555 research outputs found

    Présentation d’un modèle de projection de main-d’oeuvre pour l’entreprise

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    Les modèles de projection de main-d’oeuvre, adaptés à un contexte organisationnel, permettent de prévoir les conséquences des plans de main-d’oeuvre d’une organisation en termes de mouvements de personnel, et ainsi d’établir la composition future des effectifs. Diverses applications peuvent résulter de cet exercice perspectif, notamment une analyse de l’effet de la variation des effectifs et de leur structure sur la masse salariale.Manpower projection models, adapted to an organizational context, may help in forecasting the consequences of a firm's manpower planning in terms of mobility of personnel, and, in this way, may help in determining the future size and structure of manpower. Various applications may be derived from this projection exercise, including, for instance, determination of the impact of varying the size and structure of a personnel pool on total labour costs.Los modelos de proyección de mano de obra, adaptados a un contexto organizacional permiten prever las consecuencias de los planes de mano de obra de una organización en términos de movimientos de personal y asi establecer la composición futura de los efectivos. Diversas aplicaciones pueden resultar de dicho ejercicio de proyección, principalmente un análisis del efecto de la variación de los efectivos y de su estructura sobre la masa salarial

    Le tenseur binaire : note critique

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    The pragmatic motifs of the Jespersen cycle: default, activation, and the history of negation in French

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    The purpose of this article is to delimit the role of pragmatic specialization in the evolution of negation in French. The change in the marking of sentential negation is believed to proceed in characterized stages that would together constitute the Jespersen cycle. As a marker becomes the default expression of negation, the other markers do not necessarily fade away, and are maintained with specialized roles that include pragmatic functions. One such pragmatic function is that of activation (Dryer 1996), by which a proposition is presented as accessible to the hearer. Activation is shown to motivate the use of preverbal non that competes with 'ne' for several centuries. The claims that the emergence of postverbal pas in early French and the loss of 'ne' in contemporary spoken French are associated with activation are considered on the basis of novel data. It is concluded that pragmatic functions contribute to language change by providing marked options that may be conferred the default status in a grammatical paradigm

    Quelques hypothèses sur les structures syntaxique et sémantique de Ce fripon de valet

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    Cet article fait état des structures syntaxique et sémantique de la construction Ce fripon de valet en français standard et en français québécois. L’hypothèse est faite que cette construction a un statut syntaxique analogue d’un point de référentiel à celui à l’épithète antéposé (Ce gentil valet). La valeur évaluative de la construction est analysée comme ressortant de la valeur de N1 ou du déterminant; sa valeur équative dépend de la coindiciation des N en cause.This paper discusses the syntax and semantics of the construction Ce fripon de valet (This rascal of a servant) using data both from standard and québécois French. This construction is analyzed as having a syntactical status similar to that of preposed complements (Un gentil valet, A nice servant). The evaluative value of the construction depends on the nature of N1 or that of the determiner; the equative relationship between the N is analyzed in terms of coreference

    Le rôle de l’agent de probation avec une clientèle à incidence psychiatrique

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    The probation officer in a correctional milieu is confronted more and more by a clientele with various psycho-social pro b -lems, one of them psychiatric. By means of a case study, the authors examined the role of the probation officer in pre-sen-tence evaluation and post-sentence intervention vis-Ă -vis offenders and referrals to community resourcesThe first objective of the probation officer is to help in some way resolve the social conflict engendered by the offence and keep this in mind when dealing with the offender social services

    Enjeux forestiers

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