39 research outputs found

    Sistema OXPHOS: integración funcional de dos genomas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Bioquímica. Fecha de lectura: 26/06/2014El DNA mitocondrial (mtDNA) es peculiar por muchos aspectos: es circular, extranuclear y poliploide, no tiene intrones, es transmitido uniparentalmente (no cumple las reglas mendelianas), no sufre recombinación y tiene su propio código genético. Si se valora la transcendencia del mtDNA por el tamaño genómico, podría ser considerado casi irrelevante: tan solo 16.569 pb que codifican para 13 proteínas mitocondriales, frente a más de los 3,3 billones de pb del genoma nuclear (nDNA) que codifican para más de 1000 proteínas mitocondriales. Pero, de su relevancia da idea el esfuerzo energético de la célula en su mantenimiento, ya que en términos de masa, el mtDNA representa en torno al 1-3% del DNA celular total, encontrándose en el rango de cualquier otro cromosoma, y alcanza hasta un 35% del DNA total de un oocito. El mtDNA concentra un número estable de polimorfismos en regiones codificantes que definen los llamados haplogrupos mitocondriales. Aunque durante mucho tiempo esta diversidad genética fue considerada funcionalmente irrelevante, en los último años la neutralidad funcional de las variantes de mtDNA se encuentra en constante debate. En este trabajo se ha abordado el estudio de las implicaciones funcionales de la variabilidad poblacional del mtDNA, teniendo en cuenta el doble origen genético de la cadena de transporte de electrones (mETC), en modelos murinos. El sistema de fosforilación oxidativa (OXPHOS) es el único proceso de las células animales cuyos componentes están codificados en dos genomas (mtDNA y nDNA). Por ello proponemos que se pueden generar diferentes grados de ajuste estructural entre los productos génicos nucleares y mitocondriales, concepto que, para distinguirlo del desajuste patológico, denominamos “mismatch intrínseco del nDNA/mtDNA”. Esta hipótesis predice que para un determinado haplotipo de mtDNA, su combinación con diferentes componentes nucleares puede generar un rendimiento variable de la mETC (no patológico) que puede ser detectado a nivel celular desencadenando cascadas de señalización y adaptación específicas. Para evaluar este fenómeno se han usado ratones conplásticos (idéntico nDNA y distinto mtDNA) y heteroplásmicos (contienen dos variantes de mtDNA en la misma célula). De este modo se ha puesto de manifiesto la relevancia del “mismatch nDNA/mtDNA”, y por tanto las implicaciones funcionales de las variantes de mtDNA, en tres puntos claves de la vida de un individuo: (i) durante el desarrollo embrionario, donde un nuevo contexto nuclear se enfrenta a una variante de mtDNA, (ii) en un individuo formado, donde diferentes contextos nucleares y funcionales conviven en los diferentes tipos celulares, (iii) y durante el proceso de envejecimiento, cuando se produce un declive en la capacidad homeostática celularMitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is peculiar in many aspects: it is circular, extranuclear, polyploid, lacks introns, is uniparentally transmitted (and therefore does not follow mendelian inheritance patterns), does not undergo recombination, and has its own genetic code. In terms of genome size, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) could be considered almost irrelevant: 16,569 bp in the mtDNA, encoding only 13 proteins, compared with more than 3.3 billion bp in the nuclear genome, including genes codifying more than 1000 mitochondrial proteins. However, all cells invest a considerable effort in maintaining this small and odd genome. Thus, around 1-3% of the total DNA is mtDNA in a regular cell, and this figure can rise to an incredible 35% in the oocyte. The peculiarity of mtDNA genetics generates a high level of sequence diversity between individuals and human populations, known as mtDNA haplogroups. This diversity was long considered to functionally irrelevant, but this view has now been challenged for more than a decade. Using mice as a model, we have taken into account the double genetic origin of the electron transport chain (mETC) to investigate the possible functional consequences of different mtDNA variants. The OXPHOS system is genetically unique in being the only process in animal cells that requires components encoded in two genomes, mtDNA and nuclear DNA (nDNA). We hypothesize that functional OXPHOS can be generated at high frequency with different degrees of mismatch between mtDNA and nDNA OXPHOS genes; we refer to this as “intrinsic mismatch” to fully distinguish it from pathological mismatch. This proposal predicts that combination of a given non-pathological mtDNA haplotype with different nDNA components would generate distinguishable (yet non-pathological) performance of mtETC. Thus, within certain limits of mismatch, the activity of the OXPHOS system is sensed by the cell, which reacts to optimize its performance to match its specific requirements. We have investigated this concept using conplastic mice (with identical nuclei but interchanged mtDNA) and heteroplasmic mice (containing two mtDNA variants in the same cell). These approaches have revealed the importance of intrinsic mismatch, and therefore the functional implications of mtDNA variants, at three key levels: (i) during embryo development, when a mtDNA variant is confronted with a new nuclear context; (ii) in different cellular and functional contexts within individuals; and (iii) during aging, when there is a decline in homeostatic capacit

    Envejecimiento en el Síndrome de Cornelia de Lange

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    El Síndrome de Cornelia de Lange (SCdL) es un trastorno multisistémico incluido dentro del grupo de cohesinopatías que cursa principalmente con discapacidad intelectual, rasgos faciales característicos, anomalías en extremidades superiores y crecimiento atípico. Los principales genes alterados, conocidos hasta el momento, en esta enfermedad son NIPBL, SMC3, RAD21, SMC1A, HDAC8, BRD4, ANKRD11, MAU2. Debido a las características fenotípicas, a las comorbilidades asociadas y a la esperanza de vida reducida, se cree que este síndrome puede estar asociado a un envejecimiento precoz. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es valorar la posible existencia de un deterioro prematuro bioquímico en el SCdL. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo de 24 valores bioquímicos en una cohorte española de 24 individuos con SCdL (9 hombres y 15 mujeres) de edades comprendidas entre 2 y 37 años. Las analíticas fueron realizadas en el Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa durante el XIII Congreso Nacional del Síndrome de Cornelia de Lange en el 2018. Los 24 parámetros analizados se han clasificado en 8 categorías: eje adrenal, metabolismo lipídico, función cardiaca, metabolismo glucídico, eje tiroideo, eje de crecimiento, función renal y metabolismo mineral óseo. Se ha realizado una regresión lineal para estudiar cambios relacionados con la edad, y comparado los datos con los valores de normalidad en población sana de diferentes cohortes, tanto en edad pediátrica como en la edad adulta y senectud. Además, se han utilizado las bases de datos Pubmed, OMIM y HPO para realizar una detallada revisión bibliográfica del deterioro asociado a la edad que sufren estos parámetros en condiciones fisiológicas. Con todo ello, se observa que los individuos con SCdL presentan un deterioro prematuro en el metabolismo glucídico y mineral óseo. Por lo tanto, con este trabajo se pone de manifiesto la importancia de realizar un seguimiento clínico con la evaluación del índice HOMA-IR y el metabolismo fosfocálcico en los individuos con SCdL.<br /

    Estudio del mosaicismo parental en el síndrome Cornelia de Lange

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    El Síndrome Cornelia de Lange (SCdL) es un trastorno genético del neurodesarrollo con una granvariabilidad genética. Aunque la amplia mayoría de casos descritos se deben a variantes de novoen uno de los ocho genes causales conocidos hasta la fecha (NIPBL, SMC1A, HDAC8, SMC3,RAD21, BRD4, ANKRD11 y MAU2); en los últimos años, se ha revelado una prevalenciaespecialmente alta de casos de mosaicismo genético en este síndrome, pudiendo llegar asuponer hasta un 13% de los casos diagnosticados. Sin embargo, se desconoce la contribucióndel mosaicismo parental de baja frecuencia en la transmisión del SCdL. En este trabajo nosplanteamos evaluar la relevancia de este fenómeno. Para ello, se han evaluado 11 familias conun niño/a afectado, y aplicado las técnicas de secuenciación Sanger y de nueva generación enuna muestra de saliva de los progenitores. La utilización de un panel de genes con altaprofundidad de lectura (>900x) ha permitido detectar, en una de las familias estudiadas, lapresencia de la variante causal (SMC1A, c.2078G>A) en la madre del paciente, con una frecuenciaalélica del 9% en la muestra de ADN procedente de saliva. En conclusión, los casos demosaicismo parental podrían ser más frecuentes de lo estimado hasta el momento en el SCdL,teniendo una repercusión directa en el asesoramiento genético y cálculo de recurrencia familiar.Por ello, proponemos realizar estudios de segregación familiar en este síndrome en muestras desaliva o fibroblastos de los progenitores utilizando técnicas de secuenciación con altaprofundidad de lectura.Palabras clave: Síndrome Cornelia de Lange, mosaicismo genético, asesoramientogenético, secuenciación masiva de nueva generación, gen SMC1A.<br /

    Subclinical myocardial dysfunction is revealed by speckle tracking echocardiography in patients with Cornelia de Lange syndrome

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    Echocardiography; Lange syndrome; Myocardial dysfunctionEcocardiografia; Síndrome de Lange; Disfunció miocàrdicaEcocardiografía; Síndrome de Lange; Disfunción miocárdicaThis study assesses a possible cardiac dysfunction in individuals with Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) without diagnosed congenital heart disease (CHD) and its association with other factors. Twenty patients and 20 controls were included in the study divided into three age-dependent groups (A:  20 yrs), and were evaluated using conventional echocardiography, tissue doppler imaging (TDI), two-dimensional speckle tracking and genetic and biochemical analyses. The left ventricular global longitudinal strain (GLS) was altered (< 15.9%) in 55% of patients, being pathological in the older group (A: 19.7 ± 6.6; B: -17.2 ± 4.7; C: -13.6 ± 2.9). The speckle tracking technique revealed a downward trend in the values of strain, strain rate and velocity, especially in the oldest group. Likewise, the ejection fraction (LVEF) and shortening fraction (LVFS) values, although preserved, also showed a decreased with age (p < 0.05). The analytical markers of cardiovascular risk and cardiac function showed no alterations. The molecular analyses revealed 16 individuals carrying pathogenic variants in NIPBL, two with variants in SMC1A, one with a variant in RAD21 and one with a HDAC8 variant. This is the first systematic approach that demonstrates that individuals with CdLS may present early cardiomyopathy, which can be detected by speckle tracking technique even before the appearance of clinical symptoms and the alteration of other echocardiographic or analytical parameters. For all these reasons, cardiological followup is suggested even in the absence of CHD, especially from adolescence onwards.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Diagnóstico del Síndrome Cornelia de Lange mediante la utilización de un panel de secuenciación masiva

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    El síndrome Cornelia de Lange (SCdL) es un trastorno genético multisistémico cuya clínica incluye principalmente dismorfia craneofacial, retraso psicomotor y del crecimiento y malformaciones en las extremidades. Su etiología se relaciona principalmente con la afectación del funcionamiento del anillo de las cohesinas, aunque también pueden entrar en juego la afectación de otras estructuras y factores relacionados con el proceso de la transcripción de los genes. La importante variabilidad fenotípica y genética lleva a clasificar sus manifestaciones como un espectro. El número creciente de genes causales, la existencia de síndromes con fenotipos superpuestos, y la gran heterogenidad clínica dificulta el diagnóstico genético, siendo en ocasiones insuficientes los métodos tradicionales (secuenciación por Sanger, MLPA…). Sobre dicha base, en este estudio se presenta la primera aplicación de un nuevo panel de genes de secuenciación masiva para el diagnóstico del SCdL, desarrollado en la Unidad Nacional de Referencia, con lo que se ha conseguido el diagnóstico genético de dos pacientes con fenotipo clásico, detectando en ellos mutaciones en dos de los genes clásicos asociados al síndrome (c.6272G>A en el gen NIPBL y c.305G>A en HDAC8). Este panel de secuenciación masiva permite un profundo estudio de los genes, aportando ventajas (mayor rapidez, cobertura y pofundidad de lectura) respecto a otros métodos de diagnóstico genético, siendo de gran utilidad para realizar mejores diagnósticos en el SCdL y abriendo nuevos horizontes en la investigación de los mecanismos subyacentes a esta patología.<br /

    Heart Disease Characterization and Myocardial Strain Analysis in Patients with PACS1 Neurodevelopmental Disorder

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    Neurodevelopmental disorder; Congenital heart disease; Myocardial strain analysisTrastorn del neurodesenvolupament; Malaltia cardíaca congènita; Anàlisi de la tensió miocàrdicaTrastorno del neurodesarrollo; Enfermedad cardíaca congénita; Análisis de la tensión miocárdicaBackground: PACS1 neurodevelopmental disorder (PACS1-NDD) (MIM# 615009) is a rare autosomal dominant disease characterized by neurodevelopmental delay, dysmorphic facial features, and congenital malformations. Heart disease (HD) is frequently present in individuals with PACS1-NDD, but a compressive review of these anomalies and an evaluation of cardiac function in a cohort of patients are lacking. Methods: (i) Cardiac evaluation in 11 PACS1-NDD patients was conducted using conventional echocardiography. (ii) Heart function was assessed by tissue Doppler imaging, and two-dimensional speckle tracking was performed in seven patients and matched controls. (iii) This systematic review focused on determining HD prevalence in individuals with PACS1-NDD. Results: In our cohort, 7 of 11 patients presented HD. (Among them, three cases of ascending aortic dilatation (AAD) were detected and one mitral valve prolapse (MVP).) None of the patients showed echocardiographic pathological values, and the left global longitudinal strain was not significantly different between patients and controls (patients −24.26 ± 5.89% vs. controls −20.19 ± 1.75%, p = 0.3176). In the literature review, almost 42% (42/100) of individuals with PACS1-NDD reportedly experienced HD. Septal defects were the most common malformation, followed by patent ductus arteriosus. Conclusions: Our results show a high prevalence of HD in PACS1-NDD patients; in this way, AAD and MVP are reported for the first time in this syndrome. Furthermore, a detailed cardiac function evaluation in our cohort did not reveal evidence of cardiac dysfunction in individuals with PACS1-NDD. Cardiology evaluation should be included for all individuals with Schuurs-Hoeijmakers syndrome.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health-ISCIII Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) (Ref. PI19/01860, to F.J.R. and J.P.) and the Diputación General de Aragón-FEDER: European Social Fund (Grupo de Referencia B32_17R/B32_20R, to J.P.). A.L.-P. was supported by a Miguel Servet ISC-III Research Contract (CP22/00105), and M.G.-S. and C.L.-C. were, respectively, supported by predoctoral fellowships from the Diputación General de Aragón and the Spanish Ministry of Health-ISCIII (FI20/00290)

    More than one HMG-CoA Lyase: The classical mitochondrial enzyme plus the peroxisomal and the cytosolic ones

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    There are three human enzymes with HMG-CoA lyase activity that are able to synthesize ketone bodies in different subcellular compartments. The mitochondrial HMG-CoA lyase was the first to be described, and catalyzes the cleavage of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA to acetoacetate and acetyl-CoA, the common final step in ketogenesis and leucine catabolism. This protein is mainly expressed in the liver and its function is metabolic, since it produces ketone bodies as energetic fuels when glucose levels are low. Another isoform is encoded by the same gene for the mitochondrial HMG-CoA lyase (HMGCL), but it is located in peroxisomes. The last HMG-CoA lyase to be described is encoded by a different gene, HMGCLL1, and is located in the cytosolic side of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Some activity assays and tissue distribution of this enzyme have shown the brain and lung as key tissues for studying its function. Although the roles of the peroxisomal and cytosolic HMG-CoA lyases remain unknown, recent studies highlight the role of ketone bodies in metabolic remodeling, homeostasis, and signaling, providing new insights into the molecular and cellular function of these enzymes

    Comprehensive Quantification of the Modified Proteome Reveals Oxidative Heart Damage in Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy

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    Post-translational modifications hugely increase the functional diversity of proteomes. Recent algorithms based on ultratolerant database searching are forging a path to unbiased analysis of peptide modifications by shotgun mass spectrometry. However, these approaches identify only one-half of the modified forms potentially detectable and do not map the modified residue. Moreover, tools for the quantitative analysis of peptide modifications are currently lacking. Here, we present a suite of algorithms that allows comprehensive identification of detectable modifications, pinpoints the modified residues, and enables their quantitative analysis through an integrated statistical model. These developments were used to characterize the impact of mitochondrial heteroplasmy on the proteome and on the modified peptidome in several tissues from 12-week-old mice. Our results reveal that heteroplasmy mainly affects cardiac tissue, inducing oxidative damage to proteins of the oxidative phosphorylation system, and provide a molecular mechanism explaining the structural and functional alterations produced in heart mitochondria.We thank Simon Bartlett (CNIC) for English editing. This study was supported by competitive grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (BIO2015-67580-P) through the Carlos III Institute of Health-Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria (PRB2, IPT13/0001-ISCIII-SGEFI/FEDER; ProteoRed), by Fundacion La Marato TV3, and by FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN ``Next-Generation Training in Cardiovascular Research and Innovation-Cardionext.'' N.B. is a FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN-Cardionext Fellow. The CNIC is supported by the MINECO and the Pro-CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MINECO Award SEV-2015-0505).S

    Heart disease characterization and myocardial strain analysis in patients with PACS1 Neurodevelopmental Disorder

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    Background: PACS1 neurodevelopmental disorder (PACS1-NDD) (MIM# 615009) is a rare autosomal dominant disease characterized by neurodevelopmental delay, dysmorphic facial features, and congenital malformations. Heart disease (HD) is frequently present in individuals with PACS1-NDD, but a compressive review of these anomalies and an evaluation of cardiac function in a cohort of patients are lacking. Methods: (i) Cardiac evaluation in 11 PACS1-NDD patients was conducted using conventional echocardiography. (ii) Heart function was assessed by tissue Doppler imaging, and two-dimensional speckle tracking was performed in seven patients and matched controls. (iii) This systematic review focused on determining HD prevalence in individuals with PACS1-NDD. Results: In our cohort, 7 of 11 patients presented HD. (Among them, three cases of ascending aortic dilatation (AAD) were detected and one mitral valve prolapse (MVP).) None of the patients showed echocardiographic pathological values, and the left global longitudinal strain was not significantly different between patients and controls (patients −24.26 ± 5.89% vs. controls −20.19 ± 1.75%, p = 0.3176). In the literature review, almost 42% (42/100) of individuals with PACS1-NDD reportedly experienced HD. Septal defects were the most common malformation, followed by patent ductus arteriosus. Conclusions: Our results show a high prevalence of HD in PACS1-NDD patients; in this way, AAD and MVP are reported for the first time in this syndrome. Furthermore, a detailed cardiac function evaluation in our cohort did not reveal evidence of cardiac dysfunction in individuals with PACS1-NDD. Cardiology evaluation should be included for all individuals with Schuurs-Hoeijmakers syndrome

    Disruption of NIPBL/Scc2 in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome provokes cohesin genome-wide redistribution with an impact in the transcriptome

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    Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a rare disease affecting multiple organs and systems during development. Mutations in the cohesin loader, NIPBL/Scc2, were first described and are the most frequent in clinically diagnosed CdLS patients. The molecular mechanisms driving CdLS phenotypes are not understood. In addition to its canonical role in sister chromatid cohesion, cohesin is implicated in the spatial organization of the genome. Here, we investigate the transcriptome of CdLS patient-derived primary fibroblasts and observe the downregulation of genes involved in development and system skeletal organization, providing a link to the developmental alterations and limb abnormalities characteristic of CdLS patients. Genome-wide distribution studies demonstrate a global reduction of NIPBL at the NIPBL-associated high GC content regions in CdLS-derived cells. In addition, cohesin accumulates at NIPBL-occupied sites at CpG islands potentially due to reduced cohesin translocation along chromosomes, and fewer cohesin peaks colocalize with CTCF