268 research outputs found

    Industrins utveckling mot netto-nollutslÀpp 2050

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    Sverige har en vision om ”netto-noll” utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser till 2050 och Ă€r pĂ„ god vĂ€g att nĂ„ utsatta delmĂ„l för utslĂ€ppsreduktioner till 2020. KlimatfrĂ„gan Ă€r dock lĂ„ngsiktig och det under klimatkonventionen antagna 2-gradersmĂ„let innebĂ€r utslĂ€ppsĂ„taganden som strĂ€cker sig till Ă„r 2050 och bortom. En lĂ„ngsiktigt effektiv klimatpolitik ska dĂ€rför utvĂ€rderas bĂ„de efter vilka lĂ„ngsiktiga utvecklingsmöjligheter den skapar likvĂ€l som efter de utslĂ€ppsreduktioner som nĂ„s till lĂ€gsta kostnad pĂ„ kort sikt. Detta betyder ett ökat fokus pĂ„ styrning och Ă„tgĂ€rder som inte ger direkta utslĂ€ppsreduktioner idag men som pĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt skapar förutsĂ€ttningar i form av infrastruktur, kunskap, teknikutveckling och grönt entreprenörskap. PĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt mĂ„ste klimatpolitiken Ă€ven fortsĂ€tta med bredare ekonomiska ansatser som grön skattevĂ€xling för att styra mot klimatsmartart konsumtion. För tillverkningsindustrin bör staten skapa bra generella förutsĂ€ttningar för innovation och industriell utveckling för att underlĂ€tta tillverkningsindustrins omstĂ€llning till nya ”gröna” marknadskrav. För basindustrin behöver dock staten ta ett sĂ€rskilt ansvar och ha en sammanhĂ€ngande innovationspolitik som mer riktat styr mot att utveckla nya tekniska lösningar för att klara lĂ„ngsiktiga klimatmĂ„l. Forskning och utveckling Ă€r redan idag en viktig del av svensk klimatpolitik men det saknas en sammanhĂ„llen svensk strategi för basindustrin. För att utveckla de rĂ€tta institutionella förutsĂ€ttningarna föreslĂ„r vi tvĂ„ uppdrag som bör utvecklas och sedan permanentas inom myndigheterna. I. Ett uppdrag att utveckla kapaciteten att analysera och utvĂ€rdera strukturomvandlingen mot grönare sektorer i ekonomin II. Ett uppdrag att utveckla branschvisa fĂ€rdplaner för industrin BĂ€gge uppdrag syftar till att stĂ€rka myndigheternas förmĂ„ga att effektivt implementera en lĂ„ngsiktig klimatpolitik med ett fokus pĂ„ industri- och teknikutvecklin

    Increased mRNA Levels of TCF7L2 and MYC of the Wnt Pathway in Tg-ArcSwe Mice and Alzheimer's Disease Brain

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    Several components in the Wnt pathway, including ÎČ-catenin and glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta, have been implied in AD pathogenesis. Here, mRNA brain levels from five-month-old tg-ArcSwe and nontransgenic mice were compared using Affymetrix microarray analysis. With surprisingly small overall changes, Wnt signaling was the most affected pathway with altered expression of nine genes in tg-ArcSwe mice. When analyzing mRNA levels of these genes in human brain, transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) and v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (MYC), were increased in Alzheimer's disease (AD) (P < .05). Furthermore, no clear differences in TCF7L2 and MYC mRNA were found in brains with frontotemporal lobar degeneration, suggesting that altered regulation of these Wnt-related genes could be specific to AD. Finally, mRNA levels of three neurogenesis markers were analyzed. Increased mRNA levels of dihydropyrimidinase-like 3 were observed in AD brain, suggesting that altered Wnt pathway regulation may signify synaptic rearrangement or neurogenesis

    Increased mRNA Levels of TCF7L2 and MYC of the Wnt Pathway in Tg-ArcSwe Mice and Alzheimer's Disease Brain

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    Several components in the Wnt pathway, including ÎČ-catenin and glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta, have been implied in AD pathogenesis. Here, mRNA brain levels from five-month-old tg-ArcSwe and nontransgenic mice were compared using Affymetrix microarray analysis. With surprisingly small overall changes, Wnt signaling was the most affected pathway with altered expression of nine genes in tg-ArcSwe mice. When analyzing mRNA levels of these genes in human brain, transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) and v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (MYC), were increased in Alzheimer's disease (AD) (P < .05). Furthermore, no clear differences in TCF7L2 and MYC mRNA were found in brains with frontotemporal lobar degeneration, suggesting that altered regulation of these Wnt-related genes could be specific to AD. Finally, mRNA levels of three neurogenesis markers were analyzed. Increased mRNA levels of dihydropyrimidinase-like 3 were observed in AD brain, suggesting that altered Wnt pathway regulation may signify synaptic rearrangement or neurogenesis

    An industrial policy framework for transforming energy and emissions intensive industries towards zero emissions

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    The target of zero emissions sets a new standard for industry and industrial policy. Industrial policy in the twenty-first century must aim to achieve zero emissions in the energy and emissions intensive industries. Sectors such as steel, cement, and chemicals have so far largely been sheltered from the effects of climate policy. A major shift is needed, from contemporary industrial policy that mainly protects industry to policy strategies that transform the industry. For this purpose, we draw on a wide range of literatures including engineering, economics, policy, governance, and innovation studies to propose a comprehensive industrial policy framework. The policy framework relies on six pillars: directionality, knowledge creation and innovation, creating and reshaping markets, building capacity for governance and change, international coherence, and sensitivity to socio-economic implications of phase-outs. Complementary solutions relying on technological, organizational, and behavioural change must be pursued in parallel and throughout whole value chains. Current policy is limited to supporting mainly some options, e.g. energy efficiency and recycling, with some regions also adopting carbon pricing, although most often exempting the energy and emissions intensive industries. An extended range of options, such as demand management, materials efficiency, and electrification, must also be pursued to reach zero emissions. New policy research and evaluation approaches are needed to support and assess progress as these industries have hitherto largely been overlooked in domestic climate policy as well as international negotiations

    Coding of procedures documented by general practitioners in Swedish primary care-an explorative study using two procedure coding systems

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Procedures documented by general practitioners in primary care have not been studied in relation to procedure coding systems. We aimed to describe procedures documented by Swedish general practitioners in electronic patient records and to compare them to the Swedish Classification of Health Interventions (KVÅ) and SNOMED CT.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Procedures in 200 record entries were identified, coded, assessed in relation to two procedure coding systems and analysed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>417 procedures found in the 200 electronic patient record entries were coded with 36 different Classification of Health Interventions categories and 148 different SNOMED CT concepts. 22.8% of the procedures could not be coded with any Classification of Health Interventions category and 4.3% could not be coded with any SNOMED CT concept. 206 procedure-concept/category pairs were assessed as a complete match in SNOMED CT compared to 10 in the Classification of Health Interventions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Procedures documented by general practitioners were present in nearly all electronic patient record entries. Almost all procedures could be coded using SNOMED CT.</p> <p>Classification of Health Interventions covered the procedures to a lesser extent and with a much lower degree of concordance. SNOMED CT is a more flexible terminology system that can be used for different purposes for procedure coding in primary care.</p

    Lunds kommuns klimatpolitiska rÄd : Rapport 2021

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    Lunds kommuns klimatpolitiska rĂ„d (RĂ„det) bildades hösten 2018 med uppdrag att utvĂ€rdera hur Lunds kommuns samlade politik Ă€r förenlig med de klimatmĂ„l som antagits av kommunfullmĂ€ktige. RĂ„det, som bestĂ„r av forskare frĂ„n Lunds universitet (LU) och SLU Alnarp, har sammantaget en bred tvĂ€r- och mĂ„ngvetenskaplig kompetens och en gedigen erfarenhet av samverkan med olika samhĂ€llsaktörer.Samarbetet mellan Lunds kommun och akademin har sedan lĂ€nge stimulerat utvecklingen i Lund och utgör en viktig kĂ€lla till nytĂ€nkande och problemlösning.RĂ„det uppskattar förtroendet att utvĂ€rdera kommunens klimatarbete men uttrycker samtidigt en ödmjukhet inför komplexiteten i detta arbete. RĂ„dets ambition Ă€r att strĂ€va efter att vara kritiskt granskande men ocksĂ„ konstruktiv och lösningsorienterad för att kunna bidra till utvecklingen av det lokala klimatarbetet.RĂ„det presenterar Ă„rligen en rapport i vilken Lunds kommuns klimatarbete granskas. Detta Ă€r RĂ„dets tredje rapport i vilken RĂ„det valt att fokusera pĂ„ Lunds kommuns förslag till nya klimatmĂ„l i miljömĂ„lsprogrammet LundaEko. Denna granskningkompletteras med en uppföljning av de klimatmĂ„l som antagits i den tidigare versionen av LundaEko (LundaEko II 2014-2020) inom omrĂ„dena Minstamöjliga klimatpĂ„verkan och Klimatanpassning. RĂ„det har i sin granskning utgĂ„tt frĂ„n tillgĂ€ngliga planer, dokument, redovisningar och data. Detta material har kompletterats med samtal med ansvariga tjĂ€nstepersoner. Under arbetets gĂ„ng har RĂ„det Ă€ven fört dialog med Ungdomspolitiken i Lund, som pĂ„ egen hand granskat LundaEko ur ett ungdomsperspektiv.Under 2020 har mandatet för nĂ„gra rĂ„dsledamöter löpt ut – Lena Hiselius (LU), Anna Peterson (SLU Alnarp), Markku Rummukainen (LU) och Catharina Sternudd (LU) – och de har avtackats för sina insatser under de inledande tvĂ„ Ă„ren. Samtidigt har nya ledamöter tillkommit – Cecilia Akselsson (LU), Susanne Arvidsson (LU), Anders Larsson (SLU Alnarp) och Lars J Nilsson (LU) – som tillsammans med övriga ledamöter har deltagit i den granskning som presenteras i denna rapport

    A European industrial development policy for prosperity and zero emissions

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    The objective of this paper is to outline and discuss the key elements of an EU industrial development policy consistent with the Paris Agreement. We also assess the current EU Industrial Strategy proposal against these elements. The “well below 2 °C” target sets a clear limit for future global greenhouse gas emissions and thus strict boundaries for the development of future material demand, industrial processes and the sourcing of feedstock; industry must evolve to zero emissions or pay for expensive negative emissions elsewhere. An industrial policy for transformation to net-zero emissions must include attention to directed technological and economic structural change, the demand for emissions intensive products and services, energy and material efficiency, circular economy, electrification and other net-zero fuel switching, and carbon capture and use or storage (CCUS). It may also entail geographical relocation of key basic materials industries to regions endowed with renewable energy. In this paper we review recent trends in green industrial policy. We find that it has generally focused on promoting new green technologies (e.g., PVs, batteries, fuel cells and biorefineries) rather than on decarbonizing the emissions intensive basic materials industries, or strategies for handling the phase-out or repurposing of sunset industries (e.g., replacing fossil fuel feedstocks for chemicals). Based on knowledge about industry and potential mitigation options, and insights from economics, governance and innovation studies, we propose a framework for the purpose of developing and evaluating industrial policy for net-zero emissions. This framework recognizes the need for: directionality; innovation; creating lead markets for green materials and reshaping existing markets; building capacity for governance and change; coherence with the international climate policy regime; and finally the need for a just transition. We find the announced EU Industrial Strategy to be strong on most elements, but weak on transition governance approaches, the need for capacity building, and creating lead markets

    Health problems and disability in long-term sickness absence: ICF coding of medical certificates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to test the feasibility of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and to explore the distribution, including gender differences, of health problems and disabilities as reflected in long-term sickness absence certificates.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 433 patients with long sick-listing periods, 267 women and 166 men, were included in the study. All certificates exceeding 28 days of sick-listing sent to the local office of the Swedish Social Insurance Administration of a municipality in the Stockholm area were collected during four weeks in 2004-2005. ICD-10 medical diagnosis codes in the certificates were retrieved and free text information on disabilities in body function, body structure or activity and participation were coded according to ICF short version.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 89.8% of the certificates there were descriptions of disabilities that readily could be classified according to ICF. In a reliability test 123/131 (94%) items of randomly chosen free text information were identically classified by two of the authors. On average 2.4 disability categories (range 0-9) were found per patient; the most frequent were 'Sensation of pain' (35.1% of the patients), 'Emotional functions' (34.1%), 'Energy and drive functions' (22.4%), and 'Sleep functions' (16.9%). The dominating ICD-10 diagnostic groups were 'Mental and behavioural disorders' (34.4%) and 'Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue' (32.8%). 'Reaction to severe stress and adjustment disorders' (14.7%), and 'Depressive episode' (11.5%) were the most frequent diagnostic codes. Disabilities in mental functions and activity/participation were more commonly described among women, while disabilities related to the musculoskeletal system were more frequent among men.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both ICD-10 diagnoses and ICF categories were dominated by mental and musculoskeletal health problems, but there seems to be gender differences, and ICF classification as a complement to ICD-10 could provide a better understanding of the consequences of diseases and how individual patients can cope with their health problems. ICF is feasible for secondary classifying of free text descriptions of disabilities stated in sick-leave certificates and seems to be useful as a complement to ICD-10 for sick-listing management and research.</p

    The Uppsala APP deletion causes early onset autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease by altering APP processing and increasing amyloid ÎČ fibril formation

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    Point mutations in the amyloid precursor protein gene (APP) cause familial Alzheimer's disease (AD) by increasing generation or altering conformation of amyloid beta (A beta). Here, we describe the Uppsala APP mutation (Delta 690-695), the first reported deletion causing autosomal dominant AD. Affected individuals have an age at symptom onset in their early forties and suffer from a rapidly progressing disease course. Symptoms and biomarkers are typical of AD, with the exception of normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) A beta 42 and only slightly pathological amyloid-positron emission tomography signals. Mass spectrometry and Western blot analyses of patient CSF and media from experimental cell cultures indicate that the Uppsala APP mutation alters APP processing by increasing beta-secretase cleavage and affecting alpha-secretase cleavage. Furthermore, in vitro aggregation studies and analyses of patient brain tissue samples indicate that the longer form of mutated A beta, A beta Upp1-42(Delta 19-24), accelerates the formation of fibrils with unique polymorphs and their deposition into amyloid plaques in the affected brain
