11 research outputs found

    Selection on seed size experiment in the wild

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    Data from a natural selection experiment where we manipulated water avaliability and conspecific denisty to investigate the effects of the environment on selection on seed size. We used naturally germinated plants and we related relative fitness to standardized seed diameter to test slope differences between treatments

    Data from: Selection for seed size: the unexpected effects of water availability and density

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    1. Seed size is a functional trait with important fitness consequences that potentially extend throughout the life cycle of plants. Dithyrea californica experiences selection for larger seeds in post‐germination stages but it is still uncertain how environmental factors mediate the strength and the direction of natural selection on seed size. 2. D. californica represents a unique opportunity to investigate selection on seed size in natural conditions due to a persistent seed ring that stays attached to the root throughout the plant's life. This makes it possible to unearth plants at any stage and measure the size of the seed from which they originated. 3. We conducted a factorial experiment manipulating water availability and intraspecific competition using plants that naturally germinated in the wild. 4. Selection on seed size via survivorship was nil because all individuals survived to reproduce. The strength and the direction of selection on seed size via fecundity depended on water availability and conspecific density. 5. Contrary to our predictions, increasing conspecific density relaxed directional selection favoring larger seeds, but only in the wettest conditions and an increase in water availability strengthened it, but only at low density. A possible explanation of these counter‐intuitive results relies on the observed absence of survival selection and increased plant growth rates under high water and low density. 6. Larger seeds require more resources to construct and when this cost is taken into account; there is no overall fitness increase with seed size. This nicely follows the life history theory predictions for optimal seed size. At the evolutionary equilibrium, if seeds could be larger, per seed fitness would still increase, which is what we observed. But cost corrected fitness should be flat. Maternal fitness equals per seed fitness times seed number, so any increase to per seed fitness of making a bigger seed is balanced by the resulting cost to seed number. Our results indicate flat cost corrected fitness of seed size as theory predicts.Selection on seed size experiment in the wildData from a natural selection experiment where we manipulated water avaliability and conspecific denisty to investigate the effects of the environment on selection on seed size. We used naturally germinated plants and we related relative fitness to standardized seed diameter to test slope differences between treatments.wd.csvFunding provided by: National Science FoundationCrossref Funder Registry ID: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100000001Award Number: 0817121, 125679

    Data from: Selection for seed size: the unexpected effects of water availability and density

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    1. Seed size is a functional trait with important fitness consequences that potentially extend throughout the life cycle of plants. Dithyrea californica experiences selection for larger seeds in post‐germination stages but it is still uncertain how environmental factors mediate the strength and the direction of natural selection on seed size. 2. D. californica represents a unique opportunity to investigate selection on seed size in natural conditions due to a persistent seed ring that stays attached to the root throughout the plant's life. This makes it possible to unearth plants at any stage and measure the size of the seed from which they originated. 3. We conducted a factorial experiment manipulating water availability and intraspecific competition using plants that naturally germinated in the wild. 4. Selection on seed size via survivorship was nil because all individuals survived to reproduce. The strength and the direction of selection on seed size via fecundity depended on water availability and conspecific density. 5. Contrary to our predictions, increasing conspecific density relaxed directional selection favoring larger seeds, but only in the wettest conditions and an increase in water availability strengthened it, but only at low density. A possible explanation of these counter‐intuitive results relies on the observed absence of survival selection and increased plant growth rates under high water and low density. 6. Larger seeds require more resources to construct and when this cost is taken into account; there is no overall fitness increase with seed size. This nicely follows the life history theory predictions for optimal seed size. At the evolutionary equilibrium, if seeds could be larger, per seed fitness would still increase, which is what we observed. But cost corrected fitness should be flat. Maternal fitness equals per seed fitness times seed number, so any increase to per seed fitness of making a bigger seed is balanced by the resulting cost to seed number. Our results indicate flat cost corrected fitness of seed size as theory predicts

    Appendix C. Dispersal distance beanplot.

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    Dispersal distance beanplot

    Ten years (2006-2016) of annual growth rates for 13 of saguaro populations in the Sonoran Desert

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    Premise of the study: The saguaro cactus is an iconic species of the Sonoran Desert. Its individual growth rates have been investigated for over one hundred years. Its growth dynamics have been studied using phenomenological models intended to estimate growth, but not to understand the underlying biological processes. Most studies have suggested summer rainfall as the sole factor determining saguaro growth overlooking the influence of other factors related to the process of growth. Methods: We analyzed the annual growth rates for 13 saguaro populations in the Sonoran Desert using non-linear models which are better suited to analyze growth since they consider the fact that maximum growth rates diminish just before the onset of reproduction and related model parameters to the local climate. Key results: We found that the most parsimonious model was the Ricker function that described growth considering its decline with age. We also found that the variance in temperature, rather than precipitation, was more closely related to growth. Higher variance in temperature at the beginning of the warm season was detrimental to saguaro growth. Conclusions: Simple non-linear equations model growth rate with biologically interpretable parameters related to climate factors. As the temperature is projected to increase in both mean and variance by climate change, the population dynamics of this iconic cactus are likely to be affected