154 research outputs found

    A determination of electroweak parameters from Z0→μ+μ- (γ)

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    Test of QED in e+e−→γγ at LEP

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    Making less of a mess: Scent exposure as a tool for behavioral change

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    Item does not contain fulltextFollowing a cognitive route from olfactory perception to goal-directed behavior, we aimed to influence littering behavior on Dutch trains. In order to achieve this, the scent of a cleaning product was subtly dispersed in train compartments. Compared to passengers in unscented compartments, passengers littered less as measured by the weight and number of items left behind in compartments containing cleaner scent. Apart from extending research on the influence of scent on behavior in a natural environment, the findings suggest that the cognitive route from scents to behavior provides a tool for behavior change in everyday life

    Effects of Low-Level Long-Term Ozone Fumigation and Acid Mist on Photosynthesis and Stomata of Clonal Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.).

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    Four clones of 3-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), grown on two soils, were from July 1986 to September 1987 exposed to ozone fumigation (50 μg m−3 as a control, 100 μg m−3 plus peaks between 130 and 360 μg m−3 as treatment) and acid mist of pH 3·0 (versus mist pH 5·6 in the control). Climatic conditions, identical for both control and treatment, followed a diurnal and seasonal pattern characteristic of medium high altitudes of the Bavarian Forest, an area affected by the new-type forest decline. Gas-exchange measurements were carried out on the plants from December 1986 until the end of the 14-month's exposure using a series of climate-controlled minicuvettes. ANOVA of the four clones investigated towards the end of the experiment gave hints of a treatment-related depression of the photosynthetic capacity of the previous year's needles (age-class 1986). Within this age-class only one of the clones (11) showed a significant treatment effect, indicating an age-class dependence and a genetic influence of the treatment-related depression of the photosynthetic capacity. The current year's flush was not impaired through the ozone and acid mist exposure. Analysis also revealed clear effects of soil, clone and needle age on photosynthetic parameters

    Den andens ansigt: Afdækning af deltagerorientering via multimodal interaktionsanalyse

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    Vi præsenterer i denne artikel en systematisk diskussion af, hvad multimodalitet er, samt hvordan multimodale interaktionsanalyser kan udføres ud fra et etnometodologisk og konversationsanalytisk (EMCA) perspektiv. Vi introducerer til de grundlæggende metodologiske antagelser og viser igennem tre eksemplariske analyser, hvilke temaer, problemstillinger og undersøgelsesområder analytikere kan fokusere på, hvordan de i praksis kan udføres, samt hvilke typer fund og resultater disse analyser kan generere. Et klassisk tema i metoden er intersubjektivitet; hvordan deltagere orienterer sig mod hinanden og skaber forståelse og mening. Det sker blandt andet ved kropsligt at søge den andens ansigt og øjne for at sikre modtagelse og respons. Artiklen giver både en anvendelsesorienteret introduktion til feltet og præsenterer helt ny forskning inden for tre udvalgte områder. De analyserede eksempler er fra forskellige interaktionssituationer mellem henholdsvis kursister og en service-robot, kolleger i et kontorlandskab samt mellem en borger og en bostøttemedarbejder. Hver især præsenterer eksemplerne, hvilke ressourcer deltagere anvender for at sikre den andens opmærksomhed. Dermed bidrager artiklen med ny viden om den multimodale semiotiske økologi, hvor talende kroppe interagerer i en materiel verden. Artiklen afsluttes med perspektiver på nye forskningsområder.       We offers a systematic discussion of what multimodality is, and how multimodal interaction analyses can be done from an ethnomodological and conversational analytical (EMCA) perspective. We introduce to the basic methodological assumptions. Based on three different analyses we show what themes, issues and research areas analysts can focus on, and what types of findings and results these types of analyses can generate. A classic theme in the method is intersubjectivity; how participants orient themselves towards each other and create understanding and meaning. Among other things this happens by bodily seeking the other's face and eyes to ensure reception and response. The article provides both an application-oriented introduction to the field and presents new research within the three selected areas. The analyzed examples are excerpts from three different settings: interaction between course participants and a service robot, colleagues in an office landscape as well as a citizen and social-psychiatric worker in video-mediated interaction. The analyses shows what resources and actions participants use to secure the other's attention. Thus, the article contributes with new knowledge about the multimodal semiotic ecology, in which speaking bodies interact in a material world. The article concludes with perspectives on new research areas

    Mappaggio cardiaco elettro-anatomico negli atleti - Electro-anatomical mapping of the heart in athletes

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    Diagnostic des arythmies cardiaques de l'athlète par électrocardiographie intracardiaque (ou endocavitaire). Descrption d'une nouvelle méthode d'investigation non fluoroscopique par cathéter ('radio frequency catheter ablation procedure'), le système CARTO