19 research outputs found

    Prevlast CD4 pozitivnih stromalnih stanica koštane srži u bolesnika s ranim stupnjem Hodgkinove bolesti miješane celularnosti

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    The aim of the study was to determine the possible bone marrow involvement in patients with early stages of classic Hodgkin\u27s disease mixed cellularity variant diagnosed by lymph node biopsy at initial presentation not responding to radiotherapy alone. The study cohort consisted of 20 patients (18 displaying B-cell genotype and two T-cell genotype) with stages I-II Hodgkin\u27s disease according to Ann Arbor classification treated with radiotherapy alone, seven of them not responding to therapy. Southern blot hybridization using a specific EBV Bam H1W fragment probe showed the presence of EBV genomes in two patients. All 20 patients underwent iliac crest trephine biopsy and a panel of antibodies including CD45, CD20, CD4, CD8, CD45RO, CD56, CD30, ALK-1, CD-15, EMA, CD61, and CD68 were performed. A statistically significant predominance of CD45, CD45RO and CD4 positive stromal cells was found in seven patients that failed to respond to therapy (c2-test: p=0.021, p=0.019 and p=0.015, respectively). The predominance of CD4 positive cells in the bone marrow stroma might be suggestive of involvement by Hodgkin\u27s disease in the early stage (I-II) patients (indicating upstaging) who fail to show remission on radiotherapy alone, and could explain the abnormal cytokine production, which may contribute to diminished T-cell immunity and inefficient antitumor responses despite a vast majority of infiltrating reactive immune cells.Cilj rada bio je utvrditi moguću zahvaćenost koštane srži u bolesnika s ranim stadijima klasične Hodgkinove bolesti, varijanta miješane celularnosti, dijagnosticirane biopsijom limfnog čvora, koji pri prvom dolasku nisu odgovorili na samu radioterapiju. Bolesnička skupina sastojala se je od 20 bolesnika (18 s B-staničnim genotipom i dvoje s T-staničnim genotipom) u I.-II. stadiju prema klasifikaciji iz Ann Arbora, koji su bili liječeni samo radioterapijom. Sedmoro bolesnika nije odgovaralo na ovu vrst liječenja. Southern blot hibridizacija uz primjenu specifične fragmentne sonde EBV Bam H1W pokazala je prisutnost EBV genoma u dvoje bolesnika. Svih 20 bolesnika podvrgnuto je trepanacijskoj biopsiji ilijačnog grebena i provedeno je ispitivanje panelom protutijela uključujući CD45, CD20, CD4, CD8, CD45RO, CD56, CD30, ALK-1, CD-15, EMA, CD61 i CD68. U sedmoro bolesnika koji nisu odgovarali na liječenje utvrđena je statistički značajna prevlast stromalnih stanica pozitivnih na CD45, CD45RO i CD4 (c2-test: p=0,021, p=0,019 odnosno p=0,015). Prevlast stanica pozitivnih na CD4 u stromi koštane srži moglo bi ukazivati na zahvaćenost koštane srži Hodgkinovom bolešću u bolesnika s ranim stadijem (I.-II.) (tj. porast stadija) u kojih ne dolazi do remisije bolesti nakon same radioterapije, te bi moglo objasniti nenormalnu proizvodnju citokina, što možda doprinosi smanjenoj T-imunosti i nedostatnom protutumorskom odgovoru usprkos goleme većine infiltriranih reaktivnih imunih stanica

    Propolis Extracts Inhibit UV-Induced Photodamage in Human Experimental In Vitro Skin Models

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    The aim of this study was to assess the antioxidant, photoprotective, and antiaging effects of Greek propolis. Propolis was subjected to n-heptane or methanol extraction. Total phenolic/flavonoid content and antioxidant potential were determined in the extracts. Promising extracts were evaluated for their cytoprotective properties using human immortalized keratinocyte (HaCaT) or reconstituted human skin tissue following exposure to UVB. Assessment of cytotoxicity, DNA damage, oxidative status, and gene/protein expression levels of various matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) were performed. The propolis methanolic fractions exhibited higher total phenolic and flavonoid contents and significant in vitro antioxidant activity. Incubation of HaCaT cells with certain methanolic extracts significantly decreased the formation of DNA strand breaks following exposure to UVB and attenuated UVB-induced decrease in cell viability. The extracts had no remarkable effect on the total antioxidant status, but significantly lowered total protein carbonyl content used as a marker for protein oxidation in HaCaT cells. MMP-1, -3, -7, and -9, monitored as endpoints of antiaging efficacy, were significantly reduced by propolis following UVB exposure in a model of reconstituted skin tissue. In conclusion, propolis protects against the oxidative and photodamaging effects of UVB and could be further explored as a promising agent for developing natural antiaging strategies

    Abortions in First Trimester Pregnancy, Management, Treatment

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    Tujuan dari penelitian: 1. Mendeskripsikan penerepan pendekatan Client Centered dalam mengatasi kepribadian introvert pada siswa kelas XI IPS MA Al Hidayah Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. 2. Mendeskripsikan kepribadian introvert pada konseli siswa kelas XI IPS MA Al Hidayah Kudus setelah diberikan konseling dengan pendekatan Client Centered. Pendekatan client centered adalah pendekatan yang berpusat pada diri klien, yang mana seorang konselor hanya memberikan konseling serta mengawasi klien pada saat mendapatkan pemberian konseling tersebut agar klien dapat berkembang atau keluar dari masalah yang dihadapinya. Introvert merupakan tipe kepribadian individu yang mempunyai kecenderungan menutup diri dari dunia luar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah peneltian kualitatif studi kasus. Penelitian dilakukan di MA NU Al Hidayah Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017, dengan dua subjek penelitian (ABS, DAS). Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan: 1. Wawancara, 2. Observasi, 3. Dokumentasi dan 4. Home Visit. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah: analisis sistem Bacon. Hasil penelitian: 1. Konseli I (ABS) faktor yang menyebabkan memiliki kepribadian intovert: 1. Tidak percaya diri. ABS yang berusia 16 tahun dan saat ini tengah duduk di kelas XI IPS MA NU Al Hidayah Kudus merasa kurang percaya diri dengan bentuk kaki yang dimiliki membuat ABS menjadi pibadi yang tidak percaya diri dalam pergaulan, sehingga membuat konseli sering mendapatkan perlakuan yang tidak menyenangkan dari siswa-siswi lain. Konseli memang terlahir dengan keadaan yang tidak sempurna karena cacat fisik pada salah satu kakinya atau yang biasa disebut sebagai (Clubfoot) atau kaki pengkor. 2. Perlakuan diskriminasi. Karena bentuk fisik yang dimiliki oleh konseli yang berbeda, konseli mendapatkan perlakuan diskrinasi dari siswa-siswi lain. 2. Konseli II (DAS) faktor yang menyebabkan konseli memiliki kepribadian introvert: 1. Rendahnya kemampuan interaksi konseli. Konseli sering berpindah tempat tinggal sejak usia sekolah dasar membuat kemampuan interaksi DAS kurang. Di sekolah, konseli banyak diperhatikan oleh siswa-siswi di sekolah karena secara fisik DAS merupakan siswa yang berpenampilan menarik. Tetapi kurang interaksi sosial, konseli lebih banyak memilih menyendiri dan tidak terlihat aktif dalam hubungan pertemanan yang sering terjalin pada anak usia sekolah atau remaja awal. 2. Perceraian kedua orang tua konseli. Perceraian yang ditimbulkan karena keuangan keluarga yang memburuk membuat konseli harus bekerja keras untuk membiayai sekolahnya semakin membuat konseli tidak memiliki waktu untuk bersosialisasi dengan teman sebayanya. Setelah pelaksanaan tiga kali konseling client centered terhadap kedua konseli diperoleh keterangan bahwa, konseli I (ABS) telah mampu menerima kekurangan dirinya yang memiliki keterbatasan pada kakinya. ABS telah percaya diri dan mampu bersosialisasi dengan baik. Konseli II (DAS) telah menyadari bahwa kehidupan yang ia alami harus tetap berjalan, dan DAS juga telah memahami bahwa makna kehidupan adalah terus bekerja dan bahagia atas apa yang dimilikinya sekarang. Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas peneliti dapat memberikan saran: 1. Kepala sekolah: Dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konseling individual sangat membantu siswa dalam memberikan mengatasi perilaku introvert siswa. Sehingga diharapkan kepala sekolah dapat mendukung adanya layanan konseling indivual ini dengan memfasilitasi guru pembimbing dalam memberikan layanan konseling individual. 2. Guru bimbingan dan konseling: Diharapkan guru bimbingan dan konseling dapat menjadikan hasil penelitian sebagai acuan dalam memberikan pelayanan konseling individual dengan konseling client centered. 3. Siswa: Diharapkan siswa dapat bergaul dengan baik dan semakin meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal. 4. Penelitian selanjutnya: Diharapkan peneliti selanjutnya dapat mengembangkan penelitian yang sejenis dengan menggunakan layanan konseling yang lebih varatif, sehingga didapatkan komparasi yang berbeda dengan penelitian ini

    Abortions in First Trimester Pregnancy, Management, Treatment

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    The miscarriages’ investigation should include a familiar history, gynecological examination and a full laboratory testing including hormonal control, as well as karyotype, maternal immune control and thrombophilia testing. If the physician suspects the cause of abortions is chromosomal due to heredity, a special blood test (karyotype) for the pair is recommended. Chromosomal abnormalities are the most common reason for first trimester abortions, and are impossible to be prevented. Based on the above data, abortion and the subsequent possible infertility should not be considered as a personal failure for the woman and the treating physician. Nowadays, medical advancement provides many options combined with psychological support can actually reduce the miscarriages’ risk

    Making Waves : Collaboration in the time of SARS-CoV-2-rapid development of an international co-operation and wastewater surveillance database to support public health decision-making

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    The presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater was first reported in March 2020. Over the subsequent months, the potential for wastewater surveillance to contribute to COVID-19 mitigation programmes has been the focus of intense national and international research activities, gaining the attention of policy makers and the public. As a new application of an established methodology, focused collaboration between public health practitioners and wastewater researchers is essential to developing a common understanding on how, when and where the outputs of this non-invasive community-level approach can deliver actionable outcomes for public health authorities. Within this context, the NORMAN SCORE "SARS-CoV-2 in sewage" database provides a platform for rapid, open access data sharing, validated by the uploading of 276 data sets from nine countries to-date. Through offering direct access to underpinning meta-data sets (and describing its use in data interpretation), the NORMAN SCORE database is a resource for the development of recommendations on minimum data requirements for wastewater pathogen surveillance. It is also a tool to engage public health practitioners in discussions on use of the approach, providing an opportunity to build mutual understanding of the demand and supply for data and facilitate the translation of this promising research application into public health practice. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Making Waves:Collaboration in the time of SARS-CoV-2 - rapid development of an international co-operation and wastewater surveillance database to support public health decision-making

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    The presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater was first reported in March 2020. Over the subsequent months, the potential for wastewater surveillance to contribute to COVID-19 mitigation programmes has been the focus of intense national and international research activities, gaining the attention of policy makers and the public. As a new application of an established methodology, focused collaboration between public health practitioners and wastewater researchers is essential to developing a common understanding on how, when and where the outputs of this non-invasive community-level approach can deliver actionable outcomes for public health authorities. Within this context, the NORMAN SCORE “SARS-CoV-2 in sewage” database provides a platform for rapid, open access data sharing, validated by the uploading of 276 data sets from nine countries to-date. Through offering direct access to underpinning meta-data sets (and describing its use in data interpretation), the NORMAN SCORE database is a resource for the development of recommendations on minimum data requirements for wastewater pathogen surveillance. It is also a tool to engage public health practitioners in discussions on use of the approach, providing an opportunity to build mutual understanding of the demand and supply for data and facilitate the translation of this promising research application into public health practice.</p

    Exploring the phototransformation and assessing the in vitro and in silico toxicity of a mixture of pharmaceuticals susceptible to photolysis

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    The present study comprehensively investigates the phototransformation and ecotoxicity of a mixture of twelve pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) susceptible to photolysis. Namely, three antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin), three antidepressants (bupropion, duloxetine, olanzapine), three anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ketoprofen, nimesulide), two beta-blockers (propranolol, timolol) and the antihistamine ranitidine were treated under simulated solar irradiation in ultra-pure and river water. A total of 166 different transformation products (TPs) were identified by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with Orbitrap high resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-Orbitrap HRMS), revealing the formation of twelve novel TPs and forty-nine not previously described in photolytic studies. The kinetic profiles of the major TPs resulting from a series of chemical reactions involving hydroxylation, cleavage and oxidation, dehalogenation, decarboxylation, dealkylation and photo substitution have been investigated and the transformation pathways have been suggested. Additionally, an in vitro approach to the toxicity assessment of daphnids was contrasted with ecotoxicity data based on the Ecological Structure Activity Relationships (ECOSAR) software comprising the in silico tool to determine the adverse effects of the whole mixture of photolabile parent compounds and TPs. The results demonstrated that photolysis of the target mixture leads to a decrease of the observed toxicity

    Synthesis of Dacus Pheromone, 1,7-Dioxaspiro[5.5]Undecane and Its Encapsulation in PLLA Microspheres for Their Potential Use as Controlled Release Devices

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    Olive fruit fly Dacus oleae is a well-known pest infecting the bark of olive fruit, leading to reduction of extracted olive oil properties. Among chemicals proposed for Dacus oleae population control, pheromone 1,7-dioxaspiro(5.5)undecane (DSU), Dacus pheromone, is considered as a promising agent, which is added in several traps. However, all proposed systems manage to sufficiently deliver DSU for only two weeks. Furthermore, an additional problem is the limited available amount of pheromone to use in such systems. To overcome this, in the present study, a novel synthetic procedure of DSU is described, including only five steps. Intermediate products were studied by High Resolution Mass Spectroscopy Electrospray Ionization (HRMS-ESI) (m/z), while the resulting DSU was further characterized by 1H and 13C-NMR. Synthesized DSU was further encapsulated in poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) microparticles in three different concentrations; 5, 10 and 20% w/w. Its successful incorporation was studied by FT-IR, XRD and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) while two procedures, liquid extraction and solid phase microextraction, followed by GC-MS analysis, was used for quantification of pheromone to microparticles. It was found that microparticles loading was over 85% for all three formulations. Its release showed a prolonged profile for microparticles containing 20% w/w DSU, lasting four weeks, while the quantity of DSU released reached 100%. These microparticles could be appropriate to control Dacus oleae population