28 research outputs found

    Technology "Debate" as a tool for communicative competence development

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    The task of a modern university is to produce a highly qualified and competent specialist, ready for independent implementation of professional activities. Communicative competence is one of the fundamental in such preparation. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of implementing the Debate technology as an effective means of developing communicative competence of future vocational training teachers. The article focuses on the specifics of their future activities, its features and conditions, as well as their role in the field of professional education. The teacher of vocational training carries out pedagogical, educational-production and organizational-methodological activities in students training in secondary vocational schools. The basis for the implementation of his professional activity is the construction of effective interaction in the classroom between the teacher and students. For this, future teachers of vocational training must master communicative competence which is one of the main components of their future activities success. The article reveals features of the "Debate" and their capabilities in students’ training. The study allowed us to check the level of communicative competence development in dynamics, as well as to identify the level of students' motivation before using the Debate technology and after. Based on the data obtained, we can talk about the effectiveness of technology implementation. "Debate" provides ample opportunities for students to develop interaction skills, conduct constructive dialogue, select arguments, effective interaction strategies, the ability to balance emotional stress during the discussion, the ability to speak in public and other skills that contribute to the development of communicative competence and provide highly qualified specialist training

    Psychological and pedagogical foundations for interaction technologies implementation at the university

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    The technological approach necessitated the development of professional competence of students as the main educational goal. Professional competence is developed only in the process of active activity and constant interaction of students. Therefore, higher education institutions should implement various technologies of interaction in their work, which are today one of the most effective in this process. The purpose of the article is to highlight psychological and pedagogical foundations of interaction technologies implementation at the University. In the article interaction is considered as a basic concept of pedagogical psychology. The authors identified the components of the category "interaction" and identified educational technologies that are responsible for the development of each component. It is noted that technologies interact with each other and produce a positive effect on the development of professional competence of students, organizing effective process of students’ interaction. A survey of students and teachers on the most suitable, in their opinion, technologies for organization of effective interaction is presented. The received answers allowed allocating technologies which cause interest both at teachers and at students

    Socio-gaming technology in the development of students’ personality

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    In response to modern needs of the labor market in highly qualified specialists capable of independent and creative activities, higher education institutions are developing professional competence of students using various innovative technologies that contribute to enhancing students' cognitive position. The implementation of modern educational technologies in the system of vocational education is a necessity dictated by the conditions of a competency-based educational paradigm. The peculiarity of educational technology as an effective means of forming professional competence is to ensure the guaranteed achievement of goals. In preparing a student for professional activity, technologies that allow a student to be immersed in conditions as close as possible to professional ones are of particular relevance. The advantage of socio-gaming technologies implementation consists both in revealing a student’s capabilities, his potential, including each of them in the educational process, and in shaping students' ability to master the norms and rules of behavior in society. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of implementing socio-gaming technologies in the training of students of higher educational institutions. Communicative competence is one of the most significant elements of preparing students for both professional activities and life in society. The article presents a study to verify the level of formation of communicative competence. The level was established according to certain criteria related to inclusion in the learning process, building effective interaction with other students. Statistical analysis showed the effectiveness of the technology under consideration. An additional survey of students made it possible to establish that the game contributes to their active involvement in educational process and construction of effective communication with classmates

    Social and educational technologies in professional education

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    The transformation of educational space has led to the renewal of requirements for students training. The modern goal of professional education is the formation of students ' competence. In this regard, there is a need to find the most effective ways to develop students’ competence. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of implementing social and educational technologies as an important component of the process of professional competence development. The article is devoted to the role of social and educational technologies employed to train students of higher professional educational institutions. The authors reveal the essence of educational technologies, their capabilities and significance for potential of future graduates. Social and educational technologies in the process of professional training of students perform the following functions: corrective, diagnostic and organizational. Against the background of professional competence development, these technologies perform such tasks as the development of moral qualities, orientation to universal values, the formation of humanistic views, skills of working with a team, leadership qualities, the formation of ideas about the importance of future professional activities, planning skills, management of a group of people.Focusing on the fact that highly qualified specialists’ training, according to the requirements of the state and society, should be versatile and include not only formation of professional skills, but also high moral and personal qualities that help in effective interaction provision, the authors of the article cite a study that allows to highlight the importance of social and educational technologies. The authors reveal process of social project implementation by students which is carried out in the framework of social project technologies. The possibilities of the social project allow introducing it into the activities of students of all courses of study to develop professional competence

    Round table technology in university educational process

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    The process of building students' competence must meet modern requirements and include the use of innovative technologies. The development trends of modern society have led to the emergence of a competency-based approach in vocational education. In the process of building professional competence, it is necessary to use technologies that meet the requirements of the Federal state educational standards which contribute to the development of practical focus of training. Among such technologies we single out technologies for holding a round table. The technologies of the round table are not new, but due to combination with various innovative technologies, they become more relevant. The implementation of the round table in the training of vocational education teachers is a discussion process that speculates about a relevant topic requiring a comprehensive analysis. Modern conditions provide arrangements of round tables with their own specifics. The purpose of the article is to identify the effectiveness of holding round tables in students’ preparation in higher educational institutions. The article presents basic principles on which the technology of the round table is based, its ideas and essence, as well as the features of its holding. A study conducted at a pedagogical university during the training of vocational education teachers is presented. It showed the need for implementing round-table technologies in preparing students for future professional activities, as the ones allowing students to build effective discussions, negotiate based on arguments and facts. We have identified the effectiveness of the "round tables" in the training of students in higher educational institutions. The study made it possible to establish the level of students’ preparedness for conducting effective discussions for the implementation of future professional activities in secondary vocational educational institutions. The technology of the round table allows to increase the knowledge level of students. The results can be used in students’ training in various faculties

    Resource provision innovatsionnogo development of professional educational organizations

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    The article discusses the use and justification of the resources required for the innovative development of professional educational organizationВ статье рассматривается использование и обоснование ресурсов, необходимых для инновационного развития профессиональной образовательной организаци

    Educational technologies as a means of developing students' independence

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    The current stage of development of society is characterized by the development of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of various innovative processes that affect the course of development of all spheres of life, including higher education. With the emergence of a competency-based approach and a corresponding change in educational goals, higher education institutions, fulfilling the requirements of the Federal state educational standards, should use innovative educational technologies in the preparation of students to form their professional competence. The purpose of the article is to consider the experience of implementing educational technologies as a tool for developing students' independence. The independence of the student is an integral part of the development of his competence. The article presents an examination of the concepts of “independence” and “educational technology” from various points of view. The dependence of independence on the use of innovative educational technologies in the educational process is traced. The stages of the process of organizing students' independent work using innovative educational technologies are highlighted. The presented study on identifying students' level of independence when studying the discipline “Teaching Technologies of the Teachers of the Past” allows us to conclude that students are more successful with the active implementation of educational technologies, since they make the process more active and creative, make the interaction process more efficient. The study was conducted over two years (in 2018 and 2019). We checked the level of independence of students before the introduction of innovative technologies in the study of the discipline "Technology of teaching teachers of the past" and after. The more often educational technologies are used in the educational process, the more students get used to independent work, the better it becomes. The use of educational technologies allows the formation of a highly educated competent specialist who independently and creatively solves professional problems

    Organization of the educational and production environment for the dual training of students of a professional educational organization

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    Рассматриваются возможности использования дуальной системы образования при подготовке квалифицированных специалистов в условиях социального партнерстваThe article deals with the possibilities of using the dual system of education in the training of qualified specialists in the conditions of social partnershi

    Timetracker capabilities in student project activities

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    The purpose of the work is to consider the possibilities of time trackers in the design activities of students. The article presents an analysis of modern time trackers that contribute to the self-organization of students to achieve educational goals. In the context of an increase in the share of independent training in universities and the expansion of distance learning, there is a need for students to master time management, which allows them to conduct activities most productively. Time management involves the use of electronic tools that promote the development of the discipline, self-organization and student planning for the rapid achievement of goals. The article discusses both trackers for large-scale professional activities, control and accounting of working hours, as well as simpler versions of trackers suitable for personal use by students. Time management ensures timely implementation of the project, allows you to evaluate the contribution of each student to the work, and adjust the activities of students. The use of time trackers in performing various tasks, including the implementation of projects, contributes to high-quality visualization of the number of hours spent on the task and, as a result, the development of discipline and self-organization of students


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    Background. Even 100 years after the first attempts to introduce the chemotherapeutic approaches (in 1918) and despite the completely formed notions of myeloproliferative diseases as a group of malignant neoplasms, in the majority of patients with Ph-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), a symptomatic, in fact, therapy approach – the impact on peripheral blood indices and nonspecific thromboprophylaxis – is allowed. The limitations of classical cytoreduction and current targeted therapy, as well as the conviction of most specialists in the impossibility of adequately containment of disease progression, continue to be the main factors that keep physicians from the early start of pathogenetic therapy.Objective: to study the efficacy and safety of cepeginterferon alpha-2b (cePEG-IFN alpha-2b) in early (non-risk-adjusted) therapy of classical Ph-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms in initial use and after therapy with other pegylated interferons (PEG-IFN).Materials and methods. Twenty seven patients with polycythemia vera or essential thrombocythemia, without considering risk, received cePEG-IFN alpha-2b: initially, or after 6 or 12 months of other pegylated interferon therapy, in a dosage of 200 μg per week, with a decrease to 100 μg per week if 2 degree hematological toxicity developed. Hematological and molecular responses were assessed. Follow-up – from 20 to 46 months.Results. In all groups, a hematologic response comparable in depth and dynamics, as well as a molecular response as a steady decrease in the JAK2V617F allelic load, was achieved. There was no effect on the results of change to therapy with cePEG-IFN alpha-2b. CePEGIFN alpha-2b showed less dose-limiting toxicity for neutropenia and better pharmacoeconomic feasibility.Discussion. New data about mechanisms of antiproliferative effects of interferon alfa preparations are given. The pharmacological advantages of cePEG-IFN alpha-2b are discussed: superiority in pharmacokinetic parameters, the presence of one position isomer purity of the drug substance, the convenience of self-application. Conclusion. Early administration of an effective pathogenic therapy is an independent preventive measure to prevent the MPN progression and complications development. The use of cePEG-IFN alpha-2b may help to improve the care of MPN patients