1,196 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Lappalainen, K H. (Franklin, Hancock County)

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    Detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antigen from serum can aid in timing of COVID-19 infection

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    SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be detected in respiratory samples for weeks after onset of COVID-19 disease. Therefore, one of the diagnostic challenges of PCR positive cases is differentiating between acute COVID-19 disease and convalescent phase. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antigen in serum and plasma samples of COVID-19 patients has been demonstrated previously. Our study aimed to characterize the analytical specificity and sensitivity of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Salocor SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Quantitative Assay Kit (c) (Salofa Ltd, Salo, Finland)) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antigen in serum, and to characterize the kinetics of antigenemia. The evaluation material included a negative serum panel of 155 samples, and 126 serum samples from patients with PCR-confirmed COVID-19. The specificity of the Salocor SARS-CoV-2 serum nucleocapsid antigen test was 98.0 %. In comparison with simultaneous positive PCR from upper respiratory tract (URT) specimens, the test sensitivity was 91.7 %. In a serum panel in which the earliest serum sample was collected two days before the collection of positive URT specimen, and the latest 48 days after (median 1 day post URT sample collection), the serum N antigen test sensitivity was 95.6 % within 14 days post onset of symptoms. The antigenemia resolved approximately two weeks after the onset of disease and diagnostic PCR. The combination of simultaneous SARS-CoV-2 antigen and antibody testing appeared to provide useful in-formation for timing of COVID-19. Our results suggest that SARS-CoV-2 N-antigenemia may be used as a diag-nostic marker in acute COVID-19.Peer reviewe

    Missing-in-metastasis and IRSp53 deform PI(4,5)P-2-rich membranes by an inverse BAR domain-like mechanism

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    The actin cytoskeleton plays a fundamental role in various motile and morphogenetic processes involving membrane dynamics. We show that actin-binding proteins MIM (missing-in-metastasis) and IRSp53 directly bind PI(4,5)P-2-rich membranes and deform them into tubular structures. This activity resides in the N-terminal IRSp53/MIM domain (IMD) of these proteins, which is structurally related to membrane-tubulating BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs) domains. We found that because of a difference in the geometry of the PI(4,5)P-2-binding site, IMDs induce a membrane curvature opposite that of BAR domains and deform membranes by binding to the interior of the tubule. This explains why IMD proteins induce plasma membrane protrusions rather than invaginations. We also provide evidence that the membrane-deforming activity of IMDs, instead of the previously proposed F-actin - bundling or GTPase-binding activities, is critical for the induction of the filopodia/microspikes in cultured mammalian cells. Together, these data reveal that interplay between actin dynamics and a novel membrane-deformation activity promotes cell motility and morphogenesis

    ”Mun mato menee kuuhun ja on ainakin miljoona metrii!”:lasten osallisuuden kokemukset Laulupiirtämisen äärellä

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    Tiivistelmä. Kaikkien lasten osallisuus, kuulluksi tuleminen sekä yhteenkuuluvuus liittyvät varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman inkluusioperiaatteeseen. Tätä voidaan vahvistaa aikuisen sensitiivisellä toiminnalla, jolloin lapset tulevat aidosti kohdatuksi ja heidän ajatuksensa ja aloitteensa kuulluksi. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisista tekijöistä lapsen näkökulmasta syntyvät osallisuuden kokemukset Laulupiirtämisen© äärellä. Lisäksi selvitetään, miten lapset kuvaavat kokemuksiaan Laulupiirtämisestä ja miten varhaiskasvatuksen erityisopettaja näkee lasten osallisuuden toteutuvan Laulupiirtämisen tuokioilla. Tutkielma on laadullinen tapaustutkimus ja metodologisensa lähestymistapana on lapsinäkökulmainen tutkimus. Tutkimus toteutettiin pohjoissuomalaisessa kunnassa 5-vuotiaiden inklusiivisessa päiväkotiryhmässä ja aineiston tuottamismenetelmänä käytettiin videointia ja ryhmähaastattelua. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kahdesta videoidusta Laulupiirtämisen tuokiosta, lasten ryhmähaastattelusta, sekä nauhoitetusta varhaiskasvatuksen erityisopettajan kerronnasta. Aineisto analysoidaan teoriasidonnaisesti sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu inkluusion, osallisuuden ja yhteenkuuluvuuden määrittelystä sekä niiden tarkastelusta varhaiskasvatuksen kontekstissa. Kerromme myös Laulupiirtämisen menetelmästä ja siihen liittyvistä taidekasvatuksen muodoista kasvatuksen ja oppimisen näkökulmasta, lisäksi käsittelemme lapsinäkökulmaisen tutkimuksen erityispiirteitä. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella lasten ja aikuisten välisellä vuorovaikutuksella oli merkitystä lasten osallisuuden kokemuksen syntymiseen. Lapset kokivat piirtämisen ja ilmaisun ison paperin äärellä merkityksellisenä. Lisäksi tulokset osoittivat, että lapsen osallisuuden kokemukseen vaikuttavat aikuisen luomat mahdollisuudet. Laulupiirtämisen käyttäminen pedagogisena välineenä soveltui hyvin käytettäväksi inklusiivisessa ryhmässä. Jatkotutkimuksessa menetelmän pedagogisia käyttötarkoituksia olisi hyvä selvittää vielä tarkemmin.“My worm goes to the moon and is at least a million meters” : children experience participation in Songdrawing. Abstract. Inclusion in early childhood education includes child participation, children being heard and belonging. To reinforce the above principles, educators can act sensitively, and genuinely face and hear children, their thoughts,and initiatives. The goal ofthis Master’s thesis is to unravel the factors that make children experience participation in Song drawing©. The other goals are to find out how children describe doing the Songdrawing and how special early childhood educators think the child participation comes to fruition in the Songdrawing. This is a study of child perspective, qualitative case study. This study has been done in inclusive early childhood education group with 5-year-old children in a northern Finnish municipality. This material has been collected by video recording during two Songdrawing lessons, children group interview and a recording of an early childhood educator. The material has been analyzed by theory-based content analysis. Inclusion, child participation and belonging in the context of early childhood education form the theoretical framework of this study. We focus on the method of Songdrawing and the forms of art education that can be related to Songdrawing. We also review the special features of the child-centered research. This study points out the significance of interaction in child participation. Drawing and expression around a big paper were significant for the children. The findings also showed that the experience of child participation is influenced by the opportunities created by the adult. The Song drawing fits in inclusive early childhood education group as a pedagogical method. As further research, it would be good to find out more about the pedagogical uses of Songdrawing

    Serological survey in the Finnish human population implies human-to-human transmission of Ljungan virus or antigenically related viruses

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    Ljungan virus (LV) is a picornavirus related to human parechoviruses (HPeV). The virus has been found in bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and several other rodent species, and suggested to have zoonotic potential. Thus far, seroepidemiological data on LV infections in humans are scarce. In this study, we aimed to characterize the demographic and geographical distribution of LV-reactive antibodies in Finland, and to investigate its occurrence in patients suspected of having a rodent-borne disease, nephropathia epidemica (NE) caused by Puumala hantavirus (PUUV). Using an immunofluorescence assay (LV strain 145SLG), we screened human sera (n = 1378) and found LV-reactive antibodies in 36% of samples. The probability of possessing LV-reactive antibodies peaked at age of 14 years, suggesting that most infections occur in childhood. The prevalence of LV-reactive antibodies was significantly higher in the urbanized area surrounding Helsinki than in more rural Central Finland. These findings are uncharacteristic of a rodent-borne pathogen, and therefore we consider human-to-human transmission of one or several Ljungan-like viruses as a likely cause for most of the observed antibody responses.Peer reviewe

    Neural network design and feature selection using principal component analysis and Taguchi method for identifying wood veneer defects

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    Nowadays, ensuring high quality can be considered the main strength for a company’s success. Especially, in a period of economic recession, quality control is crucial from the operational and strategic point of view. There are different quality control methods and it has been proven that on the whole companies using a continuous improvement approach, eliminating waste and maximizing productive flow, are more efficient and produce more with lower costs. This paper presents a method to optimize the quality control stage for a wood manufacturing firm. The method is based on the employment of the principal component analysis in order to reduce the number of critical variables to be given as input for an artificial neural network (ANN) to identify wood veneer defects. The proposed method allows the ANN classifier to identify defects in real time and increase the response speed during the quality control stage so that veneers with defects do not pass through the whole production cycle but are rejected at the beginning

    Vuorovaikutus Kelan puhelinpalvelussa

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    Smoking and suicidality among adolescent psychiatric patients

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    Purpose: To investigate the relationship between smoking and suicidality among adolescent psychiatric patients in Finland. Methods: Data from 157 patients (aged 12-17 years) admitted to inpatient psychiatric hospitalization between April 2001 and July 2002 were collected. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine the association between regular daily smoking and suicidality. The data were adjusted for several sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Results: The results showed over four-fold risk for definite and/or life-threatening suicide attempts among smoking adolescents in inpatient psychiatric facility compared with nonsmoking ones (OR 4.33, 95% CI 1.23-15.20). Also, the smoking adolescents had three times greater risk for occasional (OR 3.32, 95% CI 1.09-10.10) or frequent (OR 3.00, 95% CI 1.08-10.10) self-mutilation. Suicidality was more common among girls than boys and among those adolescents who suffered from depression. Conclusions: Among teens hospitalized for psychiatric illnesses, daily smoking was significantly related to suicide attempts and self-mutilation, even after controlling for several confounding factors, including psychiatric diagnosis. (C) Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2004.Peer reviewe