181 research outputs found

    The Mix Ageing Behaviour of The Asphaltic Concrete (AC) Mixture Containing Recycled Plastics Waste Aggregate Replacement (Ac-Plastiphalt)

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    ABSTRAK Laboratory investigations at Civil Engineering Material Unit (CEMU) the University of Leeds, UK have shown that recycled plastics composed predominantly of Polyethylene can be incorporated in conventional Asphaltic Concrete (AC), referred to as AC-Plastiphalt, road surfacing mixtures. The durability behaviour, in terms of water susceptibility behaviour, of the mixture results indicated that the AC-Plastiphalt mixes have excellent resistance to water damage. Age hardening of the bitumen in the bituminous mixture is another factor affecting the durability behaviour of the mixture. Ageing of bituminous mixtures is of increasing concern in the maintenance of flexible pavements. This process is due to factors such as volatilisation, oxidation and hardening of the bitumen in the mixture. This paper presents the durability behaviour results of the AC-Plastiphalt mixes, especially on the ageing behaviour. Due to the fact that ageing test methods for bituminous mixtures have not yet been standardised, the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) methodology, as set in project A-003A (conducted at Oregon State University) for oven ageing was adopted in this investigation. Two oven-ageing methods were introduced in SHRP, i.e. short-term oven ageing (STOA) and long-term oven ageing (LTOA). The laboratory experimental results on short and long-term oven ageing of AC-Plastiphalt mixture indicated improvement in all strength and stiffness parameters investigated (indicated by >100% retained values) compared to the original mixture. The AC-Plastiphalt mixture is highly capable of dealing with the mixture ageing process not only during Keywords: recycle plastic, AC-plastiphal

    Water susceptibility behaviour of the asphaltic concrete (ac) mixture containing recycled polyethylene plastics packaging waste aggregate replacement (ac-plastiphalt)

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    Laboratory investigations at Civil Engineering Material Unit (CFMU) the University of Leeds, UK have shown that recycled plastics composed predominantly of Polypropylene can be incorporated in conventional Asphaltic Concrete (AC) road surfacing mixtures. In the correct proportions, a definite improvement in stiffness and strength of the resultant AC composites, referred to as (AC-Plastiphalt), have been demonstrated. The mixing and compaction temperatures need to be carefully controlled to cater for the differing softening points of the two plastic types. This paper presents the mix design and the durability behaviour results of the AC-Plastiphalt mixes, especially on the water susceptibility behaviour. The results show that the AC-Plastiphalt mixes have higher strength than the control mixes at optimum bitumen content. In terms of water susceptibility behaviour, the results indicate that the AC-Plastiphalt mixes have excellent resistance to water damage

    Laboratory design and performance of stress absorbing membrane interlayer (sami) incorporating waste recycled plastics

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    ABSTRACT An extensive laboratory investigation has been carried out into utilising recycled waste plastics in continuously raded asphaltic concrete road surfacing mixtures. The resultant composites were referred to as Plastiphalt. Overall, theesults obtained from the investigation indicated conclusively that Plastiphalt mixes can be produced using current technology, whilst utilising selected recycled wastes and still have better strength and durability properties compared to conventional bituminous mixes. In this paper, further work is presented describing laboratory investigations into utilising the recycled waste plastics in other flexible pavement structure, i.e. the application in Stress Absorbing Membrane blter/ayers (SAMJ\u27s). In this investigation, recycled waste plastics, limestone sand, and Ordinary Portland cement (as filler) were combined in various proportions and mixed with a range of bitumen contents to formulate SAMJ\u27s. The objective of SAMJ\u27s is to delay the onset of reflective cracking which is a very common form of failure in bituminous road surfacings overlaying distressed bases. The first component of the investigation was to optimise mix proportions so as to overcome the potential shrinkage problems of the LDPE (plastic type) component. A satisfactory bituminous SAMI was thus produced containing 28% by volume of WPE. Flexural fatigue tests were subsequently carried out on Hot Rolled Asphalt (HRA) beams overlaying LDPE SAMI mixes and the results were compared to full depth HRA control beams and to beams with Sand Bitumen SAMJ\u27s. The number of additional cycles to failure of the LDPE SAMI beams when compared to conventional asphalt beams was found to exceed 60% Keywords: Waste, recycled, Polyethylene, SAMI, Plastiphal

    The Resistance Of Permanent Deformation Behaviour Of The Asphaltic Concrete (Ac) Mixture Containing Recycled Polyethylene Plastics Packaging Waste Aggregate Replacement (Ac-Plastiphalts)

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    ABSTRAK This paper discusses the resistance to permanent deformation behaviour of the dense graded AC-Plastiphalt mixture, asphaltic concrete mixture containing granulated recycled polyethylene waste plastic as aggregate replacement. The permanent deformation observed in this investigation is presented in the rutting value calculated from the data resulted from the dynamic creep test conducted in the laboratory. The dynamic creep tests were conducted using the MATTA at two level test temperature, i.e. 40 and 60 °C. Dynamic creep test results indicated that the AC-Plastiphalt mixtures at higher test temperatures have better deformation resistance than the control mixtures and the LDPE incorporation increased the elastic recovery response of the AC-Plastiphalt. At both test temperature of 40 and 60 °C, the AC-Plastiphalt mixtures had lower estimated rut depth values compared to the control mixtures. For instance, the estimated rut depth for AC-Control increases from 2.3mm at 40°C to 4.5mm at 60°C (increase 1.9 times) after ten million standard axles wheel passes on the pavement. According to these results, it can be concluded that the AC-Plastiphalt has better resistance to permanent deformation compared to the conventional AC mixture, Key words: Permanent deformation behaviour, asphaltic concrete mixtur

    Pengaruh Penambahan Aspal Pada Karakteristik Campuran Beton Aspal Akibat Proses Penuaan Aspal Dalam Campuran

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    Ageing is one of the small parts that causes damages and decreases to the flexible pavement construction strength, especially the asphalt concrete mixture. It will cause the mixture to be harder and more brittle, hence causing disintegration and cracking failures. Adding asphalt to the mixture is one of several ways to anticipate the ageing process in the asphalt mixture (Asphalt Institute, 1997). The objective of this research is to study the influence of adding asphalt to the bitumen ageing characteristic to the asphaltic concrete mixture. This research was performed by producing the STOA dan LTOA samples in accordance with the procedure of Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) at the project of A-003A. Variation of asphalt content were 0.25%, 0.50%, and 1.00% to the requirement from the optimum asphalt content (5.90%). The specification of asphaltic concrete mixture was based on Bina Marga 1987. The strenght of the mixture was measured using the Marshall, Immersion, and Cantabro test method. The results indicated that base on the Marshall characteristics, the maximum value of the addition of asp ahalt was 0.50% for the LTOA condition with the stability value of 1802.94 kg, flow value of 3.70 mm and MQ value of 487.77 kg/mm. At the STOA condition it was indicated that the strenght was decreasing at the addition of asphalt of 0.50%, but the stability value was 1371.82 kg, flow value of 3.50 mm, and MQ value of 391.70 kg/mm to satisfy the requirement. The Immersion Index value of the Immersion test of 48 hour was reached at the addition of asphalt of 0.50% and obtained 90.38% of the STOA condition and 69.10% of the LTOA condition. The percentage loss of mass value after 300 times of rotation showed that the addition of asphalt of 0.50% was obtained 4.64% for the STOA and 3.52% for the LTOA condition. Key words : Ageing Iriturnen,Asphaltic Concrete, Marshall test, adding asphalt


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    Abstract   Present Serviceability Index is a measure of pavement performance and can be used as an indicator of timing and maintenance requirements. This study aims to determine and predict the Present Serviceability Index value during the pavement design life. The amount of the structural response due to loading was analyzed using an empirical mechanistic method with the help of KENPAVE software. The results of the structural response are used to calculate the magnitude of cracking and rutting damages, which are then used to predict the value of the International Roughness Index. The predicted International Roughness Index values were then statistically tested with the results of field measurements for the last 4 years. Furthermore, the Present Serviceability Index value was analyzed based on the prediction results of the International Roughness Index values. This study shows that the pavement has reached terminal serviceability in year 5.2 and requires strengthening. The prediction results of the Present Serviceability Index value with the implementation of overlays as thick as 10 cm in the 5.2nd year show that the terminal serviceability is achieved in the 9.5th year, thus increasing the service life of the road by 4.3 years.   Keywords: pavement performance; cracking; routines; Present Serviceability Index; serviceability terminals.     Abstrak   Present Serviceability Index merupakan suatu ukuran kinerja perkerasan jalan dan dapat digunakan sebagai indikator penentuan waktu dan kebutuhan pemeliharaan. Studi ini bertujuan menentukan dan memprediksi nilai Present Serviceability Index selama umur rencana. Besarnya respons struktur akibat pembebanan dianalisis menggunakan metode mekanistik empiris dengan bantuan software KENPAVE. Hasil respons struktur digunakan untuk menghitung besarnya kerusakan-kerusakan cracking dan rutting, yang selanjutnya digunakan untuk memprediksi nilai International Roughness Index. Nilai International Roughness Index hasil prediksi kemudian diuji statistika dengan hasil pengukuran lapangan selama 4 tahun terakhir. Selanjutnya, nilai Present Serviceability Index dianalisis berdasarkan hasil prediksi nilai International Roughness Index. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa perkerasan telah mencapai terminal serviceability pada tahun ke-5,2 dan memerlukan penguatan. Hasil prediksi nilai Present Serviceability Index dengan penanganan overlay setebal 10 cm pada tahun ke-5,2 menunjukkan bahwa terminal serviceability tercapai pada tahun ke-9,5, sehingga menambah umur layan jalan sebesar 4,3 tahun.   Kata-kata kunci: kinerja perkerasan jalan; cracking; rutting; Present Serviceability Index; terminal service-ability


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    Slag as waste material of steel-making process has similar characteristics with aggregate that has been widely used in pavement construction. The use of slag as chip seal aggregate to provide skid resistance needs to be analyzed. In this laboratory study, the chip seal samples are made using steel slag and natural aggregate. The bonding materials used are asphalt and epoxy resin. Skid resistance tests for all chip seal samples and also hot rolled sheet pavement without chip seal application are performed using the Portable British Pendulum Tester. The results show the variations of chip seal aggregate weight are inconsistent. The natural aggregate used as chip seal material could produce high skid resistance value of 10.3% higher than that using steel slag. Also the skid resistance of chip seal with the ALD 3 mm are not significantly different with that of ALD 6 mm. Similar results occur on the skid resistance of chip seals using epoxy resin and asphalt.Keywords: steel slag, waste material, chip seal, the Portable British Pendulum Tester, skid resistance

    Analisis Rute Potensial Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara Yang Dapat di Sharing Dengan Bandara Internasional Kertajati

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    Bandara Udara Husein Sastranegara merupakan bandara yang melayani kurang lebih 64 penerbangan per-harinya dan menjadi bandara tersibuk di Indonesia. Pemda dan PT. Angkasa Pura II bersepakat untuk mengurangi beban penerbangan Bandara Husein Sastranegara dengan penerapan konsep Multi-Airport System pada Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara dan Bandara Internasional Kertajati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rute potensial yang dapat di sharing (bagi) dari Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara ke Bandara Internasional Kertajati, rute yang sering digunakan dan diusulkan oleh penumpang Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara dan rute baru yang diusulkan untuk ada di Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara dan Bandara Internasional Kertajati. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa 9 rute penerbangan domsetik yang pernah ada di Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara pernah digunakan oleh responden dan merupakan rute potensal, namun hanya 4 rute rute potensial yang sering digunakan oleh penumpang di Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara yang dapat di sharing ke Bandara Internasional Kertajati diurutkan dari jumlah responden terbanyak adalah rute tujuan Kota Denpasar, Surabaya, Medan dan Balikpapan


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    The need for an analytical method that may provide an accurate project cost estimation with minimal data availability becomes very necessary. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine and compare the cost estimation model based on the Cost Significant Model (CSM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with two modeling approaches, ANN-1 and ANN-2. The models were developed based on 28 data of road improvement projects in Yogyakarta from the year 2010 until 2019. The analysis results show that the ANN-2 provides the best validation compared to the ANN-1 and the CSM model. The value of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of ANN-1 with the 3-8-1 net scheme provides a value of 12.687%, while that of ANN-2 with 10-15-1 net scheme is 8,132% and the MAPE value of the CSM model produces a value of 14.757%


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    Abstract   Premature damage to road pavement can be caused by several factors, including the use of materials that do not meet specifications dan uneven density in the base layer. To overcome this problem, innovative solutions are needed. The use of natural zeolite powder as a substitute for filler in road structural layers is an interesting innovation in the construction industry. This study aims to evaluate the effect of natural zeolite powder on the mechanical dan technical properties of Grade A Aggregate Base Course. Through an experimental approach, standard mixtures of Grade A Aggregate Base Course were compared with mixtures using varying levels of natural zeolite powder, ranging from 0% to 100%. The testing procedures carried out follow the Indonesian National Standard procedures dan include examining the characteristics of the materials used dan testing the density of the mixture. This study shows that increasing the zeolite powder content leads to a decrease in the maximum dry density value, while the Optimum Moisture Content value increased.   Keywords: road pavement; Zeolite; base course; Optimum Moisture Content; maximum dry density     Abstrak   Kerusakan prematur pada perkerasan jalan dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, termasuk penggunaan bahan yang tidak memenuhi spesifikasi dan kepadatan yang tidak merata pada lapisan dasar. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini diperlukan solusi inovatif. Penggunaan bubuk zeolite alam sebagai pengganti filler pada lapisan struktur jalan merupakan salah satu inovasi yang menarik dalam industri konstruksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh bubuk zeolite alam terhadap sifat-sifat mekanik dan teknis Lapis Fondasi Agregat Kelas A. Melalui pendekatan eksperimental, campuran standar Lapis Fondasi Agregat Kelas A diban-dingkan dengan campuran menggunakan variasi kadar bubuk zeolite alam, mulai dari 0% hingga 100%. Prosedur pengujian yang dilakukan mengikuti prosedur Standar Nasional Indonesia serta meliputi pemeriksaan karakteristik material yang digunakan dan pengujian kepadatan campuran. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kadar bubuk zeolite mengakibatkan penurunan nilai kepadatan kering maksimum, semen-tara nilai Kadar Air Optimum mengalami peningkatan.   Kata-kata kunci: perkerasan jalan; Zeolite; lapis fondasi; Kadar Air Optimum; kepadatan kering maksimu
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