37 research outputs found

    Cross-Shelf Differences in the Response of Herbivorous Fish Assemblages to Severe Environmental Disturbances

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    Cross-shelf differences in coral reef benthic and fish assemblages are common, yet it is unknown whether these assemblages respond uniformly to environmental disturbances or whether local conditions result in differential responses of assemblages at different shelf positions. Here, we compare changes in the taxonomic and functional composition, and associated traits, of herbivorous reef fish assemblages across a continental shelf, five years before and six months after two severe cyclones and a thermal bleaching event that resulted in substantial and widespread loss of live hard coral cover. Each shelf position maintained a distinct taxonomic assemblage of fishes after disturbances, but the assemblages shared fewer species among shelf positions. There was a substantial loss of species richness following disturbances within each shelf position. Total biomass of the herbivorous fish assemblage increased after disturbances on mid- and outer-shelf reefs, but not on inner-shelf reefs. Using trait-based analyses, we found there was a loss of trait richness at each shelf position, but trait specialisation and originality increased on inner-shelf reefs. This study highlights the pervasiveness of extreme environmental disturbances on ecological assemblages. Whilst distinct cross-shelf assemblages can remain following environmental disturbances, assemblages have reduced richness and are potentially more vulnerable to chronic localised stresses

    Evolution of the Family Equidae, Subfamily Equinae, in North, Central and South America, Eurasia and Africa during the Plio-Pleistocene

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    Studies of horse evolution arose during the middle of the 19th century, and several hypotheses have been proposed for their taxonomy, paleobiogeography, paleoecology and evolution. The present contribution represents a collaboration of 19 multinational experts with the goal of providing an updated summary of Pliocene and Pleistocene North, Central and South American, Eurasian and African horses. At the present time, we recognize 114 valid species across these continents, plus 4 North African species in need of further investigation. Our biochronology and biogeography sections integrate Equinae taxonomic records with their chronologic and geographic ranges recognizing regional biochronologic frameworks. The paleoecology section provides insights into paleobotany and diet utilizing both the mesowear and light microscopic methods, along with calculation of body masses. We provide a temporal sequence of maps that render paleoclimatic conditions across these continents integrated with Equinae occurrences. These records reveal a succession of extinctions of primitive lineages and the rise and diversification of more modern taxa. Two recent morphological-based cladistic analyses are presented here as competing hypotheses, with reference to molecular-based phylogenies. Our contribution represents a state-of-the art understanding of Plio-Pleistocene Equus evolution, their biochronologic and biogeographic background and paleoecological and paleoclimatic contexts

    Evolution of the Family Equidae, Subfamily Equinae, in North, Central and South America, Eurasia and Africa during the Plio-Pleistocene

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    Studies of horse evolution arose during the middle of the 19th century, and several hypotheses have been proposed for their taxonomy, paleobiogeography, paleoecology and evolution. The present contribution represents a collaboration of 19 multinational experts with the goal of providing an updated summary of Pliocene and Pleistocene North, Central and South American, Eurasian and African horses. At the present time, we recognize 114 valid species across these continents, plus 4 North African species in need of further investigation. Our biochronology and biogeography sections integrate Equinae taxonomic records with their chronologic and geographic ranges recognizing regional biochronologic frameworks. The paleoecology section provides insights into paleobotany and diet utilizing both the mesowear and light microscopic methods, along with calculation of body masses. We provide a temporal sequence of maps that render paleoclimatic conditions across these continents integrated with Equinae occurrences. These records reveal a succession of extinctions of primitive lineages and the rise and diversification of more modern taxa. Two recent morphological-based cladistic analyses are presented here as competing hypotheses, with reference to molecular-based phylogenies. Our contribution represents a state-of-the art understanding of Plio-Pleistocene Equus evolution, their biochronologic and biogeographic background and paleoecological and paleoclimatic contexts

    Evolution of the Family Equidae, Subfamily Equinae, in North, Central and South America, Eurasia and Africa during the Plio-Pleistocene

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    Studies of horse evolution arose during the middle of the 19th century, and several hypotheses have been proposed for their taxonomy, paleobiogeography, paleoecology and evolution. The present contribution represents a collaboration of 19 multinational experts with the goal of providing an updated summary of Pliocene and Pleistocene North, Central and South American, Eurasian and African horses. At the present time, we recognize 114 valid species across these continents, plus 4 North African species in need of further investigation. Our biochronology and biogeography sections integrate Equinae taxonomic records with their chronologic and geographic ranges recognizing regional biochronologic frameworks. The paleoecology section provides insights into paleobotany and diet utilizing both the mesowear and light microscopic methods, along with calculation of body masses. We provide a temporal sequence of maps that render paleoclimatic conditions across these continents integrated with Equinae occurrences. These records reveal a succession of extinctions of primitive lineages and the rise and diversification of more modern taxa. Two recent morphological-based cladistic analyses are presented here as competing hypotheses, with reference to molecular-based phylogenies. Our contribution represents a state-of-the art understanding of Plio-Pleistocene Equus evolution, their biochronologic and biogeographic background and paleoecological and paleoclimatic contexts. © 2022 by the authors.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Modular cell-based platform for high throughput identification of compounds that inhibit a viral interferon antagonist of choice

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    The work was supported by the Medical Research Council, U.K. (University of St Andrews Doctoral Training Grant to AV and CSA), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (PA 815/2-1) to CP, Tenovus Scotland (T15/38) to MN and Wellcome Trust to CP, MN (ISSF) and RER (101788/Z/13/Z)Viral interferon (IFN) antagonists are a diverse class of viral proteins that counteract the host IFN response, which is important for controlling viral infections. Viral IFN antagonists are often multifunctional proteins that perform vital roles in virus replication beyond IFN antagonism. The critical importance of viral IFN antagonists is highlighted by the fact that almost all viruses encode one of these proteins. Inhibition of viral IFN antagonists has the potential to exert pleiotropic antiviral effects and thus this important protein class represents a diverse plethora of novel therapeutic targets. To exploit this, we have successfully developed and executed a novel modular cell-based platform that facilitates the safe and rapid screening for inhibitors of a viral IFN antagonist of choice. The platform is based on two reporter cell-lines that provide a simple method to detect activation of IFN induction or signaling via an eGFP gene placed under the control of the IFNβ or an ISRE-containing promoter, respectively. Expression of a target IFN antagonist in the appropriate reporter cell-line will block the IFN response and hence eGFP expression. We hypothesized that addition of a compound that inhibits IFN antagonist function will release the block imposed on the IFN response and hence restore eGFP expression, providing a measurable parameter for high throughput screening (HTS). We demonstrate assay proof-of-concept by (i) exploiting hepatitis C virus (HCV) protease inhibitors to inhibit NS3-4A's capacity to block IFN induction and (ii) successfully executing two HTS targeting viral IFN antagonists that block IFN signaling; NS2 and IE1 from human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) respectively, two clinically important viruses for which vaccine development has thus far been unsuccessful and new antivirals are required. Both screens performed robustly and Z′ Factor scores of >0.6 were achieved. We identified (i) four hit compounds that specifically inhibit RSV NS2's ability to block IFN signaling by mediating STAT2 degradation and exhibit modest antiviral activity and (ii) two hit compounds that interfere with IE1 transcription and significantly impair CMV replication. Overall, we demonstrate assay proof-of-concept as we target viral IFN antagonists from unrelated viruses and demonstrate its suitability for HTS.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Impaired growth and survival of tropical macroalgae (Sargassum spp.) at elevated temperatures

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    Increasing ocean temperatures associated with ongoing climate change have resulted in regional reductions in the cover of live coral and increasing concerns that coral reefs will be overgrown by macroalgae. The likelihood of macroalgal overgrowth will, however, depend on the thermal sensitivities of the macroalgae themselves. We exposed recently settled propagules of the common canopy-forming macroalga Sargassum swartzii and adult thalli of three species of Sargassum (S. swatzii, S. cristaefolium, S. polycystum) to three experimental temperatures: ambient, + 2 degrees C, and + 3.5 degrees C, reflective of summer minimum, mean, and maximum temperatures for the region. Growth and survival of Sargassum swartzii propagules were assessed over 48 days, and the growth, physical toughness, elemental composition, and susceptibility to herbivory of adult thalli were assessed after short-term exposure (2-weeks) to experimental temperatures. Growth and survival of S. swartzii propagules were reduced by 43% and 84%, respectively, when cultured at the elevated (+ 3.5 degrees C) temperature compared to ambient temperature. Similarly, elevated temperature resulted in a 17-49% decline in the growth of adult Sargassum thalli relative to controls. Susceptability of S. swartzii and S. cristaefolium to herbivory (i.e. mass removed by herbivores) was 50% less for thalli cultured at elevated (+ 3.5 degrees C) compared to ambient temperature, but this pattern was not related to changes in the physical or chemical properties of the thalli as a result of elevated temperature. The negative effects of elevated temperatures on the growth and survival of both Sargassum propagules and adult thalli will likely restrict the capacity of Sargassum, and potentially other macroalgae, to establish in new areas, and may also threaten the persistence of existing macroalgal meadows under future ocean temperatures. The thermal sensitivities of tropical Sargassum, together with those of corals, suggest ongoing ocean warming may lead to novel reef ecosystems that are low in both coral cover and macroalgal cover

    Holdfasts of Sargassum swartzii are resistant to herbivory and resilient to damage

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    The importance of herbivory in both preventing and reversing shifts to macroalgae dominance on coral reefs has been extensively investigated. However, most studies examining the capacity for herbivores to consume fleshy macroalgae (e.g., Sargassum) have investigated removal of the 'leafy' biomass without considering the susceptibility of other components of the macroalga, in particular the holdfast, to herbivory. Here, we investigate the susceptibility of Sargassum components (blades, stipes and holdfasts) to herbivory and investigate the capacity for Sargassum to regrow following damage to the holdfast. We placed entire thalli of Sargassum swartzii on the reef crest at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, for 24 d, and used photographs and video recordings to quantify rates of removal over this period. The blades of the S. swartzii were rapidly removed (100% in 2 d), whereas the stipes were less susceptible to herbivores, with 72% of experimental thalli having partial stipes remaining after 24 d. Only one holdfast (out of 54) was removed during the experiment, while all of the remaining holdfasts were largely undamaged. When S. swartzii holdfasts were experimentally damaged, we found no detectable effect on thallus height or holdfast size among regrown thalli after 1 y. There was, however, a 50% reduction in survival for S. swartzii individuals when 75% of the holdfast was removed. This study shows that holdfasts of S. swartzii are extremely resistant to herbivory, and that incidental bites on S. swartzii holdfasts are unlikely to affect their growth or survival unless three-quarters of the holdfast is removed. The capacity of Sargassum to regenerate from damaged holdfasts, coupled with the low rate of herbivory on holdfasts, suggests that sustained browsing (preventing regrowth of the stipe and blades) may be more important in reversing macroalgae dominance than physical removal of holdfasts by herbivorous fishes

    Evolution of the family Equidae, subfamily Equinae, in North, Central and South America, Eurasia and Africa during the plio-pleistocene

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    Abstract Studies of horse evolution arose during the middle of the 19th century, and several hypotheses have been proposed for their taxonomy, paleobiogeography, paleoecology and evolution. The present contribution represents a collaboration of 19 multinational experts with the goal of providing an updated summary of Pliocene and Pleistocene North, Central and South American, Eurasian and African horses. At the present time, we recognize 114 valid species across these continents, plus 4 North African species in need of further investigation. Our biochronology and biogeography sections integrate Equinae taxonomic records with their chronologic and geographic ranges recognizing regional biochronologic frameworks. The paleoecology section provides insights into paleobotany and diet utilizing both the mesowear and light microscopic methods, along with calculation of body masses. We provide a temporal sequence of maps that render paleoclimatic conditions across these continents integrated with Equinae occurrences. These records reveal a succession of extinctions of primitive lineages and the rise and diversification of more modern taxa. Two recent morphological-based cladistic analyses are presented here as competing hypotheses, with reference to molecular-based phylogenies. Our contribution represents a state-of-the art understanding of Plio-Pleistocene Equus evolution, their biochronologic and biogeographic background and paleoecological and paleoclimatic contexts