543 research outputs found

    Neural networks using for handwriting numbers recognition

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    V prezentované práci, Hopfieldova neuronová síť byla postavena pro rozpoznávání ručně psaného číslice vzory obsažené v MNIST databáze. Pro každou číslici bylo vybudováno deset neuronových sítí Hopfieldu. Středy shluků, které byly postaveny s využitím neuronové sítě Kohonen byly brány jako objekty pro "zapamatování". Byly navrženy dvě metody, které jsou podporovaným krokem v hopfieldské neurální síti; byla provedena analýza těchto metod. Také, chyba byla vypočtena pro každé metody, výhody a nevýhody jejich použití byly identifikovány. Seskupení ručně psaných číslic z tréninkového vzorku MNIST databáze se provádí. Clustering is performed using a Kohonen neural network. Pro každou číslici je zvolen optimální počet seskupení (nepřesahující 50). As a metric for Kohonen network, the Euclidean norm is used. Síť je vycvičena sériovým algoritmem na procesoru a paralelním algoritmem na GPU pomocí technologie CUDA. Grafy času stráveného tréninkem neurální sítě pro každou číslici jsou uvedeny. Je prezentováno srovnání času stráveného sériovým a paralelním tréninkem. Bylo zjištěno, že průměrná hodnota zrychlení výcviku neurální sítě pomocí technologie CUDA je téměř 17krát vyšší. Číslice ze zkušebního vzorku databáze MNIST se používají k vyhodnocení přesnosti stavby seskupení. Bylo zjištěno, že procento vektorů ze zkušebního vzorku ve správném seskupení pro každou číslici je více než 90%. Vypočítá se F-míra pro každou číslici. Nejlepší hodnoty F-measure jsou získány pro 0 a 1 (F-measure je 0.974), vzhledem k tomu, že nejhorší hodnoty jsou získány pro číslici 9 (F-measure je 0.903). Úvod stručně popisuje obsah práce, jaký výzkum je v současné době k dispozici, a význam této práce. Po tom následuje prohlášení o problému, stejně jako o tom, jaké technologie byly použity k psaní této práce. První kapitola popisuje teoretické aspekty, stejně jako popisuje, jak řešit každou fázi této práce. Druhá kapitola obsahuje popis programu práce a získané výsledky. Ve druhé kapitole mluvíme o paralelizaci výukového algoritmu Kohonenovy neurální sítě. Ve třetí kapitole je software testován. Výsledky jsou uznání reakci každé neuronové sítě - obraz je nejvíce podobný obraz předložené pro vstup, a také celkové procento uznání za každé neuronové sítě.In the presented work, a Hopfield neural network was constructed for recognizing handwritten digit patterns contained in the MNIST database. Ten Hopfield neural networks were built for each digit separately. The centers of clusters that were built using the Kohonen neural network were taken as objects for “memorization”. Two methods were proposed, which are a supported step in a Hopfield neural network; an analysis of these methods was carried out. Also, an error was calculated for each method, the pros and cons of their use were identified. Clustering of handwritten digits from the training sample of the MNIST database is conducted. Clustering is performed using a Kohonen neural network. The optimal number of clusters (not exceeding 50) for each digit is selected. As a metric for Kohonen network, the Euclidean norm is used. The network is trained by a serial algorithm on the CPU and by a parallel algorithm on the GPU using CUDA technology. The graphs of the time spent on training the neural network for each digit are given. A comparison of the time spent for serial and parallel training is presented. It is found that the average value of accelerating the training of a neural network using CUDA technology is almost 17-fold. The digits from the test sample of the MNIST database are used to evaluate the accuracy of building the cluster. It is found that the percentage of vectors from the test sample in the correct cluster for each digit is more than 90%. The F-measure for each digit is calculated. The best values of the F-measure are obtained for 0 and 1 (F-measure is 0.974), whereas the worst values are obtained for the digit 9 (F-measure is 0.903). The introduction briefly describes the content of the work, what research is currently available, and the relevance of this work. This is followed by a statement of the problem, as well as what technologies were used to write this work. The first chapter describes the theoretical aspects, as well as describes how to solve each stage of this work. The second chapter contains a program description of the work and the results obtained. In the second chapter, we talk about parallelizing the learning algorithm of the Kohonen neural network. In the third chapter, the software is tested. The results are the recognition response of each neural network - the image is the most similar to the image submitted for input, also, the total percentage of recognition for each neural network

    Analysis of popular promo video on YouTube about Yekaterinburg

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    This article provides and analyzes popular promo video on Youtube about Yekaterinburg. The article briefly explains the concepts "Video advertising", the relevance and importance of research are justified. It shows examples of popular promo video about our city and the short analysis is also offered guided by linguistic components and verbal components.Данная статья посвящена анализу популярных промороликов на «Youtube» о Екатеринбурге. В статье кратко раскрыты понятия по теме «видеореклама», обоснована актуальность и значимость темы исследования. Показаны примеры популярных промороликов о городе и предложен краткий анализ на основе лингвистических компонентов и вербальных составляющих

    Ecologically based sediment quality criteria of the oil content for freshwater ecosystems on example of Kuibishev water reservoir

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    This article presents the criteria of sediment quality assessment for oil content according the integrated approach which based on chemical, ecological and toxicological data derived from a TRIAD monitoring network. The ecological criteria (the lowest effect level and the severe effect level) were calculated for oil content in sediments of Kuibyshev water reservoir on the base of benthos taxa occurrence. For the toxicological data, the threshold effect level and probable effect level were calculated, based on the results of the toxicological acute pore water and solid phase tests. The sediment quality guideline (49 mg/kg) is as a consensus value of the lowest effect level and threshold effect level. Presented criteria can be used for ecological risk assessment for benthic community in condition of cruel oil contamination


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    Se trata de una memoria de un proyecto artístico realizado para el Trabajo Fin de Grado de la Facultad de Bellas Artes. El proyecto consiste en una identidad expresada a través de la experiencia personal. En concreto, quiero tratar, desarrollar y expresar plásticamente el tema de la salud y la enfermedad, con la utilización del propio cuerpo y accidentes geográficos como vehículo de un lenguaje artístico muy personal. Se trata de un mapa interactivo que tiene insertado una serie de vídeos. La elección de la situación geográfica y de las islas relacionan aspectos de sus historias con la enfermedad, espaecialmente, con el aislamiento que sufre el enfermo. Mi trabajo puede considerarse como un fruto del estado emocional, psicológico y físico del artista. Es el resultado de un choque emocional negativo


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    Microstructure and mechanical properties of the 1570C aluminum alloy were studied after equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) to the strain of 3 at 325°C and subsequent warm and cold rolling with near 80% reductions at 325°C and 20°C, respectively. Even containing a partially recrystallized bimodal structure with a volume fraction of ultrafine grains of 0.3 and their size not exceeding 2 mm, the alloy after ECAP demonstrated an excellent balance of room temperature static strength parameters (yield strength (YS) » 300 MPa, tensile strength (UTS) » 400 MPa and elongation (El) » 26%), and high strain rate superplasticity (with maximum elongation exceeding 2500% at 520°C and a strain rate of 1.4 × 10-2 s- 1). Subsequent warm and cold rolling resulted in an increase in YS to 340 and 430 MPa and UTS to 415 and 485 MPa amid El decreased to 24 and 11%, respectively. Despite the difference in the deformation structures formed in both rolling states, similar superplastic behavior was observed with maximum elongations of up to 3000% at temperatures of 500-520°C and strain rates of about 10-2 s-1. It was concluded that the initial processing of the alloy to relatively low ECAP strains before warm/cold rolling, leading to bimodal structure with a low fraction of ultrafine grains, is sufficient to ensure a favorable combination of both service and technological properties of the sheets obtained

    History of Emergency Powers of the US Presidents: From Abraham Lincoln to Donald Trump

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    Introduction. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic announced by the WHO in 2020, American researchers bring up the question of the legitimacy, adequacy, or, on the contrary, redundancy of measures taken by the US leadership to protect the population. The study of the US President’s history of emergency powers can demonstrate how previous American Presidents managed to preserve or, conversely, subvert the established liberal foundations of American society in emergency situations. Methods and Materials. The author used methods of structural analysis and synthesis, historical and legal comparative method, formal legal method, and method of legal modeling. Analysis. The author studied A. Lincoln’s extra-constitutional authority to emancipate slaves, suspend the Habeas Corpus Act, create a volunteer army, and declare a naval blockade. On the basis of legal sources, we carried out the analysis of F. Roosevelt’s decisions on the creation of courts-martial and the internment of people of Japanese descent; reviewed the activities of G. Bush after the September 11 attacks and D. Trump’s emergency measures related to building the border wall in the south of the USA. Results. During the research, we found, that each military, economic, or social crisis increased the political significance and role of the executive branch in emergencies. We can characterize the increase of the emergency powers, delegated to the US Presidents, as steadily growing due to the crises that took place in various periods of American history. It was proved, that the precedents of emergency measures created by A. Lincoln, F. Roosevelt and George W. Bush had a long-term impact on the actions of the next US Presidents, opening up new legal opportunities for the use of emergency powers. At the same time, Congress and the US Supreme Court have taken a controversial stance on the validity of the President’s actions at various historical stages. Most of the time, the status of the legislative and judicial branches of government, as well as the understanding of “emergency situation” itself depended on the specific case and practical political needs


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    Abstract.This article is devoted to studying style tendencies in Mâris Nazirov's creativity - the brightrepresentative of a modern Tatar literary galaxy of Bashkortostan. Style tendencies in his creativity were practically not investigated as a complete subsystem. In this key article promotes more correct statement and the solution of some fundamental, national and scientifically significant problems. The relevance of a research is defined by insufficient study of style tendencies in M. Nazirov's poetry and their originalities. During the research it is claimed that in works of the poet synthesis of two style tendencies is observed: increase of interest in socio-political problems, to a subject of fate of the nation; strengthening of the philosophical beginning. At the same time it is proved that typologically similar to the similar phenomena in the Tatar literature style in works of the poet, distinctive features caused by influence of a local cultural substratum and an originality of poetic thinking tend. For our research the hermeneutical approach directing receptive activity of the reader to the analysis of the principles and receptions of the image, determination of typological similarities and an originality of the art search which is coinciding and having differences in different verbal arts is fundamental. Also during the research the method of the comparative and comparative analysis of texts is productively used. In this key style tendencies and their poetic originality in Mâris Nazirov's creativity come to light.Keywords and phrases: Tatar poetry, style tendency, motive, poem, self-identification

    On the Professional Competence of a Mathematics Teacher

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    This article aims to show the science competencies of future mathematics teachers and the factors that shape them, as well as the effects of the use of their abilities by a teacher with science competencies in the classroom. In particular, the use of mathematical models in solving problems in algebra and its importance

    Discussion on the Causes of the American Civil War (1861–1865): Periodization of Historiography

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    Introduction. The Civil War in the United States (1861–1865) has been of considerable interest to historians, lawyers, economists, and political scientists for more than 150 years. The internal political struggle that broke out in the middle of the 19th century between the two regions of the young democratic state seems to be a valuable object of research. However, scientific approaches to the study of the causes of the “inevitable conflict”, their transformation and rebirth depending on the historical period and the political situation are of even greater interest. This article attempts to summarize the main trends in the historiography of the causes of the Civil War in the United States, mainly in foreign historiography. Methods of research and materials. The methodological basis of the study was made up of general scientific and private scientific methods. The historical-legal, comparative method, as well as sociological, concrete-historical and systemic methods are used. The theoretical basis of the study was the work of mainly foreign historians, lawyers, political scientists and state historians. Analysis. Without denying the centrality of slavery among the causes of the Civil War, researchers identify religious, economic, political and social factors as the key determinants of the separatist movement in the South. A special place in American studies is occupied by the consideration of the role of African Americans in inciting conflict, the personality factor of A. Lincoln, as well as the influence of the abolitionist movement and journalists on the growing confrontation between the North and the South. At the same time, all directions, one way or another, boil down to the fact that it was slavery that was the fundamental cause of the Civil War. The peculiarities of the formation of each of the scientific directions were determined by the socio-economic and political conditions that took place in a particular historical period. Results. The periodization of scientific approaches to the study of the causes of the Civil War in the United States in the historical and legal literature can be carried out by dividing the research into three main periods: the “confrontational” (second half of the 19th century); the “socio-economic” (beginning – middle of the 20th century); the “industrial” (middle of the 20th century – the beginning of the 21st century). In the period from the beginning of the 21st century to the present, there is an obvious consensus on the central role of slavery among the determinants of war, but approaches to this problem in recent years have been characterized by interdisciplinarity, complexity, taking into account completely different sides of the conflict. Each of these areas has contributed to the formation of a holistic view of the causes of the Civil War, allowing us to realize the complex, multifaceted nature of the causes of the conflict and to reject two-dimensional approaches to their understanding. Key words: American Civil War, causes of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, slavery in the United States, the Missouri Compromise, abolitionists, history of the USA

    The feasibility study for the creation of production based on technology of lost-foam casting

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    The problems of establishing a new foundry in Kazakhstan utilizing Lost-foam casting technology are discussed in this article. The study’s main objectives are to determine the technical and financial viability of arranging such production in the country. Calculations of the manufacturing program were carried out as part of the study, and a financial- economic model of the project was developed. The research shows that establishing such a foundry is feasible, and the project may be recommended for execution