59 research outputs found

    Non-compact local excitations in spin glasses

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    We study numerically the local low-energy excitations in the 3-d Edwards-Anderson model for spin glasses. Given the ground state, we determine the lowest-lying connected cluster of flipped spins with a fixed volume containing one given spin. These excitations are not compact, having a fractal dimension close to two, suggesting an analogy with lattice animals. Also, their energy does not grow with their size; the associated exponent is slightly negative whereas the one for compact clusters is positive. These findings call for a modification of the basic hypotheses underlying the droplet model.Comment: 7 pages, LaTex, discussion on stability clarifie

    Energetics of clusters in the two-dimensional Ising spin glass

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    We study numerically the properties of local low-energy excitations in the two-dimensional Ising spin glass. Given the ground state, we determine the lowest-lying connected cluster of flipped spins containing one given spin, either with a fixed volume, or with a volume constrained to lie in a certain range. Our aim is to understand corrections to the scaling predicted by the droplet picture of spin glasses and to resolve contradictory results reported in the literature for the stiffness exponent. We find no clear trace of corrections to scaling, and the obtained stiffness exponent is in relatively good agreement with standard domain wall calculations.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Thermal fluctuations in pinned elastic systems: field theory of rare events and droplets

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    Using the functional renormalization group (FRG) we study the thermal fluctuations of elastic objects, described by a displacement field u and internal dimension d, pinned by a random potential at low temperature T, as prototypes for glasses. A challenge is how the field theory can describe both typical (minimum energy T=0) configurations, as well as thermal averages which, at any non-zero T as in the phenomenological droplet picture, are dominated by rare degeneracies between low lying minima. We show that this occurs through an essentially non-perturbative *thermal boundary layer* (TBL) in the (running) effective action Gamma[u] at T>0 for which we find a consistent scaling ansatz to all orders. The TBL resolves the singularities of the T=0 theory and contains rare droplet physics. The formal structure of this TBL is explored around d=4 using a one loop Wilson RG. A more systematic Exact RG (ERG) method is employed and tested on d=0 models. There we obtain precise relations between TBL quantities and droplet probabilities which are checked against exact results. We illustrate how the TBL scaling remains consistent to all orders in higher d using the ERG and how droplet picture results can be retrieved. Finally, we solve for d=0,N=1 the formidable "matching problem" of how this T>0 TBL recovers a critical T=0 field theory. We thereby obtain the beta-function at T=0, *all ambiguities removed*, displayed here up to four loops. A discussion of d>4 case and an exact solution at large d are also provided

    Corrections to Scaling are Large for Droplets in Two-Dimensional Spin Glasses

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    The energy of a droplet of linear extent l in the droplet theory of spin glasses goes as l^{\theta} for large l. It is shown by numerical studies of large droplets in two-dimensional systems that this formula needs to be modified by the addition of a scaling correction l^{-\omega} in order to accurately describe droplet energies at the length scales currently probed in numerical simulations. Using this simple modification it is now possible to explain many results with the droplet model which have been found in simulations of three-dimensional Ising spin glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revte

    Low Energy Excitations in Spin Glasses from Exact Ground States

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    We investigate the nature of the low-energy, large-scale excitations in the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass with Gaussian couplings and free boundary conditions, by studying the response of the ground state to a coupling-dependent perturbation introduced previously. The ground states are determined exactly for system sizes up to 12^3 spins using a branch and cut algorithm. The data are consistent with a picture where the surface of the excitations is not space-filling, such as the droplet or the ``TNT'' picture, with only minimal corrections to scaling. When allowing for very large corrections to scaling, the data are also consistent with a picture with space-filling surfaces, such as replica symmetry breaking. The energy of the excitations scales with their size with a small exponent \theta', which is compatible with zero if we allow moderate corrections to scaling. We compare the results with data for periodic boundary conditions obtained with a genetic algorithm, and discuss the effects of different boundary conditions on corrections to scaling. Finally, we analyze the performance of our branch and cut algorithm, finding that it is correlated with the existence of large-scale,low-energy excitations.Comment: 18 Revtex pages, 16 eps figures. Text significantly expanded with more discussion of the numerical data. Fig.11 adde

    Dynamic scaling and aging phenomena in short-range Ising spin glass: Cu0.5_{0.5}Co0.5_{0.5}Cl2_{2}-FeCl3_{3} graphite bi-intercalation compound

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    Static and dynamic behavior of short-range Ising-spin glass Cu0.5_{0.5}Co0.5_{0.5}Cl2_{2}-FeCl3_{3} graphite bi-intercalation compounds (GBIC) has been studied with SQUID DC and AC magnetic susceptibility. The TT dependence of the zero-field relaxation time τ\tau above a spin-freezing temperature TgT_{g} (= 3.92 ±\pm 0.11 K) is well described by critical slowing down. The absorption χ\chi^{\prime\prime} below TgT_{g} decreases with increasing angular frequency ω\omega, which is in contrast to the case of 3D Ising spin glass. The dynamic freezing temperature Tf(H,ω)T_{f}(H,\omega) at which dMFC(T,H)/M_{FC}(T,H)/dH=χ(T,H=0,ω)H=\chi^{\prime}(T,H=0,\omega), is determined as a function of frequency (0.01 Hz ω/2π\leq \omega/2\pi \leq 1 kHz) and magnetic field (0 H\leq H \leq 5 kOe). The dynamic scaling analysis of the relaxation time τ(T,H)\tau(T,H) defined as τ=1/ω\tau = 1/\omega at T=Tf(H,ω)T = T_{f}(H,\omega) suggests the absence of SG phase in the presence of HH (at least above 100 Oe). Dynamic scaling analysis of χ(T,ω)\chi^{\prime \prime}(T, \omega) and τ(T,H)\tau(T,H) near TgT_{g} leads to the critical exponents (β\beta = 0.36 ±\pm 0.03, γ\gamma = 3.5 ±\pm 0.4, ν\nu = 1.4 ±\pm 0.2, zz = 6.6 ±\pm 1.2, ψ\psi = 0.24 ±\pm 0.02, and θ\theta = 0.13 ±\pm 0.02). The aging phenomenon is studied through the absorption χ(ω,t)\chi^{\prime \prime}(\omega, t) below TgT_{g}. It obeys a (ωt)b(\omega t)^{-b^{\prime \prime}} power-law decay with an exponent b0.150.2b^{\prime \prime}\approx 0.15 - 0.2. The rejuvenation effect is also observed under sufficiently large (temperature and magnetic-field) perturbations.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. B (September 1, 2003

    Statistics of lowest excitations in two dimensional Gaussian spin glasses

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    A detailed investigation of lowest excitations in two-dimensional Gaussian spin glasses is presented. We show the existence of a new zero-temperature exponent lambda describing the relative number of finite-volume excitations with respect to large-scale ones. This exponent yields the standard thermal exponent of droplet theory theta through the relation, theta=d(lambda-1). Our work provides a new way to measure the thermal exponent theta without any assumption about the procedure to generate typical low-lying excitations. We find clear evidence that theta < theta_{DW} where theta_{DW} is the thermal exponent obtained in domain-wall theory showing that MacMillan excitations are not typical.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, (v2) revised version, (v3) corrected typo

    Evidence for the double degeneracy of the ground-state in the 3D ±J\pm J spin glass

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    A bivariate version of the multicanonical Monte Carlo method and its application to the simulation of the three-dimensional ±J\pm J Ising spin glass are described. We found the autocorrelation time associated with this particular multicanonical method was approximately proportional to the system volume, which is a great improvement over previous methods applied to spin-glass simulations. The principal advantage of this version of the multicanonical method, however, was its ability to access information predictive of low-temperature behavior. At low temperatures we found results on the three-dimensional ±J\pm J Ising spin glass consistent with a double degeneracy of the ground-state: the order-parameter distribution function P(q)P(q) converged to two delta-function peaks and the Binder parameter approached unity as the system size was increased. With the same density of states used to compute these properties at low temperature, we found their behavior changing as the temperature is increased towards the spin glass transition temperature. Just below this temperature, the behavior is consistent with the standard mean-field picture that has an infinitely degenerate ground state. Using the concept of zero-energy droplets, we also discuss the structure of the ground-state degeneracy. The size distribution of the zero-energy droplets was found to produce the two delta-function peaks of P(q)P(q).Comment: 33 pages with 31 eps figures include

    Real spin glasses relax slowly in the shade of hierarchical trees

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    The Parisi solution of the mean-field spin glass has been widely accepted and celebrated. Its marginal stability in 3d and its complexity however raised the question of its relevance to real spin glasses. This paper gives a short overview of the important experimental results which could be understood within the mean-field solution. The existence of a true phase transition and the particular behaviour of the susceptibility below the freezing temperature, predicted by the theory, are clearly confirmed by the experimental results. The behaviour of the complex order parameter and of the Fluctuation Dissipation ratio are in good agreement with results of spontaneous noise measurements. The very particular ultrametric symmetry, the key feature of the theory, provided us with a simple description of the rejuvenation and memory effects observed in experiment. Finally, going a step beyond mean-field, the paper shortly discusses new analyses in terms of correlated domains characterized by their length scales, as well as new experiments on superspin glasses which compare well with recent theoretical simulations.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Wandering with Curiosity in Complex Landscapes", a scientific conference in honour of Giorgio Parisi for his 60th birthday, Roma, September 8-10 2008 (submitted for the special issue of the Journal of Statistical Physics, 2009