368 research outputs found

    Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms for Denoising

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    When a video sequence is recorded in low-light conditions, the image often become noisy. Standard methods for noise reduction have difficulties with motion. But the interesting parts in a video is often the ones that are moving, for instance a burglar captured in a surveillance video. One approach for denoising video sequences is to use temporal filtering controlled by optical flow, which describes how pixels move between two image frames. Today, there exists few studies comparing how different optical flow algorithms perform on noisy video sequences. Four different algorithms have been analyzed in the thesis. Moreover, a comparison on how well they can be used to improve the result of a temporal noise filter has been done. The conclusion of the comparison is that optical flow is useful for noise reduction. Algorithms based on patch matching and edge consistency perform better than algorithms based on color consistency. A recommendation for future work is to combine the best parts of each algorithm to develop a new optical flow algorithm, specialized on noisy image sequences. Furthermore, develop and implement a sophisticated optical flow based noise filter in camera hardware

    Risk of Subjection to Violence and Perpetration of Violence in Persons With Psychiatric Disorders in Sweden

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    Importance Key outcomes for persons with psychiatric disorders include subjection to violence and perpetration of violence. The occurrence of these outcomes and their associations with psychiatric disorders need to be clarified. Objective To estimate the associations of a wide range of psychiatric disorders with the risks of subjection to violence and perpetration of violence. Design, Setting, and Participants A total of 250 419 individuals born between January 1, 1973, and December 31, 1993, were identified to have psychiatric disorders using Swedish nationwide registers. Premorbid subjection to violence was measured since birth. The patients were matched by age and sex to individuals in the general population (n = 2504 190) and to their full biological siblings without psychiatric disorders (n = 194 788). The start date for the patients and control groups was defined as the discharge date of the first psychiatric episode. The participants were censored either when they migrated, died, experienced the outcome of interest, or reached the end of the study period on December 31, 2013. Data were analyzed from January 15 to September 14, 2019. Exposures Patients with common psychiatric disorders (eg, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety) were differentiated using a hierarchical approach. Patients with personality disorders and substance use disorders were also included. Main Outcomes and Measures Subjection to violence was defined as an outpatient visit (excluding a primary care visit), inpatient episode, or death associated with any diagnosis of an injury that was purposefully inflicted by other persons. Perpetration of violence was defined as a violent crime conviction. Stratified Cox regression models were fitted to account for the time at risk, a range of sociodemographic factors, a history of violence, and unmeasured familial confounders (via sibling comparisons). Results Among 250 419 patients (55.4% women), the median (interquartile range) age at first diagnosis ranged from 20.0 (17.4-24.0) years for alcohol use disorder to 23.7 (19.9-28.8) years for anxiety disorder. Compared with 2504 190 matched individuals without psychiatric disorders from the general population, patients with psychiatric disorders were more likely to be subjected to violence (7.1 [95% CI, 6.9-7.2] vs 1.0 [95% CI, 0.9-1.0] per 1000 person-years) and to perpetrate violence (7.5 [95% CI, 7.4-7.6] vs 0.7 [95% CI, 0.7-0.7] per 1000 person-years). In the fully adjusted models, patients with psychiatric disorders were 3 to 4 times more likely than their siblings without psychiatric disorders to be either subjected to violence (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR], 3.4 [95% CI, 3.2-3.6]) or to perpetrate violence (aHR, 4.2 [95% CI, 3.9-4.4]). Diagnosis with any of the specific disorders was associated with higher rates of violent outcomes, with the sole exception of schizophrenia, which was not associated with the risk of subjection to violence. Conclusions and Relevance In this study, persons with psychiatric disorders were 3 to 4 times more likely than their siblings without psychiatric disorders to have been subjected to violence or to have perpetrated violence after the onset of their conditions. The risks of both outcomes varied by specific psychiatric diagnosis, history of violence, and familial risks. Clinical interventions may benefit from targeted approaches for the assessment and management of risk of violence in people with psychiatric disorders.Peer reviewe

    Könsstympade kvinnors lidande efter immigration till vÀstvÀrlden. En litteraturstudie

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    Kann Arbeitsleistung weiterhin als basales Kriterium der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit dienen?

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    Syfte: Att beskriva partnerns upplevelse av att leva med en person som har drabbats av stroke. Metod: Litteraturöversikt utifrÄn kvalitativ ansats. Tolv vetenskapliga artiklar har granskats och analyserats utifrÄn Fribergs femstegsmodell (Friberg, 2012b). Resultat: Partners till strokedrabbade upplevde att relationen med den sjuke förÀndrades till det sÀmre i och med livskamratens stroke. FrÄn att ha levt i ett jÀmstÀllt kÀrleksförhÄllande förÀndrades relationen till att bli den mellan vÄrdgivare och vÄrdtagare eller rentav till att likna den mellan förÀlder och barn. Ansvarsfördelningen i familjen pÄverkades stort liksom det sociala livet. Partners till strokedrabbade upplevde överlag att en stor börda lÄg pÄ deras axlar. De kÀnde frustration, ilska och skuldkÀnslor liksom oro bÄde för den strokedrabbades hÀlsa och för den gemensamma framtiden. Slutsats: Oavsett Älder sÄ upplevde partners till strokedrabbade att livet förÀndrades och att de fick ta ett stort ansvar. UtifrÄn denna litteraturöversikt kan sjuksköterskans förstÄelse för partnerns situation öka. Det Àr viktigt att mÀnniskor som arbetar inom strokevÄrden förstÄr partnerns roll i sammanhanget och hur dennes hÀlsa kan pÄverkas. Ett bra stöd till partnern blir Àven ett bra stöd för den strokedrabbade.  Aim: To describe the partnerŽs experience of living with a stroke survivor. Method: A literature review was conducted using qualitative approach. Twelve scientific articles were reviewed and analyzed from Friberg five-step (Friberg, 2012b). Results: Partners of stroke survivors experienced a different life after the stroke. The relationship with the stroke survivor changed from an equal love relation to the relation between carer and caretaker, or even the one between parent and child. Partners of stroke survivors experienced they were carrying a tremendous amount of responsibilities on their shoulders. They expressed feelings of frustration, anger, guilt and worries about the future. Conclusion: Partners of stroke survivors experienced, regardless of age, a different life after the stroke.  Based on this literature review, nurses understanding of the partners experience may increase. It is important that health professionals understand the partner and how his/ her own health is affected. Sufficient support for the partner is at the same time support for the stroke survivor

    A descriptive study of Swedish women with symptoms of breast inflammation during lactation and their perceptions of the quality of care given at a breastfeeding clinic

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    BACKGROUND: Women's perceptions of quality of care during episodes of breast inflammation have been scantily explored. It was the objective of the present study to describe a cohort of breastfeeding women with inflammatory symptoms of the breast during lactation regarding demographical variables, illness history and symptoms at first contact with a breastfeeding clinic and to explore their physical health status, psychological well-being and perceptions of quality of care received, at a six-week postal follow-up. METHODS: This is a descriptive study set at a midwife-led breastfeeding clinic in Sweden, which included a cohort of women with 210 episodes of breast inflammation. The women had taken part in a RCT of acupuncture and care interventions and were recruited between 2002 and 2004. Of the total cohort, 176 (84 %) responded to a postal questionnaire, six weeks after recovery. RESULTS: Of the 154 women for whom body temperature was recorded at the first visit, 80 (52%) had fever ranging from 38.1°C to 40.7°C. There was no significant difference between those with favourable outcomes (5 or less contact days) and those with less favourable outcomes (6 or more contact days) for having fever or no fever at first contact. Thirty-six percent of women had damaged nipples. Significantly more women with a less favourable outcome (6 or more contact days) had damaged nipples. Most women recovered well from the episode of breast inflammation and 96% considered their physical health and 97% their psychological well-being, to be good, six weeks after the episode. Those whose illness lasted 6 days or more showed less confidence in the midwives and in the care given to them. Twenty-one (12%) women contacted health care services because of recurring symptoms and eight of the 176 responders (4.5%) were prescribed antibiotics for these recurring symptoms. A further 46 women (26% of the responders) reported recurring symptoms that they managed without recourse to health care services. CONCLUSION: Initial fever may not be indicative of outcomes for women with inflammatory breast symptoms and treatment by antibiotic therapy may be necessary less often than has been supposed. Women who are also suffering from damaged nipples may need special attention. Those with protracted symptoms were less satisfied with care and showed less confidence in caregivers. International research collaboration might help us find the optimal level of antibiotic therapy for this group of women. This is an important consideration for the global community

    Members’ incentives to trade and invest in cooperative societies : a comparison between LantmĂ€nnen and Södra SkogsĂ€garna

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    En kooperativ förening innebĂ€r att medlemmarna handlar med, Ă€ger och styr föreningen. Ägandet bestĂ„r i huvudsak av att medlemmarna har grundinsatser, men de kan ocksĂ„ investera och handla med frivilliga insatser. Det finns olika möjligheter till frivilliga insatser, framförallt emissionsinsatser och förlagsinsatser. Via emissionsinsatser förs kapital över frĂ„n föreningens balanserade vinstmedel till medlemmens individuella konto. Detta kapital blir grund för kommande Ă„rs avkastning. Förlagsinsatser Ă€r ett slags vĂ€rdepapper eller aktie som genererar utdelning till medlemmarna pĂ„ Ă„rsbasis. Problem uppstĂ„r nĂ€r fördelningen mellan handel och investeringar bland medlemmarna blir ojĂ€mn samt nĂ€r föreningen inte har kunskap om vilka incitament som pĂ„verkar medlemmarna att handla med och investera i föreningen. Sociopsykologiska begrepp som engagemang, förtroende, lojalitet, kunskap och motivation kan pĂ„verka medlemmarnas incitament. Studiens syfte Ă€r att förklara de skillnader som kan förekomma vad gĂ€ller de incitament, som medlemmar i föreningar inom olika branscher har för att investera individuellt kapital i sina föreningar samt att bedriva handel med föreningarna. Studien inkluderar LantmĂ€nnen och Södra SkogsĂ€garna eftersom de har likheter gĂ€llande stora medlemskĂ„rer och omfattande vertikal integration, samtidigt som de Ă€r verksamma i olika branscher, spannmĂ„l och lantbruksförnödenheter respektive skog. Studien har genomförts med hjĂ€lp av en webb-baserad enkĂ€t. Ett frĂ„geformulĂ€r skickades via e-post ut till 2000 LantmĂ€nnenmedlemmar och 2000 Södramedlemmar. Svarsfrekvensen för de bĂ„da föreningarna var 35 procent i Södra SkogsĂ€garna respektive 26 procent i LantmĂ€nnen. Resultatet av studien visar att vissa incitament till handel med och investering i föreningarna överensstĂ€mmer hos medlemmarna i de bĂ„da föreningarna medan vissa incitament skiljer sig Ă„t. Förtroende för styrelsen spelar en stor roll vad gĂ€ller medlemmens vilja att handla med föreningen. Även lojalitet och engagemang pĂ„verkar. Medlemmarnas erfarenheter frĂ„n handel med föreningen visade sig ocksĂ„ spela in vid val av handelspartner. Kunskap om emissionsinsatser och förlagsinsatser Ă€r viktig vad gĂ€ller viljan att investera frivilligt kapital i föreningarna. Avkastning pĂ„ det insatta kapitalet och lojaliteten mot föreningen Ă€r incitament för medlemmarna i Södra SkogsĂ€garna, men inte för medlemmarna i LantmĂ€nnen, att investera frivilligt kapital i föreningen. MĂ€ngden frivilligt kapital i föreningen har samband med medlemmarnas engagemang i föreningarna.A cooperative is a corporate structure to provide benefits and advantages to its members. The member trades with the cooperative, owns it and controls it. The ownership comprises mainly of members having shares but they can also invest and trade with optional shares. In Sweden there are various possibilities for optional shares, especially bonus shares and B-shares. Through the issued bonus shares, capital is transferred from the cooperative retained earnings to the member's individual account. This capital will be the basis for following year's dividends. B-shares are a form of securitiy or shares that generate dividends to members on an annual basis. Problems arise when the balance between members’ trade and members’ investment becomes skewed and when the cooperative does not have knowledge of the incentives that influence members to trade and invest. Socio-psychological factors such as commitment, trust, loyalty, knowledge and motivation affect the members’ incentives. This study aims to explain the differences that may exist in terms of the incentives, as members of cooperatives in different industries invest individually in equity of their cooperation and trade with it. Two cooperatives, LantmĂ€nnen and Södra SkogsĂ€garna were chosen because they have some similarities. They have large memberships and have extensive vertical integration whilst they are different as they operate different industries, namely grain and agricultural supplies and forestry respectively. The data was collected using a web-based questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent by e-mail to 2000 LantmĂ€nnen members and 2000 Södra SkogsĂ€garna members. The response rate was 35 percent in Södra SkogsĂ€garna and 26 percent in LantmĂ€nnen. The results show that certain incentives to trade with and invest in the cooperatives are similar among members in the two cooperatives while some incentives differ. The member’s trust in its board plays a major role in the member's willingness to trade with the cooperative, but also loyalty and commitment affect the willingness of members to trade with the cooperative. Members' experience of trading with the cooperative seem to play a role in the choice of trade partners. Knowledge of bonus shares and B-shares is important for the willingness to invest capital into the cooperative. Return on invested capital and loyalty to the cooperative are incentives for the Södra SkogsĂ€garna members to voluntarily invest capital in the cooperative. This seems to be less important for members of LantmĂ€nnen. The amount of voluntary capital in the cooperative is related to members' cooperatives involvement

    Adhesion of the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum 299v onto the gut mucosa in critically ill patients: a randomised open trial

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    INTRODUCTION: To achieve any possible positive effect on the intestinal mucosa cells it is important that probiotics adhere tightly onto the intestinal mucosa. It has been shown in healthy volunteers that Lactobacillus plantarum 299v (Lp 299v) (DSM 9843), a probiotic bacterium, given orally in a fermented oatmeal formula adheres onto the intestinal mucosa, but whether this also occurs in critically ill patients is unknown. METHODS: After randomisation, nine enterally fed, critically ill patients treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics received an oatmeal formula fermented with Lp 299v throughout their stay in the intensive care unit; eight patients served as controls. Biopsies of the rectal mucosa were made at admission and then twice a week, and the biopsies were analysed blindly. RESULTS: Four patients in the control group were colonised with Lp 299v at admission but thereafter all their biopsies were negative (Lp 299v is an ingredient in a common functional food, ProViva(Âź), in Sweden). Of the treated patients none was colonised at admission but three patients had Lp 299v adhered on the mucosa from the second or third biopsy and in the following samples. CONCLUSION: This study shows that Lp 299v could survive the passage from the stomach to the rectum and was able adhere onto the rectal mucosa also in critically ill, antibiotic-treated patients
