7 research outputs found

    Normalizing the gene dosage of Dyrk1A in a mouse model of Down syndrome rescues several Alzheimer's disease phenotypes

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    The intellectual disability that characterizes Down syndrome (DS) is primarily caused by prenatal changes in central nervous system growth and differentiation. However, in later life stages, the cognitive abilities of DS individuals progressively decline due to accelerated aging and the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD) neuropathology. The AD neuropathology in DS has been related to the overexpression of several genes encoded by Hsa21 including DYRK1A (dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A), which encodes a protein kinase that performs crucial functions in the regulation of multiple signaling pathways that contribute to normal brain development and adult brain physiology. Studies performed in vitro and in vivo in animal models overexpressing this gene have demonstrated that the DYRK1A gene also plays a crucial role in several neurodegenerative processes found in DS. The Ts65Dn (TS) mouse bears a partial triplication of several Hsa21 orthologous genes, including Dyrk1A, and replicates many DS-like abnormalities, including age-dependent cognitive decline, cholinergic neuron degeneration, increased levels of APP and A?, and tau hyperphosphorylation. To use a more direct approach to evaluate the role of the gene dosage of Dyrk1A on the neurodegenerative profile of this model, TS mice were crossed with Dyrk1A KO mice to obtain mice with a triplication of a segment of Mmu16 that includes this gene, mice that are trisomic for the same genes but only carry two copies of Dyrk1A, euploid mice with a normal Dyrk1A dosage, and CO animals with a single copy of Dyrk1A. Normalizing the gene dosage of Dyrk1A in the TS mouse rescued the density of senescent cells in the cingulate cortex, hippocampus and septum, prevented cholinergic neuron degeneration, and reduced App expression in the hippocampus, A? load in the cortex and hippocampus, the expression of phosphorylated tau at the Ser202 residue in the hippocampus and cerebellum and the levels of total tau in the cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. Thus, the present study provides further support for the role of the Dyrk1A gene in several AD-like phenotypes found in TS mice and indicates that this gene could be a therapeutic target to treat AD in DS.This work was supported by the Jerome Lejeune Foundation, Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI-2016-76194-R, AEI/FEDER, EU). The authors wish to express their gratitude to Mariona Arbonés for providing Dyrk1A +/− KO mice and to Eva García Iglesias for technical assistance

    Prenatal, but not Postnatal, Curcumin Administration Rescues Neuromorphological and Cognitive Alterations in Ts65Dn Down Syndrome Mice

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    Background: The cognitive dysfunction in Down syndrome (DS) is partially caused by deficient neurogenesis during fetal stages. Curcumin enhances neurogenesis and learning and memory. Objectives: We aimed to test the ability of curcumin to rescue the neuromorphological and cognitive alterations of the Ts65Dn (TS) mouse model of DS when administered prenatally or during early postnatal stages, and to evaluate whether these effects were maintained several weeks after the treatment. Methods: To evaluate the effects of prenatal curcumin administration, 65 pregnant TS females were subcutaneously treated with curcumin (300 mg/kg) or vehicle from ED (Embryonic Day) 10 to PD (Postnatal Day) 2. All the analyses were performed on their TS and Control (CO) male and female progeny. At PD2, the changes in neurogenesis, cellularity, and brain weight were analyzed in 30 TS and CO pups. The long-term effects of prenatal curcumin were evaluated in another cohort of 44 TS and CO mice between PD30 and PD45. The neuromorphological effects of the early postnatal administration of curcumin were assessed on PD15 in 30 male and female TS and CO pups treated with curcumin (300 mg/kg) or vehicle from PD2 to PD15. The long-term neuromorphological and cognitive effects were assessed from PD60 to PD90 in 45 mice. Data was compared by ANOVAs. Results: Prenatal administration of curcumin increased the brain weight (+45%, P < 0.001), the density of BrdU (bromodeoxyuridine)- (+150%, P < 0.001) and DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole)- (+38%, P = 0.005) positive cells, and produced a long-term improvement of cognition in TS (+35%, P = 0.007) mice with respect to vehicle-treated mice. Postnatal administration of curcumin did not rescue any of the short- or long-term altered phenotypes of TS mice. Conclusion: The beneficial effects of prenatal curcumin administration to TS mice suggest that it could be a therapeutic strategy to treat DS cognitive disabilities.This study was supported by the “Fondazione Generali e Assicurazioni Generali”, Italy; Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, IDIVAL (NVAL 19/23), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI-2016-76194-R, AEI/FEDER, EU)

    Cerebellar alterations in a model of Down syndrome: The role of the Dyrk1A gene

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    Down syndrome (DS) is characterized by a marked reduction in the size of the brain and cerebellum. These changes play an important role in the motor alterations and cognitive disabilities observed in this condition. The Ts65Dn (TS) mouse, the most commonly used model of DS, reflects many DS phenotypes, including alterations in cerebellar morphology. One of the genes that is overexpressed in both individuals with DS and TS mice is DYRK1A/Dyrk1A (dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A), which has been implicated in the altered cerebellar structural and functional phenotypes observed in both populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Dyrk1A on different alterations observed in the cerebellum of TS animals. TS mice were crossed with Dyrk1A +/- KO mice to obtain mice with a triplicate segment of Mmu16 that included Dyrk1A (TS +/+/+), mice with triplicate copies of the same genes that carried only two copies of Dyrk1A (TS +/+/-), euploid mice that expressed a normal dose of Dyrk1A (CO +/+) and CO animals with a single copy of Dyrk1A (CO +/-). Male mice were used for all experiments. The normalization of the Dyrk1A gene dosage did not rescue the reduced cerebellar volume. However, it increased the size of the granular and molecular layers, the densities of granular and Purkinje cells, and dendritic arborization. Furthermore, it improved the excitatory/inhibitory balance and walking pattern of TS +/+/- mice. These results support the hypothesis that Dyrk1A is involved in some of the structural and functional cerebellar phenotypes observed in the TS mouse model.This work was supported by grants from the Jerome Lejeune Foundation and Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI-2016-76194-R, AEI/FEDER, EU) and “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED, CB06/05/0037)” from Spain

    Prenatal Administration of Oleic Acid or Linolenic Acid Reduces Neuromorphological and Cognitive Alterations in Ts65dn Down Syndrome Mice

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    Background: The cognitive impairments that characterize Down syndrome (DS) have been attributed to brain hypocellularity due to neurogenesis impairment during fetal stages. Thus, enhancing prenatal neurogenesis in DS could prevent or reduce some of the neuromorphological and cognitive defects found in postnatal stages. Objectives: As fatty acids play a fundamental role in morphogenesis and brain development during fetal stages, in this study, we aimed to enhance neurogenesis and the cognitive abilities of the Ts65Dn (TS) mouse model of DS by administering oleic or linolenic acid. Methods: In total, 85 pregnant TS females were subcutaneously treated from Embryonic Day (ED) 10 until Postnatal Day (PD) 2 with oleic acid (400 mg/kg), linolenic acid (500 mg/kg), or vehicle. All analyses were performed on their TS and Control (CO) male and female progeny. At PD2, we evaluated the short-term effects of the treatments on neurogenesis, cellularity, and brain weight, in 40 TS and CO pups. A total of 69 TS and CO mice were used to test the long-term effects of the prenatal treatments on cognition from PD30 to PD45, and on neurogenesis, cellularity, and synaptic markers, at PD45. Data were compared by ANOVAs. Results: Prenatal administration of oleic or linolenic acid increased the brain weight (+36.7% and +45%, P < 0.01), the density of BrdU (bromodeoxyuridine)- (+80% and +115%; P < 0.01), and DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole)-positive cells (+64% and +22%, P < 0.05) of PD2 TS mice with respect to the vehicle-treated TS mice. Between PD30 and PD45, TS mice prenatally treated with oleic or linolenic acid showed better cognitive abilities (+28% and +25%, P < 0.01) and a higher density of the postsynaptic marker PSD95 (postsynaptic density protein 95) (+65% and +44%, P < 0.05) than the vehicle-treated TS animals. Conclusion: The beneficial cognitive and neuromorphological effects induced by oleic or linolenic acid in TS mice suggest that they could be promising pharmacotherapies for DS-associated cognitive deficits.This study was supported by “Fondazione Generali e Assicurazioni Generali”, Italy; Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, IDIVAL (NVAL 19/23), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI-2016- 76194-R, AEI/FEDER, EU)

    Pre- and post-natal melatonin administration partially regulates brain oxidative stress but does not improve cognitive or histological alterations in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome

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    Melatonin administered during adulthood induces beneficial effects on cognition and neuroprotection in the Ts65Dn (TS) mouse model of Down syndrome. Here, we investigated the effects of pre- and post-natal melatonin treatment on behavioral and cognitive abnormalities and on several neuromorphological alterations (hypocellularity, neurogenesis impairment and increased oxidative stress) that appear during the early developmental stages in TS mice. Pregnant TS females were orally treated with melatonin or vehicle from the time of conception until the weaning of the offspring, and the pups continued to receive the treatment from weaning until the age of 5 months. Melatonin administered during the pre- and post-natal periods did not improve the cognitive impairment of TS mice as measured by the Morris Water maze or fear conditioning tests. Histological alterations, such as decreased proliferation (Ki67+ cells) and hippocampal hypocellularity (DAPI+ cells), which are typical in TS mice, were not prevented by melatonin. However, melatonin partially regulated brain oxidative stress by modulating the activity of the primary antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase in the cortex and catalase in the cortex and hippocampus) and slightly decreasing the levels of lipid peroxidation in the hippocampus of TS mice. These results show the inability of melatonin to prevent cognitive impairment in TS mice when it is administered at pre- and post-natal stages. Additionally, our findings suggest that to induce pro-cognitive effects in TS mice during the early stages of development, in addition to attenuating oxidative stress, therapies should aim to improve other altered processes, such as hippocampal neurogenesis and/or hypocellularity.This work was supported by the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2016-76194-R) and by a grant from CNPq/Brazil (proc. 2606/14-13)

    Decreasing the Expression of GABAA[alfa]5 Subunit-Containing Receptors Partially Improves Cognitive, Electrophysiological, and Morphological Hippocampal Defects in the Ts65Dn Model of Down Syndrome

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    Trisomy 21 or Down syndrome (DS) is the most common cause of intellectual disability of a genetic origin. The Ts65Dn (TS) mouse, which is the most commonly used and best-characterized mouse model of DS, displays many of the cognitive, neuromorphological, and biochemical anomalies that are found in the human condition. One of the mechanisms that have been proposed to be responsible for the cognitive deficits in this mouse model is impaired GABAmediated inhibition. Because of the well-known modulatory role of GABAA ?5 subunit-containing receptors in cognitive processes, these receptors are considered to be potential targets for improving the intellectual disability in DS. The chronic administration of GABAA ?5-negative allosteric modulators has been shown to be procognitive without anxiogenic or proconvulsant side effects. In the present study, we use a genetic approach to evaluate the contribution of GABAA ?5 subunit-containing receptors to the cognitive, electrophysiological, and neuromorphological deficits in TS mice.We show that reducing the expression of GABAA ?5 receptors by deleting one or two copies of the Gabra5 gene in TS mice partially ameliorated the cognitive impairments, improved longterm potentiation, enhanced neural differentiation and maturation, and normalized the density of the GABAergic synapse markers. Reducing the gene dosage of Gabra5 in TS mice did not induce motor alterations and anxiety or affect the viability of the mice. Our results provide further evidence of the role of GABAA ?5 receptor-mediated inhibition in cognitive impairment in the TS mouse model of DS.This work was supported by the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2016-76194-R/ AEI/FEDER/UE

    Efectos de distintas estrategias terapéuticas sobre los déficits cognitivos y las alteraciones neuromorfológicas de un modelo de síndrome de Down

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    RESUMEN: Una de las características presentes en todos los individuos con síndrome de Down (SD) es la discapacidad intelectual. Se ha propuesto que estos déficits cognitivos son parcialmente debidos a la sobre-inhibición mediada por el sistema GABAérgico y a la hipocelularidad causada por una deficiente neurogénesis hipocampal. En este trabajo se evaluaron distintas estrategias terapéuticas para paliar los déficits cognitivos del modelo murino de SD Ts65Dn. En primer lugar, se evaluó el efecto de la reducción de la sobreinhibición mediada por los receptores GABAAα5 en ratones Ts65Dn mediante la administración de un modulador alostérico negativo selectivo para este receptor de manera crónica y varias semanas después de interrumpir el tratamiento. La modulación alostérica negativa del receptor GABAAα5 tuvo efectos procognitivos y mejoró la neurogénesis hipocampal tanto cuando el fármaco fue administrado de manera continuada como cuando se evaluaron sus efectos varias semanas después de la interrupción del tratamiento. Por otro lado, se evaluó el efecto de la administración prenatal de ácido linolénico, ácido oleico y curcumina sobre distintas alteraciones hipocampales del ratón Ts65Dn. La administración prenatal de todas las sustancias incrementó la neurogénesis, el volumen hipocampal y la densidad de células maduras en el GD.ABSTRACT: Intellectual disability is one of the characteristics present in all individuals with Down syndrome (DS). It has been proposed that these cognitive deficits are partially due to over-inhibition mediated by the GABAergic system and to the hypo cellularity due to altered hippocampal neurogenesis. In this work, we evaluated different therapeutic strategies to alleviate the cognitive deficits of the murine model of DS Ts65Dn. First, we assessed the effect of reducing GABAAα5 receptor-mediated over-inhibition in Ts65Dn mice by administering a negative allosteric modulator selective for this recep-tor chronically and several weeks after the discontinuation of the treatment. Negative allosteric modulation of the GABAAα5 receptor induced pro-cognitive effects and im-proved hippocampal neurogénesis after the continuous administration of the drug and several weeks after the discontinuation of the treatment. In addition, the effect of pre-natal administration of linolenic acid, oleic acid and curcumin on different hippocam-pal alterations of the Ts65Dn mouse were evaluated. Prenatal administration of the three compounds increased neurogénesis, hippocampal volume and the density of ma-ture cells in GD