38 research outputs found

    The reflection of a tradition: feminization of family life

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    Mª Ángeles Hernández-Prados - Universidad de Murcia 0000-0002-3617-215XMª Luisa Belmonte - Universidad de Murcia 0000-0002-1475-3690Begoña Lara Guillen - Universidad de Murcia 0000-0002-3617-215XRecepción: 25.05.2020 | Aceptado: 30.11.2020Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Mª Luisa Belmonte 0000-0002-1475-3690La participación equilibrada entre mujeres y hombres en la vida familiar, a fin de lograr una igualdad de oportunidades laborales y romper con los estereotipos tradicionales, aún continúa siendo una utopía en muchos hogares. La presente investigación cuantitativo-evaluativa no experimental exploratoria muestra, a través de un cuestionario para recoger la percepción del alumnado acerca de las tareas del hogar en el núcleo doméstico, los roles asumidos por los miembros de la familia, valorando la implicación e interés de los padres por la educación, diferenciando entre la opinión según el género del alumno, junto con edad y nivel de estudios de los padres. Los resultados muestran que, aunque a juicio del estudiante los progenitores se interesan bastante por la educación, son las madres quienes lo hacen en mayor medida. Esta figura materna se erige como centro de planificación de tareas, cuidado de pequeños, mayores o dependientes, mantenimiento, organización y provisión de recursos en el hogar, junto con limpieza y asignación de tareas domésticas. Pese a ello, el liderazgo y la toma de decisiones son atribuidas principalmente al padre, revelando una perspectiva de pensamiento clásico de las generaciones jóvenes, a favor de posiciones en desequilibrio con respecto a las madres, concediendo la autoridad al rol paterno.The balanced participation of women and men in family life, in order to achieve equal employment opportunities and break with traditional stereotypes, still continues to be a utopia in many households.The present exploratory non-experimental quantitative-evaluative research shows, through a questionnaire to collect the perception of the students about the tasks of the home in the domestic nucleus, the roles assumed by the members of the family, assessing the involvement and interest of the parents by education, differentiating between the opinion according to the gender of the student, along with age and educational level of the parents. The results show that, although in the student's opinion the parents are very interested in education, it is the mothers who do it to a greater extent. This maternal figure stands as a center for homework planning, caring for children, the elderly or dependents, maintenance, organization and provision of resources at home, along with cleaning and assigning household chores. Despite this, leadership and decision-making are mainly attributed to the father, revealing a classical thinking perspective of the young generations, in favor of positions in imbalance with respect to the mothers, granting authority to the paternal role

    Psychosocial Resources for Hedonic Balance, Life Satisfaction and Happiness in the Elderly: A Path Analysis

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    This research was partially supported with the financial aid conceded to the "Psicologia de la Salud/Medicina Conductual" Research Group (CTS-267) by the Junta de Andalucia (Spain).We explored possible paths from physical and mental health-related quality of life, self-efficacy, optimism, and social support to happiness in older adults, considering hedonic balance and life satisfaction as mediators. A total of 154 Spanish male and female (50%) older adults (65–96 years old, M = 77.44, SD = 8.03; 64% noninstitutionalized elderly) voluntarily participated in this correlational, cross-sectional study. The participants completed self-reports on their perceived health status, self-efficacy, social support, optimism, and global subjective well-being (SWB) as well as its dimensions. Path analysis was used to examine direct and indirect relationships. The final model had an excellent fit with the data (χ2(10) = 11.837, p = 0.296, χ2/df = 1.184; SRMR = 0.050, CFI = 0.994, RMSEA = 0.035), revealing the unique causal effects of all the included predictors on happiness. With the exception of self-efficacy, the psychosocial resources predicted older adults’ current happiness, and this relationship was fully mediated by hedonic balance and life satisfaction, which were found to be putative intermediary factors for SWB. Self-efficacy in turn predicted the remaining psychosocial resources. Our findings extend the existing evidence on the influences of health-related quality of life, self-efficacy, optimism, and social support on SWB. Furthermore, they support the proposal of hedonic balance and life satisfaction as dimensions of SWB, thus supporting the tripartite hierarchical model of happiness. These results may inform future interventions seeking to improve happiness in late adulthoodJunta de Andalucía CTS-26

    Optimism and social support moderate the indirect relationship between selfefficacy and happiness through mental health in the elderly

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    The authors are grateful to all the participants who made this study possible.We examined the role of self-efficacy, social support, optimism, and mental health in the prediction of happiness in the elderly. Moderated mediation analyses confirmed a full mediation in which self-efficacy, through perceived mental health and moderated by social support, predicts happiness moderated, in turn, by optimism. When an elder is self-efficacious, his or her mental well-being seems more likely to be improved and translated into enhanced happiness when social support and optimism are moderate to high. We provide preliminary results on the interplay of these psychosocial resources in improving subjective well-being that may help in designing tailored interventions for promoting happiness in late adulthood

    Insight into the biological pathways underlying fibromyalgia by a proteomic approach

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    Fibromyalgia (FM) is a form of non-articular rheumatism difficult to diagnose and treat because its etiology remains still elusive. Proteomics makes possible the systematic analysis of hundreds of proteins in clinical samples. Consequently, it has become a key tool for finding altered molecular pathways in different diseases. In this context, the present study analyzes changes in the plasma proteome of patients with FM by nanoscale liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Deregulated proteins were studied using Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. Conventional analytical methods were used to validate selected proteins. We found a total of 33 proteins differentially expressed in patients with FM. Haptoglobin and fibrinogen showed the highest FM/control ratio. IPA analysis revealed that the top enriched canonical pathways were acute-phase response signaling, Liver-X Receptor/Retinoid-X Receptor activation, Farnesoid-X Receptor/Retinoid-X Receptor activation, and coagulation and complement systems. The importance of inflammation in FM was corroborated by the increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In conclusion, our results support the existence of a plasma protein signature of FM that involves different biological pathways all of them related to inflammation, and point to haptoglobin and fibrinogen as plausible biomarkercandidates for future studies. Significance: The etiology of fibromyalgia (FM) remains elusive making its diagnosis and treatment difficult. The characterization of the proteome signature of this syndrome will improve its understanding. However, to date proteomic analyses in FM are scarce. The goal of the present work is to analyse, for the first time, changes in plasma protein profiles of patients with FM in comparison to control subjects, using label free relative protein quantification by nanoscale liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Our data demonstrate the existence of a common protein signature in the plasma of patients with FM that could explain some of the symptoms associated to this syndrome. The analysis of the 33 proteins differentially expressed corroborates the crucial role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of this syndrome. The interplay of the complement and coagulation cascades contributes to the inflammatory process, while the activation of Liver-X Receptor/Retinoid-X Receptor and Farnesoid-X Receptor/Retinoid-X Receptor could attempt to alleviate it. Finally, we have identified two proteins, haptoglobin and fibrinogen, as potential biomarker-candidates of FM for future studies

    Competitive demands of youth cadet soccer player according to a specific field position

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es establecer las exigencias de la competición de fútbol en jugadores de categoría cadete, así como observar posibles diferencias en relación al puesto específico desempeñado. Se seleccionaron 22 jugadores divididos en 2 porteros, 8 defensores, 8 mediocampistas y 4 delanteros (con una edad de 14,50±0,51 años, una masa de 66,07±4,84 kg, una estatura de 171,70±7,16 cm, IMC de 22,47 ±1,62 kg/m2 y una experiencia previa competitiva de 9,04±1,99 años). Se llevó a cabo un partido oficial, determinándose la estructura temporal del encuentro, la frecuencia cardíaca, la concentración de lactato sanguíneo, y la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo. Se observan diferencias por puesto específico significativas para las variables frecuencia cardíaca (p<.001) y la percepción subjetiva (p<.05) del esfuerzo entre el portero y el resto de puestos.The main objective of this study was to establish the requirements during a soccer competition among cadet soccer players and identify differences according to a specific position. There were selected 22 players divided in: 2 goalkeepers, 8 defenders, 8 midfielders and 4 strikers (with a mean age of 14,50±0,51 years, a body mass of 66,07±4,84 kg, a height of 171,70±7,16 cm, BMI 22,47 ±1,62 kg/m2 and a previous experience competitive of 9,04±1,99 years). Within an official competition the playing and resting time during the game, heart rate, blood lactate concentration and perceived exertion were evaluated. It was observed significant differences between the different positions, involving the heart rate (p<.001) and perceived exertion (p<.05) between the goalkeeper and other positions.peerReviewe

    Competitive demands of youth cadet soccer player according to a specific field position

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es establecer las exigencias de la competición de fútbol en jugadores de categoría cadete, así como observar posibles diferencias en relación al puesto específico desempeñado. Se seleccionaron 22 jugadores divididos en 2 porteros, 8 defensores, 8 mediocampistas y 4 delanteros (con una edad de 14,50±0,51 años, una masa de 66,07±4,84 kg, una estatura de 171,70±7,16 cm, IMC de 22,47 ±1,62 kg/m2 y una experiencia previa competitiva de 9,04±1,99 años). Se llevó a cabo un partido oficial, determinándose la estructura temporal del encuentro, la frecuencia cardíaca, la concentración de lactato sanguíneo, y la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo. Se observan diferencias por puesto específico significativas para las variables frecuencia cardíaca (p<.001) y la percepción subjetiva (p<.05) del esfuerzo entre el portero y el resto de puestos.The main objective of this study was to establish the requirements during a soccer competition among cadet soccer players and identify differences according to a specific position. There were selected 22 players divided in: 2 goalkeepers, 8 defenders, 8 midfielders and 4 strikers (with a mean age of 14,50±0,51 years, a body mass of 66,07±4,84 kg, a height of 171,70±7,16 cm, BMI 22,47 ±1,62 kg/m2 and a previous experience competitive of 9,04±1,99 years). Within an official competition the playing and resting time during the game, heart rate, blood lactate concentration and perceived exertion were evaluated. It was observed significant differences between the different positions, involving the heart rate (p<.001) and perceived exertion (p<.05) between the goalkeeper and other positions.peerReviewe

    A novel synthetic approach to tyrosine dimers based on pterin photosensitization

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    [EN] Oxidative damage to proteins leads to a variety of modifications that are markers of pathogenesis. One of the most important modifications is the dityrosine (Tyr(2)) cross-link, resulting from an oxidative covalent bond between two tyrosines (Tyr). An optimized methodology for preparation of pure Tyr(2) is important to investigate in detail its physicochemical properties and reactivity. Pterin (Ptr), the parent and unsubstituted compound of oxidized pterins, is able to photosensitize the cross-linking of free tyrosine (Tyr) and tyrosine residues of peptides and proteins through a photoinduced electron transfer mechanism. We have optimized a simple, one-step photocatalyzed formation of Tyr(2), using Ptr as photocatalyst. Our procedure is carried out in aqueous solutions under UV-A radiation for few minutes. The purification of Tyr(2) is performed by reverse-phase chromatography. The obtained highly pure solution is used to fully characterize the Tyr(2) (exact mass and H-1, H-1-H-1 COSY; DEPT; HSQC and HMBC NMR experiments) and to deeper study its fluorescence properties. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The present work was partially supported by Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET; Grant PIP 0304), Agencia de Promocion Cientifica y Tecnologica (ANPCyT; Grants PICT 2012-0508), and Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP; Grant X586 and X712). L.O.R. and C.C. thanks CONICET for doctoral research fellowships. Funding from the Programa CSIC de Cooperacion Cientifica para el Desarrollo (iCOOPLight project ref 20105CD0017) is gratefully acknowledged. A.H.T. and M.L.D are research members of CONICET. The authors thank Dr. Mariana Vignoni (INIFTA, CONICET) and Nathalie Martins-Froment of the Service Commun de Spectrometrie de Masse (FR2599), Universite de Toulouse III (Paul Sabatier) for their crucial contributions in mass spectrometry measurements.Reid, LO.; Castaño, C.; Dantola, ML.; Lhiaubet ., VL.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ.; Marín García, ML.; Thomas, AH. (2017). A novel synthetic approach to tyrosine dimers based on pterin photosensitization. Dyes and Pigments. 147:67-74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dyepig.2017.07.058S677414

    Partial deletion 5p and partial duplication 5q due to paternal pericentric inversion

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    Dismorfología, Citogenética y Clínica: Resultados de estudios sobre los datos del ECEMCDuring the meiotic process, most of the structural balanced chromosome alterations will affect either the specific chromosome pairing, or the chromosome and cromatides segregation, due to the number and type of chiasmata of the chromosomes implicated in those balanced rearrangements. Thus, the major clinical significance for normal carriers is the risk of transmition to their offspring unbalanced derivative. Here we present a malformed newborn infant with an abnormal chromosome 5 consisting in a partial deletion 5p and a partial duplication 5q. This abnormal chromosome 5 was a recombinant chromosome derived from a large paternal pericentric inversion. The cytogenetic study of the family showed that there were some other members who were carriers of the same balanced inversion. The clinical features of this patient are a mixture of some anomalies clearly related to the 5p deletion or "Cri-du-Chat" syndrome, like the crying and facial appearance, together with other that are describe on patients with 5q duplication, like the cardiac malformation. Nevertheless, he also shows some congenital defects as preauricular tags and anal atresia that, as for as we know, have not been previously described in patients with a similar chromosomal alteration. A literature review was performed of the genes localize at the chromosome regions involve in the inversion, in an effort to establish a relation with the patient phenotype.N