin) in five countries (Denmark, Japan, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States). Results Changes in MIC distribution were most marked for benzylpenicillin and showed evidence of a right shifting of MIC distribution that was associated with a reduction/elimination of susceptible strains in all countries. In the case of ceftriaxone and azithromycin, where only more recent data was available, right shifting was also found in all countries but the extent of right shifting varied and the evidence for the elimination of susceptible strains was more mixed. Conclusions The finding of right shifting of MIC distribution combined with reduction/elimination of susceptible strains is of concern since it suggests that this shifting may not be reversible. Since excess antimicrobial consumption is likely to be responsible for this right shifting, this insight provides additional impetus to promote antimicrobial stewardship

    On an efficient k-step iterative method for nonlinear equations

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    [EN] This paper is devoted to the construction and analysis of an efficient k-step iterative method for nonlinear equations. The main advantage of this method is that it does not need to evaluate any high order Frechet derivative. Moreover, all the k-step have the same matrix, in particular only one LU decomposition is required in each iteration. We study the convergence order, the efficiency and the dynamics in order to motivate the proposed family. We prove, using some recurrence relations, a semilocal convergence result in Banach spaces. Finally, a numerical application related to nonlinear conservative systems is presented. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was supported in part by the project MTM2011-28636-C02-01-{01,02} of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Amat, S.; Bermúdez, C.; Hernández-Verón, MA.; Martínez Molada, E. (2016). On an efficient k-step iterative method for nonlinear equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 302:258-271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2016.02.003S25827130