215 research outputs found

    Introductory Chapter: Liver Cancer, Risk Factors and Current Therapies

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    Introductory Chapter: Myeloid Leukemia

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    New approach to calculating the fundamental matrix

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    The estimation of the fundamental matrix (F) is to determine the epipolar geometry and to establish a geometrical relation between two images of the same scene or elaborate video frames. In the literature, we find many techniques that have been proposed for robust estimations such as RANSAC (random sample consensus), least-squares median (LMeds), and M estimators as exhaustive. This article presents a comparison between the different detectors that are (Harris, FAST, SIFT, and SURF) in terms of detected points number, the number of correct matches and the computation speed of the ‘F’. Our method based first on the extraction of descriptors by the algorithm (SURF) was used in comparison to the other one because of its robustness, then set the threshold of uniqueness to obtain the best points and also normalize these points and rank it according to the weighting function of the different regions at the end of the estimation of the matrix''F'' by the technique of the M-estimator at eight points, to calculate the average error and the speed of the calculation ''F''. The results of the experimental simulation were applied to the real images with different changes of viewpoints, for example (rotation, lighting, and moving object), give a good agreement in terms of the counting speed of the fundamental matrix and the acceptable average error. The results of the simulation show this technique of use in real-time application

    A study on supereulerian digraphs and spanning trails in digraphs

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    A strong digraph D is eulerian if for any v ∈ V (D), d+D (v) = d−D (v). A digraph D is supereulerian if D contains a spanning eulerian subdigraph, or equivalently, a spanning closed directed trail. A digraph D is trailable if D has a spanning directed trail. This dissertation focuses on a study of trailable digraphs and supereulerian digraphs from the following aspects. 1. Strong Trail-Connected, Supereulerian and Trailable Digraphs. For a digraph D, D is trailable digraph if D has a spanning trail. A digraph D is strongly trail- connected if for any two vertices u and v of D, D posses both a spanning (u, v)-trail and a spanning (v,u)-trail. As the case when u = v is possible, every strongly trail-connected digraph is also su- pereulerian. Let D be a digraph. Let S(D) = {e ∈ A(D) : e is symmetric in D}. A digraph D is symmetric if A(D) = S(D). The symmetric core of D, denoted by J(D), has vertex set V (D) and arc set S(D). We have found a well-characterized digraph family D each of whose members does not have a spanning trail with its underlying graph spanned by a K2,n−2 such that for any strong digraph D with its matching number αâ€Č(D) and arc-strong-connectivity λ(D), if n = |V (D)| ≄ 3 and λ(D) ≄ αâ€Č(D) − 1, then each of the following holds. (i) There exists a family D of well-characterized digraphs such that for any digraph D with αâ€Č(D) ≀ 2, D has a spanning trial if and only if D is not a member in D. (ii) If αâ€Č(D) ≄ 3, then D has a spanning trail. (iii) If αâ€Č(D) ≄ 3 and n ≄ 2αâ€Č(D) + 3, then D is supereulerian. (iv) If λ(D) ≄ αâ€Č(D) ≄ 4 and n ≄ 2αâ€Č(D) + 3, then for any pair of vertices u and v of D, D contains a spanning (u, v)-trail. 2. Supereulerian Digraph Strong Products. A cycle vertex cover of a digraph D is a collection of directed cycles in D such that every vertex in D lies in at least one dicycle in this collection, and such that the union of the arc sets of these directed cycles induce a connected subdigraph of D. A subdigraph F of a digraph D is a circulation if for every vertex v in F, the indegree of v equals its outdegree, and a spanning circulation if F is a cycle factor. Define f(D) to be the smallest cardinality of a cycle vertex cover of the digraph D/F obtained from D by contracting all arcs in F , among all circulations F of D. In [International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, 8 (2019) 12-19], it is proved that if D1 and D2 are nontrivial strong digraphs such that D1 is supereulerian and D2 has a cycle vertex cover Câ€Č with |Câ€Č| ≀ |V (D1)|, then the Cartesian product D1 and D2 is also supereulerian. We prove that for strong digraphs D1 and D2, if for some cycle factor F1 of D1, the digraph formed from D1 by contracting arcs in F1 is hamiltonian with f(D2) not bigger than |V (D1)|, then the strong product D1 and D2 is supereulerian

    New approach to the identification of the easy expression recognition system by robust techniques (SIFT, PCA-SIFT, ASIFT and SURF)

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    In recent years, facial recognition has been a major problem in the field of computer vision, which has attracted lots of interest in previous years because of its use in different applications by different domains and image analysis. Which is based on the extraction of facial descriptors, it is a very important step in facial recognition. In this article, we compared robust methods (SIFT, PCA-SIFT, ASIFT and SURF) to extract relevant facial information with different facial posture variations (open and unopened mouth, glasses and no glasses, open and closed eyes). The simulation results show that the detector (SURF) is better than others at finding the similarity descriptor and calculation time. Our method is based on the normalization of vector descriptors and combined with the RANSAC algorithm to cancel outliers in order to calculate the Hessian matrix with the objective of reducing the calculation time. To validate our experience, we tested four facial images databases containing several modifications. The results of the simulation show that our method is more efficient than other detectors in terms of speed of recognition and determination of similar points between two images of the same face, one belonging to the base of the text and the other one to the base driven by different modifications. This method, which can be applied on a mobile platform to analyze the content of simple images, for example, to detect driver fatigue, human-machine interaction, human-robot. Using descriptors with properties important for good accuracy and real-time response

    A combined method based on CNN architecture for variation-resistant facial recognition

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    Identifying individuals from a facial image is a technique that forms part of computer vision and is used in various fields such as security, digital biometrics, smartphones, and banking. However, it can prove difficult due to the complexity of facial structure and the presence of variations that can affect the results. To overcome this difficulty, in this paper, we propose a combined approach that aims to improve the accuracy and robustness of facial recognition in the presence of variations. To this end, two datasets (ORL and UMIST) are used to train our model. We then began with the image pre-processing phase, which consists in applying a histogram equalization operation to adjust the gray levels over the entire image surface to improve quality and enhance the detection of features in each image. Next, the least important features are eliminated from the images using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method. Finally, the pre-processed images are subjected to a neural network architecture (CNN) consisting of multiple convolution layers and fully connected layers. Our simulation results show a high performance of our approach, with accuracy rates of up to 99.50% for the ORL dataset and 100% for the UMIST dataset

    Method of optimization of the fundamental matrix by technique speeded up robust features application of different stress images

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    The purpose of determining the fundamental matrix (F) is to define the epipolar geometry and to relate two 2D images of the same scene or video series to find the 3D scenes. The problem we address in this work is the estimation of the localization error and the processing time. We start by comparing the following feature extraction techniques: Harris, features from accelerated segment test (FAST), scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) and speed-up robust features (SURF) with respect to the number of detected points and correct matches by different changes in images. Then, we merged the best chosen by the objective function, which groups the descriptors by different regions in order to calculate ‘F’. Then, we applied the standardized eight-point algorithm which also automatically eliminates the outliers to find the optimal solution ‘F’. The test of our optimization approach is applied on the real images with different scene variations. Our simulation results provided good results in terms of accuracy and the computation time of ‘F’ does not exceed 900 ms, as well as the projection error of maximum 1 pixel, regardless of the modification

    Vincent Dubois, La vie au guichet. Relations administratives et traitement de la misĂšre

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    La vie au guichet. Relations administratives et traitement de la misĂšre, 3e Ă©dition d’un travail publiĂ© en 1999, est le rĂ©sultat d’une enquĂȘte de terrain, rĂ©alisĂ©e par Vincent Dubois en 1995, Ă  la demande de la direction de la Caisse d’allocations familiales (caf). Cette enquĂȘte porte sur la relation au guichet comme objet d’investigation sociologique. L’auteur a menĂ© une observation directe de 900 interactions de face-Ă -face entre les agents d’accueil et les visiteurs et ce, durant six mois...

    Alain Garrigou, Jacques Le Bohec, Rémi Lefebvre, Roger Martelli et al., Voter et se taire ? Monopoles politiques, influences médiatiques

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    Cet ouvrage constitue la premiĂšre contribution Ă  une sĂ©rie de documents publiĂ©s par la Fondation Copernic dont l’objectif est l’analyse critique de la sociĂ©tĂ© libĂ©rale. Voter et se taire ? Monopoles politiques, influences mĂ©diatiques est une entreprise de vulgarisation scientifique visant Ă  aiguiser le sens critique des citoyens en mettant Ă  la portĂ©e d’un large public, des travaux de spĂ©cialistes de la chose politique (articles courts, Ă©criture accessible etc.). Fournir des ressources critiq..
