1,634 research outputs found

    Hitting spheres on hyperbolic spaces

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    For a hyperbolic Brownian motion on the Poincar\'e half-plane H2\mathbb{H}^2, starting from a point of hyperbolic coordinates z=(η,α)z=(\eta, \alpha) inside a hyperbolic disc UU of radius ηˉ\bar{\eta}, we obtain the probability of hitting the boundary U\partial U at the point (ηˉ,αˉ)(\bar \eta,\bar \alpha). For ηˉ\bar{\eta} \to \infty we derive the asymptotic Cauchy hitting distribution on H2\partial \mathbb{H}^2 and for small values of η\eta and ηˉ\bar \eta we obtain the classical Euclidean Poisson kernel. The exit probabilities Pz{Tη1<Tη2}\mathbb{P}_z\{T_{\eta_1}<T_{\eta_2}\} from a hyperbolic annulus in H2\mathbb{H}^2 of radii η1\eta_1 and η2\eta_2 are derived and the transient behaviour of hyperbolic Brownian motion is considered. Similar probabilities are calculated also for a Brownian motion on the surface of the three dimensional sphere. For the hyperbolic half-space Hn\mathbb{H}^n we obtain the Poisson kernel of a ball in terms of a series involving Gegenbauer polynomials and hypergeometric functions. For small domains in Hn\mathbb{H}^n we obtain the nn-dimensional Euclidean Poisson kernel. The exit probabilities from an annulus are derived also in the nn-dimensional case

    Mid-infrared photodetectors operating over an extended wavelength range up to 90 K

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    We report a wavelength threshold extension, from the designed value of 3.1 to 8.9 μm, in a -type heterostructure photodetector. This is associated with the use of a graded barrier and barrier offset, and arises from hole–hole interactions in the detector absorber. Experiments show that using long-pass filters to tune the energies of incident photons gives rise to changes in the intensity of the response. This demonstrates an alternative approach to achieving tuning of the photodetector response without the need to adjust the characteristic energy that is determined by the band structure

    Automatic summarization of rushes video using bipartite graphs

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    In this paper we present a new approach for automatic summarization of rushes, or unstructured video. Our approach is composed of three major steps. First, based on shot and sub-shot segmentations, we filter sub-shots with low information content not likely to be useful in a summary. Second, a method using maximal matching in a bipartite graph is adapted to measure similarity between the remaining shots and to minimize inter-shot redundancy by removing repetitive retake shots common in rushes video. Finally, the presence of faces and motion intensity are characterised in each sub-shot. A measure of how representative the sub-shot is in the context of the overall video is then proposed. Video summaries composed of keyframe slideshows are then generated. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach we re-run the evaluation carried out by TRECVid, using the same dataset and evaluation metrics used in the TRECVid video summarization task in 2007 but with our own assessors. Results show that our approach leads to a significant improvement on our own work in terms of the fraction of the TRECVid summary ground truth included and is competitive with the best of other approaches in TRECVid 2007

    Biological activity of a SiO2-CaO-P2O5 sol-gel glass highlighted by PIXE-RBS methods

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    It is proposed in this study to observe the influence of P2O5 on the formation of the apatite-like layer in a bioactive glass via a complete PIXE characterization. A glass in the SiO2-CaO-P2O5 ternary system was elaborated by sol-gel processing. Glass samples were soaked in biological fluids for periods up to 10 days. The surface changes were characterized using Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) associated to Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS), which are efficient methods for multielemental analysis. Elemental maps of major and trace elements were obtained at a micrometer scale and revealed the bone bonding ability of the material. The formation of a calcium phosphate-rich layer containing magnesium occurs after a few days of interaction. We demonstrate that the presence of phosphorus in the material has an impact on the development and the formation rate of the bone-like apatite layer. Indeed, the Ca/P atomic ratio at the glass/biological fluids interface is closer to the nominal value of pure apatite compared to P2O5 free glasses. It would permit, in vivo, an improved chemical bond between the biomaterials and bone.Comment: presented at CAARI 2006:19th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Forth Worth, Etats Unis, 20-25 Aug 2006, 11 pp, 4 figures, submitted to NIM

    B lymphocytes as effector cells in the immunotherapy of cancer

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    Over the years, the role of B cells in the host immune response to malignancy has been overshadowed by our focus on T cells. Nevertheless, B cells play important roles as antigen‐presenting cells and in the production of antibodies. Furthermore, B cells can function as effector cells that mediate tumor destruction on their own. This review will highlight the various functions of B cells that are involved in the host response to tumor. J. Surg. Oncol. 2012;105:431–435. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90339/1/22093_ftp.pd

    A semi-supervised large margin algorithm for white matter hyperintensity segmentation

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    Precise detection and quantification of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) is of great interest in studies of neurodegenerative diseases (NDs). In this work, we propose a novel semi-supervised large margin algorithm for the segmentation of WMH. The proposed algorithm optimizes a kernel based max-margin objective function which aims to maximize the margin averaged over inliers and outliers while exploiting a limited amount of available labelled data. We show that the learning problem can be formulated as a joint framework learning a classifier and a label assignment simultaneously, which can be solved efficiently by an iterative algorithm. We evaluate our method on a database of 280 brain Magnetic Resonance (MR) images from subjects that either suffered from subjective memory complaints or were diagnosed with NDs. The segmented WMH volumes correlate well with the standard clinical measurement (Fazekas score), and both the qualitative visualization results and quantitative correlation scores of the proposed algorithm outperform other well known methods for WMH segmentation

    Developement of real time diagnostics and feedback algorithms for JET in view of the next step

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    Real time control of many plasma parameters will be an essential aspect in the development of reliable high performance operation of Next Step Tokamaks. The main prerequisites for any feedback scheme are the precise real-time determination of the quantities to be controlled, requiring top quality and highly reliable diagnostics, and the availability of robust control algorithms. A new set of real time diagnostics was recently implemented on JET to prove the feasibility of determining, with high accuracy and time resolution, the most important plasma quantities. With regard to feedback algorithms, new model&#8211;based controllers were developed to allow a more robust control of several plasma parameters. Both diagnostics and algorithms were successfully used in several experiments, ranging from H-mode plasmas to configuration with ITBs. Since elaboration of computationally heavy measurements is often required, significant attention was devoted to non-algorithmic methods like Digital or Cellular Neural/Nonlinear Networks. The real time hardware and software adopted architectures are also described with particular attention to their relevance to ITER.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Relationship between neuromelanin and dopamine terminals within the Parkinson's nigrostriatal system.

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    Parkinson's disease is characterized by the progressive loss of pigmented dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and associated striatal deafferentation. Neuromelanin content is thought to reflect the loss of pigmented neurons, but available data characterizing its relationship with striatal dopaminergic integrity are not comprehensive or consistent, and predominantly involve heterogeneous samples. In this cross-sectional study, we used neuromelanin-sensitive MRI and the highly specific dopamine transporter PET radioligand, 11C-PE2I, to assess the association between neuromelanin-containing cell levels in the substantia nigra pars compacta and nigrostriatal terminal density in vivo, in 30 patients with bilateral Parkinson's disease. Fifteen healthy control subjects also underwent neuromelanin-sensitive imaging. We used a novel approach taking into account the anatomical and functional subdivision of substantia nigra into dorsal and ventral tiers and striatal nuclei into pre- and post-commissural subregions, in accordance with previous animal and post-mortem studies, and consider the clinically asymmetric disease presentation. In vivo, Parkinson's disease subjects displayed reduced neuromelanin levels in the ventral (-30 ± 28%) and dorsal tiers (-21 ± 24%) as compared to the control group [F(1,43) = 11.95, P = 0.001]. Within the Parkinson's disease group, nigral pigmentation was lower in the ventral tier as compared to the dorsal tier [F(1,29) = 36.19, P < 0.001] and lower in the clinically-defined most affected side [F(1,29) = 4.85, P = 0.036]. Similarly, lower dopamine transporter density was observed in the ventral tier [F(1,29) = 76.39, P < 0.001] and clinically-defined most affected side [F(1,29) = 4.21, P = 0.049]. Despite similar patterns, regression analysis showed no significant association between nigral pigmentation and nigral dopamine transporter density. However, for the clinically-defined most affected side, significant relationships were observed between pigmentation of the ventral nigral tier with striatal dopamine transporter binding in pre-commissural and post-commissural striatal subregions known to receive nigrostriatal projections from this tier, while the dorsal tier correlated with striatal projection sites in the pre-commissural striatum (P < 0.05, Benjamini-Hochberg corrected). In contrast, there were no statistically significant relationships between these two measures in the clinically-defined least affected side. These findings provide important insights into the topography of nigrostriatal neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease, indicating that the characteristics of disease progression may fundamentally differ across hemispheres and support post-mortem data showing asynchrony in the loss of neuromelanin-containing versus tyrosine hydroxylase positive nigral cells.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) [FP7-242003], from the Medical Research Council (MRC) [MR/P025870/1] and from Parkinson’s UK [J-1204]. Infrastructure support for this research was provided by the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and NIHR Imperial CRF at Imperial College healthcare NHS trust. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the funder, the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health. This work was also supported financially by a PhD studentship awarded to N.P.L-K from Parkinson’s UK

    Spirometry reference equations for central European populations from school age to old age.

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    Spirometry reference values are important for the interpretation of spirometry results. Reference values should be updated regularly, derived from a population as similar to the population for which they are to be used and span across all ages. Such spirometry reference equations are currently lacking for central European populations. To develop spirometry reference equations for central European populations between 8 and 90 years of age. We used data collected between January 1993 and December 2010 from a central European population. The data was modelled using "Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape" (GAMLSS). The spirometry reference equations were derived from 118'891 individuals consisting of 60'624 (51%) females and 58'267 (49%) males. Altogether, there were 18'211 (15.3%) children under the age of 18 years. We developed spirometry reference equations for a central European population between 8 and 90 years of age that can be implemented in a wide range of clinical settings

    Targeted online liquid chromatography electron capture dissociation mass spectrometry for the localization of sites of in vivo phosphorylation in human Sprouty2

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    We demonstrate a strategy employing collision-induced dissociation for phosphopeptide discovery, followed by targeted electron capture dissociation (ECD) for site localization. The high mass accuracy and low background noise of the ECD mass spectra allow facile sequencing of coeluting isobaric phosphopeptides, with up to two isobaric phosphopeptides sequenced from a single mass spectrum. In contrast to the previously described neutral loss of dependent ECD method, targeted ECD allows analysis of both phosphotyrosine peptides and lower abundance phosphopeptides. The approach was applied to phosphorylation analysis of human Sprouty2, a regulator of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. Fifteen sites of phosphorylation were identified, 11 of which are novel