639 research outputs found

    El guía: un nexo entre el visitante y el patrimonio cultural

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    El patrimonio cultural requiere de profesionales para su conservación, investigación y también para su comunicación, por eso es fundamental enfocarnos en la capacitación de los guías profesionales, ya que serán los encargados de convertirse en el nexo entre lo visitado y el visitante. Cuanto mejor capacitación específica se provea mayor variedad de recursos y habilidades para establecer conexiones fuertes y profundas podrán tener. Esto derivará indefectiblemente en la jerarquización de la profesión del guía, como en una valorización indirecta de aquello que es visitado y del visitante. Considero necesario para lograrlo, generar y establecer una metodología de trabajo que considere al paisaje natural y cultural, que determine un contexto y defina un objetivo para diseñar un guión. Luego in situ se analizarán los elementos condicionantes para poder adaptarlo y convertirlo en un relato específico. A dicho relato se sumarán acciones que esclarezcan y enfaticen su mensaje haciéndolo específico, dinámico, fácilmente comprensible y movilizador, generando el discurso del guía. No solo aprenderlo y realizarlo de forma empírica, como se hace habitualmente, es fundamental comenzar a trabajar con conceptos teóricos que contemplen y analicen todos los elementos que componen la praxis turística. La labor del guía requiere conocimiento, técnica y arte. Conocimiento para saber sobre que se va comunicar, técnica para traducir e interpretar esos conocimientos y poder utilizar todos los recursos disponibles y arte para poder combinarlos con sentido estético propio y sensibilidad. En estos momentos donde la información abunda, el conocimiento escasea y la sensibilidad esta fuera de moda, el rol de guía es fundamental para conectarlos, distribuirlos y dosificarlos, en una praxis que sea un sinérgico proceso de comunicación que detente un mensaje valorativo de difusión del patrimonio cultural resaltándolo en el contexto socio-cultural adonde pertenece, preservando y destacando sus diversidades.Eje temático: Aspectos educativos del turismo cultura

    Progettazione ed installazione di tre telecamere di sorveglianza per il monitoraggio dell’attività dell’Etna nel periodo Luglio-Agosto 2001

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    La sorveglianza visiva dei vulcani attivi siciliani è una delle attività dell’unità funzionale monitoraggio dell’INGV di Catania e consiste nel monitoraggio video continuo di detti vulcani mediante stazioni permanenti. A seguito dell’attività dell’Etna del Luglio-Agosto 2001, la stazione video che riprendeva i crateri sommitali del vulcano, posta in località La Montagnola, è stata completamente distrutta dall'attività esplosiva ed eruttiva della nuova bocca venutasi a creare a quota 2550 m. s.l.m. a ridosso del fianco settentrionale de La Montagnola. In questo lavoro è stata rappresentata l’opera di progettazione, realizzazione ed installazione di tre stazioni video, una prossimale e due periferiche, per consentire una visione completa e continua di detta attività eruttiva. La prima telecamera è stata installata al Centro Operativo Acquisizione Dati (CUAD) di Catania, la seconda in località Rifugio Sapienza sul tetto dell’Hotel Corsaro e la terza è stata posizionata al Comune di Milo nell'edificio comunale

    ka band phase locked loop oscillator dielectric resonator oscillator for satellite ehf band receiver

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    This paper describes the design and fabrication of a Ka Band PLL DRO having a fundamental oscillation frequency of 19.250 GHz, used as local oscillator in the low-noise block of a down converter (LNB) for an EHF band receiver. Apposite circuital models have been created to describe the behaviour of the dielectric resonator and of the active component used in the oscillator core. The DRO characterization and measurements have shown very good agreement with simulation results. A good phase noise performance is obtained by using a very highQdielectric resonator

    Compensation Admittance Load Flow: A Computational Tool for the Sustainability of the Electrical Grid

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    Compensation Admittance Load Flow (CALF) is a power flow analysis method that was developed to enhance the sustainability of the power grid. This method has been widely used in power system planning and operation, as it provides an accurate representation of the power system and its behavior under different operating conditions. By providing a more accurate representation of the power system, it can help identify potential problems and improve the overall performance of the grid. This paper proposes a new approach to the load flow (LF) problem by introducing a linear and iterative method of solving LF equations. The aim is to obtain fast results for calculating nodal voltages while maintaining high accuracy. The proposed CALF method is fast and accurate and is suitable for the iterative calculations required by large energy utilities to solve the problem of quantifying the maximum grid acceptance capacity of new energy from renewable sources and new loads, known as hosting capacity (HC) and load capacity (LC), respectively. Speed and accuracy are achieved through a properly designed linearization of the optimization problem, which introduces the concept of compensation admittance at the node. The proposed method was validated by comparing the results obtained with those coming from state-of-the-art methods

    No Relationship Between Preoperative and Early Postoperative Strength After ACL Reconstruction

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    Context: All rehabilitative programs before ACL reconstructive surgery, which are focused on recovery of proprioception and muscular strength, are defined as prehabilitation. While it has shown that prehabilitation positively affects the overall outcome after ACL reconstruction, it is still controversial whether enhancing preoperatively quadriceps strength has some beneficial effect on postoperative strength, mainly during the first period. Objective: To determine whether there is any relationship between pre- and early postoperative quadriceps strength. Design: Case control. Setting: University research laboratory. Participants: Fifty-nine males (18-33 y; age: 23.69 (0.71) y) who underwent ACL reconstruction with patellar-tendon autograft were examined the day before surgery, at 60 and at 90 days after surgery. Main Outcome Measures: The limb-symmetry-index (LSI) was quantified for maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of the knee extensor muscles and of the knee flexor muscles at 90° joint angle. K-means analysis was performed on either quadriceps or hamstrings LSI before surgery to classify the patients in high and low preoperative LSI clusters. Differences in postoperative LSI were then evaluated between the high and low preoperative LSI clusters. Results: Following surgery, there were no differences in the quadriceps LSI between patients with high and low preoperative quadriceps LSI. Sixty days after surgery, the hamstrings LSI was higher in patients with high than low preoperative hamstrings LSI (84.0±13.0% vs 75.4±15.9%; P<0.05). Conclusions: Findings suggest that quadriceps strength deficit is related to the ACL injury and increases further after the reconstruction without any correlation between the pre-operative and postoperative values. Therefore, it appears that there is no need to delay surgery in order to increase the preoperative quadriceps strength before surgery

    Comparison of walking energy cost between an anterior and a posterior ankle-foot orthosis in people with foot drop.

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    To compare walking energy cost between an anterior and a posterior ankle-foot orthosis in people with foot drop.Within-group comparisons.Twenty-three adults (14 women, 9 men; mean age 56.8 years (standard deviation 15.4)) with foot drop.PARTICIPANTS were asked to walk for 5 min at their self-selected walking speed under 3 conditions: (i) with shoes only; (ii) with a posterior ankle-foot orthosis; (iii) with an anterior ankle-foot orthosis. Spatio-temporal gait para-meters (speed, step length and step frequency) and walking energy cost per unit of distance were assessed for each walking condition. A visual analogue scale was used to quantify participants' level of perceived comfort for the 2 orthosis.Gait spatio-temporal parameters were higher with anterior ankle-foot orthoses than with posterior ankle-foot orthoses or shoes only. Walking energy cost per unit of distance was lower with anterior than posterior ankle-foot orthosis or shoes only ((mean ± standard error) 3.53 ± 1.00 vs 3.94 ± 1.27 and 3.98 ± 1.53 J·kg-1·m-1 respectively; p  0.05) and level of perceived comfort was higher with anterior ((mean ± standard error) 8.00 ± 1.32) than with posterior ankle-foot orthosis ((mean ± standard error) 4.52 ± 2.57; p  0.05).In people with foot drop the use of anterior ankle-foot orthoses resulted in lower energy costs of walking and higher levels of perceived comfort compared with posterior ankle-foot orthoses. Anterior ankle-foot orthoses may enable people with foot drop to walk further with less physical effort than posterior ankle-foot orthoses

    Hybrid Neural Network Approach Based Tool for the Modelling of Photovoltaic Panels

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    A hybrid neural network approach based tool for identifying the photovoltaic one-diode model is presented. The generalization capabilities of neural networks are used together with the robustness of the reduced form of one-diode model. Indeed, from the studies performed by the authors and the works present in the literature, it was found that a direct computation of the five parameters via multiple inputs and multiple outputs neural network is a very difficult task. The reduced form consists in a series of explicit formulae for the support to the neural network that, in our case, is aimed at predicting just two parameters among the five ones identifying the model: the other three parameters are computed by reduced form. The present hybrid approach is efficient from the computational cost point of view and accurate in the estimation of the five parameters. It constitutes a complete and extremely easy tool suitable to be implemented in a microcontroller based architecture. Validations are made on about 10000 PV panels belonging to the California Energy Commission database

    CFSO3: A New Supervised Swarm-Based Optimization Algorithm

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    We present CFSO3, an optimization heuristic within the class of the swarm intelligence, based on a synergy among three different features of the Continuous Flock-of-Starlings Optimization. One of the main novelties is that this optimizer is no more a classical numerical algorithm since it now can be seen as a continuous dynamic system, which can be treated by using all the mathematical instruments available for managing state equations. In addition, CFSO3allows passing from stochastic approaches to supervised deterministic ones since the random updating of parameters, a typical feature for numerical swam-based optimization algorithms, is now fully substituted by a supervised strategy: in CFSO3the tuning of parameters isa prioridesigned for obtaining both exploration and exploitation. Indeed the exploration, that is, the escaping from a local minimum, as well as the convergence and the refinement to a solution can be designed simply by managing the eigenvalues of the CFSO state equations. Virtually in CFSO3, just the initial values of positions and velocities of the swarm members have to be randomly assigned. Both standard and parallel versions of CFSO3together with validations on classical benchmarks are presented
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