26 research outputs found

    Partial Discharge Pattern Recognition For Alternative Liquid Insulation Using Artificial Neural Network

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    This paper report PD pattern recognition in altrnative liquid insulatoin of transformer such as palm oil, soybean oil, and corn oil using artificial neural network (ANN). PD pattern is classified in three kind of pattern, those are No PD pattern, Medium PD pattern, and High PD pattern. Classified PD pattern is modeled using -q pattern. The patterns are learned by the back-propagation method. Three layers are used to optimizing the learning process where hidden layer is varied to get the optimal. In learning process PD data of soybean oil and corn oil are put into the ANN. If the learning process is succeed with indicator that used is the good recognition of ANN, then unknown PD pattern data from some of soybean oil and corn oil are put into the ANN to get the performance. If the performance is good enough recognition, then the network is tested using unknown PD pattern from palm oil. The result shows that ANN can recognise 100% of the training data correctly and over 93.33% of the test data


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    Isolator polimer telah banyak digunakan sebagai pengganti isolator keramik dan isolator gelas. Ini disebabkan karena isolator polimer mempunyai beberapa kelebihan, antara lain mempunyai sifat menolak air (hydrophobicity), mudah dibawa karena beratnya lebih ringan, tidak memerlukan perawatan yang tinggi, sehingga biaya pemeliharaan tidak begitu besar. Penelitian terhadap unjuk kerja arus bocor dan tegangan lewat denyar isolator polimer Epoxy Resin 20 kV pada daerah pantai dilakukan di laboratorium. Sebagai sampel uji digunakan isolator polimer Epoxy Resin 20 kV berbentuk pin dengan leakage distance 40 cm dan mempunyai berat 1,8 kg. Eksperimen menggunakan tegangan bolak balik dengan frekuensi 50 Hz. Untuk eksperimen unjuk kerja arus bocor, kabut garam dengan konduktivitas menengah (800 mS/cm) dan konduktivitas sangat berat (2100 mS/cm) digunakan. Kelembaban rendah (50-60 %), kelembaban sedang (70-80 %) dan kelembaban tinggi (85-95 %) diberikan pada setiap eksperimen. Isolator bersih dan isolator terpolutan dengan konduktivitas ringan (300 mS/cm), konduktivitas menengah (600 mS/cm) dan konduktivitas berat (1200 mS/cm) diberikan pada eksperimen unjuk kerja arus bocor. Beberapa software digunakan untuk menganalisa besaran dan gelombang arus bocor yang melalui isolator uji. Pada eksperimen unjuk kerja arus bocor diketahui bahwa temperatur tinggi dan kelembaban tinggi pada isolator terpolutan menengah dan berat mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat besar untuk terjadinya peristiwa pita kering (dryband)


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    Isolator polimer telah banyak digunakan sebagai pengganti isolator keramik dan isolator gelas. Ini disebabkan karena isolator polimer mempunyai beberapa kelebihan, antara lain mempunyai sifat menolak air (hydrophobicity), mudah dibawa karena beratnya lebih ringan, tidak memerlukan perawatan yang tinggi, sehingga biaya pemeliharaan tidak begitu besar. Penelitian terhadap unjuk kerja arus bocor dan tegangan lewat denyar isolator polimer Epoxy Resin 20 kV pada daerah pantai dilakukan di laboratorium. Sebagai sampel uji digunakan isolator polimer Epoxy Resin 20 kV berbentuk pin dengan leakage distance 40 cm dan mempunyai berat 1,8 kg. Eksperimen menggunakan tegangan bolak balik dengan frekuensi 50 Hz. Untuk eksperimen unjuk kerja arus bocor, kabut garam dengan konduktivitas menengah (800 mS/cm) dan konduktivitas sangat berat (2100 mS/cm) digunakan. Kelembaban rendah (50-60 %), kelembaban sedang (70-80 %) dan kelembaban tinggi (85-95 %) diberikan pada setiap eksperimen. Isolator bersih dan isolator terpolutan dengan konduktivitas ringan (300 mS/cm), konduktivitas menengah (600 mS/cm) dan konduktivitas berat (1200 mS/cm) diberikan pada eksperimen unjuk kerja arus bocor. Beberapa software digunakan untuk menganalisa besaran dan gelombang arus bocor yang melalui isolator uji. Pada eksperimen unjuk kerja arus bocor diketahui bahwa temperatur tinggi dan kelembaban tinggi pada isolator terpolutan menengah dan berat mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat besar untuk terjadinya peristiwa pita kering (dryband)

    Workshop Pembuatan Soal Literasi Membaca Berbasis Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum bagi Guru MGMP Bahasa Indonesia Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    The background to the implementation of this service is that the assessment of reading literacy competence is one of the assessments carried out by schools and the government in mapping the overall quality of students in the aspect of reading literacy. Therefore, students need to get reading literacy questions as their provision and experience to face the assessment. Teachers as the frontline in training and teaching students must also have the competence to make reading literacy questions based on AKM. Initial information was obtained by the teacher's obstacles in making reading literacy questions based on AKM. These constraints are 1. Setting an interesting stimulus and according to the student's level. 2. Create a question model that is in accordance with the AKM level. 3. Make a form of complex multiple choice questions. 4. determine the assessment criteria of each form of questions. 5. Determine the question indicators. These constraints become a reference and basis for giving workshops to participants. The results of PKM activities can be concluded that activities can provide experience to participants in making AKM-based reading literacy questions. Participants or teachers are very happy to get the training. As a result, it is expected that teachers can expand and create reading literacy questions that require critical thinking skills. Furthermore, it is hoped that all participants can inspire other teachers in their respective schools

    Simple HAWT Prototype Efficiency at Small Scale Wind Speed

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    Nowadays, the wind energy research for alternatif anergy has been progress. Wind energy can be found if the wind turbine is available. Based on rotation axis, wind turbin has been classified to Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). This paper explains  simple HAWT prototype to 200 ohm resistor and LED at small scale wind speed. The blade material is acrilic. This material property is light, no easy broken, no corrosive and easy to find it. The blade model is flat plate section. Rotor diameter is 1 meter. The research was did at the beach. Permanent magnet synchronous generator is used to change wind energy to electric energy. The result shows that the generator increase linearly with wind speed. Measured wind speed was 1.9 m/s to 3.9 m/s. Average efficiency of HAWT prototype was 6.2% at delta connected load and 3.7% at wye connected load

    Sistem Pakar Certainty Factor Berbasis Andorid Untuk Identifikasi Kecocokan Lahan Teknologi Salibu

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    Indonesi  merupakan Negara dengan konsumsi tanaman padi tertinggi di dunia. Pemerintah mentargetkan swasembada beras sehingga terus mengusahakan peningkatan produktivitas padi nasional. Salah satu solusinya adalah dengan mengembangkan teknologi Salibu. Pengembangan Teknologi Salibu selain memberi banyak keuntungan juga memiliki kendala, seperti tidak semua daerah dapat menerapkan teknik ini dan tenaga ahli yang masih kurang dan belum tersebar. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dirancang suatu aplikasi yang mampu merekomendasikan kondisi suatu daerah Cocok atau Tidak Cocok atau Cocok Bersyarat untuk diterapkan teknologi Salibu. Aplikasi yang dirancang menggunakan sistem pakar dengan metode Certainty Factor dan interface Android. Hasil yang didapat interface berkerja dengan baik. Tingkat akurasi 91,11 % dan kepuasan pengguna 90,5 %. Oleh karena itu dapat dikatakan aplikasi sistem pakar untuk mengidentifikasi kecocokan suatu daerah menerapakan tekonologi Salibu telah dapat digunakan

    Energi Listrik dari Pengereman Regeneratif Sepeda Motor dengan Menggunakan Dinamo Sepeda

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    Regenerative breaking is an energy recovery mechanism from wasted energy during breaking process. In a conventional breaking process, the kinetic energy from the wheel is converted into heat due to friction of the break disc. In regenerative breaking, the kinetic energy is converted into electric energy by a dynamo. This research aims to find amount of electric power, voltage and current that can be generated from regenerative breaking. By adding a prototype which contains dynamo of bicycle, rectifier and dc-dc converter, the generative braking can change kinetic energy into electrical energy. In this research, three types of front wheel disc, i.e. with hard insulation, soft insulation and without insulations had been used for the experiment.. It is found that the best result is obtained by using hard insulation. For motorcycle speed at 70 km/hours, voltage, current and power values are 12,8 Volt, 130 mA and 1664 mWatt. The advantages of the hard insulation are less friction, less heat dissipation and quieter

    Optimal PV Placement to Reduce Power Loss and Improve Voltage in Distribution Network System Using K-means Clustering Method

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    Placing the PV in the right location will maintain the utility voltage, but if the placement of PV in the wrong location will cause the stability of the system to be affected. In this study, optimization of PV placement uses the K-means Clustering method. This method will group each node in the system from the point of view of operating characteristics LSF (loss sensitivity factor) and dV (voltage deviation). The results of grouping each bus with the K-means Clustering method will be the basis for determining the location of PV placement in the IEEE 37 and 69 bus distribution systems. In this method, grouping results are used based on the size of the proximity and have the same characteristics with each other. In determining the optimal location for PV placement, the addition of PV will reduce power losses and improve voltage. Optimal PV location placement in the IEEE 37 bus distribution system is placed on 3 buses with a power capacity of 60% where the value of power losses drops to 176.2 kW and the voltage profile is the best but there are some buses that are still under voltage and overvoltage. Meanwhile, the most optimal PV location for the IEEE 69 bus distribution system is placed on a 6 bus with a power capacity of 60% where the value of power losses drops to 149.5 kW and the voltage profile of each bus is in normal condition.

    Sistem Kendali Jarak Jauh Berbasis Web untuk Sistem Rumah Pintar

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    Conventional control of electronic devices that still use manual on and off switches will limit the ability of public to achieve energy saving. Therefore, application of automatic controller in form of smart home will make energy saving effort will easier to achieve. This paper aims to design a system with concept of Internet of Things (IoT) for smart home application, by implementing a small computer device named Raspberry Pi which is used as server and control system. The principle of this system is to control electronic devices in a building through a local website using local internet network via a smart phone. The test results show that the system is able to control seven AC equipment and three DC voltage electronical devices in simultaneously. The system also able to display the status of each controlled electronics devices