Yuswa Istikomayanti, Zuni Mitasari, Anis Samrotul, 2019. Collegiality as a Key for Improving Students Success in Lesson Study Practices. Prosiding ICOMSE.


Abstract. Collegiality plays an important role in the profession of educators, especially teachers. Some schools have not yet try to maintain the quality of learning and even improve their learning at school with responsibilities among peers. This study illustrates the development of collegiality among teachers, especially improvisation and increasing teacher confidence. Some schools in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia have implemented Lesson study to improve the quality of their colleagues, improvise in learning. This qualitative research illustrates the development of collegiality between teachers, improvisation and teacher self-confidence, especially in learning. Data from fourteen teachers and principals were collected using questionnaires, interviews and observations of classroom learning. The results of this study, that some schools fail to implement Lesson Study continuously because collegiality beliefs and practices still low. But on the other hand there are schools that have successfully applied collegiality in increasing student learning. Only a few studies focus on aspects of the responsibilities of colleagues in developing teacher professionalism. Most studies still focus on pedagogical competencies as teaching skills while still ignoring the role of the learning community. Thus, developing the quality of collegial learning in schools is very important to support a shared learning atmospher

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