1,987 research outputs found

    A Constraint Programming Approach to Simultaneous Task Allocation and Motion Scheduling for Industrial Dual-Arm Manipulation Tasks

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    Modern lightweight dual-arm robots bring the physical capabilities to quickly take over tasks at typical industrial workplaces designed for workers. In times of mass-customization, low setup times including the instructing/specifying of new tasks are crucial to stay competitive. We propose a constraint programming approach to simultaneous task allocation and motion scheduling for such industrial manipulation and assembly tasks. The proposed approach covers dual-arm and even multi-arm robots as well as connected machines. The key concept are Ordered Visiting Constraints, a descriptive and extensible model to specify such tasks with their spatiotemporal requirements and task-specific combinatorial or ordering constraints. Our solver integrates such task models and robot motion models into constraint optimization problems and solves them efficiently using various heuristics to produce makespan-optimized robot programs. The proposed task model is robot independent and thus can easily be deployed to other robotic platforms. Flexibility and portability of our proposed model is validated through several experiments on different simulated robot platforms. We benchmarked our search strategy against a general-purpose heuristic. For large manipulation tasks with 200 objects, our solver implemented using Google's Operations Research tools and ROS requires less than a minute to compute usable plans.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ICRA'1

    Die Macht der Gegenwart. Zur Dynamik von Präsenz und Distanz in der römischen politischen Kultur

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    Bereits zum Ende der Republik hatte Rom ein Weltreich erobert. Im Kern war es dennoch ein Stadtstaat geblieben, in dem sich gerade die Angehörigen der Elite täglich in verschiedenen Rollen und in verschiedenen Räumen begegneten. Die Präsenz im Alltag war für die Pflege von sozialen Nahverhältnissen und für die politische Laufbahn konstitutiv. Ein prominenter Politiker musste für seine Mitbürger sichtbar, zugänglich und ansprechbar sein. Abwesende Wettbewerber konnten nur um Ehren mitkonkurrieren, wenn sie einen eindrucksvollen Feldzug siegreich beenden und sich im Stadtgespräch halten konnten. Die Anerkennung dieser Erfolge durch den Senat war hart umkämpft. Selbst im Dienst der Res publica konnte Abwesenheit die Karriere bedrohen. In der Kaiserzeit verlagerten sich die Verhältnisse physischer und sozialer Nähe auf die Person des Kaisers, sodass sich das Problem der Abwesenheit von Rom umkehrte. Der abwesende Kaiser löste sich durch seine Entfernung vom Hintergrund des republikanischen Roms. Die autokratische Herrschaft über Rom und das Imperium entwickelte sich dadurch weiter. Anwesenheit definierte die politische Kultur der Republik, während Abwesenheit den Principat entscheidend schärfte. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf den Zeitraum von der Mittleren Republik bis zum Ende der Herrschaft Tiberius‘ im Jahre 37 n. Chr

    Diagnostic performance of the specific uptake size index for semi-quantitative analysis of I-123-FP-CIT SPECT: harmonized multi-center research setting versus typical clinical single-camera setting

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    Introduction: The specific uptake size index (SUSI) of striatal FP-CIT uptake is independent of spatial resolution in the SPECT image, in contrast to the specific binding ratio (SBR). This suggests that the SUSI is particularly appropriate for multi-site/multi-camera settings in which camera-specific effects increase inter-subject variability of spatial resolution. However, the SUSI is sensitive to inter-subject variability of striatum size. Furthermore, it might be more sensitive to errors of the estimate of non-displaceable FP-CIT binding. This study compared SUSI and SBR in the multi-site/multi-camera (MULTI) setting of a prospective multi-center study and in a mono-site/mono-camera (MONO) setting representative of clinical routine. Methods: The MULTI setting included patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD, n = 438) and healthy controls (n = 207) from the Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative. The MONO setting included 122 patients from routine clinical patient care in whom FP-CIT SPECT had been performed with the same double-head SPECT system according to the same acquisition and reconstruction protocol. Patients were categorized as “neurodegenerative” (n = 84) or “non-neurodegenerative” (n = 38) based on follow-up data. FP-CIT SPECTs were stereotactically normalized to MNI space. SUSI and SBR were computed for caudate, putamen, and whole striatum using unilateral ROIs predefined in MNI space. SUSI analysis was repeated in native patient space in the MONO setting. The area (AUC) under the ROC curve for identification of PD/“neurodegenerative” cases was used as performance measure. Results: In both settings, the highest AUC was achieved by the putamen (minimum over both hemispheres), independent of the semi-quantitative method (SUSI or SBR). The putaminal SUSI provided slightly better performance with ROI analysis in MNI space compared to patient space (AUC = 0.969 vs. 0.961, p = 0.129). The SUSI (computed in MNI space) performed slightly better than the SBR in the MULTI setting (AUC = 0.993 vs. 0.991, p = 0. 207) and slightly worse in the MONO setting (AUC = 0.969 vs. AUC = 0.976, p = 0.259). There was a trend toward larger AUC difference between SUSI and SBR in the MULTI setting compared to the MONO setting (p = 0.073). Variability of voxel intensity in the reference region was larger in misclassified cases compared to correctly classified cases for both SUSI and SBR (MULTI setting: p = 0.007 and p = 0.012, respectively). Conclusions: The SUSI is particularly useful in MULTI settings. SPECT images should be stereotactically normalized prior to SUSI analysis. The putaminal SUSI provides better diagnostic performance than the SUSI of the whole striatum. Errors of the estimate of non-displaceable count density in the reference region can cause misclassification by both SUSI and SBR, particularly in borderline cases. These cases might be identified by visual checking FP-CIT uptake in the reference region for particularly high variability

    An Economic Analysis of Governmental Exchange.

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    Impact of the size of the normal database on the performance of the specific binding ratio in dopamine transporter SPECT

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    Background: This study investigated the impact of the size of the normal database on the classification performance of the specific binding ratio (SBR) in dopamine transporter (DAT) SPECT with [123I]FP-CIT in different settings. Methods: The first subject sample comprised 645 subjects from the Parkinson's Progression Marker Initiative (PPMI), 207 healthy controls (HC), and 438 Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. The second sample comprised 372 patients from clinical routine patient care, 186 with non-neurodegenerative parkinsonian syndrome (PS) and 186 with neurodegenerative PS. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images of the clinical sample were reconstructed with two different reconstruction algorithms (filtered backprojection, iterative ordered subsets expectation maximization (OSEM) reconstruction with resolution recovery). The putaminal specific binding ratio (SBR) was computed using an anatomical region of interest (ROI) predefined in standard (MNI) space in the Automated Anatomic Labeling (AAL) atlas or using hottest voxels (HV) analysis in large predefined ROIs. SBR values were transformed to z-scores using mean and standard deviation of the SBR in a normal database of varying sizes (n = 5, 10, 15,…, 50) randomly selected from the HC subjects (PPMI sample) or the patients with non-neurodegenerative PS (clinical sample). Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for identifying patients with PD or neurodegenerative PS were determined as performance measures using a predefined fixed cutoff on the z-score. This was repeated for 10,000 randomly selected normal databases, separately for each size of the normal database. Mean and 5th percentile of the performance measures over the 10,000 realizations were computed. Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity when using the whole set of HC or non-neurodegenerative PS subjects as normal database were used as benchmark. Results: Mean loss of accuracy of the putamen SBR z-score was below 1% when the normal database included at least 15 subjects, independent of subject sample (PPMI or clinical), reconstruction method (filtered backprojection or OSEM), and ROI method (AAL or HV). However, the variability of the accuracy of the putamen SBR z-score decreased monotonically with increasing size of normal database and was still considerable at size 15. In order to achieve less than 5% "maximum" loss of accuracy (defined by the 5th percentile) in all settings required at least 25 to 30 subjects in the normal database. Reduction of mean and "maximum" loss of accuracy of the putamen SBR z-score by further increasing the size of the normal database was very small beyond size 40. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that 25 to 30 is the minimum size of the normal database to reliably achieve good performance of semi-quantitative analysis in dopamine transporter (DAT) SPECT, independent of the algorithm used for image reconstruction and the ROI method used to estimate the putaminal SBR

    Real-option valuation in multiple dimensions using Poisson optional stopping times

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    We provide a new framework for valuing multidimensional real options where opportunities to exercise the option are generated by an exogenous Poisson process; this can be viewed as a liquidity constraint on decision times. This approach, which we call the Poisson optional stopping times (POST) method, finds the value function as a monotone sequence of lower bounds. In a case study, we demonstrate that the frequently used quasi-analytic method yields a suboptimal policy and an inaccurate value function. The proposed method is demonstrably correct, straightforward to implement, reliable in computation and broadly applicable in analyzing multidimensional option-valuation problems.University of Cambridge Judge Business School small research grant 201