47 research outputs found

    Ecological and behavioural risk factors of scrub typhus in central Vietnam: a case‑control study

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    Background: The risk factors for scrub typhus in Vietnam remain unknown. Scrub typhus caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi often presents as an undifferentiated febrile illness and remains under appreciated due to the limited availability of diagnostic tests. This tropical rickettsial illness is increasingly recognized as an important cause of non-malaria acute undifferentiated fever in Asia. This study aimed to investigate behavioural and ecological related risk factors of scrub typhus to prevent this potentially life-threatening disease in Vietnam. Methods: We conducted a clinical hospital-based active surveillance study, and a retrospective residence-enrolment date-age-matched case-control study in Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam, from August 2018 to March 2020. Clinical examinations, polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay IgM tests were applied to define cases and controls. All enrolled participants filled out a questionnaire including demographic socio-economic status, personal behaviors/protective equipment, habitat connections, land use, and possible exposure to the vector. Multivariable conditional logistic regression was used to define the scrub typhus associated risk factors. Results: We identified 44 confirmed cases and matched them with 152 controls. Among cases and controls, the largest age group was the 41-50 years old and males accounted for 61.4% and 42.8%, respectively. There were similarities in demographic characteristics between the two groups, with the exception of occupation. Several factors were significantly associated with acquisition of scrub typhus, including sitting/laying directly on household floor [adjusted OR (aOR) = 4.9, 95% CI: 1.6-15.1, P = 0.006], household with poor sanitation/conditions (aOR = 7.9, 95% CI: 1.9-32.9, P = 0.005), workplace environment with risk (aOR = 3.0, 95% CI: 1.2-7.6, P = 0.020), always observing mice around home (aOR = 3.7, 95% CI: 1.4-9.9, P = 0.008), and use of personal protective equipment in the field (aOR = 0.4, 95% CI: 0.1-1.1, P = 0.076). Conclusions: Ecological and household hygiene-related factors were more associated with scrub typhus infection,than individual-level exposure activities in the hyper-endemic area. These findings support local education and allow people to protect themselves from scrub typhus, especially in areas with limitations in diagnostic capacit

    Acute toxicity evaluation of methanol, ethanol and aqueous extracts of Balanophora latisepala (V.Tiegh.) Lec.

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    Balanophora latisepala has been used in traditional medicine in Vietnam for many years with both proven and unproven scientific proofs. This study aimed to evaluate the acute toxicity effects of B. latisepala by testing safety parameters of hot water, ethanol and methanol extracts of B. latisepala in Mus musculus. The acute toxicity was studied according to the World Health Organisations guideline for the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of herbal medicines. During study, a single dose of 1000, 2000 and 5000 mg/kg of each extract was orally administered to Swiss mice. To determine the median lethal dose, experimental mice were observed in behavior and mortality for 72 hours. Data of organ weight, histopathology,biochemical and hematology were also collected. The results showed that hot water, ethanol and methanol extracts at a dose of 5000 mg/kg did not induce mortality in experimental mice; therefore, LD50 is not determined. Insignificant changes were found in relative organ weight at dose 5000 mg/kg for all of the extracts. Similarly, no significant differences were observed in biochemical indices and organ histology. However, changes in hematological indices in both male and female mice were noticed. In male mice, it is likely that all B. latisepala extracts induced anemia. Moreover, clotting or bleeding abnormalities were also observed in female mice. Methanol extracts had the highest effect to hematology indices (p<0.05). Therefore, B.latisepala in different doses was shown its safety under acute toxicity studies with promising applications in drug therapy

    Determinants of antibiotic prescribing in primary care in Vietnam: a qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework

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    Background: To formulate effective strategies for antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in primary care, it is crucial to gain a thorough understanding of factors influencing prescribers' behavior within the context. This qualitative study utilizes the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) to uncover these influential factors. Methods: We conducted a qualitative study using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with primary care workers in two provinces in rural Vietnam. Data analysis employed a combined inductive and deductive approach, with the deductive aspect grounded in the TDF. Results: Thirty-eight doctors, doctor associates, and pharmacists participated in twenty-two interviews and two focus group discussions. We identified sixteen themes, directly mapping onto seven TDF domains: knowledge, skills, behavioral regulation, environmental context and resources, social influences, social/professional role and identity, and optimism. Factors driving unnecessary prescription of antibiotics include low awareness of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), diagnostic uncertainty, prescription-based reimbursement policy, inadequate medication supplies, insufficient financing, patients’ perception of health insurance medication as an entitlement, and maintaining doctor-patient relationships. Potential factors facilitating AMS activities include time availability for in-person patient consultation, experience in health communication, and willingness to take action against AMR. Conclusion: Utilizing the TDF to systematically analyze and present behavioral determinants offers a structured foundation for designing impactful AMS interventions in primary care. The findings underscore the importance of not only enhancing knowledge and skills but also implementing environmental restructuring, regulation, and enablement measures to effectively tackle unnecessary antibiotic prescribing in this context

    Experiência de aprendizagem de estudantes de enfermagem na prevenção e controlo de infeções associadas aos cuidados de saúde (PC-IACS) em países asiáticos: um estudo qualitativo exploratório

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    Background: Healthcare-associated infection prevention and control (HAI-PC) education programs in Asian countries seem limited and require improvement and support. Objective: This study explored students’ learning experiences with HAI-PC education programs in Asian countries (two Vietnamese and two Cambodian universities) to support a pedagogical model in HAI-PC. Method: A qualitative exploratory study design was employed, and inductive content analysis was conducted. Students were selected to participate in the focus group to investigate their experiences with HAI-PC using five structured questions. There were 48 nursing students in total from four universities, 28 from 2 universities in Cambodia, and 20 from two universities in Vietnam. Results: The summary results gained from the four universities were synthesized by grouping them into sub-categories and four primary categories, which were students’ HAI-PC competence, students’ current learning methods in HAI-PC Education, the HAI-PC teaching and learning environment, students’ capacity, and entrepreneurial skills in HAI-PC development. Conclusion: This study revealed evidence to improve nursing education in HAI-PC in Asian countries. The new learning method of the simulation scenario and the model fascinated the students; they were happy and more confident about their future careers in practicing HAI-PC skills in their clinical practicum and hospital practice. The current HAI-PC education faces issues related to education and healthcare systems in Asian countries, highlighting the need for improvement.Enquadramento: Os programas de educação em prevenção e controlo de infeções associadas aos cuidados de saúde (PC-IAS) em países asiáticos parecem ser limitados e necessitam de melhorias e apoio. Objetivo: Este estudo explorou as experiências de aprendizagem dos estudantes com programas de educação em PC-IAS em países asiáticos (duas universidades vietnamitas e duas universidades cambojanas) para apoiar um modelo pedagógico em PC-IAS. Método: Foi utilizado um desenho de estudo exploratório qualitativo, e foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo indutiva. Os estudantes foram selecionados para participar no grupo focal para investigar as suas experiências com PC-IAS usando cinco perguntas estruturadas. No total, participaram 48 estudantes de enfermagem de quatro universidades, sendo 28 de duas universidades no Camboja e 20 de duas universidades no Vietname. Resultados: Os resultados resumidos das quatro universidades foram sintetizados agrupando-os em subcategorias e quatro categorias principais, que eram competência dos estudantes em PC-IAS, métodos de aprendizagem atuais dos estudantes em Educação em PC-IAS, ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem em PC-IAS, capacidade dos estudantes e habilidades empreendedoras no desenvolvimento de PC-IAS. Conclusão: Este estudo revelou evidências para melhorar a educação em enfermagem em PC-IAS em países asiáticos. O novo método de aprendizagem do cenário de simulação e o modelo cativaram os estudantes; eles ficaram felizes e mais confiantes em relação às suas futuras carreiras na prática de habilidades em PC-IAS no estágio clínico e na prática hospitalar. A educação atual em PC-IAS enfrenta questões relacionadas aos sistemas de educação e saúde em países asiáticos, destacando a necessidade de melhorias

    Simulação como método de ensino na formação em enfermagem na prevenção e controlo de infeções associadas aos cuidados de saúde em países asiáticos: um estudo qualitativo

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    Background: Applying simulation for nursing education, especially in healthcare-associated infection prevention and control (HAI-PC) in developing countries has limited evidence. The study was conducted to explore educators’ perceptions of simulation as a teaching method for nursing education in HAI-PC in two Vietnamese and two Cambodian universities. Methods: An exploratory qualitative design was applied. A focus group of 37 educators from four universities was conducted for data collection. Inductive and deductive qualitative content analysis was applied in analysing the data. Results: The core category was constructed to reflect educators’ perception of scenario-based simulation (SBS) as a teaching method for nursing education in HAI prevention and control. This main category included three subcategories: (i) enhancing nursing competence; (ii) preparing students for simulation; and [1] promoting simulation pedagogy competence. Conclusions: The findings identified the importance and benefits of applying simulation as a teaching method in nursing education. Additionally, it emphasized the necessity of enhancing knowledge associated with HAIs and providing additional training on simulation for educators to improve the quality of conducting simulations.Enquadramento: A aplicação da simulação no ensino de enfermagem, especialmente na prevenção e controlo de infeções associadas aos cuidados de saúde (IACS), em países em desenvolvimento, tem evidências limitadas. O estudo foi conduzido para explorar as perceções dos educadores sobre a simulação como método de ensino para a formação em enfermagem na prevenção e controlo de IACS em duas universidades vietnamitas e duas universidades cambojanas. Métodos: Foi aplicado um desenho qualitativo exploratório. Um grupo de discussão com 37 educadores de quatro universidades foi conduzido para a recolha de dados. A análise qualitativa de conteúdo indutiva e dedutiva foi aplicada na análise dos dados. Resultados: A categoria central foi construída para refletir a perceção dos educadores sobre a simulação baseada em cenários (SBC) como método de ensino para a formação em enfermagem na prevenção e controlo de IACS. Esta categoria principal incluiu três subcategorias: (i) aprimoramento da competência em enfermagem; (ii) preparação dos estudantes para a simulação; e [1] promoção da competência em pedagogia de simulação. Conclusões: Os resultados identificaram a importância e benefícios da aplicação da simulação como método de ensino na formação em enfermagem. Além disso, enfatizou a necessidade de aprimorar o conhecimento associado às ICACS e fornecer treinamento adicional sobre simulação para educadores, visando melhorar a qualidade da condução das simulações

    Experiências do estudante de enfermagem na aprendizagem da prevenção e controlo de IACS em países asiáticos através do uso de simulação baseada em cenários: um estudo qualitativo exploratório

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    Background: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) have posed a major threat to both patients and to the safety healthcare personnel worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, 10% of hospitalized patients are affected by HAIs worldwide. Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the experiences of nursing students in learning HAIs prevention and control by the application of the scenario-based simulation pedagogy now in use in two Vietnamese and two Cambodian universities. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted among 160 nursing students from 2 Cambodian universities and 2 Vietnamese universities, and by using the purposive-sampling method. The data were collected through a focus group discussion and analyzed by the Graneheim and Lundman method (Graneheim &amp; Lundman, 2004). Results: Two themes and six categories were generated. 1) First theme: factors for enhancing student learning on the prevention and control of HAIs by use of scenario-based simulation; and 2) Second theme: factors hindering students learning on HAI prevention and control by use of scenario-based simulation. Conclusion: The findings showed that SBS is an effective learning method for nursing students that can be applied to enhance the quality of nursing education in the Asian countries as SBS not only improves the clinical skills, but also the soft skills of nursing students. However, the effective outcomes and impacts can only be achieved in the context with the appropriate learning materials and equipment, simulation facilities and the instructors with pedagogical skills.Enquadramento: As infeções associadas a cuidados de saúde (IACS) têm representado uma grande ameaça tanto para os pacientes quanto para a segurança dos profissionais de saúde em todo o mundo. De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde, 10% dos pacientes hospitalizados são afetados por IACS em todo o mundo. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar as experiências dos estudantes de enfermagem na aprendizagem da prevenção e controlo de IACS através da aplicação da pedagogia de simulação baseada em cenários, atualmente em uso em duas universidades vietnamitas e duas universidades cambojanas. Métodos: Um estudo qualitativo foi conduzido entre 160 estudantes de enfermagem de duas universidades cambojanas e duas universidades vietnamitas, utilizando o método de amostragem propositada. Os dados foram recolhidos através de uma discussão em grupo focal e analisados pelo método de Graneheim e Lundman (Graneheim &amp; Lundman, 2004). Resultados: Dois temas e seis categorias foram gerados. 1) Primeiro tema: fatores que contribuem para a aprendizagem dos estudantes na prevenção e controlo de IACS pelo uso de simulação baseada em cenários; e 2) Segundo tema: fatores que impedem a aprendizagem dos estudantes na prevenção e controlo de IACS pelo uso de simulação baseada em cenários (SBC). Conclusão: Os resultados demonstraram que a SBC é um método de aprendizagem eficaz para estudantes de enfermagem que pode ser aplicado para melhorar a qualidade da educação em enfermagem nos países asiáticos, uma vez que a SBC não só melhora as habilidades clínicas, mas também as habilidades interpessoais dos estudantes de enfermagem. No entanto, os resultados e impactos efetivos só podem ser alcançados no contexto com os materiais e equipamentos de aprendizagem apropriados, instalações de simulação e instrutores com habilidades pedagógicas

    Roflumilast inhibits tumor growth and migration in STK11/LKB1 deficient pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic cancer is a malignant tumor of the digestive system. It is highly aggressive, easily metastasizes, and extremely difficult to treat. This study aimed to analyze the genes that might regulate pancreatic cancer migration to provide an essential basis for the prognostic assessment of pancreatic cancer and individualized treatment. A CRISPR knockout library directed against 915 murine genes was transfected into TB 32047 cell line to screen which gene loss promoted cell migration. Next-generation sequencing and PinAPL.py- analysis was performed to identify candidate genes. We then assessed the effect of serine/threonine kinase 11 (STK11) knockout on pancreatic cancer by wound-healing assay, chick agnosia (CAM) assay, and orthotopic mouse pancreatic cancer model. We performed RNA sequence and Western blotting for mechanistic studies to identify and verify the pathways. After accelerated Transwell migration screening, STK11 was identified as one of the top candidate genes. Further experiments showed that targeted knockout of STK11 promoted the cell migration and increased liver metastasis in mice. Mechanistic analyses revealed that STK11 knockout influences blood vessel morphogenesis and is closely associated with the enhanced expression of phosphodiesterases (PDEs), especially PDE4D, PDE4B, and PDE10A. PDE4 inhibitor Roflumilast inhibited STK11-KO cell migration and tumor size, further demonstrating that PDEs are essential for STK11-deficient cell migration. Our findings support the adoption of therapeutic strategies, including Roflumilast, for patients with STK11-mutated pancreatic cancer in order to improve treatment efficacy and ultimately prolong survival

    The influence of human genetic variation on early transcriptional responses and protective immunity following immunization with Rotarix vaccine in infants in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam : a study protocol for an open single-arm interventional trial [awaiting peer review]

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    Background: Rotavirus (RoV) remains the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis in infants and children aged under five years in both high- and low-middle-income countries (LMICs). In LMICs, RoV infections are associated with substantial mortality. Two RoV vaccines (Rotarix and Rotateq) are widely available for use in infants, both of which have been shown to be highly efficacious in Europe and North America. However, for unknown reasons, these RoV vaccines have markedly lower efficacy in LMICs. We hypothesize that poor RoV vaccine efficacy across in certain regions may be associated with genetic heritability or gene expression in the human host. Methods/design: We designed an open-label single-arm interventional trial with the Rotarix RoV vaccine to identify genetic and transcriptomic markers associated with generating a protective immune response against RoV. Overall, 1,000 infants will be recruited prior to Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) vaccinations at two months of age and vaccinated with oral Rotarix vaccine at two and three months, after which the infants will be followed-up for diarrheal disease until 18 months of age. Blood sampling for genetics, transcriptomics, and immunological analysis will be conducted before each Rotarix vaccination, 2-3 days post-vaccination, and at each follow-up visit (i.e. 6, 12 and 18 months of age). Stool samples will be collected during each diarrheal episode to identify RoV infection. The primary outcome will be Rotarix vaccine failure events (i.e. symptomatic RoV infection despite vaccination), secondary outcomes will be antibody responses and genotypic characterization of the infection virus in Rotarix failure events. Discussion: This study will be the largest and best powered study of its kind to be conducted to date in infants, and will be critical for our understanding of RoV immunity, human genetics in the Vietnam population, and mechanisms determining RoV vaccine-mediated protection. Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, ID: NCT03587389. Registered on 16 July 2018


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    BACKGROUND: Applying simulation for nursing education, especially in healthcare-associated infection prevention and control (HAI-PC) in developing countries has limited evidence. The study was conducted to explore educators’ perceptions of simulation as a teaching method for nursing education in HAI-PC in two Vietnamese and two Cambodian universities. METHODS: An exploratory qualitative design was applied. A focus group of 37 educators from four universities was conducted for data collection. Inductive and deductive qualitative content analysis was applied in analysing the data. RESULTS: The core category was constructed to reflect educators’ perception of scenario-based simulation (SBS) as a teaching method for nursing education in HAI prevention and control. This main category included three subcategories: (i) enhancing nursing competence; (ii) preparing students for simulation; and [1] promoting simulation pedagogy competence. CONCLUSIONS: The findings identified the importance and benefits of applying simulation as a teaching method in nursing education. Additionally, it emphasized the necessity of enhancing knowledge associated with HAIs and providing additional training on simulation for educators to improve the quality of conducting simulations