887 research outputs found

    Late Holocene landscape change history related to the Alpine Fault determined from drowned forests in Lake Poerua, Westland, New Zealand

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    Lake Poerua is a small, shallow lake that abuts the scarp of the Alpine Fault on the West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island. Radiocarbon dates from drowned podocarp trees on the lake floor, a sediment core from a rangefront alluvial fan, and living tree ring ages have been used to deduce the late Holocene history of the lake. Remnant drowned stumps of kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) at 1.7–1.9m water depth yield a preferred time-ofdeath age at 1766–1807 AD, while a dryland podocarp and kahikatea stumps at 2.4–2.6m yield preferred time-of-death ages of ca. 1459–1626 AD. These age ranges are matched to, but offset from, the timings of Alpine Fault rupture events at ca. 1717 AD, and either ca. 1615 or 1430 AD. Alluvial fan detritus dated from a core into the toe of a rangefront alluvial fan, at an equivalent depth to the maximum depth of the modern lake (6.7 m), yields a calibrated age of AD 1223–1413. This age is similar to the timing of an earlier Alpine Fault rupture event at ca. 1230AD±50 yr. Kahikatea trees growing on rangefront fans give ages of up to 270 yr, which is consistent with alluvial fan aggradation following the 1717AD earthquake. The elevation levels of the lake and fan imply a causal and chronological link between lake-level rise and Alpine Fault rupture. The results of this study suggest that the growth of large, coalescing alluvial fans (Dry and Evans Creek fans) originating from landslides within the rangefront of the Alpine Fault and the rise in the level of Lake Poerua may occur within a decade or so of large Alpine Fault earthquakes that rupture adjacent to this area. These rises have in turn drowned lowland forests that fringed the lake. Radiocarbon chronologies built using OxCal show that a series of massive landscape changes beginning with fault rupture, followed by landsliding, fan sedimentation and lake expansion. However, drowned Kahikatea trees may be poor candidates for intimately dating these events, as they may be able to tolerate water for several decades after metre-scale lake level rises have occurred

    Multicomponent frailty assessment tools for older people with psychiatric disorders: a systematic review

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    Objective: To review evidence evaluating the use of multi-component frailty assessment tools in assessing frailty in older adults with psychiatric disorders. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted to identify all multi-component frailty assessment tools (i.e. a tool that assesses ≥2 indicators of frailty). The items of each frailty assessment tool were compared to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for psychiatric disorders to assess construct overlap. Studies conducted in community, inpatient and outpatient clinical settings were considered for inclusion. Participants: Adults aged ≥60 years old. Results: 5,639 studies in total were identified following the removal of duplicates; 97 of which were included for review. Of the 48 multi-component frailty assessment tools identified, no tool had been developed for, or validated in, older adult populations with psychiatric disorder. 24/48 frailty assessment tools contained a psychological assessment domain, with 18/48 tools using presence of depressed mood and/or anxiety as a frailty indicator. Common areas of construct overlap in frailty assessment tools and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria included weight loss (29/48) and fatigue (21/48). Conclusions: Significant construct overlap exists between the indicators of frailty as conceptualised in existing frailty assessment tools and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for common psychiatric disorders, including Major Depressive Episode and Generalised Anxiety Disorder, which has the potential to confound frailty assessment results. Further research is necessary to establish a reliable and valid tool to assess frailty in this population

    Neutron reflection from the liquid helium surface.

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    The reflection of neutrons from a helium surface has been observed for the first time. The 4He surface is smoother in the superfluid state at 1.54 K than in the case of the normal liquid at 2.3 K. In the superfluid state we also observe a surface layer ~200 Å thick which has a subtly different neutron scattering cross-section, which may be explained by an enhanced Bose-Einstein condensate fraction close to the helium surface. The application of neutron reflectometry described in this paper creates new and exciting opportunities for the surface and interfacial study of quantum fluids

    Physical mapping of chromosomes 3HS and 3DS

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    Physical mapping of chromosomes 3HS and 3DS

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    Relatório de estágio do mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de CoimbraO presente documento divide-se em duas partes: a reflexão dos aspetos relacionados com o estágio pedagógico e o desenvolvimento do tema-problema. Numa primeira fase será dado enfoque à prática da docência, desenvolvida na escola E.B.2,3 Dr. Daniel de Matos. Serão apresentadas as expectativas iniciais em relação à prática, serão apresentadas e justificadas as opções metodológicas tomadas ao longo do estágio, serão relatadas as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio e será realçada a componente ética e profissional da profissão. De seguida será realizada uma justificação das opções tomadas. Para finalizar a primeira parte do presente trabalho será feita uma análise reflexiva sobre a prática pedagógica. Na segunda parte temos o tema-problema e seu desenvolvimento, num documento que se pretende orientador da prática docente e auxiliar de como resolver comportamentos de desvio da tarefa por parte dos alunos. Servirá também para analisar e mostrar conclusões sobre o problema que a escola atual, enquanto organização enfrenta, a indisciplina. Será efetuada uma pequena investigação, em que o objetivo é analisar a perceção dos docentes de uma escola pública sobre a gravidade dos comportamentos de indisciplina praticados. O objetivo é chegar a alguma conclusão que possa ajudar/beneficiar os professores da escola na procura de estratégias e metodologias que possam minimizar o impacto deste tipo de comportamentos no normal funcionamento da aula. This document is divided into two parts: a reflection of aspects related to teaching practice and development of the “theme-issue”. Initially focus will be given to the practice of teaching, developed in E.B.2, 3 Dr. Daniel de Matos school. Initial expectations will be presented, as well as the methodological choices made along the stage and its reasons. The activities made during the internship will be reported and I will emphasize ethics and professional component of the teacher’s profession. Then I will do a justification of the choices made. To finish the first part of this work I will make a reflective analysis of teaching practice. In the second part we have the “theme-issue” and its development, a document intended to be the guiding teaching practice and assist in solving the task behaviors of misuse by students. Will also serve to analyze and display conclusions about the problem that the current school, as an organization, faces, the indiscipline. Will be performed a little investigation, in which the objective is to analyze the perceptions of teachers in a public school on the severity of disruptive behaviors committed. The goal is to achieve some conclusion that can help / benefit school teachers in finding strategies and methodologies that can minimize the impact of such behaviors on normal class

    Profile of the U 5f magnetization in U/Fe multilayers

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    Recent calculations, concerning the magnetism of uranium in the U/Fe multilayer system have described the spatial dependence of the 5f polarization that might be expected. We have used the x-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity technique to obtain the profile of the induced uranium magnetic moment for selected U/Fe multilayer samples. This study extends the use of x-ray magnetic scattering for induced moment systems to the 5f actinide metals. The spatial dependence of the U magnetization shows that the predominant fraction of the polarization is present at the interfacial boundaries, decaying rapidly towards the center of the uranium layer, in good agreement with predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure