693 research outputs found

    Significant parameters of mining properties in arctic and subarctic areas of North America

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    Editors: Bruce W. Campbell and John J. DiMarchiThis paper is a review of those factors unique to mining in the Arctic and subarctic. The information was developed from an exhaustive Literature search and personal visits to several northern mines in North America. The intent is to present a broad overview of many of these factors, to identify and stimulate consideration of parameters that are likely to be overlooked by companies end persons wlthout p rior arctic experience. Topics of discussion include exploration, cold weather plant design, blasting in permafrost, living conditions and employees relations. The appendices are a brief discussion of a number of the arctic and subarctic operations in North America. In brief, minlng in northern regions is practical provided the deposit has sufficient value to support the higher construction, transportation and operating costs associated with the remoteness and cold weather. Hiring and retaining good employees and integrating the native labor force into the operation have proven to be the most difficult problems. Equipment and plant operation are problems more easily solved.This report is a revised and edited form of the report by the same authors and originally titled "Identification of and Significant Parameters of Mining Properties located in Arctic and Subarctic areas of Norther America", under U.S. Bureau of Mines Contract No. S0144117

    Towards the Formal Specification and Verification of Maple Programs

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    In this paper, we present our ongoing work and initial results on the formal specification and verification of MiniMaple (a substantial subset of Maple with slight extensions) programs. The main goal of our work is to find behavioral errors in such programs w.r.t. their specifications by static analysis. This task is more complex for widely used computer algebra languages like Maple as these are fundamentally different from classical languages: they support non-standard types of objects such as symbols, unevaluated expressions and polynomials and require abstract computer algebraic concepts and objects such as rings and orderings etc. As a starting point we have defined and formalized a syntax, semantics, type system and specification language for MiniMaple

    Report on estimating the size of dolphin schools, based on data obtained during a charter cruise of the M/V Gina Anne, October 11 -November 25, 1979

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    Estimates of dolphin school sizes made by observers and crew members aboard tuna seiners or by observers on ship or aerial surveys are important components of population estimates of dolphins which are involved in the yellowfin tuna fishery in the eastern Pacific. Differences in past estimates made from tuna seiners and research ships and aircraft have been noted by Brazier (1978). To compare various methods of estimating dolphin school sizes a research cruise was undertaken with the following major objectives: 1) compare estimates made by observers aboard a tuna seiner and in the ship's helicopter, from aerial photographs, and from counts made at the backdown channel, 2) compare estimates of observers who are told the count of the school size after making their estimate to the observer who is not aware of the count to determine if observers can learn to estimate more accurately, and 3) obtain movie and still photographs of dolphin schools of known size at various stages of chase, capture and release to be used for observer training. The secondary objectives of the cruise were to: 1) obtain life history specimens and data from any dolphins that were killed incidental to purse seining. These specimens and data were to be analyzed by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service ( NMFS ) , 2) record evasion tactics of dolphin schools by observing them from the helicopter while the seiner approached the school, 3) examine alternative methods for estimating the distance and bearing of schools where they were first sighted, 4) collect the Commission's standard cetacean sighting, set log and daily activity data and expendable bathythermograph data. (PDF contains 31 pages.

    Integrating musicology's heterogeneous data sources for better exploration

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    Musicologists have to consult an extraordinarily heterogeneous body of primary and secondary sources during all stages of their research. Many of these sources are now available online, but the historical dispersal of material across libraries and archives has now been replaced by segregation of data and metadata into a plethora of online repositories. This segregation hinders the intelligent manipulation of metadata, and means that extracting large tranches of basic factual information or running multi-part search queries is still enormously and needlessly time consuming. To counter this barrier to research, the “musicSpace” project is experimenting with integrating access to many of musicology’s leading data sources via a modern faceted browsing interface that utilises Semantic Web and Web2.0 technologies such as RDF and AJAX. This will make previously intractable search queries tractable, enable musicologists to use their time more efficiently, and aid the discovery of potentially significant information that users did not think to look for. This paper outlines our work to date

    Tachyon kinks on non BPS D-branes

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    We consider solitonic solutions of the DBI tachyon effective action for a non-BPS brane. When wrapped on a circle, these solutions are regular and have a finite energy. We show that in the decompactified limit, these solitons give Sen's infinitely thin finite energy kink -- interpreted as a BPS brane -- provided that some conditions on the potential hold. In particular, if for large TT the potential is exponential, V=eTaV = e^{-T^a}, then Sen's solution is only found for a<1a<1. For power-law potentials V=1/TbV = 1/T^b, one must have b>1b>1. If these conditions are not satisfied, we show that the lowest energy configuration is the unstable tachyon vacuum with no kinks. We examine the stability of the solitons and the spectrum of small perturbations.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Influence of Supercurrents on Low-Temperature Thermopower in Mesoscopic N/S Structures

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    The thermopower of mesoscopic normal metal/superconductor structures has been measured at low temperatures. Effect of supercurrent present in normal part of the structure was studied in two cases: when it was created by applied external magnetic field and when it was applied directly using extra superconducting electrodes. Temperature and magnetic field dependencies of thermopower are compared to the numerical simulations based on the quasiclassical theory of the superconducting proximity effect.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures. To be published in the proceedings of the ULTI conference organized in Lammi, Finland (2006

    An integrated approach to supply chain risk analysis

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    Despite the increasing attention that supply chain risk management is receiving by both researchers and practitioners, companies still lack a risk culture. Moreover, risk management approaches are either too general or require pieces of information not regularly recorded by organisations. This work develops a risk identification and analysis methodology that integrates widely adopted supply chain and risk management tools. In particular, process analysis is performed by means of the standard framework provided by the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model, the risk identification and analysis tasks are accomplished by applying the Risk Breakdown Structure and the Risk Breakdown Matrix, and the effects of risk occurrence on activities are assessed by indicators that are already measured by companies in order to monitor their performances. In such a way, the framework contributes to increase companies' awareness and communication about risk, which are essential components of the management of modern supply chains. A base case has been developed by applying the proposed approach to a hypothetical manufacturing supply chain. An in-depth validation will be carried out to improve the methodology and further demonstrate its benefits and limitations. Future research will extend the framework to include the understanding of the multiple effects of risky events on different processe

    The role of miRNAs in neuropathic pain

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    Neuropathic pain is a debilitating condition affecting around 8% of the adult population in the UK. The pathophysiology is complex and involves a wide range of processes, including alteration of neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission, dysregulated intracellular signalling and activation of pro-inflammatory immune and glial cells. In the past 15 years, multiple miRNAs–small non-coding RNA–have emerged as regulators of neuropathic pain development. They act by binding to target mRNAs and preventing the translation into proteins. Due to their short sequence (around 22 nucleotides in length), they can have hundreds of targets and regulate several pathways. Several studies on animal models have highlighted numerous miRNAs that play a role in neuropathic pain development at various stages of the nociceptive pathways, including neuronal excitability, synaptic transmission, intracellular signalling and communication with non-neuronal cells. Studies on animal models do not always translate in the clinic; fewer studies on miRNAs have been performed involving human subjects with neuropathic pain, with differing results depending on the specific aetiology underlying neuropathic pain. Further studies using human tissue and liquid samples (serum, plasma, saliva) will help highlight miRNAs that are relevant to neuropathic pain diagnosis or treatment, as biomarkers or potential drug targets

    D-Brane Dynamics and NS5 Rings

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    We consider the classical motion of a probe D-brane moving in the background geometry of a ring of NS5 branes, assuming that the latter are non-dynamical. We analyse the solutions to the Dirac-Born-Infield (DBI) action governing the approximate dynamics of the system. In the near horizon (throat) approximation we find several exact solutions for the probe brane motion. These are compared to numerical solutions obtained in more general cases. One solution of particular interest is when the probe undergoes oscillatory motion through the centre of the ring (and perpendicular to it). By taking the ring radius sufficiently large, this solution should remain stable to any stringy corrections coming from open-strings stretching between the probe and the NS5-branes along the ring.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, 8 figures; References adde

    Magnetic field influence on the proximity effect in semiconductor - superconductor hybrid structures and their thermal conductance

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    We show that a magnetic field can influnce the proximity effect in NS junctions via diamagnetic screening current flowing in the superconductor. Using ballistic quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) electron channels as an example, we show that the supercurrent flow shifts the proximity-induced minigap in the excitation spectrum of a Q1D system from the Fermi level to higher quasiparticle energies. Thermal conductance of a Q1D channel (normalized by that of a normal Q1D ballistic system) is predicted to manifest such a spectral feature as a nonmonotonic behavior at temperatures corresponding to the energy of excitation into the gapful part of the spectrum.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, revised version with a new titl