641 research outputs found

    Don Quijote von der mancha : una nueva traducción

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    El presente texto es la traducción de un fragmento del epílogo a la versión alemana del Quijote realizada por Susanne Lange y publicada por la editorial Carl Hanser en el 2008. La traducción mereció en el 2009 el premio Johann Heinrich-Voss, concedido por la Academia Alemana de la Lengua y la Poesía. En él se analiza el modo en que fue recibido el Quijote en diversos países europeos a partir de 1612, fecha de la traducción inglesa de Thomas Shelton, y, de modo especial, en Alemania. En ese país la primera traducción (incompleta) fue la publicada en 1648 por Joachim Caesar y se enmarcó dentro de un proyecto de renovación lingüística de la lengua alemana. A largo del siglo XVIII aparecieron diferentes versiones indirectas, incompletas o libres de la obra que, de modo, general, privilegiaron el tono burlesco de la novela, así como las imágenes del caballero loco y el rústico ingenuo. El siglo XIX descubrió en el Quijote una cristalización de la literatura popular (Volksdichtung) y reinterpretó la locura quijotesca en clave de idealismo romántico. El análisis de las diferentes traducciones permite sostener que constituyen un reflejo de la historia intelectual alemana. La segunda parte del artículo comenta algunos de los problemas planteados por la traducción de la obra, con especial hincapié en el papel del lenguaje como uno de sus aspectos esenciales.The present text is the translation of a fragment from the epilogue to the German version of the Quixote by Susanne Lange, published in 2008 by Carl Hanser. In 2009 the translation won the Johann Heinrich-Voss Prize, awarded by the German Academy of Language and Poetry. The text analyses the reception of the Quixote in various European countries after 1612, the date of Thomas Shelton's English translation, and, more particularly, how the work was received in Germany. The first (incomplete) translation to appear in Germany was published in 1648 by Joachim Caesar, a version which formed part of a project to renew the German language. The 18th century saw various indirect, partial or free translations of the work which, in general, emphasised the burlesque tone of the novel, as well as the images of the mad knight and the simple peasant. Discovering in the Quixote a crystallisation of popular literature (Volksdichtung), the 19th century reinterpreted Don Quixote's madness in the light of Romantic idealism. Analysis of the various translations permits them to be seen as a reflection of Germany's intellectual history. The second part of the article comments on some of the problems posed by the translation of the work, with special emphasis on the role of language

    Don Quijote von der mancha : una nueva traducción

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    El presente texto es la traducción de un fragmento del epílogo a la versión alemana del Quijote realizada por Susanne Lange y publicada por la editorial Carl Hanser en el 2008. La traducción mereció en el 2009 el premio Johann Heinrich-Voss, concedido por la Academia Alemana de la Lengua y la Poesía. En él se analiza el modo en que fue recibido el Quijote en diversos países europeos a partir de 1612, fecha de la traducción inglesa de Thomas Shelton, y, de modo especial, en Alemania. En ese país la primera traducción (incompleta) fue la publicada en 1648 por Joachim Caesar y se enmarcó dentro de un proyecto de renovación lingüística de la lengua alemana. A largo del siglo XVIII aparecieron diferentes versiones indirectas, incompletas o libres de la obra que, de modo, general, privilegiaron el tono burlesco de la novela, así como las imágenes del caballero loco y el rústico ingenuo. El siglo XIX descubrió en el Quijote una cristalización de la literatura popular (Volksdichtung) y reinterpretó la locura quijotesca en clave de idealismo romántico. El análisis de las diferentes traducciones permite sostener que constituyen un reflejo de la historia intelectual alemana. La segunda parte del artículo comenta algunos de los problemas planteados por la traducción de la obra, con especial hincapié en el papel del lenguaje como uno de sus aspectos esenciales.The present text is the translation of a fragment from the epilogue to the German version of the Quixote by Susanne Lange, published in 2008 by Carl Hanser. In 2009 the translation won the Johann Heinrich-Voss Prize, awarded by the German Academy of Language and Poetry. The text analyses the reception of the Quixote in various European countries after 1612, the date of Thomas Shelton’s English translation, and, more particularly, how the work was received in Germany. The first (incomplete) translation to appear in Germany was published in 1648 by Joachim Caesar, a version which formed part of a project to renew the German language. The 18th century saw various indirect, partial or free translations of the work which, in general, emphasised the burlesque tone of the novel, as well as the images of the mad knight and the simple peasant. Discovering in the Quixote a crystallisation of popular literature (Volksdichtung), the 19th century reinterpreted Don Quixote’s madness in the light of Romantic idealism. Analysis of the various translations permits them to be seen as a reflection of Germany’s intellectual history. The second part of the article comments on some of the problems posed by the translation of the work, with special emphasis on the role of language

    A Longitudinal Study on Boosting Students’ Performance with a Learning Companion

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    This study examines the impact of a coded virtual learning companion (LC) that interacts with students of an introductory information systems class throughout the semester. The LC is designed to motivate, advise on time management strategies, and study collaboratively. We conducted a between-subject longitudinal field experiment to investigate the LC’s impact on student motivation, time management, and learning outcomes. Statistical analysis, including a PLS-SEM model, shows that the LC significantly (p \u3c 0.05) improves extrinsic motivation, challenge, short-term planning, and time attitudes. A multiple mediator analysis confirms the role of motivation and time management as mediators between LC use and learning outcomes (subjective knowledge and exam scores). In addition, we conducted a qualitative workshop with the target group to identify barriers to LC adoption and derive mitigation strategies. Overall, our study reveals great potential to facilitate learning with LCs in higher education

    Lyset og de hvite veggene: gallerirommets utvikling mot den hvite kuben

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    Denne oppgaven handler om gallerirommets utvikling mot den hvite kuben, et utstillingsrom for moderne kunst og samtidskunst. Den hvite kubens stilistiske kjennetegn er, i tillegg til de hvite veggene, total isolasjon fra omverdenen, minimale forstyrrende elementer og total kontroll på lysforhold og klima. Jeg har benyttet begreper fra aktør-nettverksteori (ANT) for å se på hvilken rolle innflytelsesrike aktanter spilte i nettverket som er fremveksten av den hvite kuben. Begrepet inskripsjon kombinert med Solhjells begrep skript benyttes for å se på bruken av gallerirommet. Den hvite kuben har en sterk inskripsjon og oppretter et begrenset handlingsrom for sine brukere (publikum, kurator, kunstner). Den sterke inskripsjonen påvirker derfor kurators og publikums skript. Endringer i kunsten under modernismen, spesielt endringen i verkets rolle til autonom enhet, kan sees som en direkte årsak til utviklingen av den hvite kuben. Verkene, som skulle eksistere i sin egen rett, hadde behov for et rom som la opp til en stille kontemplasjon og refleksjon for betrakteren av verket. Da billedrammen forsvant, overtok veggen den innrammende og utstillende funksjonen. Man håpet at den hvite veggen, og i utstrekning den hvite kuben, skulle være en nøytral og ideell ramme for kunsten. Kuben fikk derimot definisjonsmakten til å transformeres tilsynelatende hverdagslige gjenstander til kunst i gallerirommet. Ifølge O Doherty er de fleste aktører i kunstmiljøet klar over at nøytraliteten i den hvite kuben er en illusjon. I lys av dette er det interessant å lese at det i det nye Munchmuseet i Bjørvika søkes etter «en nøytralitet som kan gi all oppmerksomhet til de utstilte kunstverkene». Lambda kan kategoriseres som en serie, totale hvite kuber. Endringer i arkitekturen, spesielt fremveksten av funksjonalismen, påvirket rommets generelle utforming da den passet godt inn i modernismens og den hvite kubens prosjekt. Funksjonalismen bidro ytterligere til en stilisering av gallerirommet. Den hvite kuben er blitt å regne som et universelt utstillingsrom, og kunst lages i dag for å passe inn i den hvite kuben. I motsetning til for eksempel landart på 1970-tallet, utfordres rommet i liten grad av kunsten i dag. Med unntak av dagslyset tilbakevending til utstillingene, er det lite som har skjedd med gallerirommets innside de siste tiårene. Senere tids endringer i museumsarkitektur dreier seg hovedsakelig rundt en tilbakevending til monumental arkitektur hvor signalbygget står i fokus

    Using Hexad Archetypes to Motivate Students in a Chatbot-enhanced Web-based Training

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    This study explores the challenge of maintaining motivation in further education for working students, who face the double burden of work and learning. To address this issue, we investigate the design and implementation of a pedagogical conversational agent (PCA) within a web-based training (WBT) platform. Drawing on literature, interviews with 11 experts, and a creative workshop with 14 working students, we use the Hexad user type framework to tailor the WBT to each user\u27s motivational archetype. We prioritize design features for each of the six archetypes and instantiate these in a prototype. In a field experiment with 17 working students using the WBT prototype for exam preparation, we observe a significant increase in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. This study contributes to the emerging field of PCA-enhanced digital learning, highlighting the potential of personalized motivation in persuasive dialogue systems

    Forschungsworkshop der Hebammengemeinschaftshilfe e.V. Workshop am 5. Mai 2013 in Nürnberg

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    "Der Beitrag stellt die Themen des Forschungsworkshops im Vorfeld des 13. Kongresses des Deutschen Hebammenverbandes vor. Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung war die Verbreitung evidenzbasierter Praxis in den Tätigkeitsbereichen von Hebammen. Entsprechend der wachsenden Professionalisierung und Akademisierung des Berufsstandes präsentiert sich die Hebammenwissenschaft zunehmend mit eigenen forschungsbasierten Fragestellungen. Als relativ junge Wissenschaft setzt sie sich schwerpunktmäßig mit Themen der praktischen Hebammenarbeit, dem Berufsverständnis und der Sicht von Frauen auseinander." (Autorenreferat)"This article presents central issues of a research workshop held on the day before the start of the 13th Congress of the German Association of Midwives. The research workshop focused on the relevance and frequency of use of evidence-based knowledge in the practice of midwifery. As an indication of its increasing professionalisation, midwifery science is conducting more and more of its own research studies. A relatively young discipline, practical midwifery, professional identity and the perspective of women during childbirth are at the top of the agenda." (author's abstract

    Conspiracy myths on social media. Challenge and learning field of adult political education

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    Die Medien- und Nachrichtennutzung vieler Menschen hat sich in den letzten Jahren stark verändert, auch weil digitale Medien rasant an Bedeutung gewonnen haben. Vor allem die Sozialen Medien wurden zu zentralen Informationsquellen. Dort sind allerdings häufig Verschwörungstheorien und Desinformation zu finden, die (auch) von Erwachsenen rezipiert und weiterverbreitet werden und sich so rasend schnell verbreiten können. Dieser Beitrag ergründet, worauf Verschwörungsmythen in Sozialen Medien basieren und zeigt Mechanismen auf, die zu ihrer raschen Verbreitung beitragen. Außerdem benennt er Verschwörungsmythen und Desinformation als Lernfeld für die politische Erwachsenenbildung. Dabei geht es darum, die Analyse- und Handlungskompetenz, kritisches Denken sowie Mündigkeit bei Teilnehmenden zu stärken, um sie weniger empfänglich zu machen für den antidemokratischen und menschenfeindlichen Kern von Verschwörungserzählungen. Abgerundet wird der Beitrag durch Ergebnisse aus einer internationalen Umfrage zur Verbreitung von Verschwörungsmythen in der Erwachsenenbildung sowie von darauf aufbauenden Überlegungen zu pädagogischen Gegenstrategien. (DIPF/Orig.)How people use media and news has greatly changed in recent years because digital media have rapidly become more important. Social media has become one of the main sources of information. However, the conspiracy theories and disinformation frequently posted there are received and disseminated by adults (as well) and can spread extremely rapidly. This article unearths the basis for conspiracy myths in social media and points out mechanisms that contribute to their rapid spread. In addition, it identifies conspiracy myths and disinformation as a learning field for adult political education. The aim is to increase participants analytical and action competencies, critical thinking and intellectual autonomy so they are less receptive to the antidemocratic and hostile core of conspiracy narratives. The article finishes off with findings from an international survey on the spread of conspiracy myths in adult education and reflections on pedagogical counterstrategies. (DIPF/Orig.

    Design Knowledge for Virtual Learning Companions from a Value-centered Perspective

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    The increasing popularity of conversational agents such as ChatGPT has sparked interest in their potential use in educational contexts but undermines the role of companionship in learning with these tools. Our study targets the design of virtual learning companions (VLCs), focusing on bonding relationships for collaborative learning while facilitating students’ time management and motivation. We draw upon design science research (DSR) to derive prescriptive design knowledge for VLCs as the core of our contribution. Through three DSR cycles, we conducted interviews with working students and experts, held interdisciplinary workshops with the target group, designed and evaluated two conceptual prototypes, and fully coded a VLC instantiation, which we tested with students in class. Our approach has yielded 9 design principles, 28 meta-requirements, and 33 design features centered around the value-in-interaction. These encompass Human-likeness and Dialogue Management, Proactive and Reactive Behavior, and Relationship Building on the Relationship Layer (DP1,3,4), Adaptation (DP2) on the Matching Layer, as well as Provision of Supportive Content, Fostering Learning Competencies, Motivational Environment, and Ethical Responsibility (DP5-8) on the Service Layer

    Genetics of early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by recurrent, intrusive and disturbing thoughts as well as by repetitive stereotypic behaviors. Epidemiological data are similar in children and adults, i.e., between 1 and 3% of the general population suffer from OCD. Children with OCD are often seriously impaired in their development. OCD, especially of early onset, has been shown to be familial. Several candidate genes of predominantly neurotransmitter systems have been analyzed and a total of three genome-wide linkage scans have been performed until now. Analyses of candidate genes in linkage regions have not provided evidence for their involvement in OCD, with the exception of the glutamate transporter gene SLC1A1 on 9p24. Genome-wide association analyses are in progress and the results will promote further independent replication studies. The consideration of subtypes regarding age of onset, symptom dimensions and/or comorbid disorders is neede