19 research outputs found


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    This study aims to describe teacher beliefs and see the perspective of prospective teachers in implementing microteaching practices through Lesson Study activities, especially implementing student-centered learning. This survey research involved 33 students in the fourth and third years as research subject. Data collection on the self-confidence of prospective teachers through filling out questionnaires and the results of observations made in the Basic Teaching Skills class and Field Work Practice Activities. Qualitative analysis methods and quantitative data grouping are used to determine the response of pre-service teachers in self-confidence in implementing student-centered learning. The result is that the self-confidence of prospective teachers is still at level 2 (instructive) to level 4 (responsive) both in the aspect of confidence in the student-centered learning process and the aspect of trust in building knowledge by students. The highest level of self-confidence of prospective teachers, at 5 level (reformation) has not been achieved. Through an analysis of prospective teachers' self-confidence in these aspects, it can be used as a benchmark whether the learning process is student-centered or still teacher-centere

    Improving Student’s Motivation and Learning Outcomes Through Genetics E-Module

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    The purpose of this study was to know the impact of the Genetics E-module to improve students’ motivation and learning outcomes during the learning process. The method applied was Research and Development, limited until the implementation stage, using the quasi-experiment method with one group pretest-posttest. The motivation instruments were modified questionnaire by Keller with ARCS model, consist of 4 aspects including attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. The population were all of the students from class of 2017 in Biology Education department, Tribhuwana Tunggadewi State University. The pretest was held to know students’ motivation and learning outcomes when using a handout from the lecturer, while the posttest was to know students’ motivation and learning outcomes when using Genetics E-module. Data were collected from the motivation questionnaire and test. After using E-module, there were 27 students with high (71,91 ≤ x < 86), 18 students with medium (57,82 ≤ x < 71,91) and 5 students with low criterion (43,74 ≥ x) of motivation, and there were  58% students who passing the grade in Genetics test. Based on the data analysis, E-module was feasible to be used to improve students’ motivation and also learning outcomes in the Biology Education department

    Developing prospective teachers' science-task knowledge and practice through lesson study

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    Science learned requires constructivist experiences so that students could learnt to discover and conclude.  However, today's learned challenges were increasing along with the diversity of students and interests.  The aimed of this researched was to increase the knowledge and practiced of prospective science teachers in didactic practiced through lesson studied activities.  Didactic knowledge and practiced includes aspects of knowledge in preparing student assignments and analyzing student learned difficulties.  Apart from that, updating student competency achievements as a curriculum requirement was also a challenged for prospective teachers. This researched was a qualitative studied that conducted researched on the lesson studied group of prospective teachers consisting of two groups totaling eleven prospective teachers.  Data collection was carried out through direct group observation, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation.  The results of the implementation of the lesson studied project revealed the stages of science learned through the preparation of various learned ideas, the preparation of structured learned paths by thinking about the future, thinking about the process of student collaboration and the learned process. Constructed science concepts to determine objective learned outcomes. The results of this researched revealed how teams of prospective teachers collaborate in lesson studied learned and did things that built and support the team in achieving common goals


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    ABSTRAK   Lathifah, Anis Samrotul. 2012. Pengembangan Website Berbasis MOODLE untuk Membelajarkan Biologi Melalui Blended Learning di SMA Negeri 5 Malang.Skripsi, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Hadi Suwono, M.Si, (II) Dra. Sri Rahayu Lestari,M.Si   Kata Kunci : website berbasis MOODLE,blended learning Pemanfaatan ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) merupakan salah satu asas yang harus diterapkan pada pelaksanaan kurikulum dan proses pembelajaran RSBI. Pada kenyataannya, ICT masih belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal pada proses pembelajaran SMA RSBI Negeri 5 Malang. Untuk itulah diperlukan bahan ajar berbasis komputer dan internet melalui pembelajaran yang menggabungkan kegiatan tatap muka (face to face), berbasis komputer (offline) dan berbasis internet (online). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar berupa website menggunakan software MOODLE 1.9 untuk membelajarkan biologi melalui blended learning dan mendeskripsikan kelayakan website menggunakan software MOODLE 1.9 untuk membelajarkan biologi melalui blended learning.Bahan ajar ini dikembangkan untuk memfasilitasi guru dan siswa memanfaatkan komputer/laptop/tablet dan layanan internet selama pembelajaran di kelas atau di luar kelas sehingga interaksi antara guru dengan siswa bisa terjadi setiap waktu. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan. Langkah-langkah penelitian meliputi: studi pendahuluan, perancangan pembelajaran biologi melalui blended learning, pengembangan draf website berbasis MOODLE, uji coba terbatas, dan revisi produk akhir hasil pengembangan. Kegiatanvalidasidilaksanakanoleh validator ahli dan praktisi lapangan.Validasiolehahliditujukanuntukmengukurkelayakanisi. Data kualitatifdiperolehmelaluipengisiankritikdan saran dariahli.Uji coba produk dilakukan secara terbatas pada 12 siswa SMA Negeri 5 Malang yang dilakukan melalui pembelajaran blended learning selama dua kali pertemuan. Produkakhirpenelitianiniadalahwebsite berbasis MOODLE untuk membelajarkan biologi melalui blended learning. Hasilpenilaiandaridosendan guru Biologi SMA Negeri5 Malangmenunjukkanbahwawebsite berbasis MOODLE untuk membelajarkan biologi melalui blended learning memenuhi kriteria layak dengan nilai yang didapatkanyaitu 3,9 untukperangkatpembelajaran, 3,44untukmateri kingdom animaliadan 3,83 untukwebsite. Produk yang dihasilkan telah diujicoba dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa website berbasis MOODLE dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran blended learning di SMA RSBI Negeri 5 Malang

    Yuswa Istikomayanti, Zuni Mitasari, Anis Samrotul, 2019. Collegiality as a Key for Improving Students Success in Lesson Study Practices. Prosiding ICOMSE.

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    Abstract. Collegiality plays an important role in the profession of educators, especially teachers. Some schools have not yet try to maintain the quality of learning and even improve their learning at school with responsibilities among peers. This study illustrates the development of collegiality among teachers, especially improvisation and increasing teacher confidence. Some schools in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia have implemented Lesson study to improve the quality of their colleagues, improvise in learning. This qualitative research illustrates the development of collegiality between teachers, improvisation and teacher self-confidence, especially in learning. Data from fourteen teachers and principals were collected using questionnaires, interviews and observations of classroom learning. The results of this study, that some schools fail to implement Lesson Study continuously because collegiality beliefs and practices still low. But on the other hand there are schools that have successfully applied collegiality in increasing student learning. Only a few studies focus on aspects of the responsibilities of colleagues in developing teacher professionalism. Most studies still focus on pedagogical competencies as teaching skills while still ignoring the role of the learning community. Thus, developing the quality of collegial learning in schools is very important to support a shared learning atmospher

    Hasil Peer Review Artikel Berjudul Uji Karakteristik Limbah Cair Industri Batik Tulungagung: Penelitian Pendahuluan

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    Produksi batik di Indonesia telah tersebar di 20 provinsi di Indonesia. UNESCO bahkan mengukuhkan batik sebagai warisan budaya milik Indonesia. Industri batik menghasilkan karakteristik limbah yang berwarna pekat akibat tingginya konsentrasi kadar warna dari proses pencelupan warna pada pembuatan batik. Hal ini berakibat pada badan air sebagai tempat pembuangan limbah secara langsung. Komposisi zat warna yang digunakan dalam industri terdiri atas bahan kimia organikdan anorganik. Jenis zat warna yang digunakan dalam industri batik sebagai tempat pengambilan sampel adalah menggunakan naphtoldan indigosol. Limbah batik juga berpotensi mengandung senyawa logam berat yang berasal dari komposisi bahan pewarna. Semakin besar proses produksi berlangsung, maka kapasitas limbah yang dihasilkan semakin besar. Hal ini akan berdampak pada terganggunya keseimbangan pada lingkungan sekitar industri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pendahuluan yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik limbah cair batik di Tulungagung dengan mengukur kadar BOD, COD, DO, TSS, pH, kadar lemak, kadar zat warna dan kadar Cr6+. Pengujian kadar BOD diukur dengan menggunakan metode 5thday incubation, kadar COD diukur dengan menggunakan metode analisis Dichromate Oxidation, kadar DO diukur dengan metode analisis Dissolved Oxygen Before, kadar TSS diukur dengan metode analisis gravimetri, analisis lemak menggunakan metode Direct Acid Hydrolysis, analisis kadar warna menggunakan metode spectrofotometry dan analisis Cr6+ menggunakan metode analisisspektrofotometry. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik limbah cair pabrik batik di atas baku mutu yang telah ditentukan oleh Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 51/menlh/10/1995. Kadar BOD menunjukkan 376, 633 mg/L, kadar COD sebesar 568 mg/L, kadar DO sebesar 2, 374 mg/L, kadar TSS sebesar 1180 mg/L, pH sebesar 5,8; kadar lemak sebesar 0,240%, dan kadar Cr 6+sebesar 2,361 mg/L. Pengambilan cuplikan hanya dilakukan satu kali pada tiga titik lokasi pengambilan, sehingga hasil penelitian tidak bisa mewakili kondisi musim yang berlaku. Pengambilan cuplikan dilakukan pada musim kemarau. Hasil penelitian hanya berlaku untuk waktu dan kondisi saat pengambilan cuplikan di kecamatan Kauman, Tulungagun

    Plant identification code: Learning media based on qr-code for plant exploration in P-WEC conservation area

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    Petungsewu Wildlife Conservation (P-WEC) is an informal education center on nature and wildlife conservation who has many wild plants to learn, but learning related to plants in the area is still not optimal due to the lack of tools that make it easier for visitors to learn plant exploration, also learning by biology students and visitors still not optimal because learning is still centered on the drawing sheet presented plants, so that independent exploration has not been widely carried out, so this research aims to determine the feasibility of the PIC (Plant Identification Code) as a learning media based on qr-code for plant exploration in P-WEC Conservation area. This research was used Research and Development (R&D) with ADDIE model which includes the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation stage. The data were collected using a questionnaire to measure the feasibility of media by media and material expert, and also visitor who are visitors who are biology students. The result showed that PIC Media are feasible to use with score of 4.10 and 3.85 (feasible) according to media and material experts, and also score of 4.22 (very feasible) according to the visitors who is Biology students. It is because the media can increase the efficiency in the learning environment where information related to plants can be accessed independently by students using a scanner application on android during exploration and plant identification learning in the P-WEC conservation area