17 research outputs found

    Danza creativa y reproductiva en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria: Una propuesta didáctica

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    La práctica de la danza conlleva múltiples beneficios para la salud general, lo que ha facilitado que se incluya en el currículo de la asignatura de Educación Física (EF) en la educación formal a nivel mundial. Aun así, investigaciones recientes evidencian que muchos profesionales de la actividad física (AF) aún no se sienten lo suficientemente cualificados a la hora de planificar y enseñar danza. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación es proporcionar una propuesta didáctica basada en una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura científica sobre danza y metodología. Esta propuesta didáctica forma parte de una investigación más amplia en la que se compara la AF objetiva, la AF percibida y el estado de flow del alumnado entre sesiones de danza creativa y reproductiva en el entorno de la EF de la escuela Educación Secundaria.Dance practices has multiple benefits for general health, which has facilitated its inclusion in the curriculum of the Physical Education (PE) subject in formal education worldwide. However, recent research shows that many physical activity (PA) professionals still do not feel qualified enough when it comes to planning and teaching dance. Consequently, the main purpose of this research is to provide an instructional strategy based on a bibliographic review of the scientific literature about dance and methodology. This instructional strategy is part of a larger investigation where it is compared students’ objective PA, perceived PA and flow state between creative and reproductive dance sessions in the high school PE setting.Mar Lara-Aparicio is supported by a PhD grant of the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU18/00496) Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Implementing the Use of Collision Cross Section Database for Phycotoxin Screening Analysis

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    The increased consumption of blue-green algae (BGA)-based dietary supplements has raised concern about their food safety, especially about cyanotoxin presence. The hyphenation of liquid chromatography with ion mobility mass spectrometry represents a relevant tool to screen several compounds in a large variety of food matrices. In this work, ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography coupled to traveling wave ion mobility spectrometry/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-TWIMS-QTOF) was employed to establish the first comprehensive TWIMS-derived collision cross section database (TWCCSN2) for phycotoxins. The database included 20 cyanotoxins and 1 marine toxin. Accurate m/z, retention times, and TWCCSN2 values were obtained for 81 adducts in positive and negative electrospray (ESI+/ESI–) modes. Reproducibility and robustness of the TWCCSN2 measurements were determined to be independent of the matrix. A screening was carried out on 19 commercial BGA dietary supplements of different composition. Cyanotoxins were confidently identified in five samples based on retention time, m/z, and TWCCSN2.The University of Parma through the action Bando di Ateneo 2021MUR-Italian Ministry of Universities and Research-D.M. 737/2021-PNR-PNRR−NextGenerationEU, (ii) from the Project PID2021-127804OB-I00Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033ERDF A way of making Europe” and from the Andalousian Government (Project ref. PROYEXCEL_00195)The Grant (FPU17/03810) financed by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033, by “ESF Investing in your future”.Grant IJC2019-040989-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Waters Italy for providing the Atlantis Premier BEH Z-HILIC colum


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    The terminological confusion surrounding the Expressive Movement and Creative Dance, with no English words clearly corresponding to it, restricts the dissemination and scientific progress of the discipline. This article examines the English terms most frequently used for it. To determine them, a literature review was conducted on five databases, followed by a search on Web of ScienceTM– a database covering from 1900 to 2018, using the ten selected terms. Results showed exponential growth in most terms. English prevails as the main language and ‘Psychology’ as the main the area. Although there seems to be no consensus about the English term for the discipline, the most frequently choices in Spanish, Portuguese and French – literally, Bodily Expression – does not correspond to the English meaning. The most related and recommended terms to be used in translations and searches are Creative Movement, Creative Dance, Expressive Movement and Physical Theatre. La confusión terminológica que rodea a la Expresión Corporal, no estando claro qué palabras en inglés le corresponden, limita la difusión y avance científico de la disciplina. Este artículo pretende analizar los términos más utilizados en inglés para referirse a ella. Para determinarlos, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en cinco bases de datos, seguida de una búsqueda en la base de datos Web of ScienceTM desde 1900 hasta 2018 con los diez términos seleccionados. Los resultados mostraron un crecimiento exponencial en la mayoría de términos. Predomina el inglés como idioma y el área de “Psicología”. Aunque no parece existir consenso en la denominación en inglés de esta disciplina, el término más utilizado en español, portugués y francés, Corporal Expression, no se corresponde con el significado en inglés. Los términos más relacionados y recomendados a utilizar en traducciones y búsquedas son Creative Movement, Creative Dance, Expressive Movement y Physical Theatre.  A confusão terminológica em torno da Expressão Corporal, não deixando claro quais palavras em inglês correspondem a ela, limita a difusão e o avanço científico da disciplina. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar os termos mais utilizados em inglês para se referir a ela. Para determiná-los, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura em cinco bases de dados, seguida de uma pesquisa no banco de dados Web of ScienceTM desde 1900 até 2018 com os dez termos selecionados. Os resultados mostraram um crescimento exponencial na maioria dos termos. O inglês predomina como língua e, como área, a Psicologia. Embora não pareça haver um consenso na denominação inglesa dessa disciplina, o termo mais utilizado em espanhol, português e francês, Corporal Expression, não se encaixa com o significado em inglês. Os termos mais relacionados e recomendados para usar em traduções e pesquisas são Creative Movement, Creative Dance, Expressive Movement e Physical Theatre.


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    The situation created by the novel coronavirus disease has affected education worldwide, resulting in the urgent need for programs that promote physical activity at home and responsible use of internet-connected devices. This work provides a didactic proposal to perform Expressive Movement & Creative Dance (EMCD) at home adaptable to distinct educational levels and useful as a valuable online or face-to-face education experience even when the coronavirus crisis ends. The proposal is based on the Laban Movement Analysis, the Theatre of the Oppressed, and Lipdub. It seeks to develop students’ own artistic body language, emotional intelligence, healthy physical activity and social awareness. Furthermore, it intends to promote the creation of a new social movement (#VIDLOP) using art and popular media as empowering and democratic channels for building a better world. In conclusion, this may be a promising proposal to develop the EMCD and human awareness in challenging scenarios and distinct educational settings. La situación provocada por la nueva enfermedad del coronavirus ha afectado a la educación en todo el mundo, por lo que es urgente la aplicación de programas que promuevan la actividad física en el hogar y el uso responsable de dispositivos conectados a internet. El presente trabajo presenta una propuesta didáctica de Expresión Corporal (EC) para practicar desde casa, adaptable a diferentes niveles educativos, y útil también como una valiosa experiencia educativa online o presencial, incluso cuando la crisis del coronavirus acabe. Esta propuesta se basa en el Análisis del Movimiento de Laban, en el Teatro del Oprimido y en el Lipdub. Busca desarrollar el lenguaje corporal artístico propio, la inteligencia emocional, comportamientos saludables de actividad física y la conciencia social de los alumnos, además de promover la creación de un nuevo movimiento social (#VIDLOP), utilizando arte y medios de comunicación populares como canales democráticos y de poder para construir un mundo mejor. En conclusión, esta puede ser una propuesta prometedora para el desarrollo de la EC y la conciencia humana en escenarios desafiantes y en diferentes entornos educativos. A situação causada pela nova doença do coronavírus afetou a educação em todo o mundo, sendo urgente a aplicação de programas que promovam a atividade física em casa e o uso responsável de dispositivos conectados à internet. O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta didática de Expressão Corporal (EC) para a sua prática desde casa, adaptável a diferentes níveis educacionais, e útil também como uma valiosa experiência educacional on-line ou presencial mesmo quando a crise do coronavírus acabe. Esta proposta baseia-se na Análise Laban de Movimento, no Teatro do Oprimido e no Lipdub. Procura desenvolver a linguagem corporal artística própria, a inteligência emocional, comportamentos saudáveis de atividade física e a consciência social dos alunos; e promover a criação de um novo movimento social (#VIDLOP), usando a arte e a mídia popular como canais democráticos e de poder para construir um mundo melhor. Em conclusão, esta pode ser uma proposta promissora para o desenvolvimento da EC e da consciência humana em cenários desafiadores e em diferentes ambientes educacionais.

    Expresión corporal: Revisión bibliográfica sobre las características y orientaciones metodológicas en contextos educativos

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    Even though Expressive Movement and Creative Dance are highly valued and usually present in our educational system, research shows that there are still some shortcomings in its programming and methodological application. As an effect it is difficult to put it into practice and often results in a scarce and partial presence of this content, wasting its possibilities and potential. In response to these needs, the present work is introduced on its conceptual and methodological framework. It presents its historical evolution, its definition, its relationship with other motor skills related actions, its orientations, dimensions and movement omponents, its objectives, contents and methodological orientations for educational purposes. In essence, this article´s objective is to clarify the framework that surrounds it, presenting this discipline briefly, structured and in reference to experts in the field, so that it serves as a guide for all professionals on education who may want to use it.A pesar de que la Expresión Corporal sea muy valorada y esté presente de manera generalizada en nuestro sistema educativo, las investigaciones demuestran que todavía existen carencias en su programación y aplicación metodológica. Esto dificulta su puesta en práctica y deriva con frecuencia en una presencia escasa y parcial de este contenido, desaprovechando sus posibilidades y potencial. Atendiendo a estas carencias, el presente trabajo se introduce en su marco conceptual y metodológico. Se presenta su evolución histórica, su definición, su relación con otras acciones motrices afines, sus orientaciones, dimensiones y componentes del movimiento, sus objetivos, contenidos y orientaciones metodológicas para su aplicación en contextos educativos. En definitiva, el objetivo del presente artículo es esclarecer el entramado que la rodea, presentando esta disciplina de forma breve, estructurada y en referencia a expertos en la materia, de modo que sirva como guía para todos los profesionales de la educación que quieran utilizarla

    Multiclass cyanotoxin analysis in reservoir waters: tandem solid-phase extraction followed by zwitterionic hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    The presence of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in all water bodies, including ocean water and fresh water sources, represents a risk for human health as eutrophication and climate change are enhancing their level of proliferation. For risk assessment and studies on occurrence, the development of reliable and sensitive analytical approaches able to cover a wide range of cyanotoxins is essential. This work describes the development of an HILIC-MS/MS multiclass method for the simultaneous analysis of eight cyanotoxins in reservoir water samples belonging to three different classes according to their chemical structure: cyclic peptides (microcystin-LR, microcystin-RR and nodularin), alkaloids (cylindrospermopsin, anatoxin-a) and three non-protein amino acids isomers such as β-methylamino-L-alanine, 2,4-diaminobutyric acid and N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine). A SeQuant ZIC-HILIC column was employed to achieve the chromatographic separation in less than 12 min. Previously, a novel sample treatment based on a tandem solid-phase extraction (SPE) system using mixed cation exchange (MCX) and Strata-X cartridges was investigated with the aim of extracting and preconcentrating this chemically diverse group of cyanotoxins. The Strata-X cartridge, which was configured first in the line of sample flow, retained the low polar compounds and the MCX cartridge, which was at the bottom of the dual system, retained mainly the non-protein amino acids. The optimization procedure highlighted the importance of sample ion content for the recoveries of some analytes such as the isomers β-Nmethylamino-L-alanine and 2-4-diaminobutyric acid. Method validation was carried out in terms of linearity, limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ), recoveries, matrix effect and precision in terms of repeatability and intermediate precision. This work represents the first analytical method for the simultaneous analysis of these multiclass cyanotoxins in reservoir water samples, achieving LOQs in the very low range of 7·10-3 – 0.1 µg·L-1. Despite high recoveries obtained at the LOQ concentration levels (101.0-70.9%), relative standard deviations lower than 17.5% were achieved.RTI2018-097043-B-I00 financed by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa”Spanish Network of Excellence in Sample preparation (RED2018-102522-T)FPU17/0381

    Determination of Multiclass Cyanotoxins in Blue-Green Algae (BGA) Dietary Supplements Using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

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    In recent years, the consumption of blue-green algae (BGA) dietary supplements is increasing because of their health benefits. However, cyanobacteria can produce cyanotoxins, which present serious health risks. In this work we propose hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS) to determine cyanotoxins in BGA dietary supplements. Target toxins, including microcystin-leucine-arginine (MC-LR) and microcystin-arginine-arginine (MC-RR), nodularin, anatoxin-a and three non-protein amino acids, β-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DAB) and N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine (AEG), were separated using a SeQuant ZIC-HILIC column. Cyanotoxin extraction was based on solid–liquid extraction (SLE) followed by a tandem-solid phase extraction (SPE) procedure using Strata-X and mixed-mode cation-exchange (MCX) cartridges. The method was validated for BGA dietary supplements obtaining quantification limits from 60 to 300 µg·kg−1. Nine different commercial supplements were analyzed, and DAB, AEG, and MCs were found in some samples, highlighting the relevance of monitoring these substances as precaution measures for the safe consumption of these products

    Determination of Multiclass Cyanotoxins in Blue-Green Algae (BGA) Dietary Supplements Using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

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    In recent years, the consumption of blue-green algae (BGA) dietary supplements is increasing because of their health benefits. However, cyanobacteria can produce cyanotoxins, which present serious health risks. In this work we propose hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS) to determine cyanotoxins in BGA dietary supplements. Target toxins, including microcystin-leucine-arginine (MC-LR) and microcystin-arginine-arginine (MC-RR), nodularin, anatoxin-a and three non-protein amino acids, beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DAB) and N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine (AEG), were separated using a SeQuant ZIC-HILIC column. Cyanotoxin extraction was based on solid-liquid extraction (SLE) followed by a tandem-solid phase extraction (SPE) procedure using Strata-X and mixed-mode cation-exchange (MCX) cartridges. The method was validated for BGA dietary supplements obtaining quantification limits from 60 to 300 mu g center dot kg(-1). Nine different commercial supplements were analyzed, and DAB, AEG, and MCs were found in some samples, highlighting the relevance of monitoring these substances as precaution measures for the safe consumption of these products.MCIN/ AEI RTI2018-097043-B-I00Project Junta de Andalucia-Programa Operativo FEDER B-AGR-202-UGR20MCIN/AEI and FSE FPU17/0381