24 research outputs found

    The 2005 European e-Business Readiness Index

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    Assessment of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan Benchmarking Index “E-Business Readiness Composite Indicator” using data collected by National Statistical Institutes and harmonised by Eurostat, using surveys “ICT usage of enterprises”, with reference years 2003 and 2004. This report contains data from 26 countries as collected in 2004 and as reported by Eurostat in June 2005. Performed analyses include obustness analysis, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for two categories of ICT (Adoption and Use), univariate analysis of basic indicators; principal component analysis and finally assessment of resulted country rankings and methodological notes.ICT, e-business, adoption, composite, indicator, eEurope, e-Europe, EU, multiple imputation imputation

    The 2006 European e-Business Readiness Index

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    Abstract: This report is a methodological analysis on the composite index of the information and communication technology (ICT) adoption and use by enterprises in the Europe. Efficient adoption and use of ICT is a key factor to help European enterprises to raise their productivity and competi-tiveness. The 2006 European E-Business Readiness Index, evaluated using data from the 2005 Euro-pean enterprise survey of ICT use and e-commerce by Eurostat, is a useful mechanism for compar-ing e-business adoption and use by firms in the various European countries by sector, size and coun-try. European E-business Readiness Index measures by 6 components the ICT adoption and by 6 components the ICT use. Report describes basic indicators and data coverage. General composite indicator results of 2005 data are compared with results from earlier years. Analyses include prob-ability density estimates for scores, robustness analysis, and correlation and principal component analysis. Data quality and normalisation methodology are discussed and proposals for future devel-opment of the index are presented. Total of 64 pages, with 17 Tables and 41 Figures. Further information: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/ict/policy/ebi/index_en.htm) Keywords: ICT, e-business, adoption, composite indicators, eEurope2005, i2010JRC.G.9-Econometrics and statistical support to antifrau

    Nutrient use efficacy and resistance to seed borne diseases in European spring barley cultivars and landraces

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    A two-year field experiment was conducted during 2011‒2012 to study the breeding effect on N use efficiency traits of barley. All together 195 genotypes (72 the Nordic Genetic Resource Center landraces and 123 cultivars released during 1916-2010) were grown in two N regimes (35 and 70 kg N/ha) at the experimental farm of MTT Agrifood Research Finland (presently Natural Resources Institute Finland) in Jokioinen. The results revealed clear positive breeding effect on N use efficiency in barley cultivars. Breeding had also improved grain yield, disease resistance and traits related to yield, like grain number, grain weight and harvest inde

    The 2005 European e-Business Readiness Index

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    Assessment of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan Benchmarking Index “E-Business Readiness Composite Indicator” using data collected by National Statistical Institutes and harmonised by Eurostat, using surveys “ICT usage of enterprises”, with reference years 2003 and 2004. This report contains data from 26 countries as collected in 2004 and as reported by Eurostat in June 2005. Performed analyses include obustness analysis, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for two categories of ICT (Adoption and Use), univariate analysis of basic indicators; principal component analysis and finally assessment of resulted country rankings and methodological notes

    The 2005 European e-Business Readiness Index

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    Assessment of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan Benchmarking Index “E-Business Readiness Composite Indicator” using data collected by National Statistical Institutes and harmonised by Eurostat, using surveys “ICT usage of enterprises”, with reference years 2003 and 2004. This report contains data from 26 countries as collected in 2004 and as reported by Eurostat in June 2005. Performed analyses include obustness analysis, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for two categories of ICT (Adoption and Use), univariate analysis of basic indicators; principal component analysis and finally assessment of resulted country rankings and methodological notes

    Oikosulkumoottorin LabVIEW-mittausjärjestelmä

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    Oikosulkumoottori on yleisin käytössä oleva vaihtosähkömoottori. Oikosulkumoottorit ovat käytössä teollisuuden prosesseissa, liikenteen sähköistyksessä ja talotekniikassa. Niitä käytetään muun muassa puhaltimien, pumppujen ja kuljettimien voimanlähteinä. Niiden voimakas yleistyminen johtuu yksinkertaisen ja toimintavarman rakenteen tuomista eduista. Siksi oikosulkumoottorien toiminnan ymmärtäminen on tärkeä osa-alue sähköinsinöörien koulutusta. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli rakentaa Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun sähkölaboratorioon mittausjärjestelmä, jolla pystytään mittaamaan oikosulkumoottorin sähköisiä ja mekaanisia suureita. Mittausjärjestelmän avulla pystytään havainnollistamaan oikosulkumoottorin toimintaa sähkötekniikan opiskelijoille. Mittausjärjestelmän koostuu fyysisestä mittauslaitteistosta ja erillisestä LabVIEW-ohjelmasta. Laitteiston rakentamisessa käytettiin nimellisarvoltaan sopivia virtamuuntajia, jännitemuuntajia, jännitelähteitä ja National Instrumentsin 6009 USB -tiedonkeruulaitetta. Komponenttien soveltuvuus mittausjärjestelmään testattiin kattavasti. LabVIEW-ohjelman toiminnan ja tulosten luotettavuus testattiin Metrel PowerQ4 MI 2592 sähkön laadun analysaattorilla ja ABB:n DriveStudio-ohjelmalla. Mittausjärjestelmän mittaustulokset olivat lähellä Metrelillä mitattuja vertailuarvoja. Mitattujen sähköisten suureiden ero oli noin 1 % - 5 % LabVIEW-ohjelman ja Metrelin arvojen välillä. Mittausjärjestelmän toiminta ja tulokset osoittautuivat kauttaaltaan luotettaviksi. Mittausjärjestelmää on edelleen mahdollista jatkokehittää ja lisätä opetuksen sisältöä. Mittauslaitteistoa on mahdollista käyttää muissakin sähkölaboratorion mittauksissa ja opiskelijoiden harjoituksissa, joissa on tarpeellista hyödyntää kolmivaiheisten jännitteiden ja virtojen mittausta ja analysointia.A short circuit motor is the most common type of AC motor. Short circuit motors are used in industrial processes, transportation electrification and house engineering. They are used as power sources for blowers, pumps and conveyors amongst other things. The increase in the use of short circuit motors is due to their simple and reliable construction. Therefore, short circuit motor studies are an important part of electrical engineering studies. The aim of the thesis was to construct a measurement system to measure electric and mechanical quantities of a short circuit motor in the Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences electric laboratory. With the help of the measurement system, it is possible to demonstrate the operation of a short circuit motor to electrical engineering students. The measurement system was made up of physical measurement equipment and a LabVIEW-program. Suitable current transformers, voltage transformers, voltage sources and a National Instruments 6009 USB data acquisitions device were used to construct the measurement system. Component suitability for the measurement system was tested extensively. The reliability of the LabVIEW-program and the test results were checked with the Metrel PowerQ4 MI 2592 power quality analyzer and ABB DriveStudio program. The measuring results of the measurement system were close to the Metrel reference values. There was an approximately 1% - 5% difference between measured electric quantities between the LabVIEW-program and Metrel. The functionality and results proved to be thoroughly reliable. It is still possible to redevelop the measurement system and to add content to the learning materials. It is possible to use the measurement equipment in other electric laboratory measurements and student practices, in which there is a need to utilize measurement and analysis of three phase voltages and currents