529 research outputs found

    The Flathead Catfish in Unchannelized and Channelized Missouri River, Nebraska

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    Flathead catfish, Pylodictus olivaris (Rafinesque), were studied in approximately 83.7 km of unchannelized and 67.6 km miles of channelized Missouri River. Growth rates were slower in the unchannelized section than they were in the channelized section. The oldest fish in the unchannelized section was 25 years old, while in the channelized study area the oldest was 10 years. In the pectoral spines of progressively older fish from both sections, enlargement of the lumen obliterated early annuli. Much of the annual increment of growth was accomplished during June, July and August. Males became sexually mature at 3 to 4 years of age and 350 to 425 mm, while females matured between 3 and 5 years and 350 to 500 mm with most mature females measuring at least 450 mm. Approximately 1,500 eggs per pound of body weight were produced. Three orders of insects (Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Diptera) dominated the food habits of young-of-the-year flathead catfish in both study areas; however, there were some generic differences. Yearlings and adults consumed primarily fish and crayfish, with crayfish being more intensively utilized in the unchannelized study area. Fish 200 mm and longer were marked in order to estimate movements and population sizes. Between the two study areas there was little difference in movement patterns. Based on fishermen\u27s reports, 25 percent of the recaptured fish were within 1.6 km from the point of tagging. Mean upstream and downstream distances moved were identical (40.2 km) but 57 percent of the fish were reported downstream of the point of release. Our recapturing of marked fish indicated less movement (86 percent were within 1.6 km) than did recapturing by fishermen because we did not attempt to collect marked fish outside of the two study areas. Marked fish avoided crossing the main channel. Population estimates for fish 200 mm and longer were 17 fish per linear km and 9 per linear km in unchannelized and channelized study areas respectively. Estimated standing crops were 130 grams per hectare in the unchannelized study area and 149 grams per hectare in the channelized study area

    Airborne Radar for sUAS Sense and Avoid

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    A primary challenge for the safe integration of small UAS operations into the National Airspace System (NAS) is traffic deconfliction, both from manned and unmanned aircraft. The UAS Traffic Management (UTM) project being conducted at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) considers a layered approach to separation provision, ranging from segregation of operations through airspace volumes (geofences) to autonomous sense and avoid (SAA) technologies for higher risk, densely occupied airspace. Cooperative SAA systems, such as Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and/or vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems provide significant additional risk mitigation but they fail to adequately mitigate collision risks for non-cooperative (non-transponder equipped) airborne aircraft. The RAAVIN (Radar on Autonomous Aircraft to Verify ICAROUS Navigation) flight test being conducted by NASA and the Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership (MAAP) was designed to investigate the applicability and performance of a prototype, commercially available sUAS radar to detect and track non-cooperative airborne traffic, both manned and unmanned. The radar selected for this research was a Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar with 120 degree azimuth and 80 degree elevation field of view operating at 24.55GHz center frequency with a 200 MHz bandwidth. The radar transmits 2 watts of power thru a Metamaterial Electronically Scanning Array antenna in horizontal polarization. When the radar is transmitting, personnel must be at least 1 meter away from the active array to limit nonionizing radiation exposure. The radar physical dimensions are 18.7cm by 12.1cm by 4.1cm and it weighs less than 820 grams making it well suited for installation on small UASs. The onboard, SAA capability, known as ICAROUS, (Independent Configurable Architecture for Reliable Operations of Unmanned Systems), developed by NASA to support sUAS operations, will provide autonomous guidance using the traffic radar tracks from the onboard radar. The RAAVIN set of studies will be conducted in three phases. The first phase included outdoor, ground-based radar evaluations performed at the Virginia Techs Kentland Farm testing range in Blacksburg, VA. The test was designed to measure how well the radar could detect and track a small UAS flying in the radars field of view. The radar was used to monitor 5 test flights consisting of outbound, inbound and crossing routes at different ranges and altitudes. The UAS flown during the ground test was the Inspire 2, a quad copter weighing less than 4250 grams (10 pounds) at maximum payload. The radar was set up to scan and track targets over its full azimuthal field of view from 0 to 40 degrees in elevation. The radar was configured to eliminate tracks generated from any targets located beyond 2000 meters from the radar and moving at velocities under 1.45 meters per second. For subsequent phases of the study the radar will be integrated with a sUAS platform to evaluate its performance in flight for SAA applications ranging from sUAS to manned GA aircraft detections and tracking. Preliminary data analysis from the first outdoor ground tests showed the radar performed well at tracking the vehicle as it flew outbound and repeatedly maintained a track out to 1000 meters (maximum 1387 meters) until the vehicle slowed to a stop to reverse direction to fly inbound. As the Inspire flew inbound tracks from beyond 800 meters, a reacquisition time delay was consistently observed between when the Inspire exceeds a speed of 1.45 meters per second and when the radar indicated an inbound target was present and maintained its track. The time delay varied between 6 seconds to over 37 seconds for the inbound flights examined, and typically resulted in about a 200 meter closure distance before the Inspire track was maintained. The radar performed well at both acquiring and tracking the vehicle as it flew crossing routes out past 400 meters across the azimuthal field of view. The radar and ICAROUS software will be integrated and flown on a BFD-1400-SE8-E UAS during the next phase of the RAAVIN project. The main goal at the conclusion of this effort is to determine if this radar technology can reliably support minimum requirements for SAA applications of sUAS. In particular, the study will measure the range of vehicle detections, lateral and vertical angular errors, false and missed/late detections, and estimated distance at closest point of approach after an avoidance maneuver is executed. This last metric is directly impacted by sensor performance and indicates its suitability for the task

    Galactose Transport in \u3ci\u3eStreptococcus thermophilus\u3c/i\u3e

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    Although Streptococcus thermophilus accumulated [14C]lactose in the absence of an endogenous energy source, galactose-fermenting (Gal+) cells were unable to accumulate [14C]galactose unless an additional energy source was added to the test system. Both Gal+ and galactose-nonfermenting (Gal-) strains transported galactose when preincubated with sucrose. Accumulation was inhibited 50 or 95% when 10 niM sodium fluoride or 1.0 mM iodoacetic acid, respectively, was added to sucrose-treated cells, indicating that ATP was required for galactose transport activity. Proton-conducting ionophores also inhibited galactose uptake, although N,N\u27-dicyclohexyl carbodiimide had no effect. The results suggest that galactose transport in S. thermophilus occurs via an ATP-dependent galactose permease and that a proton motive force is involved. The galactose permease in S. thermophilus TS2b (Gal+) had a Km for galactose of 0.25 mM and a Vmax of 195 μmol of galactose accumulated per min per g (dry weight) of cells. Several structurally similar sugars inhibited galactose uptake, indicating that the galactose permease had high affinities for these sugars

    Indoor Ground Testing of a Small UAS Sense and Avoid Airborne Doppler Radar

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administrations Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) project is researching prototype technologies needed to ensure safe integration of UAS operations into the National Airspace System (NAS). Within the UTM Concept of Operations, UAS would be equipped with on-board Sense and Avoid (SAA) technology to continually monitor for manned and unmanned aircraft in its vicinity while operating beyond visual line of sight in uncontrolled airspace. To support this effort, a candidate commercially available 24.5 GHz Doppler radar was selected and evaluated to determine if the technology could reliably support minimum requirements for SAA applications of small UAS (sUAS). Indoor ground tests were conducted inside the NASA Langley Research Centers Experimental Test Range (ETR) from a stationary platform to evaluate the Doppler radar performance characteristics and gain operational proficiency before the radar was authorized to transmit outdoors. A high speed linear rail system was developed for the radar evaluation and was shown to be an effective method to generate Doppler radar targets of known radar cross section. The accuracy of the range and velocity reported by the radar was shown to be dependent on the Kalman filter state variance parameter settings. Antenna measurements were collected with the radar installed both on and off a sUAS to quantify the relative antenna gain, beam width and side lobe levels of the radars Metamaterial Electronically Scanning Array (MESA) antennas at boresight and extreme field of view pointing vectors. The relative antenna gain measured 2.6 dB lower at extreme field view angles compared to the boresight radiation pattern

    A Device for Holding Objects in the Stomachs of Fish

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    Metastases From Nested Variant Urothelial Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder in Pancreatic Allograft Mimicking Graft Rejection

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    While not an uncommon tumor, urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder is rare in bladders draining pancreatic allografts. A case of urothelial carcinoma directly involving a pancreatic allograft with metastasis that occurred in a 49-year-old pancreas and kidney transplant recipient is described. Her initial clinical presentation and findings of CT scan of the abdomen suggested pancreatitis with features worrisome for rejection. A biopsy of her pancreatic allograft contained poorly differentiated carcinoma and cystoscopic biopsy disclosed an invasive high grade urothelial carcinoma arising in the background of extensive urothelial carcinoma in situ. Exploratory laparotomy revealed that the tumor invaded the right ovary and fallopian tube, cecum, and allograft with extensive retroperitoneal involvement. She underwent en bloc resection of distal ileum and cecum, resection of transplant pancreas, partial cystectomy, ileocolostomy anastomosis, and right salpingo-oophorectomy. Postoperatively, the patient was treated with four cycles of carboplatin and gemcitabine. She ultimately succumbed to her disease approximately 1 year after diagnosis. This case should alert physicians and radiologists to be aware of atypical presentation of urothelial carcinoma in bladder-drained pancreas grafts, the aggressiveness of such lesions, and the need for early biopsy to avoid diagnostic confusion with rejection

    Legitimacy and the Support of Revolutionary Coalitions

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    This article is a revision of a paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association at Atlanta, Georgia in August 1988.The authors develop a theory of conditions under which inequity will lead to attempts to change the structure. Factors affecting the likelihood of attempts include power differences, false consciousness, low self-esteem, and perceived legitimacy of the inequality. Experimental research focusing on legitimacy show that propriety, endorsement, and authorization all affect the likelihood that group members will support a revolutionary movement.The research presented here was supported by NSF grant #SES8420238, Morris Zelditch, Jr. and Henry A. Walker, principal investigators

    The Grizzly, March 28, 1980

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    Campus Visitor Assaulted • Two Students Found Guilty Of Violations • Committee Studies Frats\u27 Academics • Lantern Seeks Editor • Administration Apathy or Illiteracy? • TKE Sponsors X-Country Keg Roll • USGA Notes • President Urges Sidewalk Use • USGA Candidates\u27 Platforms • Repko\u27s Review • Interest inventory to be given again • Checking By Mail • Jazz Coffeehouse At The Union • Portrait Of A Professor: Dr. S. Ross Doughty • Survey Taken Of Class Of \u2779 • Earl Awarded at Evening School • Whitians Chosen • Bears Win Home Opener • Spring Track Starts Tomorrow • Slow Start For Men\u27s Lacrossehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1037/thumbnail.jp

    The brain decade in debate: I. Neurobiology of learning and memory

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    This article is a transcription of an electronic symposium in which some active researchers were invited by the Brazilian Society for Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC) to discuss the last decade's advances in neurobiology of learning and memory. The way different parts of the brain are recruited during the storage of different kinds of memory (e.g., short-term vs long-term memory, declarative vs procedural memory) and even the property of these divisions were discussed. It was pointed out that the brain does not really store memories, but stores traces of information that are later used to create memories, not always expressing a completely veridical picture of the past experienced reality. To perform this process different parts of the brain act as important nodes of the neural network that encode, store and retrieve the information that will be used to create memories. Some of the brain regions are recognizably active during the activation of short-term working memory (e.g., prefrontal cortex), or the storage of information retrieved as long-term explicit memories (e.g., hippocampus and related cortical areas) or the modulation of the storage of memories related to emotional events (e.g., amygdala). This does not mean that there is a separate neural structure completely supporting the storage of each kind of memory but means that these memories critically depend on the functioning of these neural structures. The current view is that there is no sense in talking about hippocampus-based or amygdala-based memory since this implies that there is a one-to-one correspondence. The present question to be solved is how systems interact in memory. The pertinence of attributing a critical role to cellular processes like synaptic tagging and protein kinase A activation to explain the memory storage processes at the cellular level was also discussed.University of Bristol Department of PsychologyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PsicobiologiaUniversity of California Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Department of Neurobiology and BehaviorUniversity of California Neuropsychiatric InstituteUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Instituto de Biociências Departamento de BioquímicaUniversity of Edinburgh Department of NeuroscienceUniversity of Arizona Department of PsychologyNorthwestern UniversityUniversidade de São Paulo Instituto de Biociências Departamento de FisiologiaUniversidade Federal do Paraná Departamento de Farmacologia Laboratório de Fisiologia e Farmacologia do Sistema Nervoso CentralUNIFESP, Depto. de PsicobiologiaSciEL
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