82 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera) Sebagai Antioksidan Terhadap Oksidasi Lemak Fillet Ikan Bandeng (Chanos Chanos Forsk) Segar Selama Penyimpanan Dingin

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    Fillet adalah salah satu produk perikanan yang mempunyai sifat mudah rusak. Kandungan asam lemak tak jenuhmya mudah mengalami proses oksidasi lemak, maka diperlukan cara pengawetan fillet ikan segar yang aman bagi masyarakat yaitu dengan pemanfaatan bahan alami menggunakan Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera). Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efek ekstrak Lidah Buaya dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda dalam menghambat oksidasi lemak pada fillet ikan Bandeng. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah fillet ikan Bandeng dan Lidah Buaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola Split Plot in Time dengan sub plot adalah konsentrasi ekstrak Lidah Buaya (0 ppm, 15 ppm, 20 ppm, dan 25 ppm) dan main plot adalah lama penyimpanan (pengamatan hari ke-0, 3, 6, dan 9). Data nilai organoleptik dianalisis dengan uji Kruskall-Wallis. Data angka peroksida, nilai TBA, dan pH dianalisis menggunakan uji ANOVA dan Uji Berbeda Nyata Jujur (BNJ). Hasil penelitian pendahuluan didapatkan nilai antioksidan IC50 Lidah Buaya adalah 13,08 ppm. Hasil penelitian utama didapatkan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak Lidah Buaya dan semakin lama penyimpanan maka semakin meningkat nilai PV, TBA, dan pH. Pada konsentrasi 20 ppm dan 25 ppm proses oksidasi berjalan lebih lambat karena nilai PV, TBA, dan pH lebih rendah dibanding konsentrasi 0 ppm dan 15 ppm. Nilai organoleptik fillet ikan bandeng dengan konsentrasi 20 ppm dan 25 ppm masih dibawah batas penerimaan sampai hari ke-9 penyimpanan. Interaksi antara konsentrasi ekstrak Lidah Buaya yang berbeda dengan lama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap nilai PV, nilai TBA, dan organoleptik (kenampakan, bau, dan tekstur). Konsentrasi 20 ppm merupakan konsentrasi terbaik ekstrak Lidah Buaya dalam menghambat oksidasi lemak berdasarkan nilai PV, TBA, pH dan nilai organoleptik. Fish fillet is one of fishery products which has nature of easily damaged. The content of unsaturated fatty acids of fish fillet susceptible to lipid oxidation, so it is necessary to preserve fresh fish fillets are safe for consumer by using natural substance such as Aloe Vera. The aim of this research was to find out the effects of Aloe Vera extract with different concentrations to inhibiting lipid oxidation process in fillet of milkfish. The material used in this research was the fillet of milkfish and Aloe Vera extract. The method used was a randomized block design (RBD) pattern Split Plot in Time with sub plot was Aloe Vera extract concentration (0 ppm. 15 ppm. 20 ppm. and 25 ppm) and main plot was the storage time (observation days 0. 3. 6, and 9). The organoleptic data was analysed by using Kruskall-Wallis. The data of PV, TBA and pH were analysed by using ANOVA and Honestly Significant Different (HSD). The result of primary research showed that the Aloe vera antioxidant IC50 was 13.08 ppm. The result of main research showed that the higher concentrations of Aloe Vera extract and the longer storage time caused increase value of PV. TBA. and pH. At concentrations 20 ppm and 25 ppm the rate of oxidation process slower compared to that of 0 ppm and 15 ppm. Organoleptic value of milkfish fillet with a concentration of 20 ppm and 25 ppm is still below the limit of acceptance until the 9 days of storage. Interaction between different concentrations of extracts of Aloe Vera extract and storage time gare significant effect (P<0.05) on the value of PV. TBA and organoleptic (appearance, odour, and texture). Concentration of 25 ppm was considered as the best concentration of Aloe Vera extract to inhibit lipid oxidation based on the value of PV. TBA. pH and organoleptic

    Persepsi Karyawan Terhadap Senam Peregangan di Puskesmas Kebon Jeruk

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    Aktivitas fisik bermanfaat untuk promosi kesehatan dan pencegahan penyaki, serta mengontrol berat badan, karena aktivitas fisik meningkatkan kapasitas fungsional tubuh melalui peningkatan konsumsi oksigen maksimal (VO2 max), komposisi tubuh, kekuatan otot, daya tahan, dan fleksibilitas. Saat ini, Puskesmas Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk mempunyai program kegiatan gizi olahraga yaitu senam peregangan, berupa pemutaran audio di area puskesmas dengan melakukan peregangan untuk seluruh karyawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur persepsi tenaga kesehatan di lingkungan kerja Puskesmas Kebon Jeruk terkait program peregangan yang telah berjalan, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan kajian dalamengembangan program gizi olahraga. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner online yang diadopsi dari Instrument to Measure Health Promotion Model (HPM) Behavioral Determinants: Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale (EBBS) Karakter responden yang berpartisipasi pengisian kuesioner sebanyak 23 orang wanita dan 11 orang pria. Hasil penelitian menyatakan terdapat hubungan antara pemahaman terkait manfaat aktivitas fisik dengan persepsi terhadap senam peregangan dengan arah hubungan positif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu semakin baik persepsi seseoang mengenai manfaat aktivitas fisik dan olahraga maka semakin baik pula jenis aktivitas fisik dan olahraga yang dilakukan secara terprogra

    Estimating Chikungunya prevalence in La Réunion Island outbreak by serosurveys: Two methods for two critical times of the epidemic

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) caused a major two-wave seventeen-month-long outbreak in La Réunion Island in 2005–2006. The aim of this study was to refine clinical estimates provided by a regional surveillance-system using a two-stage serological assessment as gold standard.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two serosurveys were implemented: first, a rapid survey using stored sera of pregnant women, in order to assess the attack rate at the epidemic upsurge (s1, February 2006; n = 888); second, a population-based survey among a random sample of the community, to assess the herd immunity in the post-epidemic era (s2, October 2006; n = 2442). Sera were screened for anti-CHIKV specific antibodies (IgM and IgG in s1, IgG only in s2) using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Seroprevalence rates were compared to clinical estimates of attack rates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In s1, 18.2% of the pregnant women were tested positive for CHIKV specific antibodies (13.8% for both IgM and IgG, 4.3% for IgM, 0.1% for IgG only) which provided a congruent estimate with the 16.5% attack rate calculated from the surveillance-system. In s2, the seroprevalence in community was estimated to 38.2% (95% CI, 35.9 to 40.6%). Extrapolations of seroprevalence rates led to estimate, at 143,000 and at 300,000 (95% CI, 283,000 to 320,000), the number of people infected in s1 and in s2, respectively. In comparison, the surveillance-system estimated at 130,000 and 266,000 the number of people infected for the same periods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A rapid serosurvey in pregnant women can be helpful to assess the attack rate when large seroprevalence studies cannot be done. On the other hand, a population-based serosurvey is useful to refine the estimate when clinical diagnosis underestimates it. Our findings give valuable insights to assess the herd immunity along the course of epidemics.</p

    Transmission Potential of Chikungunya Virus and Control Measures: The Case of Italy

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    During summer 2007 Italy has experienced an epidemic caused by Chikungunya virus – the first large outbreak documented in a temperate climate country – with approximately 161 laboratory confirmed cases concentrated in two bordering villages in North–Eastern Italy comprising 3,968 inhabitants. The seroprevalence was recently estimated to be 10.2%. In this work we provide estimates of the transmission potential of the virus and we assess the efficacy of the measures undertaken by public health authorities to control the epidemic spread. To such aim, we developed a model describing the temporal dynamics of the competent vector, known as Aedes albopictus, explicitly depending on climatic factors, coupled to an epidemic transmission model describing the spread of the epidemic in both humans and mosquitoes. The cumulative number of notified cases predicted by the model was 185 on average (95% CI 117–278), in good agreement with observed data. The probability of observing a major outbreak after the introduction of an infective human case was estimated to be in the range of 32%–76%. We found that the basic reproduction number was in the range of 1.8–6 but it could have been even larger, depending on the density of mosquitoes, which in turn depends on seasonal meteorological effects, besides other local abiotic factors. These results confirm the increasing risk of tropical vector–borne diseases in temperate climate countries, as a consequence of globalization. However, our results show that an epidemic can be controlled by performing a timely intervention, even if the transmission potential of Chikungunya virus is sensibly high

    HLA Class I Restriction as a Possible Driving Force for Chikungunya Evolution

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    After two decades of quiescence, epidemic resurgence of Chikungunya fever (CHIKF) was reported in Africa, several islands in the Indian Ocean, South-East Asia and the Pacific causing unprecedented morbidity with some cases of fatality. Early phylogenetic analyses based on partial sequences of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) have led to speculation that the virus behind recent epidemics may result in greater pathogenicity. To understand the reasons for these new epidemics, we first performed extensive analyses of existing CHIKV sequences from its introduction in 1952 to 2009. Our results revealed the existence of a continuous genotypic lineage, suggesting selective pressure is active in CHIKV evolution. We further showed that CHIKV is undergoing mild positive selection, and that site-specific mutations may be driven by cell-mediated immune pressure, with occasional changes that resulted in the loss of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I-restricting elements. These findings provide a basis to understand Chikungunya virus evolution and reveal the power of post-genomic analyses to understand CHIKV and other viral epidemiology. Such an approach is useful for studying the impact of host immunity on pathogen evolution, and may help identify appropriate antigens suitable for subunit vaccine formulations

    High rate of subclinical chikungunya virus infection and association of neutralizing antibody with protection in a prospective cohort in the Philippines.

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    BACKGROUND: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a globally re-emerging arbovirus for which previous studies have indicated the majority of infections result in symptomatic febrile illness. We sought to characterize the proportion of subclinical and symptomatic CHIKV infections in a prospective cohort study in a country with known CHIKV circulation. METHODS/FINDINGS: A prospective longitudinal cohort of subjects ≥6 months old underwent community-based active surveillance for acute febrile illness in Cebu City, Philippines from 2012-13. Subjects with fever history were clinically evaluated at acute, 2, 5, and 8 day visits, and at a 3-week convalescent visit. Blood was collected at the acute and 3-week convalescent visits. Symptomatic CHIKV infections were identified by positive CHIKV PCR in acute blood samples and/or CHIKV IgM/IgG ELISA seroconversion in paired acute/convalescent samples. Enrollment and 12-month blood samples underwent plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) using CHIKV attenuated strain 181/clone25. Subclinical CHIKV infections were identified by ≥8-fold rise from a baseline enrollment PRNT titer 50 years old. Baseline CHIKV PRNT titer ≥10 was associated with 100% (95%CI: 46.1, 100.0) protection from symptomatic CHIKV infection. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated Asian genotype closely related to strains from Asia and the Caribbean. CONCLUSIONS: Subclinical infections accounted for a majority of total CHIKV infections. A positive baseline CHIKV PRNT titer was associated with protection from symptomatic CHIKV infection. These findings have implications for assessing disease burden, understanding virus transmission, and supporting vaccine development

    Antibody-mediated enhancement aggravates chikungunya virus infection and disease severity

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    The arthropod-transmitted chikungunya virus (CHIKV) causes a flu-like disease that is characterized by incapacitating arthralgia. The re-emergence of CHIKV and the continual risk of new epidemics have reignited research in CHIKV pathogenesis. Virus-specific antibodies have been shown to control virus clearance, but antibodies present at sub-neutralizing concentrations can also augment virus infection that exacerbates disease severity. To explore this occurrence, CHIKV infection was investigated in the presence of CHIKV-specific antibodies in both primary human cells and a murine macrophage cell line, RAW264.7. Enhanced attachment of CHIKV to the primary human monocytes and B cells was observed while increased viral replication was detected in RAW264.7 cells. Blocking of specific Fc receptors (FcγRs) led to the abrogation of these observations. Furthermore, experimental infection in adult mice showed that animals had higher viral RNA loads and endured more severe joint inflammation in the presence of sub-neutralizing concentrations of CHIKV-specific antibodies. In addition, CHIKV infection in 11 days old mice under enhancing condition resulted in higher muscles viral RNA load detected and death. These observations provide the first evidence of antibody-mediated enhancement in CHIKV infection and pathogenesis and could also be relevant for other important arboviruses such as Zika virus

    Leptospirosis in the Asia Pacific region

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic infection that has been recognized for decades, but the problem of the disease has not been fully addressed, particularly in resource-poor, developing countries, where the major burden of the disease occurs. This paper presents an overview of the current situation of leptospirosis in the region. It describes the current trends in the epidemiology of leptospirosis, the existing surveillance systems, and presents the existing prevention and control programs in the Asia Pacific region.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on leptospirosis in each member country were sought from official national organizations, international public health organizations, online articles and the scientific literature. Papers were reviewed and relevant data were extracted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Leptospirosis is highly prevalent in the Asia Pacific region. Infections in developed countries arise mainly from occupational exposure, travel to endemic areas, recreational activities, or importation of domestic and wild animals, whereas outbreaks in developing countries are most frequently related to normal daily activities, over-crowding, poor sanitation and climatic conditions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In the Asia Pacific region, predominantly in developing countries, leptospirosis is largely a water-borne disease. Unless interventions to minimize exposure are aggressively implemented, the current global climate change will further aggravate the extent of the disease problem. Although trends indicate successful control of leptospirosis in some areas, there is no clear evidence that the disease has decreased in the last decade. The efficiency of surveillance systems and data collection varies significantly among the countries and areas within the region, leading to incomplete information in some instances. Thus, an accurate reflection of the true burden of the disease remains unknown.</p