1,072 research outputs found

    Signatures of modulated pair interaction in cuprate superconductors

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    Recent low-temperature scanning tunnelling spectroscopy experiments on the surface of BSCCO-2212 have revealed a strong positive correlation between the position of localized resonances at -960 meV identified with interstitial oxygen dopants and the size of the local spectral gap. We review efforts to understand these correlations within a model where the dopants modulate the pair interaction on an atomic scale. We provide further evidence for this model by comparing the correlations between the dopants and the local density of states with experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to M2S-HTSC VIII, Dresden 200

    Mean Field Fluid Behavior of the Gaussian Core Model

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    We show that the Gaussian core model of particles interacting via a penetrable repulsive Gaussian potential, first considered by Stillinger (J. Chem. Phys. 65, 3968 (1976)), behaves like a weakly correlated ``mean field fluid'' over a surprisingly wide density and temperature range. In the bulk the structure of the fluid phase is accurately described by the random phase approximation for the direct correlation function, and by the more sophisticated HNC integral equation. The resulting pressure deviates very little from a simple, mean-field like, quadratic form in the density, while the low density virial expansion turns out to have an extremely small radius of convergence. Density profiles near a hard wall are also very accurately described by the corresponding mean-field free-energy functional. The binary version of the model exhibits a spinodal instability against de-mixing at high densities. Possible implications for semi-dilute polymer solutions are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 2 columns, ReVTeX epsfig,multicol,amssym, 15 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev. E (change: important reference added

    Meson Structure Functions in Valon Model

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    Parton distributions in a {\it{valon}} in the next-to-leading order is used to determine the patron distributions in pion and kaon. The validity of the valon model is tested and shown that the partonic content of the valon is universal and independent of the valon type. We have evaluated the valon distribution in pion and kaon, and in particular it is shown that the results are in good agreement with the experimental data on pion structure in a wide range of x=[104,1]x=[10^{-4},1]Comment: 13 pages with 7 figures included, The manuscript is revised, figures are added and some errors are corrected. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Technical Note: Calibration and validation of geophysical observation models

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    We present a method to calibrate and validate observational models that interrelate remotely sensed energy fluxes to geophysical variables of land and water surfaces. Coincident sets of remote sensing observation of visible and microwave radiations and geophysical data are assembled and subdivided into calibration (Cal) and validation (Val) data sets. Each Cal/Val pair is used to derive the coefficients (from the Cal set) and the accuracy (from the Val set) of the observation model. Combining the results from all Cal/Val pairs provides probability distributions of the model coefficients and model errors. The method is generic and demonstrated using comprehensive matchup sets from two very different disciplines: soil moisture and water quality. The results demonstrate that the method provides robust model coefficients and quantitative measure of the model uncertainty. This approach can be adopted for the calibration/validation of satellite products of land and water surfaces, and the resulting uncertainty can be used as input to data assimilation schemes

    A Compact Beam Stop for a Rare Kaon Decay Experiment

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    We describe the development and testing of a novel beam stop for use in a rare kaon decay experiment at the Brookhaven AGS. The beam stop is located inside a dipole spectrometer magnet in close proximity to straw drift chambers and intercepts a high-intensity neutral hadron beam. The design process, involving both Monte Carlo simulations and beam tests of alternative beam-stop shielding arrangements, had the goal of minimizing the leakage of particles from the beam stop and the resulting hit rates in detectors, while preserving maximum acceptance for events of interest. The beam tests consisted of measurements of rates in drift chambers, scintilation counter hodoscopes, a gas threshold Cherenkov counter, and a lead glass array. Measurements were also made with a set of specialized detectors which were sensitive to low-energy neutrons, photons, and charged particles. Comparisons are made between these measurements and a detailed Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 39 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Method

    Trajectories of insomnia following bereavement

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    BACKGROUND: Insomnia symptoms are common following bereavement and may exacerbate severe and protracted grief reactions, such as prolonged grief disorder (PGD). However, typical trajectories of insomnia symptoms and risk factors for having a more chronic insomnia trajectory following bereavement are yet unknown. METHOD: In the current investigation, 220 recently bereaved (≤6 months post-loss) participants, completed questionnaires assessing sociodemographic and loss-related characteristics, rumination, experiential avoidance and symptoms of (prolonged) grief and depression, on three time-points (6 months apart). We applied growth mixture models to investigate the typical trajectories of insomnia symptoms following bereavement. RESULTS: Three insomnia trajectory classes emerged, characterized by a resilient (47 %), recovering (43 %), and a chronic trajectory (10 %). Baseline depression symptoms best predicted the type of insomnia trajectory. At one-year follow-up, 9 %, 27 %, and 60 % of participants met the criteria for probable PGD within the resilient, recovering and chronic trajectory, respectively. A parallel process model showed that temporal changes in insomnia symptoms were strongly related to changes in prolonged grief symptoms. CONCLUSION: The results suggest, that targeting insomnia symptoms in the treatment of PGD, particularly with comorbid depression, may be a viable option

    A straw drift chamber spectrometer for studies of rare kaon decays

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    We describe the design, construction, readout, tests, and performance of planar drift chambers, based on 5 mm diameter copperized Mylar and Kapton straws, used in an experimental search for rare kaon decays. The experiment took place in the high-intensity neutral beam at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron of Brookhaven National Laboratory, using a neutral beam stop, two analyzing dipoles, and redundant particle identification to remove backgrounds

    Effects of impurities and vortices on the low-energy spin excitations in high-Tc materials

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    We review a theoretical scenario for the origin of the spin-glass phase of underdoped cuprate materials. In particular it is shown how disorder in a correlated d-wave superconductor generates a magnetic phase by inducing local droplets of antiferromagnetic order which eventually merge and form a quasi-long range ordered state. When correlations are sufficiently strong, disorder is unimportant for the generation of static magnetism but plays an additional role of pinning disordered stripe configurations. We calculate the spin excitations in a disordered spin-density wave phase, and show how disorder and/or applied magnetic fields lead to a slowing down of the dynamical spin fluctuations in agreement with neutron scattering and muon spin rotation (muSR) experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted for SNS2010 conference proceeding

    Large-space shell-model calculations for light nuclei

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    An effective two-body interaction is constructed from a new Reid-like NNNN potential for a large no-core space consisting of six major shells and is used to generate the shell-model properties for light nuclei from AA=2 to 6. (For practical reasons, the model space is partially truncated for AA=6.) Binding energies and other physical observables are calculated and compare favorably with experiment.Comment: prepared using LaTex, 21 manuscript pages, no figure