278 research outputs found

    A short note on Cayley-Salmon equations

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    A Cayley-Salmon equation for a smooth cubic surface S in P3 is an expression of the form l1l2l3 - m1m2m3 = 0 such that the zero set is S and li, mj are homogeneous linear forms. This expression was first used by Cayley and Salmon to study the incidence relations of the 27 lines on S. There are 120 essentially distinct Cayley-Salmon equations for S. In this note we give an exposition of a classical proof of this fact. We illustrate the explicit calculation to obtain these equations and we apply it to the Clebsch surface and to the octanomial form appearing in work of Panizzut, Sertöz and Sturmfels. Finally we show that these 120 Cayley-Salom equations can be directly computed using recent work by Cueto and Deopurkar

    The role of digitalization as enabler of Intellectual Capital Disclosure towards a sustainable and resilient ecosystem

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the link between Intellectual Capital (IC), digitalization, sustainable development and resilience to develop the governance and the management of the Social-Ecological Systems (SESs). The digital reporting era has changed the ways in which companies relate to their stakeholders and disclose about IC. Recent studies show how it is relevant to continue to investigate how the digital era affects the IC Disclosure (ICD), as well as its contribution to reveal new approaches and opportunities for sustainable development in a resilient ecosystem. The lack of an established academic background on this specific subject represents our main research motivation and highlights opportunities for theoretical and practical contributions. This is an exploratory paper; it is intended to contribute to the existing lacking literature about the support provided by Smart Technologies and Digitalization to ICD development, in the light of the development of resilient and sustainable ecosystems. Our study clarified the relationship between Smart Technologies, Digitalization and ICD, on one side, and explored the potential of technology to improve ICD through a preliminary systematization based on literature. These led to the development of a preliminary framework on pros and cons of digitalization on ICD, from the perspective of internal and external stakeholders. Our framework reinforces the theory that digitalization and smart technologies can blur the borders between organizations and ecosystems and, then, act as catalysts of the fourth stage of IC management

    A short note on Cayley-Salmon equations

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    A Cayley-Salmon equation for a smooth cubic surface SS in P3\mathbb P^3 is an expression of the form l1l2l3−m1m2m3=0l_1l_2l_3 - m_1m_2m_3 = 0 such that the zero set is SS and lil_i, mjm_j are homogeneous linear forms. This expression was first used by Cayley and Salmon to study the incidence relations of the 27 lines on SS. There are 120 essentially distinct Cayley-Salmon equations for SS. In this note we give an exposition of a classical proof of this fact. We illustrate the explicit calculation to obtain these equations and we apply it to Clebsch surface and to the octanomial model. Finally we show that these 120120 Cayley-Salmon equations can be directly computed using recent work by Cueto and Deopurkar.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Reflexiones en torno a la obra de Moses Finley frente a los avatares del siglo XX

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    El contexto de la guerra fría dio lugar a profundas transformaciones sociales, políticas y económicas, que operaría sobre las formas de pensamiento en general, y por supuesto, acarrearía innovaciones historiográficas transcendentales, que se sumarían a un conjunto de preocupaciones puestas ya de manifiesto entre algunos historiadores, desde la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Muchos historiadores se verían afectados por estos acontecimientos, no solo en términos específicamente intelectuales, sino también en términos personales.The context of the Cold War led to profound social, political and economic, which would operate on ways of thinking in general, and of course, would entail momentous historiographical innovations, which would be added to a set of already identified concerns among some historians, since the second half of the nineteenth century. Many historians would be affected by these events, specifically in terms not only intellectuals but also in personal terms

    Enhancing Dark Fermentative Hydrogen Production from Problematic Substrates via the Co-Fermentation Strategy

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    The aim of the present paper is the improvement of dark fermentative hydrogen production from problematic substrates. In detail, the study is aimed at (i) investigating the inhibiting effect of two problematic biomasses (i.e., of olive mill wastewater, containing recalcitrant/toxic compounds and cheese whey, lacking pH buffering capacity) on the dark fermentation process, (ii) as well as verifying the possibility to apply a co-fermentation strategy to enhance the process. To investigate the inhibiting effect of the substrates, two experimental sets were conducted using olive mill wastewater and cheese whey alone, under different food-to-microorganism ratios (i.e., 1, 2.5, and 5). Further experiments were conducted to verify the possibility of improving hydrogen production via the co-fermentation strategy. Such experiments included two tests conducted using different volumetric percentages of olive mill wastewater and cheese whey (90% olive mill wastewater + 10% cheese whey and 80% olive mill wastewater + 20% cheese whey). Results show that using olive mill wastewater alone, the inhibiting effect increased at a higher food-to-microorganism ratio. Moreover, because of the occurrence of a metabolic shift, hydrogen was not produced using 100% cheese whey. Interestingly, compared to the 100% olive mill wastewater condition, the use of 20% cheese whey allowed to double the hydrogen yield, reaching the high cumulative hydrogen production of 2.08 LL−1. Obtained results confirm that the two investigated substrates exert inhibiting effects on microorganisms. Nevertheless, co-fermentation is an effective strategy to improve the dark fermentation process of problematic biomass. © 2022 by the authors

    Las reformas de Maximino el Tracio y la revuelta de los propietarios

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    La historiografía reciente ha logrado demostrar la incidencia en el colapso de la pars occidentis del Imperio romano tanto la escasez progresiva de recursos por parte del Estado a medida que se perdían territorios a manos de los pueblos de las fronteras, como también por el comportamiento de ciertos sectores de las clases propietarias que vieron la oportunidad para profundizar la práctica de la evasión fiscal. En el presente trabajo se intentará probar que este último aspecto de la cuestión no estuvo solo acotado al contexto del colapso. Se pretende así mismo generar la posibilidad de reflexionar, en un plano comparativo y transversal, cuanto podrían tener que ver en las crisis o en el colapso de un sistema, quienes forman parte de los grupos de poder y por lo tanto son los principales beneficiados con su funcionamiento, al momento de dar prioridad a sus privilegios y maximizar sus beneficios.

    Criminal policies in Latin America between 1850 and 1940: historiographic approaches and possible dialogues with masculinity studies

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    Durante las décadas del ’70 y el ’80 surgió un conjunto de historiadores/as que se dedicaron al estudio de las políticas criminales implementadas por los Estados latinoamericanos, especialmente durante el período de consolidación de los Estados-nación y expansión del mercado capitalista global entre los años 1850 y 1940. Durante los primeros años del nuevo siglo, desde el propio campo de la historia nuevas investigaciones permitieron abrir horizontes a partir de la introducción de nuevas perspectivas, lo que se tradujo en muchos casos en la revisión de las interpretaciones tradicionales. En este trabajo intentaremos dar cuenta de cómo fue variando el abordaje historiográfico en relación a las políticas criminales, tanto en América Latina en general como en Argentina en particular. Nos interesa fundamentalmente señalar tanto las tendencias generales de las diversas investigaciones como también dar cuenta de los puntos que aún no fueron abordados o lo fueron de manera marginal. Es en ese sentido que intentaremos hacer dialogar los estudios sobre la cuestión criminal con la historiografía acerca de las masculinidades en América Latina, entendiendo que pensar las políticas criminales desde esta perspectiva nos permitirá dar cuenta de todo un conjunto de elementos que hasta el momento fueron dejados de lado por las investigaciones vigentes.During the 70s and 80s, a group of historians engaged in the study of criminal policies implemented by Latin American countries emerged. They were particularly interested in the period 1850-1940, when the consolidation of the nation-state and expansion of the global capitalist market took place. At the beginning of the 21st century, novel historical research opened new horizons, reviewing – in many cases – traditional interpretations. In this work we aim to analyze the way in which the historiographical approach of criminal policies has varied, in Latin America in general and in Argentina in particular. We are primarily interested in pointing out both the general trends of the various researches, as well as to signalize the subjects that were not yet addressed or were marginalized. Thereby we will establish a dialogue between criminal studies and historical research on masculinities in Latin America, with the understanding that thinking criminal policies from this perspective will allow us to account for a completely new set of elements.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació
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