26 research outputs found

    Use of Natural Marks to Identify Individual Bokermannohyla hylax (Amphibia: Anura)

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    Of 16 Bokermannohyla hylax (13 males and three females) assessed during a seven-month field study in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil, five were recognized visually by natural marks when recaptured and the other eleven from photographic records of the flanks and dorsum. This is the first time that identification by natural marks has been used to individually identify frogs. To test this method, waistbands with colored plastic beads were tied to the frogs’ waists to verify individual recognition upon recapture. Photographic identification is a scientific tool that consists of cataloging photographs of the animal for individual recognition and later identification in studies of behavior and population dynamics. Many individuals displayed thanatosis upon handling and some vocalized. Such vocalization is distinct from those associated with territoriality, advertisement, and release calls. The identification of individual B. hylax using digital images was an efficient, low-cost, and non-invasive method that might be of benefit in the study of other amphibian species


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    Abstract ∙ Hyacinth Macaws (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) feed largely on palm seeds and fruits. Here, we report a pair of Hyacinth Macaws feeding on termites. We visited the nesting tree of a pair of Hyacinth Macaws at the southern border of the Brazilian Pantanal on a monthly basis during one year. Macaws were present during four of these visits, and we recorded them foraging on arboreal termites in their nesting tree during one of the visits. Using their beaks, both macaw individuals repeatedly broke away bark pieces from decaying branches, and handled them with beak and feet to ingest termites found on the inner side of the bark. Nesting in decaying trees likely increases opportunities for Hyacinth Macaws to find termites, and the feeding behavior of these macaws indicates that they are familiar with and able to consume termites. This is the first report of termite consumption by this species.Resumo ∙ Arara‐azul‐grande (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, Psittacidae) comendo cupins Indivíduos de Arara‐azul‐grande (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) consomem principalmente sementes de palmeiras e frutos. Reportamos aqui um casal de Araras‐azuis‐grandes consumindo cupins. Visitamos uma árvore de nidificação na borda sul do Pantanal brasileiro mensalmente durante um ano. As araras estavam presentes em quatro visitas, e registramos consumo de cupins presentes na árvore de nidificação em uma visita. As araras repetidamente retiravam com o bico pedaços de casca de ramos podres, e manuseavam os pedaços com o bico e os pés para ingerir cupins presentes na parte interna da casca. Nidificar em árvores senescentes provavelmente aumenta a oportunidade dessas araras encontrarem cupins, e o comportamento alimentar delas indica familiaridade e habilidade em consumilos. Esse é o primeiro registro de consumo de cupins por esta espécie.

    Use of Natural Marks to Identify Individual Bokermannohyla hylax (Amphibia: Anura)

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    Of 16 Bokermannohyla hylax (13 males and three females) assessed during a seven-month field study in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil, five were recognized visually by natural marks when recaptured and the other eleven from photographic records of the flanks and dorsum. This is the first time that identification by natural marks has been used to individually identify frogs. To test this method, waistbands with colored plastic beads were tied to the frogs’ waists to verify individual recognition upon recapture. Photographic identification is a scientific tool that consists of cataloging photographs of the animal for individual recognition and later identification in studies of behavior and population dynamics. Many individuals displayed thanatosis upon handling and some vocalized. Such vocalization is distinct from those associated with territoriality, advertisement, and release calls. The identification of individual B. hylax using digital images was an efficient, low-cost, and non-invasive method that might be of benefit in the study of other amphibian species

    Checklist of the birds of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil: diversity and conservation

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    Several phytogeographic regions (Cerrado, Pantanal, Atlantic Forest, Gran Chaco, and Chiquitano Dry Forests) converge in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and influence regional biodiversity. Despite a list of birds in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul being published by Nunes et al. (2017), it is necessary to update and critically review avifauna records. In this study, we gathered the results of several records obtained from species lists and online data platforms of the 336 sites in this state over the last decades and grouped them into Main (Primary and Secondary) and Tertiary Lists. The avifauna of Mato Grosso do Sul is composed of 678 species, of which 643 (95%) have records proving their occurrence (Primary List), whereas 34 still lack documentation (Secondary List). The number of related species for Mato Grosso do Sul represents 34% of the Brazilian avifauna. Some species stand out for their unique occurrence in Mato Grosso do Sul, such as Melanerpes cactorum, Celeus lugubris, Phaethornis subochraceus, and Cantorchilus guarayanus, reflecting the influence of different phytogeographic regions of the Chaco and Chiquitano Dry Forests. Migrants represent 20% of the bird community occurring in the state, of which 93 species correspond to migrants from various regions of South America (south and west) and 40 to boreal migrants. Thirty-three species perform nomadic movements across the Pantanal Plain and other regions of the state. Thirty-one species are included in some conservation-threatened categories of global and/or national endangered species lists. Other 30 species are included in the near-threatened category at the global level and 23 at the national level. In addition, species typical of dry forests (in Serra da Bodoquena and Maciço do Urucum) and those from the Atlantic Forest in the south of the state deserve attention due to their restricted distribution and the high anthropogenic pressure on their habitat

    Checklist of the birds of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil: diversity and conservation

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    Several phytogeographic regions (Cerrado, Pantanal, Atlantic Forest, Gran Chaco, and Chiquitano Dry Forests) converge in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and influence regional biodiversity. Despite a list of birds in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul being published by Nunes et al. (2017), it is necessary to update and critically review avifauna records. In this study, we gathered the results of several records obtained from species lists and online data platforms of the 336 sites in this state over the last decades and grouped them into Main (Primary and Secondary) and Tertiary Lists. The avifauna of Mato Grosso do Sul is composed of 678 species, of which 643 (95%) have records proving their occurrence (Primary List), whereas 34 still lack documentation (Secondary List). The number of related species for Mato Grosso do Sul represents 34% of the Brazilian avifauna. Some species stand out for their unique occurrence in Mato Grosso do Sul, such as Melanerpes cactorum, Celeus lugubris, Phaethornis subochraceus, and Cantorchilus guarayanus, reflecting the influence of different phytogeographic regions of the Chaco and Chiquitano Dry Forests. Migrants represent 20% of the bird community occurring in the state, of which 93 species correspond to migrants from various regions of South America (south and west) and 40 to boreal migrants. Thirty-three species perform nomadic movements across the Pantanal Plain and other regions of the state. Thirty-one species are included in some conservation-threatened categories of global and/or national endangered species lists. Other 30 species are included in the near-threatened category at the global level and 23 at the national level. In addition, species typical of dry forests (in Serra da Bodoquena and Maciço do Urucum) and those from the Atlantic Forest in the south of the state deserve attention due to their restricted distribution and the high anthropogenic pressure on their habitat

    Effects of fragmentation and habitat change in bird community in Una Biological Reserve region, Bahia, Brazil

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    Orientadores: Andre Victor Lucci Freitas, Keith Spalding Brown JuniorTese (doutorado) Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: A Floresta Atlântica é um dos ecossistemas mais ameaçados no mundo e as unidades de conservação são importantes para manutenção da biodiversidade nesta paisagem altamente fragmentada. A avifauna da Floresta Atlântica do sul da Bahia é rica, com muitos endemismos e espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Nós investigamos a composição da avifauna da RBU e áreas adjacentes com o objetivo de medir a importância dessa UC para a proteção das espécies, assim como a resposta da comunidade aos diferentes hábitats (cabrucas, capoeiras e fragmentos florestais). Nós comparamos os resultados obtidos para aves, morcegos, lagartos, anuros e samambaias dentro dessa matriz predominatemente florestal com uma segunda área com paisagem oposta (fragmentos florestais imersos em matriz de cabrucas). Resultados: Nós encontramos 333 espécies de aves, incluindo 17 ameaçadas. A escassez de aves cinegéticas indica que a pressão de caça é alta na região. As cabrucas (plantações de cacau sob floresta raleada) exibem riqueza e abundância de aves maior que os demais hábitats investigados, com a presença de espécies generalistas invasoras. Frugívoros e insetívoros de copas foram abundantes e ricos nas cabrucas. Entretanto, insetívoros e frugívoros de sub-bosque são sensíveis à simplificação do hábitat deste sistema agroflorestal e muitas espécies desapareceram. O efeito de borda agiu significantemente para algumas espécies, com insetívoros generalistas aumentando sua riqueza e abundância, porém com alguns insetívoros e frugívoros de sub-bosque diminuindo próximo às bordas. Algumas espécies podem ser indicadores de florestas, já que ocorrem somente em interior de fragmentos. O amplo consenso sobre a importância de plantações sombreadas (cabrucas) para a conservação da biodiversidade deve ser tomado com cautela, porque algumas espécies evitam esse hábitat, mas as florestas secundárias (capoeiras) podem ser importantes para conectar fragmentos em uma paisagem. Uma comparação de pequenos fragmentos e cabrucas em duas paisagens contrastantes mostrou que a conversão de florestas em cabrucas impactaram diferentemente o padrão de dominância de espécies e guildas de aves e morcegos, porém as assembléias nas cabrucas geralmente refletem aquelas observadas em florestas próximas. A riqueza e composição de espécies foram diferentes nas paisagens analisadas, e ambos hábitats (florestas e cabrucas) de Uruçuca/Ilhéus mostraram perda de espécies florestais comparados com os mesmos hábitats em Una. Nosso estudo mostra que, apesar das cabrucas serem matrizes permeáveis para muitas espécies, elas não são substitutas das florestas. Há diferenças pronunciadas entre as duas paisagens com respeito à habilidade das cabrucas manterem a riqueza de espécies. Independente do grupo biológico considerado, uma representatividade maior de floresta nativa na paisagem influencia positivamente a riqueza de espécies encontradas nas cabrucas. O contexto da paisagem também influencia a variabilidade espacial da composição de espécies para alguns grupos biológicos, reforçando a importância e a vulnerabilidade de pequenas manchas florestais remanescentes em paisagens dominadas por cabrucas. Estes resultados apontam a necessidade de preservar áreas de hábitat primário mesmo em paisagens onde as práticas de uso da terra são geralmente favoráveis à conservação da biodiversidadeAbstract: The Brazilian Atlantic forest is one of more threatened ecosystems in the world, and the conservation units are very important in maintenance of biodiversity in a landscape highly fragmented. The avifauna of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia State is very rich, with many endemisms and threatened species. We explore the composition of avifauna of UBR and adjacent areas, and investigated the bird communities in different habitats nearby UBR with aim to measure its importance for species protection. We compare these results obtained by birds, bats, lizards, frogs and ferns in a forested matrix with a second area with opposite landscape (forest fragments in a cabruca matrix). Results: We found 333 species, including 17 species threatened. The paucity of game birds, like cracids an tinamous, indicate that the hunt pressure is high in the region. The shaded cocoa plantation exhibited greater richness and abundance of birds, with the presence of generalist species that invaded this habitat. Canopy insectivores and frugivores were highly profuse in cocoa plantations. However, understory insectivores and frugivores are sensible to habitat simplification of this agroforest system, and many species vanished. Edge effect was significant for some species, with generalist insectivores showing increase in richness and abundance, but some understory insectivores and frugivores decrease near edges. Some species can be used as forest indicators, since it occurred only in interior of fragments. The widely consensus about the importance of shaded plantations for conservation of biodiversity must take in caution, because some species avoid this habitat, but the early secondary forest can be important to connect fragments in this highly patchy landscape. A comparison of small fragments and cabrucas from contrastant landscapes showed that the conversion of forest to cabrucas impacted the dominance pattern of species and guilds differently regarding birds and bats, but species assemblages in cabrucas generally reflect those observed in nearby forests. Species richness and composition were different in these landscapes, and both habitats from Uruçuca showed losses of forest-dwelling species compared with those habitats from Una. Our study has shown that, although cabrucas can be permeable matrices for many species from the local biota, they are not forest surrogates. There were pronounced differences between the two landscapes with regard to the ability of cabrucas to maintain species richness. Irrespective of the biological group considered, a greater representation of native forest in the landscape positively influences the species richness reported in cabrucas. Landscape context also influenced the spatial variability of species composition for some biological groups, stressing the importance, and the vulnerability of the small forest patches remaining in landscapes dominated by shade plantations. These results point to the need to preserve sufficient areas of primary habitat even in landscapes where land use practices are generally favorable to the conservation of biodiversityDoutoradoEcologia de ComunidadesDoutor em Ecologi

    Frugivory by toucans (Ramphastidae) at two altitudes in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil

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    Toucans are prominent components of the tropical American avifauna. Although these birds are very conspicuous, there are few ecological studies focusing on them. In this study, the diets of four sympatric toucans (Ramphastos vitellinus, R. dicolorus, Selenidera maculirostris, and Baillonius bailloni) were assessed by recording feeding bouts at two altitudes in the Atlantic Forest of southeast Brazil. Our results show that toucans are predominantly frugivorous birds (96.5% of the 289 feeding bouts were on fruits). In the lowlands (70 m elev.), only fruits (48 species, 27 families) were recorded, while in the highlands (700 m elev.), toucans were observed feeding on fruits (25 species, 22 families), flowers, leaves, and insects. Non-fruit items were recorded only in the highlands, most of them eaten by B. bailloni. Cecropia glaziovii and Euterpe edulis, two abundant plants in the highland and lowland sites, respectively, and Virola oleifera, a plant that produces lipid-rich arillate fruits, were eaten heavily by the toucans. The number of feeding bouts recorded for R. vitellinus in the lowlands was positively correlated with lipid content of the fruits eaten. The diameters of fruits eaten by toucans varied greatly (range = 0.4-25.0 mm). While the large Ramphastos species not only ate tiny fruits (e.g., Hyeronima alchorneoides) but also large ones (e.g., Virola gardneri), the toucanets ate piecemeal the large fruits that exceeded their gape width, suggesting that gape size did not limit the use of any fruit by the toucans at our study sites