9 research outputs found

    驴Qu茅 entienden por Resiliencia los padres? Concepto y definici贸n respecto a sus hijos en etapa prepuberal

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    Introduction: Resilience is a dynamic concept that has been conceptualized with different approaches and research methods. The purpose of this research is to describe what parents understand by resilience in their prepuberalchildren. Material and Method: A sample of 267 parents were asked about their perception of the resilience of their children, between 9 and 12 years old. A quantitative methodology was used. Results: Parents consider resilience as a general capacity for adaptation, highlighting emotional regulation and cognitive processing as central components of individual resilience capacities, also highlighting the role of adults in their learning and activation. Conclusions: This study approaches the understanding of resilience capacities that make sense to parents or not in the development of parental promotion and psychoeducation programs, helping to improve their elaboration.聽Introducci贸n: La resiliencia es un concepto din谩mico y que ha sido conceptualizado con diferentes enfoques y m茅todos de investigaci贸n.聽 El prop贸sito de esta investigaci贸n es describir que entienden los padres por resiliencia en sus hijos en etapa prepuberal. Material y M茅todo: A una muestra de 267 padres se les pregunt贸 su percepci贸n acerca de la resiliencia de sus hijos de entre 9 y 12 a帽os. Se utiliz贸 una metodolog铆a cuantitativa. Resultados: Los padres consideran la resiliencia como una capacidad general de adaptaci贸n, relevando la regulaci贸n emocional y el procesamiento cognitivo como componentes centrales de capacidades individuales de resiliencia, destacando tambi茅n el rol de los adultos en el aprendizaje y activaci贸n de estas. Conclusiones: Este estudio se aproxima a la comprensi贸n de las capacidades de resiliencia que les hacen sentido o no a los padres en el desarrollo de programas de promoci贸n y psicoeducaci贸n parental, contribuyendo a mejorar su elaboraci贸n

    Validity and reliability of the kiddie schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia present and lifetime version DSM-5 (K-SADS-PL-5) Spanish version

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    Background: There are various language adaptations of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL). In order to comply with the changes in DSM classification, the Spanish edition of the interview was in need of update and evaluation. Methods: K-SADS-PL was adapted to correspond to DSM-5 categories. All clinicians received training, and a 90% agreement was reached. Patients and their parents or guardians were interviewed and videotaped, and the videos were exchanged between raters. Factor analysis was performed and inter-rater reliability was calculated only in the case of diagnoses in which there were more than five patients. Results: A total of 74 subjects were included. The Factor Analysis yielded six factors (Depressive, Stress Hyperarousal, Disruptive Behavioral, Irritable Explosive, Obsessive Repetitive and Encopresis), representing 72% of the variance. Kappa values for inter-rater agreement were larger than 0.7 for over half of the disorders. Conclusions: The factor structure of diagnoses, made with the instrument was found to correspond to the DSM-5 disorder organization. The instrument showed good construct validity and inter-rater reliability, which makes it a useful tool for clinical research studies in children and adolescents

    Recomendaciones y cuidado de los ni帽os en contexto COVID-19

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    The pandemic and confinement can have adverse consequences on the mental health of children and adolescents (NNA). In them, concerns appear that lead to regressive behaviors, somatic symptoms, irritability, separation anxiety, behavioral problems, withdrawal, sleeping difficulties, and changes in appetite. Special attention should be paid to the vulnerable population of children and adolescents and to the prevention of abuse. This article reviews the impact of quarantine on the mental health of children and adolescents and proposes recommendations to reduce the psychological consequences of confinement.La pandemia y el confinamiento pueden generar consecuencias adversas en la salud mental de los ni帽as, ni帽os y adolescentes (NNA). En ellos aparecen preocupaciones que llevan a comportamientos regresivos, somatizaciones, irritabilidad, ansiedad de separaci贸n, desajustes conductuales, retraimiento, dificultades para dormir y cambios en el apetito. Especial atenci贸n se debe p貌ner en poblaci贸n de NNA vulnerables y en la prevenci贸n de los malos tratos. En este art铆culo se revisa el impacto de la cuarentena en la salud mental de NNA y se proponen recomendaciones para aminorar las consecuencias psicol贸gicas del confinamiento

    Application of Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI) to drug abuser adolescents Adolescentes con trastorno por consumo de sustancias: Una caracterizaci贸n de personalidad a trav茅s de las normas chilenas del MACI

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    Background: Adolescence is the most vulnerable development stage to start drug abuse in our country. Moreover, adolescent personality may be an individual risk factor for drug abuse. Aim: To characterize the personality of adolescent drug abusers using the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI) and its Chilean norms. Patients and methods: Adolescents consulting in a mental health facility were studied. MACI was applied to 46 subjects, aged 16 卤 1 years (30 males) with a history of drug abuse and compared with 58 peers aged 15 卤 2 years (34 males) without such history. Results: Male and female drug abuser adolescents had a transgressor type of personality. Males had a high degree of sociability and unrestrained sexuality while females present signs of sexual abuse, suicide risk, and a more severe personality disorder. Conclusions: The personality traits detected in this group of drug abuser adolescents using Chilean norms is similar to those detected abroad and should help to pla

    Factores que promueven el desarrollo de la autorregulaci贸n del aprendizaje durante el proceso de evaluaci贸n en estudiantes de pregrado de s茅ptimo semestre en dos instituciones de educaci贸n superior.

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    Tesis (Mag铆ster en Desarrollo Curricular y Proyectos Educativos)El prop贸sito de este estudio es describir los factores que promueven el desarrollo de la autorregulaci贸n del aprendizaje durante el proceso de evaluaci贸n y describir la percepci贸n de estudiantes universitarios sobre la importancia de la evaluaci贸n dentro del proceso del desarrollo del aprendizaje aut贸nomo en estudiantes de pregrado en s茅ptimo semestre en dos instituciones de educaci贸n superior a trav茅s de un estudio mixto. El objetivo es beneficiar tanto a instituciones y docentes de c谩tedra para orientar su quehacer educativo como a estudiantes universitarios para favorecer el logro de su autonom铆a como estudiantes. Los resultados muestran que son diversos factores los que podr铆an colaborar en el desencadenamiento de estrategias autorregulatorias donde est谩n involucrados todos los participantes del proceso educativo: docentes, estudiantes, familias y escuelas de donde provienen los alumnos. Lo anterior junto a variables que rodean el proceso de evaluaci贸n como lo es la calificaci贸n, criterios de evaluaci贸n y el tratamiento de la retroalimentaci贸n. Adem谩s se destacan propuestas de los universitarios que nacen a ra铆z del presente estudio complementando el t贸pico de la investigaci贸n, todo con el fin de aportar al mejoramiento de la ense帽anza a nivel universitario

    Factores protectores y de riesgo en salud mental en ni帽os y adolescentes de la ciudad de Calama

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    What do parents understand by resilience? : concept and definition regarding their children of prepuberal stage

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    Resumen: Introducci贸n: La resiliencia es un concepto din谩mico y que ha sido conceptualizado con diferentes enfoques y m茅todos de investigaci贸n. El prop贸sito de esta investigaci贸n es describir que entienden los padres por resiliencia en sus hijos en etapa prepuberal. Material y M茅todo: A una muestra de 267 padres se les pregunt贸 su percepci贸n acerca de la resiliencia de sus hijos de entre 9 y 12 a帽os. Se utiliz贸 una metodolog铆a cuantitativa. Resultados: Los padres consideran la resiliencia como una capacidad general de adaptaci贸n, relevando la regulaci贸n emocional y el procesamiento cognitivo como componentes centrales de capacidades individuales de resiliencia, destacando tambi茅n el rol de los adultos en el aprendizaje y activaci贸n de estas. Conclusiones: Este estudio se aproxima a la comprensi贸n de las capacidades de resiliencia que les hacen sentido o no a los padres en el desarrollo de programas de promoci贸n y psicoeducaci贸n parental, contribuyendo a mejorar su elaboraci贸n.Abstract: Introduction: Resilience is a dynamic concept that has been conceptualized with different approaches and research methods. The purpose of this research is to describe what parents understand by resilience in their prepuberal children. Material and Method: A sample of 267 parents were asked about their perception of the resilience of their children, between 9 and 12 years old. A quantitative methodology was used. Results: Parents consider resilience as a general capacity for adaptation, highlighting emotional regulation and cognitive processing as central components of individual resilience capacities, also highlighting the role of adults in their learning and activation. Conclusions: This study approaches the understanding of resilience capacities that make sense to parents or not in the development of parental promotion and psychoeducation programs, helping to improve their elaboration

    Validity and reliability of the kiddie schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia present and lifetime version DSM-5 (K-SADS-PL-5) Spanish version

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    漏 2018 The Author(s). Background: There are various language adaptations of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL). In order to comply with the changes in DSM classification, the Spanish edition of the interview was in need of update and evaluation. Methods: K-SADS-PL was adapted to correspond to DSM-5 categories. All clinicians received training, and a 90% agreement was reached. Patients and their parents or guardians were interviewed and videotaped, and the videos were exchanged between raters. Factor analysis was performed and inter-rater reliability was calculated only in the case of diagnoses in which there were more than five patients. Results: A total of 74 subjects were included. The Factor Analysis yielded six factors (Depressive, Stress Hyperarousal, Disruptive Behavioral, Irritable Explosive, Obsessive Repetitive and Encopresis), representing 72% of the variance. Kappa values for inter-rater ag

    Validity and reliability of the kiddie schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia present and lifetime version DSM-5 (K-SADS-PL-5) Spanish version

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    Abstract Background There are various language adaptations of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL). In order to comply with the changes in DSM classification, the Spanish edition of the interview was in need of update and evaluation. Methods K-SADS-PL was adapted to correspond to DSM-5 categories. All clinicians received training, and a 90% agreement was reached. Patients and their parents or guardians were interviewed and videotaped, and the videos were exchanged between raters. Factor analysis was performed and inter-rater reliability was calculated only in the case of diagnoses in which there were more than five patients. Results A total of 74 subjects were included. The Factor Analysis yielded six factors (Depressive, Stress Hyperarousal, Disruptive Behavioral, Irritable Explosive, Obsessive Repetitive and Encopresis), representing 72% of the variance. Kappa values for inter-rater agreement were larger than 0.7 for over half of the disorders. Conclusions The factor structure of diagnoses, made with the instrument was found to correspond to the DSM-5 disorder organization. The instrument showed good construct validity and inter-rater reliability, which makes it a useful tool for clinical research studies in children and adolescents