27,643 research outputs found

    Hydrothermal synthesis of perovskite and pyrochlore powders of potassium tantalate

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    Potassium tantalate powders were hydrothermally synthesized at 100 to 200 °C in 4 to 15 M aqueous KOH solutions. A defect pyrochlore, Kta_(2)O_(5)(OH). nH2O (n ≈ 1.4), was obtained at 4 M KOH, but at 7–12 M KOH, this pyrochlore was gradually replaced by a defect perovskite as the stable phase. At 15 M KOH, there was no intermediate pyrochlore, only a defect perovskite, K_(0.85)Ta_(0.92)O_(2.43)(OH)_(0.57) 0.15H_(2)O. Synthesis at higher KOH concentrations led to greater incorporation of protons in the perovskite structures. The potassium vacancies required for charge compensation of incorporated protons could accommodate water molecules in the perovskite structure

    Hydrothermal synthesis of KNbO_3 and NaNbO_3 powders

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    Orthorhombic KNbO_3 and NaNbO_3 powders were hydrothermally synthesized in KOH and NaOH solutions (6.7–15 M) at 150 and 200 °C. An intermediate hexaniobate species formed first before eventually converting to the perovskite phase. For synthesis in KOH solutions, the stability of the intermediate hexaniobate ion increased with decreasing KOH concentrations and temperatures. This led to significant variations in the induction periods and accounted for the large disparity in the mass of recovered powder for different processing parameters. It is also believed that protons were incorporated in the lattice of the as-synthesized KNbO_3 powders as water molecules and hydroxyl ions

    Reversing quantum trajectories with analog feedback

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    We demonstrate the active suppression of transmon qubit dephasing induced by dispersive measurement, using parametric amplification and analog feedback. By real-time processing of the homodyne record, the feedback controller reverts the stochastic quantum phase kick imparted by the measurement on the qubit. The feedback operation matches a model of quantum trajectories with measurement efficiency η~0.5\tilde{\eta} \approx 0.5, consistent with the result obtained by postselection. We overcome the bandwidth limitations of the amplification chain by numerically optimizing the signal processing in the feedback loop and provide a theoretical model explaining the optimization result.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, and Supplementary Information (7 figures

    Entanglement genesis by ancilla-based parity measurement in 2D circuit QED

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    We present an indirect two-qubit parity meter in planar circuit quantum electrodynamics, realized by discrete interaction with an ancilla and a subsequent projective ancilla measurement with a dedicated, dispersively coupled resonator. Quantum process tomography and successful entanglement by measurement demonstrate that the meter is intrinsically quantum non-demolition. Separate interaction and measurement steps allow commencing subsequent data qubit operations in parallel with ancilla measurement, offering time savings over continuous schemes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; supplemental material with 5 figure

    Markov Chain Beam Randomization: a study of the impact of PLANCK beam measurement errors on cosmological parameter estimation

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    We introduce a new method to propagate uncertainties in the beam shapes used to measure the cosmic microwave background to cosmological parameters determined from those measurements. The method, which we call Markov Chain Beam Randomization, MCBR, randomly samples from a set of templates or functions that describe the beam uncertainties. The method is much faster than direct numerical integration over systematic `nuisance' parameters, and is not restricted to simple, idealized cases as is analytic marginalization. It does not assume the data are normally distributed, and does not require Gaussian priors on the specific systematic uncertainties. We show that MCBR properly accounts for and provides the marginalized errors of the parameters. The method can be generalized and used to propagate any systematic uncertainties for which a set of templates is available. We apply the method to the Planck satellite, and consider future experiments. Beam measurement errors should have a small effect on cosmological parameters as long as the beam fitting is performed after removal of 1/f noise.Comment: 17 pages, 23 figures, revised version with improved explanation of the MCBR and overall wording. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (to appear in the Planck pre-launch special issue

    A Flexible and Modular Framework for Implementing Infrastructures for Global Computing

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    We present a Java software framework for building infrastructures to support the development of applications for systems where mobility and network awareness are key issues. The framework is particularly useful to develop run-time support for languages oriented towards global computing. It enables platform designers to customize communication protocols and network architectures and guarantees transparency of name management and code mobility in distributed environments. The key features are illustrated by means of a couple of simple case studies

    Avaliação do potencial de estabelecimento de projetos de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL) de uso da terra, Mudança do Uso da Terra e Florestas (LULUCF) no município de Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ - Brasil.

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    O aumento da concentração de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) tem sido apontado como o principal agente de mudança nos processos dinâmicos da atmosfera, promovendo mudanças climáticas com ameaças à humanidade (IPCC, 2007). Em resposta aos problemas ambientais ligados às mudanças climáticas globais, a comunidade internacional adotou, em 1992, a Convenção Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (CQNUMC) - conhecida internacionalmente pela sigla UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. O Protocolo de Quioto, firmado em 1997, estabeleceu um acordo de metas globais coletivas para redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa dos países industrializados a cerca de 5% dos níveis observados em 1990, entre 2008 e 2012 (UNFCCC, 1998). O Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo - MDL é o mecanismo criado no Protocolo de Quioto que permite a participação dos países em desenvolvimento na venda de Reduções Certificadas de Emissões (RCE) para os países com metas de redução de GEE.bitstream/item/35584/1/comunicado-56.PD

    Nanopositioning of a diamond nanocrystal containing a single NV defect center

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    Precise control over the position of a single quantum object is important for many experiments in quantum science and nanotechnology. We report on a technique for high-accuracy positioning of individual diamond nanocrystals. The positioning is done with a home-built nanomanipulator under real-time scanning electron imaging, yielding an accuracy of a few nanometers. This technique is applied to pick up, move and position a single NV defect center contained in a diamond nanocrystal. We verify that the unique optical and spin properties of the NV center are conserved by the positioning process.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; high-resolution version available at http://www.ns.tudelft.nl/q

    RSFQ devices with selective dissipation for quantum information processing

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    We study the possibility to use frequency dependent damping in RSFQ circuits as means to reduce dissipation and consequent decoherence in RSFQ/qubit circuits. We show that stable RSFQ operation can be achieved by shunting the Josephson junctions with an RCRC circuit instead of a plain resistor. We derive criteria for the stability of such an arrangement, and discuss the effect on decoherence and the optimisation issues. We also design a simple flux generator aimed at manipulating flux qubits